Tuesday, May 28, 2024


                     His Rewards for His servants

Verse for Today: Revelation 22:12

“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with me, to give to everyone according to his work”.

            Every master gives reward to his servants who work diligently for him. The reward is offered as a motivation to work hard with loyalty. It’s often according to the quality and quantity of work and the time spent in the master’s field.

            Jesus, the Master has His called out servants. He has a lot of work to be accomplished. He has the power to accomplish His entire task by Himself. He also has millions of angels who can be entrusted with His tasks. But the Master is pleased to allocate His tasks to His servants who are His saved servants. He gives them spiritual gifts to suit each task. He motivates His servants to work in His vineyard. There are the tillers, the sewers, the irrigators, the veeders, the stone pickers, the reapers, the vinedressers, the watchmen and the field builders (Isaiah 5:1-2).  All of His servants have specific tasks and time schedules. He supplies them with all the necessary resources and tools to accomplish their tasks. The Master reminds His servants that a reward is waiting for them and it is offered according to the work put in by each worker.

            The reward is determined by the Master according to His yardstick and balances. He is the perfect judge who will decide how much each worker deserves. He is eager to come and reward His servants as they accomplish their tasks. There rewards are presented publicly. It’s on the basis of His honor-roll which He prepares Himself on the basis of the completed tasks and the transparency with which tasks are performed. The servant is expected to work on the basis of his love for the Master and his degree of commitment.

            It’s the Master who appoints us and trains us to serve Him according to His perfect will and pleasure. He has given us His Holy Spirit as the powerhouse to energize us to work. We must find pleasure in serving the Master. But we must work out of our loyalty to the Master and not for any reward. Our reward is more like grace shown to us by the Master, but we must serve out of our obligation to Him in return for His grace to us.

            We servants must ask ourselves as to whether we are working hard or lazy and negligent in our responsibilities. We must consider it a great privilege to work for such a benevolent, merciful and compassionate Master who is pleased to use us for His kingdom and His honor.  As we receive the opportunity to serve Him, He is pleased to reward us. So it ought to be work without desiring anything in return. But our compassionate Master makes sure that we get recognized for our work for Him and give us a fitting reward. Thus no one will be able to complain or murmur about the yardstick that He uses to decide what kind of reward we may receive.

            Today let us evaluate our work ourselves and realize that we have not worked commensurate with the reward that He offers. This truth ought to make us surrender ourselves to greater work with greater zeal and enthusiasm. Let us be grateful to the Lord for His desire to give us greater reward than what we ever deserve. This ought to cause us to praise Him forever.

Matthew 16:27 – For the Son of Man is going to come with His angels in the glory of His Father, and He will repay each person according to what He has done (ESV).

Thought for Today

“Let us anticipate looking at the glorious face of our Lord when we see Him rather than the rewards He will give us”

Prayer for Today

“Dear Lord! May we be motivated by your love and grace to make us your servants rather than the reward you will give us. Amen!”

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