Monday, October 28, 2013


Pinnacle of faith!

Verse for Today: Monday, October 28, 2013

Genesis 22:4 – On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance.

Mount Moriah was a place of mixed feelings for Abraham. On the one hand, he had the great craving to obey God and give Him the best that Abraham had received from God. On the other hand, it would be the most painful place on earth when he will have to sacrifice his only begotten son. But Abraham was sure that His God would meet him at that mountain. He knew that he would not be alone there and that His God would welcome him there in all His majesty and splendor. It would thus be a place of victory and not failure. It would be a place of hope and not frustration. It would be a place where the promises of God would be realized and not lost. It would be a place where God would reveal Himself to Abraham to receive His utmost obedience and submission and bless him. Abraham saw the place from a distance and renewed his allegiance to God and walked with fervor and determination in faith. The God of Abraham waits for us at the peak of our obedience to honor us with the renewal of His promises and to strengthen us to go further by faith. Our God will not let us go to the mountain of obedience alone, but He accompanies us and takes us by our hand. He will not give us tests than we cannot bear. He will not leave us alone to bear the brunt of the tests, but will stand by with His ultimate answers to our situations. So let us go forward to the pinnacle of obedience by faith and meet our God at the peak of our surrender to Him and leave all consequences of obedience to Him.

Dear friend, are you on your way to total obedience and allegiance to God and bewildered about the consequences of your faith? Remember, your Lord will not let you go alone to your Moriah, but will accompany you. He will watch your obedience in full participation. He will guard you from all the harm that you might be afraid of. He will protect you from fear and anxiety as you obey Him. He will find newer ways as you face the consequences of your faith. He doesn’t take back what He gives mercilessly. He will provide for you according to His dignity and honor. He will prove to you that He is Jehovah-Jireh even on the peak of your Moriah. So if He keeps quiet and does not intervene until your obedience is fully exhibited, that doesn’t mean that He is indifferent or non-participative. He is near you and will act at the right time to give you deliverance and rescue from dangers. Today you are enabled to climb the mountain of obedience by Him so that He can accomplish His purpose in your life. So, dear friend, don’t be afraid or hesitate. Take God at His Word and be bold in your obedience and faith. The One who has called you will take you by His hand all the way to your destination without harm. Trust in Him and don’t look back. Take courage and be confident to go forward. He is waiting for you at the top of your obedience to honor and strengthen you to go farther. Remember, Rebekah and her children are all waiting ahead, on the way, as witnesses of your faith. Your Moriah is God-ordained and it will be the beginning of a series of new blessings. Be prepared for it all and be thankful to God for all that He is going to do for you.

2 Timothy 1:12 – I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that day.

Thought for Today
Tests are Moriah are not the end of all hope, but the beginning of newer blessings.
Prayer for Today
Dear Lord Jesus: Hold my hands tight today as I approach the Moriah of my life without wavering, doubts or confusion. Amen! 

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