Saturday, July 24, 2010


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Verse for Today
Acts 15:31 - The people read (the letter) and were glad for its encouraging message.

Letters have the potential to encourage and console us and at the same time, some letters hurt us beyond description. We see that the letter from the apostles and elders of the Church at Jerusalem made its readers both comfortable and happy. This is because this letter was dictated by the Holy Spirit and the writers were fully under the control of the Holy Spirit. So they wrote a message of comfort and joy that the Spirit wanted to convey. It took the readers out of the bondage of tradition and legalism. This letter has become part of the Word of God and remains to be a very encouraging passage for many who go through discouragement. The Bible itself is God's words of encouragement for His children who are confronted with innumerable problems and difficulties. Following this pattern, we should be able to send words of encouragement to people around us and our dear ones who go through a lot of tensions and sorrows in this world. It is our privilege to use God-given faculties to use words of encouragement in dealing with the suffering people around us. We need to show Godly kindness to those around us because everyone whom we meet is fighting various battles of life. There are those who go through confusions, heaviness of heart, frustrations of various kind and spiritual battles. So when God's Spirit fills our hearts with words of comfort and as we receive such strength and comfort from the Lord, it is for us to share it with others who go through difficulties.

Dear friend, if you have lately received words of encouragements from someone, it is appropriate that you take time to thank them and also thank the Lord for sending such words of encouragement. If you receive encouragement, it is time you pass it on to others who suffer. The encouragement that you received from the Lord is like a candle with which you can light a substantial number of candles and remove darkness from their lives. God gives us opportunities to meet such people. A kind word or a smile will warm people's hearts. But words of unkind criticism, negative responses or words of discouragement will put out the light in them and drag them to utter darkness and disillusionment. We are entrusted with a message of encouragement, hope and joy, and it is our blessed privilege to pass it around. We are thus messengers of peace, love and joy from God to this world. Let our words make people glad, and encourage them to keep going in this world of hindrances, pain, misery, hopelessness and battles. Our words and gestures are very powerful, whether we use it negatively or positively. If we use it negatively, it is very destructive and will quench the joy of people. Let us today be a little kinder and use our God-given faculties of communication to encourage a weary soul. Remember, a joy that is shared is doubled. We are the messengers of hope in this weary land and let us not be quiet, but herald it around.

1 Thessalonians 5:14 - We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
Thought for Today
Words of encouragement are like drops of cold water in a dry and weary land.

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