Happiness in humility!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, November 30, 2011
2 Samuel 7:18 – Then King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said: “Who am I O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?
Humility is a virtue that is much sought after in the children of God. It is a rare virtue in today’s world where the arrogant and proud are considered smart. Those who rise up to high positions often forget their humble beginnings and boast about their ability and intellectual capacity to reach new heights in life. But our Lord recognizes humility as a great virtue which He seeks in the hearts and lives of His children. He wants us to be humble in our hearts and never to boast. He wants us to admit our nothingness before the Lord. He wants us to be broken and contrite and weep over our nothingness and unworthiness before Him. He expects us to attribute all that we have and are to the benevolence of the Lord. It is He who has brought us to whatever situation that we are in today because of His kindness to us. Any thing that we have in this world is because our Lord has allowed it to happen in our lives. Our spiritual gifts are what He has bestowed upon us. Our ministries are what He has entrusted us with, to be of use for His glory. King David was always willing and ready to publicly admit that all that he had was because of the Lord. Whenever he won a battle, he was quick to admit that it was because of the Lord alone. He was ready to openly admit that he was unworthy to be married to the daughter of the King. He was always aware of His humble beginning and testified that the Lord brought him to become the King of Israel. It is this character of David which has made him the man after God’s own heart. God abhors the proud and rewards those who are willing to admit their unworthiness. The path of blessings for a child of God is the path of humility. In God’s administration of things, the crown always precedes the cross. The Lord lifts up the humble, but has no pleasure in the proud.
Dear friend, have you ever thought about the quarry from which you were taken by the Lord to the present situation you are in? Do you ever think that you reached today’s situation because of your smartness or because of the benevolence of the Lord? Remember, the Lord is pleased with the humble, but He hates the proud. Pride was the sin of Lucifer which led him to become Satan. Pride led Nebuchadnezzar to his fall. Pride made Soul loose his crown, throne and the kingdom. King Uzziah surrendered himself to pride which led him to become ill and subsequently lost his life. Human achievements often push us to be proud and thus commit sin against the Lord. He wants us to be broken and contrite in our spirits and live in repentance and confession of our unworthiness. He wants us to acknowledge all that we are to His grace and compassion. He deals with people like Herod if they do not give glory to God. Pride always leads us to fall flat on our noses. There are many who have fallen because of pride. God wants us to follow the path of David and be humble and acknowledge everything that we are to the Lord and declare ourselves unprofitable servants. It is a great privilege for us to testify to the faithfulness of God to us in bringing us so far. This is not because of our merit, but because the Lord has shown mercy to us. So we need to examine our lives to see if there are any wicked thoughts or attitudes of pride in us and confess it to Him as sin. We must submit ourselves as living sacrifices on His alter as acceptable and reasonable acts of worship. Let us endeavor to be men and women after God’s own heart today. This is the pathway to God’s hand of blessings upon us.
1 Peter 5:6 – Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.
Thought for Today
Humility is sensed as a virtue by those who fear the Lord, whereas the world considers it as weakness.
Verse for Today: Wednesday, November 30, 2011
2 Samuel 7:18 – Then King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said: “Who am I O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?
Humility is a virtue that is much sought after in the children of God. It is a rare virtue in today’s world where the arrogant and proud are considered smart. Those who rise up to high positions often forget their humble beginnings and boast about their ability and intellectual capacity to reach new heights in life. But our Lord recognizes humility as a great virtue which He seeks in the hearts and lives of His children. He wants us to be humble in our hearts and never to boast. He wants us to admit our nothingness before the Lord. He wants us to be broken and contrite and weep over our nothingness and unworthiness before Him. He expects us to attribute all that we have and are to the benevolence of the Lord. It is He who has brought us to whatever situation that we are in today because of His kindness to us. Any thing that we have in this world is because our Lord has allowed it to happen in our lives. Our spiritual gifts are what He has bestowed upon us. Our ministries are what He has entrusted us with, to be of use for His glory. King David was always willing and ready to publicly admit that all that he had was because of the Lord. Whenever he won a battle, he was quick to admit that it was because of the Lord alone. He was ready to openly admit that he was unworthy to be married to the daughter of the King. He was always aware of His humble beginning and testified that the Lord brought him to become the King of Israel. It is this character of David which has made him the man after God’s own heart. God abhors the proud and rewards those who are willing to admit their unworthiness. The path of blessings for a child of God is the path of humility. In God’s administration of things, the crown always precedes the cross. The Lord lifts up the humble, but has no pleasure in the proud.
Dear friend, have you ever thought about the quarry from which you were taken by the Lord to the present situation you are in? Do you ever think that you reached today’s situation because of your smartness or because of the benevolence of the Lord? Remember, the Lord is pleased with the humble, but He hates the proud. Pride was the sin of Lucifer which led him to become Satan. Pride led Nebuchadnezzar to his fall. Pride made Soul loose his crown, throne and the kingdom. King Uzziah surrendered himself to pride which led him to become ill and subsequently lost his life. Human achievements often push us to be proud and thus commit sin against the Lord. He wants us to be broken and contrite in our spirits and live in repentance and confession of our unworthiness. He wants us to acknowledge all that we are to His grace and compassion. He deals with people like Herod if they do not give glory to God. Pride always leads us to fall flat on our noses. There are many who have fallen because of pride. God wants us to follow the path of David and be humble and acknowledge everything that we are to the Lord and declare ourselves unprofitable servants. It is a great privilege for us to testify to the faithfulness of God to us in bringing us so far. This is not because of our merit, but because the Lord has shown mercy to us. So we need to examine our lives to see if there are any wicked thoughts or attitudes of pride in us and confess it to Him as sin. We must submit ourselves as living sacrifices on His alter as acceptable and reasonable acts of worship. Let us endeavor to be men and women after God’s own heart today. This is the pathway to God’s hand of blessings upon us.
1 Peter 5:6 – Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.
Thought for Today
Humility is sensed as a virtue by those who fear the Lord, whereas the world considers it as weakness.
CONTACT US: todayintheword@gmail.com