The Revival
of a Great Prophet-6
The Speakers and the Listeners-2
Isaiah’s cleansing
It is an amazing truth that a prophet of God also needs continuous cleansing. It is equally astonishing that the prophet of God cries out loud declaring the unworthiness of his unclean lips. Unclean lips come from the unclean heart which is the seat of all evil and wickedness. But we do not know if Isaiah expected a fiery and painful cleansing like that which he experienced in the Throne room. We must realize that God cleanses with fire and not with detergent. This heavenly cleansing is part of the burning off of the wicked tongue which pronounces woe on people without realizing own wickedness and wicked tongue. All preachers ought to take this matter very seriously and live in continuous repentance and cleansing. Along with that, we ought to be fearful of how and for what we might pray because we do not know how God is going to answer our prayers.
God also teaches Isaiah that if he is cleansed and if it subsequently
results in a ministry of cleansing the people with God’s Word and His Spirit,
then only will there be a spiritual revolution among the people. Often such a spiritual revolution is not taking place among the people of God because of such a
revolution, renewal, and revival is not taking place among those whom God has
appointed to lead and guide His people.
It is very interesting to see that when a servant of God repented and
cried out for cleansing, even the seraphs understood his confession. They were
the administrators of grace in the Kingdom of God and they quickly took the initiative to help Isaiah with the cleansing process. It follows that Isaiah’s
repentance was acceptable to God. But there was now the need for a painful,
complete, radical and dynamic cleansing process for God’s servant to be renewed,
refreshed, revitalized and revived. Isaiah understood that God’s cleansing
process is not a self-improvement programme, but a God-directed, God-controlled
and God-centered holy cleansing programme where the old self is burned off and a
renewed preacher emerges in its place.
For every committed and repentant preacher, there is a burning
experience waiting for him. God’s live coal is available and ready to cleanse
every preacher provided he is ready and willing to go through the process and
bear the cost of cleansing. Why the angel is using a tong to pick up the live
coal? It is only to show that what is happening is real and an extremely painful
process to handle. It will penetrate,
pierce, cleanse, bleach and burn off every stain that is inflicted because of
Why the seraph is flying to Isaiah to cleanse him? It shows the swiftness with which the cleansing process is to be attended to so that the
tongue can be of maximum usefulness to the Lord for the longest period of time.
No cleansing means no ministry and the servant not qualified to minister.
The seraph is given the privilege to declare the administration of
cleansing the tongue of the prophet and commission his readiness to minister.
He is now declared holy and is given the privilege to attribute holiness to the
Lord. It included total healing of the sin sickness of the prophet including
his tongue, his eyes and the environment in which he ministered. He is now
ready to be recommissioned by the Lord and his ministry renewed.
Finally, the Lord Speaks
The last speaker in this scenario is the Lord who has been quietly
watching the story unfolds. He is not in a hurry to speak. He is waiting until His
servant is ready and prepared to listen. So the Lord awaits true confession and
repentance from His choice servants. As He begins to speak, He has something to
say to all of us individually. Why he is tarrying is to see if we confess our
sins and iniquities to Him. He doesn’t usually speak to people when they have
unconfessed sins in their lives. He waits till the hearts are adequately
prepared and moved so that His utterances will create an impact in their
hearts. He expects a response from each of his listeners and waits for them to
be prepared to respond positively. But how will the people become prepared and
ready until their prophets, priests, kings and preachers are prepared and
The Lord announces a call for willing individuals to obey Him and to be
sent by Him. He waits for volunteers who are ready to obey Him no matter the
consequence. Whoever is willing to obey Him may come and demonstrate to Him
that he is willing to be sent by Him.
The utterance from the Lord underscores the powerful statement of the
Trinity. It is the call of the Lord and equally the call of the Triune God who
is perfectly united in the call. It has to be taken with the greatest seriousness
of those who listen to Him (Isaiah 6:8). Everyone everywhere is included in
this call and no one is spared. But it is a general call for which specific
response is expected from everyone. Those who have grace will only be able to
respond to the call. If only a person is sufficiently moved by the glory of the
Lord will he want to serve the Lord and obey His call to go wherever He wants
to send him?
It is interesting to see how the Lord didn’t give Isaiah the prerogative
to decide where to go and do whatever he wanted to do in serving Him. These are
decided by the Sender and the servant’s responsibility it is to go as he is
sent wherever the Lord is willing to send him. His mission was to declare whatever
the Lord wants which had to be communicated to the people as per His enabling.
The servant cannot have his personal agenda or scheme to perpetuate, but it has
to be solely the Lord’s programme. The only qualification that the Lord expects
for the servant is that He is called, sent and enabled by the Lord. Along with
the burning of his tongue, the Lord expects all his earthly qualification to be
burned off so that whatever the servant does will be solely directed by the Lord
and nothing else. The servant is to come with the motto: “Just As I AM”, totally
dependent on the Lord and His resources.
A Two-sided call
The Almighty makes two subtle expressions in this call. First He asks as
to whom He shall send. This is the desire and will of the Lord for all His
servants. This call is open to all who listen, obey and are available to be
sent. It is the divine will to send out those who are willing and volunteering
to go. At the same time, the call is open to those who commit themselves to go.
The command is not to go for the individual’s own agenda. If they are going,
they must go for Him and not for anyone else.
Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord and he responded instantly. He heard
the commandment that the servant must go and declare a specific message to the
people of God. The message is articulated in specific dimensions. It is a message of warning, correction,
reprove and counsel along with consequences for disobedience. It is a message
which is to penetrate into the hearts and minds of God’s people to accomplish
what the Lord wants in and through their lives.
We see Isaiah in a face to face confrontation with the stark reality of
a disobedient nation and their concerned Redeemer. The Redeemer waits patiently
for the nation to come back and sends His message for them to return through
His servant Isaiah. His message to the present world is also the same. He wants
committed, prepared and willing servants to ready themselves to go and preach
until at least a remnant will come back to Him with a repentant and broken
(To Continue)