Wednesday, January 8, 2025



Verse for Today 

2 Kings 4:26 - Is it well with you? Is it well with your spouse? Is  it well with the child? 

When we go to  the Lord with intimate prayer requests, we are often confronted with  introspective question about our needs. Its often related to the intensity of our needs. Here a Shunamite woman is confronted with such an intimate question by the prophet about her deep needs. It covers herself, her spouse and child.  The question concerns the true nature of the needs that are prime in her heart. 

Wellness and wholesome health is related to six realms such as physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual wellbeing. Humans need to be well in all of these realms. We need to be aware of our different needs at different levels of life. These realms are related to each other and affect each other. So wellness has to touch upon all these areas of human life. We have to do what we can to remain heathy and well. But we should not forget that spiritual health is most important and that without spiritual health, all other aspects of health do not have any eternal value.  

We need to regularly ask ourselves questions about how healthy we are in the six realms of well-being. We must also enquire about the well-being of our spouses and children and other members of the family. Wherever there are lapses and shortfalls, we should prayerfully help rebuild. We must thus be builders and rebuilders of our entire family.

This demands an ongoing program of evaluation of all six aspects of our health and that of the members of our families. We must realize that remedial measures may be taken as appropriately at the earliest time to bring in changes on the basis of intensive prayer. It must be based on the Word of God. As much as possible, it may be done mutually so that our eyes will be open to the reality of the need for the rebuilding of our attitude, behavior and the sense of need for change in us and other members of our families. 

Psalms 144:12- That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughter may be as pillars, sculptured in palace style.

Thought for Today

May our families be places where we strengthen each other up through full spiritual rebuilding for sustained wholesome spiritual wellbeing!

Prayer for Today

O Lord! Help me today to evaluate the spiritual wellbeing of my family so as to rebuild us for sustained spiritually and develop  emotional, social and physical health for Your glory! Amen!!


Monday, December 30, 2024

Goals for the New Year!

 Goals for the New Year! 

Verse for Today

Philippians 3:10 - "That I may know HIM..."

Every end of the year is a time to evaluate the goals that we would have fixed, if any.  Invariably it ends up in finding excuses for not meeting the goals. Then comes the opportunity at the beginning of the new year to find new goals for the ensuing year. This is often done with the realization that such new goals might not be met in quality and quantity. And life goes on in an array of excuses and unmet goals. We often do not realize that we have an accountability to God regarding the decisions we make in fixing new goals for the new year. 

In the Bible, we find many servants of God who fixed goals and fulfilled those goals successfully, though not always in its perfection. The preachers and scribes of the Old Testament had their goals in their ministries. They submitted themselves to the Lord and depended on His power to fulfill the tasks which were their goals which they entrusted with the Lord. 

In the New Testament, we find servants of God who  worked vigorously in accomplishing the tasks entrusted with them. This may be  understood through the fulfilment of their mission. But they had goals far superior to their ministries in their personal lives. Apostle  Paul was one such servant of God in the New Testament. If we ask him about his paramount goal, his answer would come in through his writings. In the letter to the Philippians, he speaks about his paramount goal, year in and year out. For his greatest goal was to know Christ more intimately and grow in such knowledge and experience. 

Paul had a deep desire to know Christ. His entire life was a quest to know Christ intimately. His ministries and personal time with Christ had only that as his sole priority. His life cycle was planned and all personal decisions were made to fulfill his thirst to know Christ. So Paul spent all his available time with the Lord. He read about Christ from the Old Testament. He searched the mind of Christ in his personal encounter with Him starting with his retreat with Christ in the Arabian desert. He spoke to the Lord as often as he could. He asked the Lord to clear his questions and confusions. He spoke to those who knew Him like His disciples who were alive. He was deeply involved with catching human souls. He kept producing spiritual fruit in his life for his Master as he kept dwelling in his Lord's presence.

May the example of Paul be reflected in our lives throughout the New Year as we spend time with the Lord and allow our desires, priorities and longings to be meshed with the Lord!

Psalms 37:4: Delight yourself in the Lord; and He shall give you the desires of your heart. 

Thought for Today

Getting to know the Lord is part of the evidence-based faith that He demands from His chidden! 

Prayer for Today

O Lord! Help me today to develop greater and deeper thirst to know You and to be like You in my daily walk with You! Amen! 

Thursday, June 27, 2024



Two Altars and a Famine

Verse for Today: Genesis 12:9-10

So Abraham journeyed, going on still towards the South. Now there was a famine in the land, and Abraham went down to Egypt to dwell there.

            The fascinating story of the two altars of Abraham show us the keen interest and commitment he had towards the Lord who called him out from the Chaldean city of Ur. We see Abraham exploring the new land in breadth and length. But he didn’t recognize the impending dangers in moving towards the South where temptations might be lying for him to go down to Egypt. Just before those days, God’s promise of the blessing of the Land of Canaan was renewed by God no matter the circumstances. But the famine and the danger of starvation were more subtle for Abraham and he was tempted to go down to Egypt. His experience with God would have kept him away from the point of temptation to go down to a heathen country.

            Abraham and family were at Bethel, the House of God a few days earlier. He was in a place of worship and sacrifice to the Lord. It’s difficult for us to think that he wanted to move away from Bethel to the South. He had the renewed promises of God in front of his eyes. Abraham sadly didn’t realize that he was susceptible to tests by God as well. He had the temptation to go down to an idolatrous country to save his family from starvation due to the famine. He somehow went away to a place to trust their food to save his family whereas God would have looked after him even in the midst of the famine. It is as if Abraham forgot the promises of God and the altar at Bethel.

            The famine in the land came as a big surprise even after the two experiences of worship at the altar. It proves to us that tests come at the most favorable spiritual and physical environment. Also we cannot see any evidence that Abraham prayed to God to seek His will as to whether to move to Egypt to avert the adversity of a famine. God’s children are expected to follow the God who called them and who promised to lead them no matter what the situation might be. God expects them not to take their eyes off the God of promises who has called them. God’s children must follow the commandments given to them by their God without wavering.

            Dear reader: How far are you committed to the Lord who called you with a specific call to follow Him? When He calls us, He is responsible for our food, shelter and clothing even in the midst of famine or water shortage or even a dwelling place. We should look unto Him to gain strength to follow Him in spite of unfavorable circumstances or consequences of any sort. We must believe that the One who called us is capable of meeting all our needs as we follow Him and obey His commandments. We should make any move only after consulting with Him in prayer and meditation.

            We must also realize that even after worshipping at two places, tests come to examine our faith and obedience. When promises are renewed, if we do not show ardent faith and trust in the Lord, we might digress and take our own decisions to detour to save our souls. Fleeing from the altars of God and running into the world of Egypt is disastrous to our life of faith. The best place to go after worship at His altars is not the world. If we run into the world and the Vanity Fair after worshipping the Lord, we are sure to run into wrecking of our life of faith.

            Today, let us beware of the temptations that lie around to drag us away from the Lord and His presence. Let our focus be always the Lord, His promises, His altars and spiritual visions we receive in His presence. Let us consult the Lord before making any move away from His presence.

Proverbs 17:3 – The refining pot is for silver and the furnace is for gold, but the Lord tests the hearts.

Thought for Today

The world is out there to tempt us to seek asylum in its attractions during our difficult circumstances, but our Lord is near us to remind us of His power and promises.

Prayer for Today

O Lord! Help me to stay near Your altars to remind me of your call and promises. Amen!  

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


A God Who Tests His Children

Verse for Today: Psalms 66:10

“For You, O God, have tested us; You have refined us as silver is refined“.

God’s children who have personal encounter with Him know very well that they are tested by God on various occasions. His goal in testing His children is to refine them in their character, faith and commitment to God. He wants His children to become godly in their quality as God’s children with godly attributes, behavior and motives. Only those who pass the tests will be given increasingly greater responsibilities and positions in their ministries. He tests their spiritual growth and strength. He checks to see if they are growing in faith and so He measures them through the tests that He allowed them to pass through. It’s through these tests that God teaches them new lessons in life. It was through the test on Mount Moriah that God taught Abraham to learn that God in His nature is “Jehovah-Jireh, My Provider” (Genesis 22:14).

It’s through the experience of tests that God renewed His promises to Abraham (Genesis 22:16-18). There was no need for God to renew His promises because He doesn’t change His promises. But God tested Abraham and found out His trust and faith in Him. At that point, God assured him which was a great act of renewal and reassurance. 

Tests were opportunities for God to give His servant Abraham newer spiritual responsibilities in His spiritual economy. For Abraham was to become the focal point of blessings for all the people of the world. The test Abraham endured on Mount Moriah was intended to make him spiritually qualified to be the source of great blessings on the whole earth (Genesis 22:18).

We must realize that God’s tests are often painful to go through. There will be pressures of various kinds as we go through the tests. One can only imagine and envisage the kind of pain, tension, stress, challenge and pressure that one goes through during tests. It’s these pressures that make us jewels in our spiritual life.

Tests come at unusual times, especially when things go well in our spiritual lives. Tests come when we are close to God and enjoying close spiritual fellowship (Genesis 19:27). It is seen from the lives of God’s servants on the pages of the Bible and Church history that more tests and more frequent tests come when we are more spiritually grown and matured in our faith. We also see that as days go by, toughness of tests increases and we must expect it as a usual pattern with God. In other words, we should not expect tests to be any simpler as we grow stronger in faith.

We must realize that those who are not serious about Christian life and faith may not get many tests at all. Only the zealous and passionate believers are the ones who are tested by the Lord to measure the extent of their faith. In other words, those who are not earnest in following the faith encounter divine tests whereas the drop-outs, Sunday-only-Christians and backbenchers often get very few tests, if at all any. But for the zealous Christians, when we least expect it, tests come so that our genuineness of faith can be measured by God.

Christians should also understand that usually no warning, signs or notices are issued by the Lord to allow His children to go through tests. He expects all zealous and stalwarts to be prepared to take tests of faith at any time. It’s God who fixes schedules for tests at His will and pleasure. He doesn’t consult His children to fix schedules.    

            But God reassures His children that there is no need for us to be afraid of God’s tests. These tests are in no way to hurt us or terrorize us, but to build us up. Tests reveal true measure of our faith and the level of our faith. There is a divine purpose behind each test to build us up. So we must praise God for the tests and commit ourselves to go through and come out victorious for the glory of God.

Exodus 20:20a – “And Moses said to the people, “Do not fear; for God has come to test you…”

Thought for Today

We should praise God for each test He allows in our lives because tests produce patience and spiritual growth in us.

Prayer for Today

“O Lord! We pray for Your strength to go through the tests You allow in our lives today to help us to trust in You and to grow in our faith. Amen!”


Wednesday, June 19, 2024



Tests in the Spiritual School

Verse for Today: Genesis 22:01

“Now it came to pass after these things God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham”. And he said, “Here am I”.

            God tests His beloved children in the ordinary walks of life according to His will and pleasure. God wants to test to see if His children are keenly committed themselves to Him with our love, commitment and loyalty. God is interested to know to what extent His children are growing in their faith in Him, His power and His promises. In order to prove their faith to themselves and to others around, God gives His children practical tests to evaluate and measure their level of faith. 

                God’s tests are not to trouble His children, but to measure the extent of their faith. He also tests to measure their weakness and to help them to know how their faith can be built up. These tests are given frequently and on a regular basis to keep His children on the alert about the extent to which their faith grows. He wants His children to expect tests at unexpected times to encourage them to be always prepared to face newer tests. God also wants His children to know that as time passes on, tests will be harder and harder because He expects them to become stronger in faith to go through harder tests to prove their growing faith in God.

                If we examine the lives of all God’s servants, we may find that they all went through innumerable tests, starting from the beginning of their spiritual lives. Abraham who is popularly recognized as the “Father of the Faithful” went through several tests in his life of faith. It started soon after He left the Chaldean city of Ur. He was asked to leave Ur and go to a land that God was going to show him. But he had to leave with his wife alone. He had the commandment to leave after forsaking his household. God gave him a Family Test, but Abraham started with his father and nephew. His father was old and so he could not travel fast enough to reach the Promised Land. His father seemed to be a snare because of which had to experience considerable delay in going forward. He had to stay back at Haran until his father Terah died. Abraham had to understand that God’s call didn’t include the household, but because Abraham included them along with him and his wife, he had to experience considerable delay (Genesis 11:31 – 12:1).  Later we find that the company of Abraham’s nephew Lot also caused considerable snag for Abraham to make progress in his journey (Genesis 13:5-9). These snags prove to us that Abraham sadly failed in the Family Test that God gave him. But God loved Abraham and allowed him to continue in the journey of faith. But God’s compassion to Abraham show us that He gave him more opportunities to go through different tests of various kinds in the future to prove the level of his faith.

                God was patient with Abraham and was willing to forgive him of his failure in his sojourn. But Abraham experienced delay in his walk solely because of his lack of full obedience. This delay showed Abraham that in spite of his desire to show his obligation to his family, God expected him to be fully obedient and loyal to God and His commandment. His divine call was most important. In His future walk, Abraham had to bear the brunt of such disobedience to God.

                Today God expects all His children to give utmost importance to Him and His call. Lessons from his failure in the first test taught Abraham that no matter what we lose in this world, we must obey God and follow the divine call. We must consider the divine call as a great privilege and be careful not to lose the opportunity to obey God and His call. We must be willing to lose everything else in this life while we obey His call.

                God calls His children to follow Him out of their love for Him. God expects them to follow Him out of their love towards Him. He expects them to express their obedience, reverence and commitment to Him in all that they do. He provides them with countless opportunities to express their love to Him. He also tests them to measure their love, reverence and commitment to Him. If we fail in it, He provides us with more opportunities to correct our ways and renew our love and sacrifices for Him. But our disobedience would cause delay and subsequently result in painful consequences for which we will be responsible.

Jesus reminded us that we must be willing to obey His call and be willing to forsake everything else to follow Him. We are expected to hold on to what we cannot lose and forsake all that which we are bound to lose.  

Luke 14:33: “So likewise, whoever of you doesn’t forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple”

Thought for Today

Holding on to what is dear to us in this world is illustrative of our unwillingness to solely follow the Lord.

Prayer for Today

Oh Lord! Save us from the temptation to hold on to what we have in our lives and help us to love You more than all that we hold dearest in our hearts. Amen!


Wednesday, June 5, 2024



Hurting Sons and Daughters

Verse for Today: Jeremiah 8:21

For the hurt (crush) of the daughter of my people I am hurt (crushed). I am mourning; astonishment (horror) has taken hold of me.

Millions of sons and daughters of all age groups are leading a hurtful and grievous life today. This is true in all times and in all dispensations. We see them in the Old Testament times, starting with Abel and then Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. We see them among Israelites who lived in Egypt and all through their sojourn in the desert for 40 years. It continued in the land of Canaan. We find in Dena a hurting daughter of Jacob. Rachel and Hannah had their own hurts of childlessness. Leah had her grief-stricken life even as the wife of Jacob. Tamar the wife of Judah’s elder son had her share of tears in life as a young widow. Naomi was a daughter of tears when she lost her husband, two sons and a departing daughter-in-law Orpah. Ruth and Orpah had their share of grief as young widows. Tamar, the daughter of King David was full of tears, pain and hurt in life as she was brutally violated by her own brother.

We find a lot of women on the pages of the New Testament who were hurting in life. They include Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary and Martha of Bethany, the Phoenician widow, the widow of Nain and others. Mary Magdalene, Salome and other women were deeply painful and frustrated as they missed seeing the body of the Lord Jesus in the tomb.

Some of our hurts and wounds are self-inflicted. We hurt ourselves physically, emotionally and socially by lamenting on our lost opportunities and failures through our thoughtlessness and carelessness. But wounds are also caused by our kith and kin and friends through jealousy and gossip about us. Some fight us through unfair competition and wrong comparisons. Some others quarrel with us because of their egotism and false sense of satisfaction. Sometimes we plunge ourselves into frustration, hopelessness and desperation because of our hurtful circumstances and situations. We often face social trauma through isolation, loneliness and inferiority complex. At other times, we get hurt through unfair treatment, partiality and misunderstanding, misrepresentation and misinterpretation created by those who know us well including family members, colleagues and classmates. Overindulging in such hurts and emotional trauma cause psychological aberrations in us including insomnia, loss of appetite and affected efficiency. These often negatively influence our spiritual joy and prayer life. Often our life leads to spiritual and emotional dullness and hopelessness.

Sadly our emotional, social and physical wounds and hurts remain unresolved because of failures in coping with it. We tend not to use spiritual tools like prayer, meditation on the Word of God and fellowship.

Christians are admonished by the Word of God to resolve their hurts and wounds by going to the Divine Healer. We are also instructed to help others cope with such aberrations. Often our best spiritual friends don’t get involved with our wounds and hurts largely because of ignorance, lack of spiritual insight and poor concern for such persons. Thus many spiritual sons and daughters remain emotionally, physically and spiritually ill and continue to be in this doldrums of apathy, insensitivity and spiritual dullness and backsliding for considerable time.  There seems to be very little concern or effort by others around to help them to come out of such situations. Loneliness, isolation and resentment by dearest and nearest lead them to develop serious spiritual and emotional trauma. 

Thus we find a crying and weeping prophet Jeremiah because of the increased emotional traps caused by others, our own self and through circumstances manipulated by the enemy of our souls. The weeping prophet recognizes that there is a divine cure for such spiritual trauma. He is familiar with the Great Physician available to handle the emotional and spiritual traps that are faced by the sons and daughters. But he laments that there doesn’t seem to be enough support for such wounded and hurtful people to be taken to the Great Physician with His panacea to heal the emotional sickness of these highly needy people. This lack of concern and burden make the prophet mourn and in deep astonishment. It also makes him felt hurtful enough to lament, mourn and weep.

But through Prophet Jeremiah the weeping prophet, the Lord spoke to His people that He is still the Great Physician who uses the Balm of Gilead to wipe away the tears of His children. We need to go to Him and take our hurting fellow humans with us. He will use His nail-pierced hands to wipe their tears, and heal their hurts and give them a new lease in life. There’s no shadow of turning with Him (Lamentations 3:22-26). He will apply the Balm of Gilead, the panacea to heal the wounds and the hurts and to take away all their infirmities.

We must understand that this is the healing ministry entrusted with us. It comes through the Word of God which heals all our ailments. It has to be used at the right time to impart complete healing.

Psalms 107:20 – He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction.

Thought for Today

It is our responsibility to identify the emotional and physical infirmities of the people around and take them to the Great Physician for total healing through the Balm of Gilead.

Prayer for Today

“O Lord! Please pour Your Balm on our wounds and heal our spiritual and emotional sicknesses for our happiness and for Your glory. Amen!”


Friday, May 31, 2024




Verse for Today: Exodus 24:18

“And Moses was in the mount forty days and forty nights”

            It’s unthinkable for a person to be secluded in the top of a mountain even for a day. Such isolation and deprivation of basic environment and facilities will make a man dry in his emotions and physically weak even for a day. There will be a feeling of emotional and physical suffocation and even cause fear and confusion. But we see the Man God (Jesus) was without food and rest for forty days and forty nights confronted by Satan in all possible tests in the wilderness. Yet Moses, the first human who was isolated in a mountain, survived the long isolation and deprivation for forty days and nights in the presence of God without causing any damage to his mind, body and soul. We can envisage how God had him for intimate fellowship. God strengthened him to withstand the pressures of this unusual mountainous experience. Moses was enabled to be in the mountain for forty days and forty nights without human contact and food and water and basic amenities in life. He was sustained during this time with divine energy and enablement through the glory of God which encompassed round about him.

            Similar experiences were granted to many of God’s servants like Enoch, Elijah, Joshua, Samuel, Soul of Tarsus, Apostle John and many of God’s prophets in varying degrees when they all entered the presence of God. They heard the voice of the Lord and received the revelation of God. Some of them like Apostle John and Prophet Daniel fell as though dead when they were in God’s presence.

            God’s presence has a nurturing power centre for His children. It’s a spiritually, emotionally and physically empowering and nurturing place which enables His children to enjoy and to fill with His power. God’s voice is a healing, soothing and impacting panacea for all the ills of His servant in all their physical, emotional and spiritual realms of life. The vision of the glory of God exposed to God’s servants give them full healing of their spiritual eyes to see the entire truth God wants them to see and understand. It’s these realities that sustain them to continue to serve God in the way in which God wants them to preach and forewarn the people of God about God’s plans for the ages to come.

            Today all God’s children are privileged to draw nigh unto Him to see His glory and get lost in the wonder and awe of Him. It is then that we are challenged to see the reality of His plans and programs for the church and for the world. All of these are in God’s eternal plan for the people of the world who are to get saved. It reveals the plan of God for His church and all its ministries embodied in its heavenly frame. It encourages, strengthens and empowers God’s servants to preach and teach these truths so as to build up His children. It touches upon the hearts of His shepherds to touch the lives of God’s children through the various ministries they are called upon to undertake. The power these ministering brethren receive through the visions they are blessed with which they will minister among God’s people according to God’s perfect will.

            There is a powerful, loving and challenging invitation for us today to draw nigh unto the Lord in His holy presence. We are motivated by His Spirit to leave behind all our fleshly attachment to the world and the Vanity Fair. He wants us to climb up to Him in His Mountain with great expectations. He wants to share His love, plans and programs with us so that we can share it with His people and with the people of the world. He wants us to go to Him with great passion to see His glory. He also wants us to have a deep thirst to drink of His plans and programs so as to enable us to share with others. He wants us to be a blessing to those we are expected to minister unto. His promise of blessings will be with us as we spread His passion to others for His glory.

Isaiah 40:10 – They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Thought for Today

The more we get meshed with the Lord and His presence, the more we will be lost into His wonder and awe, thereby get to know His perfect will and pleasure in all that we do and cherish.

Prayer for Today

Dear Lord: Please give us your immeasurable grace today to get lost in Your glory so as to know You, Your will and pleasure for us and those around us. Amen!