Monday, March 21, 2022


 The Delays in Life!! 

Let's don't let any seeming delay that's taking place around us to take away our joy which is our strength from above.  

Let's learn to Rejoice in the delays that He plants in our lives!

God delayed the birth of Isaac (25 years) and later Jacob (20+ years).

God delayed the elevation of Joseph and the fulfillment of his dreams for 13 years.

God delayed the arrival of Samuel in the life of Hannah! 

Our God is the God of delays! He is not in a hurry! He is a Builder and He creates and recreates our lives slowly and steadily and systematically. 

God's delays are His appointment for His perfect time.

God's delays are not inactivity or indifference, but preparation to build our faith up! While there seems to be a delay, God is working behind the curtain in our lives! 

God delays, but never forgets His promises. He remembered Abraham, Sarah, Rachel and Hannah in His time! 

God's delays are because He is building oaks and olive trees out of our lives and not grass. 

He delayed Israel's wilderness journey for 40 years!

He delayed 7 days for the wall of Jericho to fall!

He came to rescue His disciples who were in the storm at the fourth watch! 

His delays are our learning experiences in His School of Patience! We must graduate with flying colors! 

God's delays are often to test our faith and patience! 

So Let us Praise God for His delays in our lives!!

Let's fully trust in God, for His delays are not to harm or hinder us, but to strengthen us and build our faith up! 

"Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!"
Psalms 27:14