Goals for the New Year!
Verse for Today
Philippians 3:10 - "That I may know HIM..."
Every end of the year is a time to evaluate the goals that we would have fixed, if any. Invariably it ends up in finding excuses for not meeting the goals. Then comes the opportunity at the beginning of the new year to find new goals for the ensuing year. This is often done with the realization that such new goals might not be met in quality and quantity. And life goes on in an array of excuses and unmet goals. We often do not realize that we have an accountability to God regarding the decisions we make in fixing new goals for the new year.
In the Bible, we find many servants of God who fixed goals and fulfilled those goals successfully, though not always in its perfection. The preachers and scribes of the Old Testament had their goals in their ministries. They submitted themselves to the Lord and depended on His power to fulfill the tasks which were their goals which they entrusted with the Lord.
In the New Testament, we find servants of God who worked vigorously in accomplishing the tasks entrusted with them. This may be understood through the fulfilment of their mission. But they had goals far superior to their ministries in their personal lives. Apostle Paul was one such servant of God in the New Testament. If we ask him about his paramount goal, his answer would come in through his writings. In the letter to the Philippians, he speaks about his paramount goal, year in and year out. For his greatest goal was to know Christ more intimately and grow in such knowledge and experience.
Paul had a deep desire to know Christ. His entire life was a quest to know Christ intimately. His ministries and personal time with Christ had only that as his sole priority. His life cycle was planned and all personal decisions were made to fulfill his thirst to know Christ. So Paul spent all his available time with the Lord. He read about Christ from the Old Testament. He searched the mind of Christ in his personal encounter with Him starting with his retreat with Christ in the Arabian desert. He spoke to the Lord as often as he could. He asked the Lord to clear his questions and confusions. He spoke to those who knew Him like His disciples who were alive. He was deeply involved with catching human souls. He kept producing spiritual fruit in his life for his Master as he kept dwelling in his Lord's presence.
May the example of Paul be reflected in our lives throughout the New Year as we spend time with the Lord and allow our desires, priorities and longings to be meshed with the Lord!
Psalms 37:4: Delight yourself in the Lord; and He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Thought for Today
Getting to know the Lord is part of the evidence-based faith that He demands from His chidden!
Prayer for Today
O Lord! Help me today to develop greater and deeper thirst to know You and to be like You in my daily walk with You! Amen!