Thursday, June 27, 2024



Two Altars and a Famine

Verse for Today: Genesis 12:9-10

So Abraham journeyed, going on still towards the South. Now there was a famine in the land, and Abraham went down to Egypt to dwell there.

            The fascinating story of the two altars of Abraham show us the keen interest and commitment he had towards the Lord who called him out from the Chaldean city of Ur. We see Abraham exploring the new land in breadth and length. But he didn’t recognize the impending dangers in moving towards the South where temptations might be lying for him to go down to Egypt. Just before those days, God’s promise of the blessing of the Land of Canaan was renewed by God no matter the circumstances. But the famine and the danger of starvation were more subtle for Abraham and he was tempted to go down to Egypt. His experience with God would have kept him away from the point of temptation to go down to a heathen country.

            Abraham and family were at Bethel, the House of God a few days earlier. He was in a place of worship and sacrifice to the Lord. It’s difficult for us to think that he wanted to move away from Bethel to the South. He had the renewed promises of God in front of his eyes. Abraham sadly didn’t realize that he was susceptible to tests by God as well. He had the temptation to go down to an idolatrous country to save his family from starvation due to the famine. He somehow went away to a place to trust their food to save his family whereas God would have looked after him even in the midst of the famine. It is as if Abraham forgot the promises of God and the altar at Bethel.

            The famine in the land came as a big surprise even after the two experiences of worship at the altar. It proves to us that tests come at the most favorable spiritual and physical environment. Also we cannot see any evidence that Abraham prayed to God to seek His will as to whether to move to Egypt to avert the adversity of a famine. God’s children are expected to follow the God who called them and who promised to lead them no matter what the situation might be. God expects them not to take their eyes off the God of promises who has called them. God’s children must follow the commandments given to them by their God without wavering.

            Dear reader: How far are you committed to the Lord who called you with a specific call to follow Him? When He calls us, He is responsible for our food, shelter and clothing even in the midst of famine or water shortage or even a dwelling place. We should look unto Him to gain strength to follow Him in spite of unfavorable circumstances or consequences of any sort. We must believe that the One who called us is capable of meeting all our needs as we follow Him and obey His commandments. We should make any move only after consulting with Him in prayer and meditation.

            We must also realize that even after worshipping at two places, tests come to examine our faith and obedience. When promises are renewed, if we do not show ardent faith and trust in the Lord, we might digress and take our own decisions to detour to save our souls. Fleeing from the altars of God and running into the world of Egypt is disastrous to our life of faith. The best place to go after worship at His altars is not the world. If we run into the world and the Vanity Fair after worshipping the Lord, we are sure to run into wrecking of our life of faith.

            Today, let us beware of the temptations that lie around to drag us away from the Lord and His presence. Let our focus be always the Lord, His promises, His altars and spiritual visions we receive in His presence. Let us consult the Lord before making any move away from His presence.

Proverbs 17:3 – The refining pot is for silver and the furnace is for gold, but the Lord tests the hearts.

Thought for Today

The world is out there to tempt us to seek asylum in its attractions during our difficult circumstances, but our Lord is near us to remind us of His power and promises.

Prayer for Today

O Lord! Help me to stay near Your altars to remind me of your call and promises. Amen!  

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