Balm of Calvary!
Verse for Today: Sunday, October 27, 2013
Jeremiah 8:22 – Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician
there? Why then is there no healing for the wounds of my people?
Man has tried to invent panacea for the various illnesses and
infirmities, but has not found one yet. So man keeps experimenting with
physicians and medicines and achieves only temporary solace. There are also
scores of emotional and spiritual illnesses which go untreated and plunge man
into eternal sufferings. But all the while, God offers the panacea for man’s infirmities
to make him whole again. The Great Physician has opened His healing centre at
Calvary to provide the panacea for all ailments of man. It is free and
available all the time for all who go to Him and ask for it. It is available
only to those who confess the sickness of their souls which is the cause of all
their emotional, social and physical infirmities as well. But sadly man suffers
from all emotional and physical illnesses because he is unwilling to admit his
bondage to sin and curse. When the balm of Gilead is applied to our souls, it
heals us of our hopelessness and gives us hope for a brighter tomorrow in spite
of the darkness that prevails around us. It takes away our frustrations and
heartaches in life as we fight battles in life. It gives us strength to face
our situations in spite of all impossibilities. It encourages us to keep
walking with Jesus towards our destination. It strengthens us and gives us
confidence to face our situations by trusting God to accomplish His purpose in
us. Today the Balm of Gilead, Jesus Christ, is available for us to heal all our
spiritual and emotional illnesses. There is a guarantee that He will give us a
body that is above all infirmities when we meet Him face to face.
Dear friend, are you encountering emotional infirmities like
frustrations, anguish, anxiety, misery, faithlessness, loneliness and despair?
Are these ailments devouring you and leaving you utterly hopeless? But when the
Balm of Gilead is available to you, there is no need for you to suffer untold
miseries. The healing touch of Jesus is available to you right where you are.
He heals and will not even leave a scar because it will all be washed away in
the blood of the Lamb. He takes away your feeling of guilt, failure, hurt,
loss, loneliness and despair and will fill you with His hope for a brighter tomorrow.
He will hold you by His hands and lead you on the right pathway that He has
prepared for you. His healing touch will make you whole again and will put
purposefulness in your heart and a twinkle in your eyes. He put such hope in
the heart of Paul when he traveled through dark straits of the sea of life for
fourteen days and nights. He put hope in the heart of Joseph and allowed it to
grow for thirteen years of life in most hopelessly volatile situations. He
allowed the walls of Jerusalem to be rebuilt when all hope was gone. He made
the dry bones become alive again for the Prophet to see and regain confidence.
He is with us today and we can take Him by faith into our hearts and situations
and claim victory as He brightens our hearts and heals our emotions. Today He
renews our lives like that of an eagle and fill us with His goodness.
Malachi 4:2 – But for you who revere My name, the sun of
righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap
like calves released from the stall.
Thought for Today
When the Balm of Calvary touches us, we will be healed from
all our emotional and spiritual ailments to enjoy a life of faith and leap for
Prayer for Today
Dear Lord Jesus: May your nail-pierced hands touch and heal my
loneliness, frustrations and heartaches as I wait to rest in the cool shadow of
Your cross. Amen!
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