Wednesday, November 24, 2010

You are a Wonder!

Verse for Today: Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Psalms 71:7 - I have become a marvel to many, for You are my strong refuge.

There are times when a child of God is written off by the people around because of the unbearable challenges that he or she goes through in life. They think that we will not make it to the other side of the lake and that we will be sunk deep down in the sea of life. They do not expect any thing good to happen to us because we are often not as smart as they are and our means are different from theirs. But as they wait and watch, like the islanders waited for Paul to drop dead with a snake bite, they are amazed that we are still around. Many in Babylon thought the three Hebrew young men would never survive the fiery furnace of Nebuchadnezzar or that Daniel would never come out alive from the lion's den. It was hard for the onlookers to expect David to be alive after the encounter with Goliath or Saul. It was unthinkable for Potiphar and his wife to see Joseph come out of the dungeon and even to become their boss. Joseph's brothers were flabbergasted to see him alive and well and rule the Egyptian civilization as its second in command. No one thought John would come back alive from Patmos. Our situations are also often very similar to these servants of the Lord. But we are sustained through the fire, waters, dens of people who behave like lions, storms, snake bites, Roman imperialistic oppression or persecution of various kinds by the marvelous grace of our Lord. To others it is a miracle that we keep going as a witness to the Lord in this world. They marvel at the great deliverance we experience, but we only praise our Lord for rescuing us from experiences like that of the red sea. For us, it is the hand of the Lord which is always extended to save His beloved children from all peril. He is our strong refuge and bulwark and He keeps performing mighty and powerful acts for us so that we can continue to fulfill His purpose for us in this world. Some of the onlookers wonder how it is possible for us to be alive and continue in this world basically because they do not know the power of our Lord.

Dear friend, have you seen surprise and shock in the people around you as they watch the way the Lord delivers you from all snares? Have they been able to see how the Lord works as our refuge? This is the greatest demonstration of the power of our Lord exhibited in and for us every day. The people around know very well that we in ourselves do not have the strength to withstand the pressures of the enemy and the difficult situations that we are confronted with. So when we testify to the power of our Lord and communicate it to the people around, they would have awareness about how strong a refuge He is to His people. All these notwithstanding, we often have our own tense moments as and when we go through the difficult situations that we are in. But even when we do not seem to find any quick escape, and sometimes when all hope seem to be in eclipse, we should not forget that we are still in the hands of the Almighty. Without his permission, no one can touch us because we are His special people. It cost Heaven its best to redeem us. God the Father had to allow His Only Begotten Son to become like one among us for a short period so as to make our redemption possible. It cost our Lord Jesus His very life to redeem us. When we are thus redeemed, we are also sustained for the glorious future that is planned for us. Our difficulties are the crucible for us to go through so that we can be tempered in our faith and strengthened in our trust in the Lord. This is how our hope for eternity is built up. When all hope is gone, there is still hope for us in the Lord because He is overseeing our affairs which are part of His plan for us to grow in our trust in Him. Yes, we are often a marvel or wonder for the people around us because of the way the Lord delivers us in difficult situations. He is our refuge in all our situations for His glory. The Lord uses our lives as a testimony to His wonder working power and takes glory to Himself.

Psalms 107:15 - Let them give thanks to the Lord for His loving kindness, and for His wonders to the sons of man.

Thought for Today
What we experience as the wonders of God are His loving kindness to His beloved children.

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