Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday, August 02, 2010
Verse for Today
Romans 4:21 - (Abraham) was fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised.

God is all powerful to do any thing He pleases. His promises stand with His power and underscores that whatever He has promised will be fulfilled. This is why all the promises of God are 'YES' in Him and that there is not even a shadow of doubt or confusion about His ability and willingness to do it. The fulfillment of His promises is a matter of His reputation as a God who keeps His promises and has the power to accomplish. He cannot change His nature and whatever He committed will come to reality. There is no need for man to doubt the promises of God. There are close to 30,000 promises in the Bible, all of which are given in the name of God and all of these are fulfilled according to His schedule and plan. He has promised that He will give His children certain blessings and His track record of keeping these promises is perfect. Not even a syllable of His promises has gone unfulfilled. On the basis of what He has done in this world and in the lives of His children, we can fully trust in all His promises which are absolute guarantees with His signature on it. So we can look forward to the fulfillment of all the promises which are yet to take place. When God said it, and I believe it, then there is no room for any doubt or confusion about its authenticity. We can rest on the never-changing promises and go forward in our sojourn, smiling at the future that the Lord is faithful in keeping His Word.

Dear friend, are you aware of the vast number of promises that God has given to you in His Word which is eternally secured in Heaven? You need to know these promises so that you can claim it. It is like drawing from your infinite and never exhausting Heavenly bank account according to your need. In order to know these promises, you need to get into the Bible which is the Book of Promises and get yourself familiarized with it. Then you will be able to claim these promises which are like a large treasure house of resources a father has kept for his children. God wants us to claim these promises in the name of His beloved son, the Lord Jesus Christ. There is a divine guarantee that all that we ask the Father through the Son will be done for us according to the promises which are laid down. When we have such a vast ocean of promises in God's great reservoir, there is no need for any of His children to fret. They need not doubt whether these promises will be fulfilled because doubting the promises is equivalent to doubting God Himself. It is interesting to know that many of the promises are unconditional and some are conditional. With regard to the conditional promises, we have to do what we are expected to do to qualify to get these promises. These conditions are not rules, but responses that God expects from us to show that we believe in these promises. If the servants do not fetch water in stone jars, there was not going to be any vine. If Abraham does not get out and walk the way He is led by the Lord, he cannot reach Canaan. If Noah and family do not get into the arc, they will not be saved. If the boy doesn't hand over the loaf and fish to Jesus, they will not be multiplied and used to feed thousands. If we do not pray, how can He answer us? Let us obey the Lord and get ourselves qualified to enjoy the promises which He is going to fulfill in our lives daily.

2 Corinthians 1:20 - For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are 'yes'; therefore through Him is our 'Amen' to the glory of God through us.

Thought for Today
God expects us to respond to His promises by believing in Him without the shadow of a doubt.

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