Sunday, September 6, 2020



Prospectus of

The Agape’ School of Marriage


Dear Prospective Candidate

            Welcome to the School of Marriage!

            We are pleased to introduce and welcome you to the Agape’ School of Marriage which is one of the world's greatest schools for a Christian believer. A Christian believer will learn greatest lessons about life, sharing, fellowship, love, compassion, children, parentage, hospitality, responsibility, forgiveness, kindness and prayer in this unique school. These lessons can be learned only if one has deep desire to learn. All the lessons taught in this school are practical. Different persons will learn different lessons at different times which are relevant to their specific situations. Unfortunately not all persons are endowed with the blessing of a married life and so they are denied the opportunity to study in this school. In our school, different students have different time-frame to study. This is because longevity of married life is different for different persons as designed by the Almighty God who places people in families according to His will and pleasure and on the basis of His eternal plan for each couple. The challenge before each student is to make the maximum out of the opportunity to learn and enjoy their time as students in this great school designed and administered by the Founder of the school who is God Himself.

            All Christian men and women are invited to read this Prospectus carefully and prayerfully. They may then be encouraged to get registered and admitted in the School of Marriage at the right marriageable age.

            If you seriously consider enrolling as a student, you are warmly welcome to the Agape’ School of Marriage.

Building and Facilities

            All who enter the parlors of the Agape’ School of Marriage will be welcomed to the School at the main entrance where a great portrait of a rainbow is hung on its front wall. Its seven colors exemplify the seven great aspects of the friendship and fellowship that they share throughout the school life. These seven colors are: their sweet secrets, the great truths that they understand about each other, the grief and pain that they share together, the ultimate trust and faith that they have for each other, the pinnacle of joy that overflows from their life, their reverential treatment of each other and the deepest love they have for each other.  The reflection of this rainbow is seen throughout the campus and at the building interior and exterior as the main focus of the school.

            As students enter, they will be registered by the Superintendent of the school and allotted a private suite for them and their classmates (as permanent pairs) alone to stay and learn in their classes. All classes will be conducted in this class suite. All practical sessions will also be conducted in the suite under strict privacy. The class suite has the fountain of the 'water of life' for the classmates to drink to quench their thirst and the table of the 'bread of heaven' to satisfy their appetite. The class suite is connected to the main power line of 'Light of Light' so that all that transpires in the class may be transparent and clearly visible to the classmates, the Principal and the Superintendent. But if the light is quenched, there will be dim light or progressive darkness in the class and for the classmates which will take away their spiritual vision. This may lead to eventual destruction of both the classmates and their marriage. 

The main features of the School of Marriage are given below:

            1. Enrollment: Our School of Marriage is the only school where you get the Marriage Certificate before you start the classes. It is also known as the enrollment certificate. It makes it eligible for the married ones to study in the school. It is also the Identity Card for each student. The classmate for each student is chosen and fixed at the time of entry by the Principal. All entrants are entitled to study in their own class only and there is no permission to change class or the classmate even for a moment. This school has the best student-teacher ratio as each class has only two students who are called spouses or life-partners. So learning in this school is a partnership experience.

            2. Graduation: Even though all enrolled students study in the school, they are not allowed to graduate because there is something to learn in this school till the very end. Then they will wait and will finally enter the 'Marriage Supper of the Lamb' together with their classmates.

            3. Schedules: Our school functions round the clock without any break or free period. Even when the students sleep, they are expected to learn something. Some periods or sessions are for active learning and some other periods are for passive learning. But all that the students can and are expected to learn are vital lessons all the time because there is so much to learn. It is also a very demanding school in that tests are often marked by the classmate and marks submitted to the Principal who makes His own assessment of both the students in the class. But the consolation is that the examiner, the classmate and the Principal, mark the tests on the basis of love, kindness and compassion. 

            4. Duration: Rules in this school are made by the Principal and are very strict even though these rules are called Rules of Love. Once enrolled, the students are never allowed to drop out. Almost all students do not want to drop out because once they are enrolled, they are all intoxicated by the atmosphere of love that blows softly and steadily through the classroom. On the other hand, the rule that is applied to all entrants is that they are not permitted to drop out because they are glued together with their classmate for a lifetime of learning. When the time comes, the Principal will allow an honorable discharge of each student from the school according to the perfect timing determined by the Principal. Petitions for early discharge or exit are not entertained because it depends on the sole discretion and decision of the Principal for which there is no appeal court.  

            5. Activities: The Principal guarantees to make the school very interesting and challenging with full of activities and interactions of various kinds. All activities for the students are for the welfare of their classmates and are to be performed out of love and compassion. Some days are full of hard-work, but on other days the students may relax. This diversity of activities makes the school balanced. It is also a participatory school where both the teammates must involve together in all activities. But the roles of both the teammates are clearly defined by the Principal. The Principal reminds the team that they will have to attend classes every day of their life.

            6. Holidays and vacation: The school doesn't allow for any holidays, vacation or sick leave.  When one of the teammates falls sick, still both the teammates have to attend the school. On sick days, classes will be mainly on caring and nursing the sick teammate and for prayer for healing along with the healing touch. On holidays, the teammates will learn how to relax and help the classmate to relax and rest. There will be extra classes and activities on compassion and grace on sick days and holidays. Here the main topic on attitude is taught with many practical lessons.

            7. Classroom atmosphere: As its nickname goes, our school is popularly known as the ‘School of Love’. It is founded by God on the strong pillar of Agape' Love created from the jewels of compassion and grace. Its walls are made out of mutual trust and faith. The doors of the school are built with strong Acacia wood of mutual recognition, appreciation and acceptance and will help the teammates to have unconditional access to each other all the time. The classroom has wide open windows and its shutters are made out of Acacia planks of mutual understanding and belongingness through which cool breeze of healing and rest blow on the teammates and the classroom. The classroom is arranged with comfortable furniture made out of the Olive tree of blessings. This classroom will not leak because it is made of the strong rock of faith and sealed with the anointing oil of Agape' Love.

            8. Principal’s role: The Principal reminds the teammates not to usurp authority over each other as if they are the Principal. He wants the teammates to remember that they have clearly defined roles and responsibilities and will have to adhere to it in the best possible manner. The Principal has all authority and that He introduces it on the basis of His love to the teammates so that the teammates may help each other to fall in line with His authority in all aspects of their school life. The Principal wants all entrants to remind themselves of the fact that He is the sole Principal and the teammates are only students who are expected to learn under His lordship in full obedience and total commitment to each other and to the School.

            9. Storms from the outside: The Principal warns the teammates that there will be artificial storms and heavy winds blowing against their classroom coming from the enemy of their school. These storms are strong enough to create ripples in their classroom and distract the teammates. But the entrants are reassured that if they stay within the walls of the strong classroom and trust in the Principal's power to keep them safe, nothing untoward will happen to them.  Even in times of storms, they should not allow themselves to fall into fear and unbelief and try to get out of the classroom because once you are out, there won't be any safety. Don't be unwise to listen to the enticing of the enemy to get out of the classroom and run outside during times of storms and wind. It’s damp, windy, cold and dark outside and there will be thunder and lightning to terrorize you. Once you are enrolled, the classroom of marriage is the safest place to be in, because you and your classmate are there along with your Master Teacher who teaches you new lessons every day and in all situations.

            10. Issues between classmates: The Principal's strong admonition is that no homework should be left incomplete overnight by all classmates. Every issue or concern between the classmates may be handled before the next day and before the couple sleeps. If there are any Issues, these are discussed within the team only and an amicable settlement is arrived at so that the matter can be settled with a united time of prayer before they sleep. This healthy pattern is recommended by the Principal which will strengthen the marriage and the relationship between the classmates. This is the way to keep the classroom atmosphere to remain warm and pleasant.  

11. Communication: The school uses various communication techniques and styles to help the students to learn their lessons faster from each other. It is expected that the classmates use these techniques to communicate with each other about their feelings, needs, priorities, likes and dislikes so that they can learn from each other in a complementary way. The school emphasizes the use of oral communication techniques including words, sounds of different positive pitch, tone and corresponding complementary body language for exchanging ideas, thoughts and desires. The Principal keeps reminding the classmates that listening to each other is far more important than speaking. Listening is one of the ways by which the school makes sure that the students learn patience and proper discernment to enable them to respond in a complementary manner. It is also the way by which the objectives of the class can be identified and understood by them and help to achieve it. The classmates are also strongly recommended that they communicate continuously with the Principal so that they can determine how and what they ought to communicate with the classmates. The Principal responds only to united and single-minded communications rather than individualistic, prejudiced or selfish requests.

 12. Conflicts: Classmates are reminded that if either of them finds out something in the classmate that they do not appreciate, they ought to take it with love and consideration, and remind themselves of the fact that the classmate is also just a student and not a graduate. The School reiterates that God is not finished with your classmate yet and so is the Principal. Students may take it as a challenge and work on it to find common ground for mutual good and satisfaction. This approach, the school reminds the students, will help them to learn forgiveness, mutual rebuilding and renewal.

13. Text Book: It is imperative for each student to read and study the Holy Book which is the main textbook of this school. It is recommended that the students individually and together read the Book and meditate on it daily. It is best if the classmates start each day with a sacred assembly called Family Altar and end it the same way.

14. Apathy to attend classes: The school understand that sometimes, because of situations, stress or irritations, one or both the students might not feel good about attending classes and might want to stay insulated and isolated. Such challenges ought to be overcome because it comes from the enemy of the school, the class dynamics and the classmates. Instead, the school recommends that the classmates fight such a negative urge and become victorious. Otherwise, one day's lapse might lead to more such lapses and will lead to lethargy and dark days and subsequently to withdrawal symptoms. So the school wants all the classmates to make every effort to attend classes all the days of their lives and finish their daily tasks without lapses. Students are reminded that procrastination is the enemy of the students of the School of Marriage.

 15. Temptation to quit: The school recognizes that in some extreme cases, a few students may want to quit the school because they find it unfulfilling. The strong reminder from the school is that this temptation to quit comes from the enemy of the school and the erring classmate to destroy the class and cause them to lose the serenity and thrill of the class and the classmates. Instead they are instructed to find courage and hope from the Holy Book and to continue. They should also realize that the school has not made any provision or given any prerogative for the classmates to ever quit. Quitting is against the foundational charter of the school and so quitters are breaking the fundamental rules of the school. If they quit, they will be punishing themselves and their classmates for the whole of their lifetime and will discourage other classes and students. Above all, it will grieve the Principal, Superintendent and the entire school.

16. Tests and Examinations:   Like every other school, the School of Marriage also has occasional tests for the students. These tests are given without any notice. Tests are given to both the students at the same time or to each classmate at different times. Some tests and exams may be tough but remember, the Principal knows how much you can bear, and will not give a test that the classmates are unable to handle. The great advantage of these tests is that these are OPEN BOOK tests. The classmates are free to use the Holy Book all the time, to study, refer to and to write the examinations. The most important practical test is as to how well a student is looking after and caring for the classmate. Grades are granted on the basis of the principles given in the Book and on their attitude to the classmates and other students in the school. Those who are deficient in learning are given extra classes and one-on-one tutoring at the feet of the Master Teacher. There are also opportunities to take repeat exams to prove progress. Those who fail may file for pardon on compassionate ground and all true confessions and repentance are accepted at par. All pardoned students are allowed to continue. It is guaranteed that tests are practical and not theoretical and these tests are for the good of the classmates and not to be judgmental. 

17. Miscellaneous 

            (a) The school sticks to the principle that classes are not to intimidate the classmates but to provide peace, happiness and fulfillment to the classmates on all days of the class. The Principal guarantees that all classes are an enjoyable experience for both the classmates.

            (b) The school offers classes on a large number of subjects related to human life with its various ramifications. But the major subject offered is agape' love. The Principal loves all students and imparts His love to the students so that they can pass it on to their classmates and to experience love for each other.  Students are expected to use love as the medium in all aspects of the class and learning to communicate and work together in love. As they do so, it is guaranteed that their love for each other will multiply several folds. On the basis of their unconditional love, the classmates will be given bonus blessings by the Principal. These bonus blessings come in the form of days and months filled with excitement and exuberant children who are the olive shoots of stars in the assignment page of the book of love distributed to both the classmates on the first day of class. 

            © More grace is made available from the Principal to both the classmates every day of the school for the asking. The classmates are asked to make the best use of grace given to them from the Reservoir of the Principal on all the days of classes.

            (d) If the classmates have any questions, they are free to ask the Principal at any time in any format or refer to the Holy Book, and wait patiently for answers to come at the right time. These answers are also clearly given in the Holy Book which is given to the classmates as the school starts.

Special Instructions to the Prospective Students:

            Those who want to enroll in the Agape’ School of Marriage are instructed to examine the Holy Book and prepare themselves before they get admitted to the School, with utmost dedication and commitment to the classmate appointed for them by the Principal. They should also be committed to the roles and rules of the School and are totally submitted to the School, the Principal and the classmate. They ought to remember that the door to the school has only door knobs at the outside and no knob from inside to open the door to the outside. They are warned that if they try to break open the door to the outside, disaster will result.

Officers of the School of Marriage:

Chancellor: El Shaddai

Principal: Prince Groom

Facilitator: The Holy Dove


Those who apply with the concurrence of their parents and church will be given priority for admission. Prospective students may apply for admission at the following address:


The Principal

The Agape’ School of Marriage

Chamber of the Heavenly Bridegroom

Golden Bridal Street

The New Jerusalem 777