Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Faithfulness over timelines!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, June 26, 2012
2 Thessalonians 3:3 – But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.
The God who is faithful in all His promises comes to all His children to strengthen and protect them from the wiles of the evil one. As our loving Father, God is committed to the welfare of His children mankind. His faithfulness is His unchanging attribute to Himself and His promises. He wants to touch us with His power and strength today. He wants us to respond to His touch by faith in His faithfulness and give Him our absolute commitment and love in return. God has promised to protect His children from the evil one. God the Father answers the intercessory prayer of Jesus that all God’s children are protected from the evil one in spite of our sins, failures, shortcomings and weaknesses. God knows that a battle is going on today in the world for the minds and hearts of God’s children. The evil one wants to prevent God’s children from truly following Jesus. The evil one attacks our minds to shake our faith and put doubts in our minds about God’s faithfulness to us so that our faith will slowly erode and end up in shipwreck. But our God knows how weak we are and so He comes to strengthen our faith with powerful reminder about His unchanging promises. Even when we fail, our God comes back to help us get back to Him through genuine repentance. He is the God of Jonah who goes after a disobedient prophet to give him another chance. He is the God who goes to revive the dejected Elijah and bring him back to greater ministry. He is the God who picks up the forgotten Joseph from the pit and the dungeon to put him back on the track towards the fulfillment of the dreams He gave Joseph. He is the God of the tearful Jeremiah who lifts him up from the broken cistern to continue to preach. He does this to us because He is faithful in His promise to keep us strong and protect us from the evil one. Today He is near us to fortify us and fill our hearts with faith and trust in Him so as to use our lives as His platform to demonstrate His power. 
Hello dear reader, are you weak and tired in your faith? Is the evil one bringing in doubts and confusions in your mind about your situation? Are you feeling that it is becoming increasingly difficult for you to fully trust because of your troubled situations? Remember, your spiritual strength depends on God’s strength with which He will strengthen you. He is faithful to impart His strength in your heart so that you will be able to believe on God’s promises and be unmovable and without shaking or wavering. His power is available for you to fight the tactics of the evil one who tries to weaken your faith. He will fill you with His Spirit provided you are willing to confess your weaknesses and failures to Him. He will then fill you with His Spirit. His strength will be poured into your heart and fill you with His peace and joy which will govern your thoughts and attitudes to fully trust Him in all your situations. His Spirit sustains you in the weakest moments of your daily life. When you doubt, His strength in you will drive away doubt or anxiety. When your faith is challenged in troublesome situations, His power will enable you to cling on to Him against all odds. He will illuminate your spiritual eyes to see the majestic glory of your Lord which will permeate all vistas of your life. Just as in the case of Elijah, God’s angels will come to wake you up from your quiet, lonely and frustrated moments and re-energize you to your full vitality in faith. Yes, our Lord is faithful in protecting and equipping us to handle our difficult situations with courage and faith. He will protect us from all evil so that we will march from victory to victory through relentless faith and trust in the Lord.
2 Timothy 2:13 – If we are faithless, (Jesus) remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.
Thought for Today
The faithfulness of God is relentless and is embodied in His eternal attribute which remains unaltered over time and circumstances.
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