Sunday, January 28, 2024


A Supreme Challenge to be a Disciple


“And the DISCIPLES were first called CHRISTIANS in Antioch” (Acts of the Apostles 11:26)


 Appreciation without decisions

         At a Christian Conference, the speaker was hitting hard on decisions to give ourselves and all that we have to Jesus. Several participants came around after the message to express deep appreciation. Many wanted to make decisions and promised to take the message seriously. They all expressed their love for Jesus through their strong responses, passion and aspirations. But to the extent to which we know, very few among them took bold decisions to offer themselves and all that they have as an expression of their love for the Master.

         The story was a replay of what happened in Palestine two millennia away. There were many small and large groups of people who were moved by the message of the Master Designer of life. He challenged His listeners to make eternal choices in their temporal world with their lives and resources. They all agreed with Him. They were moved by the message and the messenger. They forgot hunger, thirst and sleep and listened to Him for days. But almost all of them failed to make bold decisions for Him because they were strongly influenced by their situations, circumstances and the people who meant so much for them. They all lived a committed life, but their surrender never measured up to the message which moved them. Their consecration was sincere, but most didn’t translate it into action. Their commitment was haphazard and wishful daydreams. Sadly most of them missed the ship, made a slip and lost the opportunity to please their Master. Their lives lost the prospect to be handled by the nail-pierced hands of the Master Designer to make them what He wanted them to be. They were afraid to commit themselves totally for fear of the temporal gains that they might lose in this world. They were more committed to pleasing their relationships and aspirations in this world than their Master.

         Somehow it is like the vicinity of the old rugged cross on the hill called Mount Calvary soon after Jesus uttered His eternal thirst for human soul. All who followed Him till His arrest deserted Him. Nobody wanted Him. No one cared for Him. There was none who claimed the Master to be his or her own so as to stick their necks for Him. Everyone abandoned Him for fear of losing their life and reputation. He was all alone in His trials, walk on the Calvary Road and crucifixion, and even as He gasped for breath to declare that He has finished paying for our sins with His life. Even from the cross, He searched for the few who might come forward to express their love to Him but it was in vain (Psalms 69:20). But no one dared to stand with Him or near His cross because there was none who would put their lives at stake for their Master. There were only a few women and one young man by the name John who stood far away watching the unfolding drama at Calvary. Yet even after twenty centuries of that sad event which took place on Golgotha, His search for human lives which would respond to Him in true love and commitment to His cause continues.

         If the Old Rugged Cross made a difference, what is it? And where has it impacted? How is it wedging the world and the individual life today? Is the love of Jesus so shallow as not to influence sufficient following? Is the temporal world around us more attractive than the eternal in the lives of people who claim to love Jesus? If there is such a unique Master and His unparalleled message which we claim to be influencing our conscience, where is the kind of response it deserves? Is the cross of Christ worthy of unique and bold decisions by God’s children? Is Calvary real in the life of a Christian believer in today’s materialistic world? These questions demand discussion, meditation, thinking, consideration and fitting reaction. This is the supreme challenge in all ages. It looms large in front of our eyes and awaits a response. Calvary love will not relent or rest unless its impact is found in the lives of men and women who claim to have declared their allegiance to Jesus. It demands evidence based action. It expects a loving response. Today Jesus is searching the hearts of the redeemed to see how much we would respond to His love demonstrated at Calvary.

 A Window to Discipleship

         The Bible instructs a child of God to develop a deep desire to become what God wants him to be. He is admonished to confess, repent and believe in what will make him a new person. Once he becomes a new creation, he is challenged to love, give, minister with and transform his life and to worship his God in response to his new found faith and life. All these challenges are embodied in the most serious, deep and sincere invitation made by Jesus Christ to ‘Follow Him’ (Matthew 16:24). It was the greatest desire Jesus had for all who believed on Him which He made clear to them in no unequivocal terms. Even though this challenge is vividly and repeatedly seen in the New Testament, it was also expressed in different, but less clear terms by the Triune God in the Old Testament.

         This profound statement of Jesus to “Follow Him” was first heard in some corners of the hill country of Palestine two millennia ago. Its reverberations are echoed all over the world all through the last two thousand years. History of the Church of Jesus Christ is the sum total of the revolutionary lives of the men and women who responded wholeheartedly to this powerful challenge. It was His story in and through the lives of those who responded to His call. Their lives were full of events and incidents which were made possible only by ardent and unflinching faith in the invisible God and in His mighty power. It was indeed the impact that these lives created through their unreserved and unquestionable commitment in the Lord Jesus and ardent faith in His promises, presence and power.

         The Church with its unprecedented growth and expansion during the past 2000 years is the direct result of the lives submitted to Jesus in response to His invitation to follow Him. All that His followers did was to follow the footsteps of the owner of the whole Universe who turned out to be that old Carpenter of Nazareth with no place to lay His head when foxes had their holes and birds had their nests (Matthew 8:20).  His followers were never a majority at any time in this world. Their hands and pockets were often empty, like their Master. They were a bunch hated by the people around them, as they in turn hated the world system. They were considered fools, unintelligent and thoughtless fellows who seemingly forgot to amass wealth for their economic wellbeing and that of their posterity. They willfully disregarded the attractions of this world like possessions, positions, prominence and popularity offered by the Vanity Fair. Their one and only goal in life was to please their Master, the Lord Jesus. They followed Him by obeying His call of love. They turned down the world system and all it had to offer to lure them to go its way. They were the disciples of Jesus Christ. They were the bloodless revolutionaries in the empire of love that Jesus Christ created in the hearts and lives of people.

         Jesus Christ didn’t attribute any value to the religiosity of the members of the existing religions including the Jewish sects. When the religious leaders tried to impress upon Jesus with their religious zeal, Jesus told them that He didn’t even know them (Matthew 7:21). Instead, He searched after the poor minority who were willing to follow Him as a mark of their unconditional love for Him.  He identified them and identified Himself with them. He called such people to Himself and they followed Him wherever He went. He declared that the mansion called Church which He built through such people will stand tall and strong and that the powers of Hades will not prevail over it (Matthew 16:18).

         The Mission of Jesus was not simply to help man to enter heaven for eternity. Jesus wanted to give man everything that he lost through Adam. Through the historical call, Jesus gave man the privilege to come back to have deeper fellowship with God. Man was granted the privilege to live in the world as if he lives in heaven (Ephesians 2:6). He is given the opportunity to follow God as he lives in this world. When the regenerate man heeds to the challenge to follow Jesus Christ, all the privileges that man has lost through Adam are given to him. Jesus has not envisaged a life for them in any way below this lofty level. Such a life is not an ordinary religious life, but a life as a DISCIPLE OF JESUS CHRIST.

 Paramount Call

         We see the truth about discipleship in the Great and Final Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19-20. This commission is multifaceted. It involves a series of compelling demands placed on those who believed on His name. It consisted of (a) going to the uttermost parts of the un-evangelized world (b) sharing the message of gospel (c) leading the unsaved to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and (d) baptizing them that believed. Even though these are all fundamental to Christian mission and faith, these are not the end of Christian obedience, but the beginning of serious Christianity. It is at this point that the most serious Christian activity of (e) disciple making ought to begin. It is through disciple making that a Christian believer matures into the stature of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:13). Thus we see that disciple-making and discipleship have come to be one of the most fundamental teachings of Christian faith. It follows from this that it is most important for every Christian believer to become a disciple of Jesus because only a disciple can help others to become disciples. So it becomes the most important endeavor of a disciple to help other believers in Jesus Christ to become His disciples through practical training and practical living as example for others. This is how others become matured in their faith and walk after Jesus and thus become true disciples of Jesus. Disciple-making thus becomes the most fundamental responsibility of the individual believers and the entire Church of Jesus Christ.

         Making disciples out of all the believers is an unavoidable responsibility of the Church which has to continue all through the Church era. The message of Christian faith becomes complete only in practical discipleship and disciple-making. It starts with the obedience to this mission by a person who has become a disciple or by one who is at least on the pathway to true discipleship. Disciple-making thus becomes the sum total and foundation of Christian faith. The ultimate goal of all Christian ministries is disciple-making, without which Christian mission seems incomplete and unfulfilled. It is the most loving desire and deepest craving Jesus has that all who believes on Him follow Him and become His disciples.

             It is important to understand who was originally given the mission of disciple-making. It was given to the disciples who later became members of the Church of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19). It follows that all who are on the pathway of discipleship have the responsibility to make disciples of those who are born again. It is also the responsibility of all ministering brethren and all gifted men (evangelists, pastors and teachers – Ephesians 4:11) to help make disciples out of the believers who are under their spiritual care. These gifted men also have the responsibility to teach and train other believers to make disciples. Such a ministry of disciple-making was systematic in the early church as seen in the book of the Acts of the Apostles. That was the reason why the church grew rapidly in a qualitative and quantitative manner during the first century A.D. When we examine the history of the Church, we can see that wherever and whenever disciple-making loses its fervor, the Church becomes weak and believers digress from their faith. When the church becomes weak and falls short of disciple-making, nominal Christianity and ‘Churchianity’ gets deep-rooted in the church which paves the way to false doctrines.

 The Antioch Disciples

            If we take a look at the church at Antioch (Acts 11:19-26), we can see the value attributed to discipleship by them. At Antioch, the practical realities of the life of the believers were reflected in their behavior, attitude and actions which were in line with what Jesus taught and that which was reflected in the disciples of Jesus Christ. When the outside world watched these attitudes and actions in the believers, they were first recognized as disciples and as such were found to be true followers of Christ. This is how they were called Christians for the first time in the New Testament (Acts. 11:26). The world recognized their ‘discipleship life’ in the way they talked, behaved and related with others around them. These attributes of discipleship were recognized by Barnabas when he visited that church. Barnabas saw great pouring of the grace of God at Antioch church (Acts 11:21-23) for the first time in the New Testament. These behaviors were very much like that of Christ about whom they had heard. Their Christ-like attributes were the evidences by which they were recognized as ‘Disciples of Christ’ and subsequently identified as followers of Christ. By their life, they qualified to be called ‘Disciples’ and subsequently ‘Christians’. Such recognition was the result of the valuation of the world about the believers of Antioch. It follows from this that those who exemplify Christ in their lives publicly are the Disciples of Christ. In other words, it is what others see in a believer as a disciple that makes him recognized as a Christian. This historical reality means that in order to qualify to be recognized as Disciples of Christ or Christians, it is inevitable that the qualities and character of Christ and His disciples are to be visible in believers. It follows that those who profess to be Christians ought to be recognized by others through their behavior and attitude first as Disciples. Christ-likeness has to be inevitably seen in such believers in order that they may be recognized by the world as Christians.

             The fast pace of growth of the church in the first century A.D. was a practical reflection of the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19 & 20. They obeyed this commandment and helped new believers to become disciples. They didn’t stop with evangelizing, but went forward to teach, train and develop the qualities of Jesus in the new believers which is the fundamental tenet of Christianity. This shows that churches in the first century were deeply concerned about and seriously involved in disciple-making in a very practical way. These churches built up believers as disciples, and the world recognized it. The world hated and despised them because of the Christ-like qualities in them. Their story of ‘discipleship life’ is the sum and substance of the quality of the spiritual life of the early church.

             The Antioch story (Acts 11:26) leaves every Christian believer of modern times with the challenge to examine his or her life to see if they qualify to be recognized by the world around them contemptuously as disciples of Jesus and thus Christians. Such a conscientious self-examination ought to revolutionize our lives to take up the challenge of developing in them the lifestyle of disciples of Jesus Christ and bear the reproach of the cross in their world.

 Challenge before today’s church

             The essence of New Testament Christianity is discipleship seen as a practical reality in the lives of believers. When the Bible has given so much importance to the subject of discipleship and disciple making, it is pertinent to ask whether the commandment of disciple making has received a corresponding and serious consideration in the ministries of the churches and the ministering community in modern times. It will definitely not be an exaggeration if the answer to this question is in the negative. But why is this situation so? Is it because the importance of the subject of ‘Discipleship’ is not properly understood by the evangelists, elders and teachers of the Word of God? Is it due to their feeling of inadequacy to handle such a spiritually demanding subject? Is it because the teachers and shepherds are unable or unwilling to pay the price to be on the discipleship pathway? Is it because its primacy is not assimilated by Christians today? Is it because the ministering brethren themselves have not been trained to walk the discipleship pathway? These questions demand sincere self-examination by all believers of the present century. Searching for authentic answers to these questions will lead the church to a great challenge to handle discipleship and disciple making with greater urgency and earnestness. Christ’s loving commandment demands disciple making as the greatest priority in New Testament Christianity.  

 The Disciple’s Pathway: A seeming impossibility  

             When one browses around, one is able to see that all through the last twenty centuries of New Testament Christianity, there have always been Christians who attempted to lead the lifestyle of a disciple of Jesus. Occasionally we meet a few young and old believers even today whose life and commitment to Jesus Christ authenticate that true discipleship can be a living reality in their lives. This doesn’t mean that they are perfect or that they have arrived at the finish line to be true disciples. But they believe that it is possible to be a true follower of Jesus Christ only to the extent of their commitment to live practically as true disciples. Their life and testimony show that they have seen at least a glimpse of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ in their lives (John 1:14). Their approach to the world and to the Lord reveals the extent to which they have tasted His agape` love and how they got themselves lost in its wonder and awe. They show the world that when they dive deep into the ocean of His love and pick up gems of that love, they cannot but allow themselves to be challenged by that love to live for Jesus alone as His true disciples no matter the consequence. They prove with their lives that discipleship is one of the indicators of their love for their Master who they claim to be their ‘everything and all’, no matter what it costs them including their life.

 The Counterfeit Coin

         Christian life may be illustrated in many respects like a coin, with inscriptions on both sides to authenticate its genuineness, ownership, authority and value. The coin of Christian life has belief and behavior to be inscribed on each side. The belief side of the coin indicates our faith in God, His Word and our salvation experience. The behavior side shows a Christian’s attitude and lifestyle akin to that of a disciple of Jesus Christ. It is imperative that both these inscriptions are vivid and shining for the world and fellow believers to see. Unless the inscriptions on both these sides are clear to those around them, they will not recognize, accept and receive these coins at par in Christ-like human dealings and relationships. Any coin which doesn’t pass such a litmus test is considered a counterfeit and is summarily rejected by the world around. The Lord Jesus also will not recognize such haphazard lives as His disciples (Matthew 7:21). They can only be considered as merely believers and not disciples.

         In many respects, the attitude and behavior of a Christian which do not portray the character of Jesus Christ is rejected by the world. It is the character of Christ that the world around us expects from a Christian. It is for this reason that Christians out to be taught about and trained as true disciples of Jesus so that they will experience and demonstrate the spiritual transformation that must be seen in them. Then only the Christian’s life will visibly and vividly show the character and power of the Lord Jesus Christ. It will then show the world that the Christian points towards the Lord Jesus Christ in his character, behavior, attitude, lifestyle, priorities, likes, dislikes and goals. A Christian’s life will thus be seen as one in which Jesus Christ will be his Lord in all areas of his person. Jesus will then be seen as his utmost priority in life which will be seen in his practical life. If such Christ-likeness is not seen in a Christian believer, he with his faith will be rejected because of its lack of biblical credibility. If the world cannot see the heaven-dwelling, non-materialistic and non-worldly person in a Christian, his kind of Christianity will be dismissed and despised by the world.  It will be identified as a counterfeit lifestyle and will not be accepted and recognized by the world.

             Christ desires that His followers be not counterfeits. He wants them to have His image on both the believing and the behaving sides of their lives. He wants them to keep these two sides shining bright and glorious. He wants them to live in such a way that those who behold their lifestyle will be able to see the image of Christ on each of them. If only the coins be willing and submitted to Him so that the image of Christ may be inscribed on them and be made visible to the onlookers in their practical lives, will they be seen and recognized as His image bearers. When submitted to the Master Designer, these lives will be inscribed with His divine nature on them. When others read these inscriptions, they will both be attracted to Jesus to submit their lives to Him. If not, they will try to despise, reject and discount the fraudulent coin and its inscription. It is through such a life of a true disciple that Christ will turn his world upside down (Acts. 17:6).

                 Today if we confess that we are counterfeit coins and have been a failure in our Christian life, and go to Jesus with a solemn desire to become His true disciples, Jesus will transform us and write His imprints on us. This process is the essence of discipleship, for it is through it that He will slowly but steadily change us into His likeness. Jesus today lovingly calls us to become His dear disciples. He is asking us to follow Him, go after Him and go with Him wherever He goes. He wants to bind us to Himself with His chord of love. He wants His disciples to enjoy the freedom that we have in Him as we become His slaves of love. He challenges us to be filled with the passion of His Calvary love. He expects His love to be reflected in our practical lives. Perhaps the world around and other Christians might call us ‘fanatics’ or ‘fools’ because of the lifestyle we exhibit as true disciples of Jesus. But that would not bother a true disciple who is sunk in His love. He expects us to develop such a deep thirst to become His, for Him to do whatever He wants from us, with our lives and through us. But as we delve deep into true discipleship, either we will be tempted to quit the discipleship life because of the great price that we are challenged to pay to continue to be a disciple, or we will be increasingly willing to pay even the last penny with our lives to be His true disciples.

A Supreme Challenge

             This is the supreme challenge of a Christian, to be a true disciple and to be increasingly like the Master. It also creates the supreme opportunity to become the best that could be made out of our life here on earth. It poses the greatest privilege and prerogative of a Christian to be the disciple of Jesus Christ. It demands the supreme price which is worth all that it involves. It is a life which is a response to the supreme love that God the Father has demonstrated on the cross of Calvary through the death of His Son. 

             Discipleship is a challenge as much as it is a loving invitation. The process of discipleship is a greater challenge. Living as a disciple of Jesus is the greatest challenge. Continuous surrender of all that we are and have is the greatest of all challenges. It is the supreme challenge to find ourselves lost in the wonder and awe of the love of God demonstrated on the cross of Calvary. It demands unconditional consecration and unflinching sacrifice of all that remains in us, our body, mind, heart, soul, spirit, aspirations, dreams and fascinations in life.   

Counselor's Corner: RESIST AND FLEE


Counselor’s Corner

Resist and Flee

Dear Sir

I am a teenager, and a college student. I have been struggling in my Christian life because I feel that I am powerless to resist and flee from sin and Satan. There are failures in my life and feel sad about it. It leads me to serious guilt. I genuinely want to flee from sin and resist the devil. But I do not know how to do it practically. I shared this burden with another believer and was told that he also has such struggles and didn’t know what to do. Can we not find victory in our Christian life? Is there any hope for people like me? We do not know who to ask for help. Please guide us through the pages of your magazine.

Sincerely in Christ


Dear Sam:

Thank you for your openness in writing to me. I understand your struggles which a lot of young believers in Christ are faced with. The fact that you are sad and feeling guilty is the sign that you have a genuine interest and commitment to get victory in your Christian life. Please understand that all Christians, no matter how zealous and mature they are, have such struggles of varying degrees. This is because we live in a sinful body and in a sinful environment. The devil is out there as a roaring lion to devour us and make us fall into sin. If we are not careful, it is likely that we will experience failure and defeat. But God doesn’t want us to fall into sin and get defeated. He wants us to be victorious. In fact, we are declared more than conquerors through Jesus Christ, our Lord (Romans 8:37-40). He is our model and so we need to live by looking unto Jesus in all our situations and circumstances (Hebrews 3:1). He is our role model in defeating Satan. He always used the Word of God, that sharp sword, to defeat Satan. When the Bible gives us the commandment to resist the devil and flee from him and his sinful ways, (James 4:7) it necessarily means that our Lord will give us the power, strength and boldness to resist the devil. This means that we must use the whole armor of God and fight the devil (Ephesians 6:13-18).  Wherever and whenever necessary, we must also flee the environment and situation which might lead us to defeat and make us fall into sin. Please read the following verses to get encouragement: 1 Corinthians 10:13; Romans 13:14; 2 Timothy 2:22; Hebrews 12:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:22; Colossians 3:5-10; Matthew 26:41; Galatians 5:16.

You might be aware of the fact that sin comes into our lives through our five senses.  So when we find victory by resisting sin in our five senses through the power of the Spirit of God, we will be able to overcome sins in our lives. This victory is ours as we continue to live with the filling of the Holy Spirit in our lives on a daily basis. When we are filled with the Spirit, we will have the power of the Spirit to resist sin and flee sin and Satan. We will also experience the control of the Spirit in our lives. If we try to resist and flee in our own strength and power, we will be susceptible to fall into sin and get defeat in the hands of the devil.

I am giving below a few suggestions for you to consider as you are confronted with the tactics of the devil to drag you into sin:

a.       If you are tempted to look at any object, picture, person or material that will create in you an unholy desire of some sort and entice you, the best course of action is to close your eyes and start praying for victory in such a temptation. Turn your head the other way. Fill your mind with godly thoughts as described in Philippians 4:8. Pray for victory and praise God each time you get victory.  

b.      Surrender your eyes and ears to the Lord continuously so that He would take full control of it. Thus your desire or craving for things that tempt you will come down and slowly disappear.

c.       Continuously examine your heart and mind to see if any of the 15 elements of fleshly life (Galatians 5:19-21) hit your mind. Rebuke it in the power of the Spirit of God and ask it to leave you in the name of Jesus Christ (Matthew 17:21). Such power will be yours as you pray intensely and also accompanied with fasting as appropriately.

d.      Pray continuously for God’s protection against the devil’s attack. Be always aware of the impending attack of the enemy to capture, manipulate and trap your five senses somehow to commit sin in your heart.

e.      Keep away from all spots which might lead you to sin. The nearer you are to these spots, the easier it is for you to fall to the temptation to sin. These spots might be places of the presence of certain type of people, institutions and media inputs like films, literature, music, pictures and any other sensuous elements in the environment.

f.         Always be conscious of the fact that your heart is given to Jesus to rule as the Lord of your life. Don’s allow anything like desire for power, prestige, prominence, position, possessions, worldly acclaim, recognition and appreciation to rule in your heart.

g.       Constantly remind yourself of the fact that you are not your own, but are purchased by Jesus Christ with His blood. As you belong to Jesus, your Master, every time your mind or thoughts lean towards any worldly or sinful ways, ask Jesus to help you not to fall and to protect you (Matthew 6:13).

h.       Saturate yourself with the Word of God which is your best defense against sin and falling into temptations. Read it regularly and keep a regular ‘quiet time’ with the Lord. Study the Word and try to understand its deeper meaning. So when the enemy and temptations come knocking at the door of your heart, the Holy Spirit who is the writer of the Word will remind you of appropriate portions to strengthen you so that you can resist the devil and temptations to sin.

i.         I strongly recommend that you find a prayer partner with whom you may spend time in 2x2 prayer sessions on a regular basis. This will be a great support for your spiritual life and will strengthen you spiritually.

j.        Be filled with the Spirit of God which means to be controlled by the Spirit. It involves examining ourselves to identify our spiritual weaknesses, failures and sinfulness and confess it all wholeheartedly to the Lord in prayer. It means to confess and express your godly sorrow in grieving the heart of God with your sins and ask God to forgive all your known and unknown sins of omission and commission.  After this, deeply desire for the fullness of the Spirit and pray that you be filled. As you pray continuously and spend time with the Lord, God will keep His promise and give you the power of His Spirit and help you to experience the fullness and control of the Spirit (Luke 11:9-13). Thus you will experience the renewing of your heart and will be filled with the joy and peace which are the result of being controlled by the Spirit. You will then be able to bear the fruit of the Spirit. But please know that this experience has to be in your life in a continuous manner. Whenever you lose this control of the Spirit, you will fall a prey to sin and temptations and ultimately to the enemy’s enticing.

k.       Spend more time in fellowship with God’s people. Try not to be alone or get isolated, but be occupied with God, His people and His Word. When you are thus in regular fellowship with God, His Word and His people, your spiritual life will be further strengthened. This is the way to gain more strength on a daily basis to resist the devil.  

l.         Please conduct a Bible study about all your spiritual positions in the Lord and keep thanking God for giving you all these positions. This will remind you of your preciousness in the sight of God and work as a guard against the attacks of the enemy.

m.    Make sure not to feed your flesh with anything sinful, sensuous and materialistic. This means to deny your five senses anything that might tempt you to commit sin in your heart or with your body. Thus your flesh will be kept week and your spirit will be strong. This strength will help you not to fall into sin and temptations.

n.      Denounce anything temporal that the world and the enemy offer you. Remember how Abraham denounced to accept even what was legitimately his, after he defeated the enemy kings to rescue Lot and his family? (Genesis 14:22). Paul gave another great challenge when he considered all that the world offered him as garbage (Philippians 3:7).

o.      If you are caught in tight situations, the best course of action is to run for life and escape sensitive, sensuous and tempting situations before temptations and sin will overpower you.

p.       Keep praising God for every victory God gives you. At the same time, confess every failure and defeat in your life and ask for forgiveness and greater strength to resist situations which might lead you to defeat in your spiritual life.

q.      Remember, Christian life is a life of warfare. We must remind ourselves that we are soldiers, in the battlefield. Jesus is our Commander-in-Chief. He has given us the whole armor of God to use in the battle (Ephesians 6:13-18). Prayerfully learn to use the whole armor and never take this battle lightly.

r.        Please study all the verses in the Bible which speaks of spiritual warfare and the characteristics of the soldier of Jesus Christ so that you can become a true soldier (Luke 14:25-35; 2 Timothy 2:1, 3-4). Please also study the portions in the Old Testament pertaining to the wars led by Moses, Joshua and David and learn lessons about fighting the battle and engaging in incessant prayer (Ephesians 6:18-20; Colossians 4:12).

s.       Our warfare against sin, world and Satan is an inch-by-inch battle. It’s tough, but we are already declared victorious. So let us fight the battle by faith and claim victory in all areas of our life (Romans 8:37).

t.        No matter what you do in life, do it all in the name of the Lord and praise God for the enabling (Colossians 3:17).

u.      One of the ways to engage your mind in godly matters is to get involved in sharing gospel with the unsaved. It’s also good to get yourself occupied with some spiritual ministries in your local assembly. Thus your mind will be always be busy with spiritual matters. Remember: when you keep your life and mind idle, the devil will make it his workshop to make you fall into sin and unholy things.

v.       Keep committing yourself with your body, soul, mind, conscience, priorities, likes, dislikes and interests to the sovereignty of your Lord to use it all for His glory all through your life.

I hope these insights will help you to understand how you can resist the devil and flee from sin.  

May God strengthen you to RESIST SIN AND THE DEVIL and to FLEE before you might fall into sin! May God help you to find victory on a daily and hourly basis! Its available for those who ask God (Psalms 9:10; 86:5).

I am praying for you to enjoy victory so that you will have a joyful Christian life.

Yours sincerely

Oommen Philip

Today in the WORD

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Unique Calls @ Critical Times


Unique Calls @ Critical Times

                Youth characteristically challenge others with their vigor, vitality, enthusiasm, intellectualism and creativity. They think, assimilate, move and act at unprecedentedly fast pace and beat every imagination. They are innovators with ingenious spirit and adventurers with courage and charisma. So the world is after them through technology and mind manipulations. Flesh is after them through temptations. Satan is after them through popularity, prominence and possessions. Opportunities knock at the doors of their lives with promise of achievement and recognition. Knowledge is after them with elation. So they run the race for all these mirages and become disillusioned about life itself. It is then that they are offered ways to feel ‘high’ with substance that work in their bodies and minds to drain them of purposefulness in life. In the process, they challenge many others to travel their ways, but little do they realize that their followers reach the same destination that they are bound to arrive at – feeling of emptiness in life.

                Youthful years are full of energy and ideas. They have an answer to every puzzle and a way out of every mountain trail. They have a whole life time to work on it all with best prospects. They have plenty of free time, with less responsibilities and very little accountabilities. They are invariably their own bosses. They don’t like anyone telling them what to do, eat, dress, study or accomplish goals in life. They think they are right and others must learn to become wise like them. They often forget that youthful years are the ripe time to consider the Creator and see what His ultimate plans for their lives might be.

God’s focus on the Youth

                If one examines the account of creation in the Bible, one would easily see that man was created as a resourceful youth and his wife a beautiful young lady. Considering the present life expectancy, most of those whom the Creator called thereafter to work for him were young. Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Nehemiah and the prophets were all called when they were quite young. When one looks into the gospels, it would be easy to see that the disciples of Jesus were all young men, in their late teens or early twenties. Then we are presented with an array of young people like Timothy, Titus, Silas, Epaphroditus and others in the early church who were young men.

                Why God especially calls young people for His mission? It is because they have the energy required for special missions. They have the life span to establish and accomplish great things to touch the lives of people through the hands of God. They have the will to make a life-time of commitment. They have the capacity to develop a long term vision and the strength to see that it is implemented. They learn the ways of God in His school of faith as they work for Him. They have the drive to go after their vision relentlessly.

Look into the history of the church

                History of the church tells us that God has called scores of young men and women to accomplish His purpose in building up His kingdom here on earth. So God called a young lawyer named Charles Finny to lay the foundation for revivalism. He called a young shoe salesman named Dwight Moody to train young people for world evangelization. He called William Carey, Adoniram Judson and Hudson Taylor as founders of modern missionary movement. He made Martin Luther the founder of Reformation. His call to John Calvin and Zwingli was to interpret the Bible and to establish doctrinal foundation for the church. He called Billy Graham who founded Youth for Christ and to start mass evangelism using multimedia to preach to the entire world. God picked Jim Eliot and four of his friends to reach out to the savage mountain tribes. When they were martyred, God used their lives to call over 5,000 youth to obey His call for world missions. He called George Verwer to establish literature evangelism through Operation Mobilization in unreached shores of the nations. They were all young men who were totally committed to Jesus Christ.   

                During the last five centuries, God called scores of His men and women to write hymns, translate the Bible, develop music, write books and tracts, launch magazines, start training centers, establish mission hospitals and orphanages and innumerable other evangelistic and church planting ministries. For evangelizing India, God raised up missionaries like William Carey, Amy Carmichael and Silas Fox, native young men like Sadhu Sunder Sing, Bhakta Singh, K.V. Simon and others. These were all called at their prime youth. 

Critical Times

                If we examine the times at which God called His choice instruments for His mission, it was always during critical times.

·         When human race was utterly perverse, God called a young man named Noah to preach and warn against it and to build an illustrative ark to show God’s salvation.

·         When idolatry was rampant and faith utterly unheard of, God called Abraham to prove his simple and unquestionable faith in God and in His mighty power and faithfulness.

·         When morality and truth were unheard of, God called Joseph to stand for, holiness, faithfulness and hope in Him and to protect His people Israel.

·         When God’s people were experiencing hopelessness, oppression and suppression, God raised up Moses to fearlessly face the Egyptian Emperor and his nation to release God’s people and lead them to worship the only true God.

·         When the enemy destroyed God’s people and their livelihood, God raised up Gideon to fight and demolish the enemy as the leader of the army of God.

·         When monster-like Goliath became a threat to God’s people, He called David to kill him and defeat all His enemies to establish a kingdom with Jerusalem as its capital.

·         When the power of God disappeared from His people, He called Isaiah to preach and to warn people and to give them the good news that Jehovah lives to save them.

·         In the midst of hopelessness, God raised up Jeremiah to cry for His people as the great intercessor.

·         When the enemy tried to wipe the Jews from the face of the earth, God called Esther to intercede for them and to reestablish hope.

·         God called Peter and John with their brethren to follow the way of the cross against the pseudo-religious forces.

·         God called Paul to take gospel to new territories and to complete the writing of the New Testament.

·         God called Timothy to build up the church when commitment was unknown among people.

These men and women were willing to take risks for God and for faith. They gave up everything they had and sacrificed their lives to stand for God.

Need of the hour

Our times are critical in many respects. The world and its agents flesh and Satan, are after the minds of young people. We live at a time when many young people faint under the scorching heat of the world and its evil system. We see young people captured by Satan, flesh and world. Their minds are being manipulated to perpetuate the evil that is around them. We see youngsters shattered emotionally and confused spiritually and drifting away from God. Who will deliver them from the clutches of sin and the world? Who will train up young men and women to help them fight spiritual battles to salvage the lost youth around them?

God is still looking and calling

·         God wants somebody to stand in the gap for the youth around us (Ezekiel 22:30). If not, people will perish.

·         The prophet is crying and asking as to whether there is anyone to intercede for the lost (Isaiah 59:16)

·         God is looking for the Nehemiah’s around us to rebuild broken lives, character and families (Nehemiah 1:11)

·         God is looking for youngsters who are willing to listen to Him and obey unconditionally (Haggai 1:1 & 3; Luke 14:35)

·         God wants people to respond willingly and voluntarily to go for Him and capture lives for Him (Isaiah 6:8)

What does it cost?                                           

Obeying God’s call involves your time, holidays, weekends and evenings, your money and most of all yourself. God wants you to work hard for Him to reach out to the lost youth. He wants your abilities, talents, intelligence, enthusiasm, energy, education, profession and passion that you might be using for temporal gains and fame of this world. He wants you to pray, talk, cook, serve, walk, climb hills, encourage and counsel the youth around you. He wants you to be available and avail the opportunities around you. Open your eyes and see that there are youth all around you who are drifting away into a Christ-less eternity. Many youth are captured day by day by the world, flesh and Satan. Will you be concerned about them? Will you give God the freedom to call you right now to go after the Youth who are escaping His fold?