Thursday, May 23, 2024



Mountain Climbers in the Morning

Verse for the Day: Exodus 34:2 

So be ready in the morning, and come up in the Morning to Mount Sinai and present yourself to Me there on the top of the mountain”.

            It’s amazing how God is keen to speak to His children all day long. He wants them to start early in the morning when their hearts are clean, without getting corrupted by the world. He wants us to give our days and our hearts totally to Him to fill it with His presence. When God gives His children a new day, He expects them to start the day with Him by surrendering themselves to Him in His Holy Presence. He wants His children to begin the day with Him so that from the morning, He can fill their day with the exuberance and the glory of His person and His presence.

            God lives far above the earth and the earthly and wants us to climb to the top to reach out to His level. He knows that we can be free from the corruption of this world and the sound of temptations of the world and Satan if we are far above the earthly. But it’s equally amazing how He grants us the power and the strength to climb up above the top of the mountains of the world which try to attract us. It’s only in His presence far above the earthly that we will listen to Him and focus solely on Him with our whole heart, soul, mind and attention. He wants us to give Him our undivided attention. He wants us to listen to Him keenly and with the commitment to obey Him.

            When we are in His presence, we will behold His glory and worship Him. When we behold His holiness, it will help us to catch a glimpse of His awesomeness and present ourselves to Him in all sincerity and seriousness. But this demands us to leave our earthly environment and all the attractions of the world. All powers that try to attract us away from Him and distract us will then leave us.  It’s then that the Lord will get us completely in His hands to speak to us, exhort us, comfort us and instruct us to walk His ways. Such a spiritual environment will help us to present ourselves to the Lord and that we will escape the cares of the world, human life and the aches and pains that the world will try to challenge us with.

            Today let us start our day with the Lord in His presence. Let us climb His Mountain in our spiritual quest to reach out to Him as He waits to reach out to us. Let us behold His glory and get ourselves enchanted with that heavenly glory. Let the power of His glory create a deep thirst in our hearts to know the Lord more deeply and touch Him by faith. It was such an experience that changed the lives of Abraham, Enoch, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David and Job in their encounter with the Lord and His glory. Let us give ourselves and our days to Him to speak to us beginning with our early morning like Abraham (Genesis 19:27).

                        When we draw near unto Him in His presence early in the morning, He wants us to go to Him with the freshness of mind, with a clean heart so that God can write His perfect will on it for us to follow and obey. Anything that the world and the flesh have written on it with their priorities, likes, dislikes and goals will need to be erased so that the Lord will be able to write His goals, priorities and preferences written on it with His own hands as He wrote on the stone tablets Moses had.

            Meeting with God requires thorough preparation of the mind, heart, soul and even a holy body to enable us to know His perfect will for our lives like that of Moses. Each of His children ought to climb individually.

            Dear reader: Are you prepared to meet your God early in the morning? Are you climbing the mountain of God and reach the heavenly to see God’s glory? Are you ready to listen to God and obey Him irrespective of consequences? God’s divine gifts of oil, honey and milk await you as you reach out to God in the morning for your whole day. It will continue to flow to you daily if you start the day with God in His presence on the mountaintop. It will make you strong to fulfill His desires for you as He enables you.

  Psalms 36:9 – For with You is the fountain of life: in Your light we see light.

Thought for Today

We climb God’s Mountain by faith to behold His glory and receive His light to enable us to live for Him.   

Prayer for Today

O Lord! Thank You for your love in drawing us to Your presence morning by morning and fill us with your light and glory! Please equip us to live in Your light today and forever by climbing Your Holy Mountain! Amen!  

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