Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Prospective potentials!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, July 31, 2013  
Genesis 35:10 – God said to Jacob, “Your name is Jacob, but you will no longer be called Jacob; your name will be Israel.” So He named him Israel.

God’s dealings with his choice servants are not based on their past failures, defeats and losses, but on possibilities and prospects in the future. In His grace, God forgives our past and in His mercy, He works in our future to turn our lives into great accomplishments for Him with eternal implications. Jacob was a true supplanter who took his destiny into his own hands and secured blessings from his father and wealth from the business of his father-in-law. He put good use of his powerful legs to run away twice to escape his situations. He had conflicts with his and in-laws. He had a family of twelve children and their four mothers in a highly conflicting spiritual environment. But God in His grace forgave Jacob of his past failures, conflicts and worldly wisdom as he tried to be smart on his own accord. His past life as a schemer and cheater was put behind him by God and opened a new chapter in his life by changing his name from Jacob to Israel which meant ‘prince with God’. As a prince he was to become a ruler and the head of a clan of twelve tribes of Israel. As the prince with God, one day he will be the great grandfather of the King of kings who is the Prince of Peace. In God’s foreknowledge, the great grandfather of the Prince of Peace and King of kings must be at least be a prince and hence the change of his name. It gives us hope to see that just as in the case of Jacob, our God can change our name, character and destiny to re-build us to be what He wants us to be.

Dear friend, are you dwelling on the failures, defeats and losses in your past life and do you think that it has taken away your usefulness to God? Do you feel distressed about the stigma attached to you because of your past sins of commission and omission? But if you confess your failures to God, He will forgive you in His grace and rewrite your life as He did for Jacob. You will have to meet God at your Peniel and allow Him to break and remold you as He did in the case of Jacob. At Peniel God wiped away the past life of Jacob as a schemer and made him a person who would become a blessing even to heathen emperors like Pharaoh. When God recreated his life, Jacob’s life became a platform from which God rewrote the entire course of the earth and the world. Today God speaks to us through His new naming ceremony for Jacob that we do not need to wallow over our past failures and sins, but hand our lives over to God to break us, rebuild and remold us to become fit instruments in His hands to accomplish His purpose in the world. As we become new creation through Jesus Christ and His death on the cross, we will become salt and light for the people around us to experience and taste God’s love. We do not need to lead a defeatist life and dwell in our past failures, but must emerge from it victorious because of the futuristic implications of our salvation. Great possibilities and prospects await us as God takes control of our lives. Thus we can look into the unknown future where God will roll out His plan for us a day at a time.

John 1:42 – Jesus looked at Simon and said, “You are Simon, son of John. You will be called Cephas” (which when translated, is Peter)

Thought for Today
Our new name as ‘God’s child’ with new character and prospects will give us a new beginning for new possibilities for God’s glory.  

Prayer for Today
Lord: Help me to surrender myself for you to build me up and make me a blessing. Amen!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Peace amidst uncertainties!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Genesis 28:11 – When Jacob reached a certain place, He stopped for the night because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones there, he put it under his head and lay down to sleep.

Our pilgrimage is often full of rough patches like loneliness and homelessness as in the case of Patriarch Jacob. He was the son of a very wealthy father and an immensely rich grandfather. But today he is forced to lay on the wayside without even a mat or pillow to sleep. Little do we realize that even in the middle of such deprivations in life, Jacob is a prince with God in waiting! As in the case of Jacob, our situations might drive us into wandering with no place to go. But our God will not abandon us or leave us orphans. His hands will follow and protect us from all evil. In the height of uncertainties, God prepares a place for us to sleep peacefully without fear or anxiety. As we sleep, He opens the windows of heaven to send us encouragements and promises of blessings. He comes to reassures us that we do not need to be afraid or anxious about our future. He has a great plan for us which He will unfold day by day. What He has in store for us is beyond imagination. He will prepare a home for us and will give us fellowship, hospitality and occupation. He will bless us in all that we do for Him. He gives us this calm assurance during the nights and the dark alleys of our lives through His presence to strengthen our faith. Our journeys are ordained of the Lord with a divine plan. We will move around to touch the lives of different people wherever we go. We are the agents of spiritual blessings which God bestows upon others. Today as we tread the lonely pathways, our Lord will be by our side to make us confident and bold in our faith to hold on to His promises to keep going.

Dear friend, are you a solitary sojourner, treading the pathway of faith in the dark alleys of life? Perhaps you are filled with apprehensions as to where to go and what to do to survive? Your horizon might be bleak and your days dark. But your Lord comes to you today to reassure you that your pathways are ordained of Him and that you are stepping into newer chapters in life as directed by Him. During your nights of uncertainties, the brightness of the Spirit of God will be upon you to give you peace and reassurance. Your Lord will take control of your life and fill your future with His blessings. He will guide you a day at a time on His master plan for you. Your loneliness will give way to great time of family jubilation. Your dark nights will be replaced with long days of activities which will find great increase in your labor. The Lord will enlarge you and extend your territories. You might start out with a staff in your hands, but He will bring you back with your hands full of blessings. You will go as a solitary sojourner, but the Lord will make you return as a small army of people and wealth of great spiritual magnitude. Your journey is part of the great design of the Lord for your life under His supervision, provision, care and loving compassion. Today is your day of expectation, but its realization will come along as days unfold for your joy and for the praise of His name in and through your life.

Joshua 1:9 – Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Thought for Today
The journey mercies of the Lord compensate for all the losses and deprivations we experience on our pilgrimage.

Prayer for Today
Lord! When I am all alone with full of uncertainties in life, fill my heart with simple faith in you so that I would not be discouraged. Amen!

Monday, July 29, 2013


My Provider!
Verse for Today: Monday, July 29, 2013
Genesis 22:8 – Abraham answered, “God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.”

Our confidence as we walk in the will of God is that God will see us through this journey. At times our pathway becomes so rough as to make it very difficult for us to tread. We might be challenged by the Lord to respond to Him with the uttermost price in life. There are things that we find extremely difficult to do in life even when we know that God wants us to do it for Him. God might give us some precious things that He would want us to give back to Him as a mark of our life of discipleship. We might be called upon to sacrifice our profession, occupation, covetable business, comfort zones in life, quality of life, nearness to dear ones, financial stability and even mundane facilities. But giving up all that we love in this world is the mark of true discipleship. It is a way to express our love to the Lord and to show Him how much we value Him more than anything or anyone else in this life. As we trust God with our life in willing detachment of ourselves from all that we have, He gives us the confidence to keep going towards full obedience to His will for us. That is when we are challenged to put all our faith in God to take us forward as we surrender all that we have and are to Him. Abraham had such a challenge in life to give back to God that which He gave as per His promise. Isaac was the epicenter of Abraham’s life for several years now, but God wanted him to show that he loved God more than Isaac. But Abraham knew that God would still fulfill His promises to Him somehow sometime and bless the world through Isaac. So Abraham was confident that God will lead him through the impending sacrifice at Moriah and will still fulfill His promises. In such a tough situation, the fully surrendered Abraham would not shake or break, but would commit himself and his son to the Lord and be confident, courageous and bold in his determined mind to keep climbing the hill towards his destination.

Dear reader, are you being challenged to give up everything that you hold dear to your heart for the Lord? Would such a level of commitment cast doubts about how to meet your future needs? But the Lord wants to tell you today that He will provide for you at the right time. He will lead you forward in your commitment and receive your worship. At the same time He would keep His promise and provide for your needs to be met. Your needs might be your current financial obligations or a place to stay, your children’s education, your retirement years, your health needs, mobility, care for your elderly parents or the like. But the God of Abraham will provide for you according to His riches in glory. If you trust Him and follow His instructions, He will meet your every need according to His dignity and status. What He wants is your devotion and love rather than what you give to Him in kind. But what you submit to Him or forsake for His sake will be taken as an expression of your ardent love and devotion to Him. There is a guarantee that your Lord whom you love with all your heart and soul will never abandon you. He will meet you at the place of your greatest emotional need at the bottom of your deprivation for your Lord and will comfort you. Today He reassures you that He will be your provider, comfort, strength and support in all your situations.

 1 Peter 5:7 – Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.  

Thought for Today

God challenges us to obey Him totally, and promises to meet our every emerging need on the way. 

Prayer for Today

Lord! Fill my heart with confidence and courage as I walk in the unknown pathways of life with you. Amen!

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Changeless God in a changing world
Verse for Today: Sunday, July 28, 2013
Isaiah 1:1 – The vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem that Isaiah son of Amoz saw during the reigns of Uzzaiah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

In a changing world God shows man that He alone is changeless and preeminent. His Word reveals the unchanging divine message to the ever changing and decaying world. But man is lured into developing the feeling that certain charismatic people, fantastic events and glamorous circumstances give them stability. The world leaders and their strategies promise to solve human problems, but utterly fail because they do not address the basic spiritual problems the world is infected with. But soon much greater things happen and seemingly greater people come around with greater promises. Such people and events pass their failures on to others, thus making this world more and more unsafe and insecure. But God sends His message to man that He alone remains unchanging and powerful to handle all human problems. His Word remains supreme, unique, authentic and powerful in a world where everything keeps changing in man’s quest to solve his problems in his own wisdom. God raised up great prophets like Isaiah who preached God’s eternal Word when great kings and emperors came, ruled and went into oblivion. Their pseudo greatness disappeared with them into the pages of history, but the greatness and glory of the Lord remains forever. The false promises of emperors and political leaders linger as writings on water, but God’s promises remain solid and changeless forever. God tells people that they ought to look at His Word and His face rather than to the most influential leaders of this world. Leaders come and go as God’s instruments for a time and then they move away into history, but God remains in control of all that happens around.

Dear reader, are you bewildered at the changes that are seen around? Are you burdened about the kinds of changes that are on the anvil and wonder how you would face its consequences? Today God tells us that great kings, emperors, presidents and prime ministers will come and go into the pages of history, but He will remain and His power will rule and overrule the world. The world rulers and events are only pieces in the great puzzle but that is not the end of everything. God puts the pieces together day after day and accomplishes His purpose in it. Ultimately God works to show man that He wants man to go to Him for the salvation of his souls and live for Him. God uses world events and circumstances to show that He is in ultimate control of all that is going on. He wants to show the world the depravity of man and the emptiness of the material world. He has given man His unchanging promises in His Word which will never change. This is the message that He has asked His prophets to preach through generations and it continues even now. Today we do not need to be astonished or in dismay about our situations, but to know that these are ordained of the Lord to teach man the utter meaninglessness of earthly life. He wants man to find meaningfulness only in a life that is lived for God and for His glory. He challenges us to put our trust in the changeless Word of God. He wants us to believe and honor His Word and live accordingly. There is change and decay all around, but our God and His Word remain unchanging today to comfort and strengthen His children to live for His glory.

Hebrews 13:8 – Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever!    

Thought for Today
Faith in the changeless God and His Word will sustain and strengthen our lives.

Prayer for Today
Lord! Help me to put my daily trust on You and Your Word to keep me from falling into the deceitfulness and decay of the changing world. Amen!

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Unchanging attitude! 
Verse for Today: Saturday, July 27, 2013
Genesis 31:2 – And Jacob noticed that Laban’s attitude towards him was not what it had been.

Experiences in life teach us that the only one who would never change attitude towards us is our Lord. At some or the other, we learn that there will be change in attitude of our dear ones towards us. We may not get true love back from those whom we love intimately. Those whom we serve often take advantage of us and then turn negative towards us. Friends rarely remain friends throughout a life time. Associates keep changing their loyalties and commitments. There are those who show pseudo affinity for selfish reasons. When we face such change in attitude from those whom we regard highly, it is possible that we get dejected and depressed. But our Lord knows the rejection and resentment that we face from those whom we love and serve. He will comfort and strengthen us to face such painful situations. He will never reject us nor will He become negative towards us. He will draw close to us and make His love more deeply felt in our hearts. He will teach us that when the whole world leaves us and forgets us, He will not forget us. He will also guide us about the future course of action in such circumstances. He will reassure us about His presence with us and take away our distress.  He will teach us not to put out trust in man, but only in Him. He will prove to us that He is the unchanging God who stands with and by us when people and circumstances change. He comes to talk to us through His Word and Spirit as others become negative towards us and fill us with His joy in spite of our circumstances.

Dear reader, are you being neglected, rejected and abandoned by those whom you served, loved and valued much? Are you able to see a sea of changes in their facial, verbal and behavioral expressions towards you? Are the attitudinal changes of those who are dear and near to you make you distressed? But your Lord will not forsake you when all others reject you. His face will be bright and shining towards you even when other faces become cloudy as a result of wrong attitude. Perhaps they have conveniently forgotten your service and commitment to them just like Laban. Some would have eschewed you like the cup bearer of the Pharaoh who forgot Joseph or Shimei who cursed David. Even your own kith and kin will not understand your commitment and loyalty as did the brothers of Joseph. Paul suffered as a result of the attitudinal change of the brethren at his Roman defense and in his lonely dungeon. Today the God of Joseph, David, Paul and Jacob will be with you in your situation to assure you that even when the whole world forgets you or change its attitude towards you, He will be your anchor and bulwark. He will in no way cast you out because you are precious to Him. He has called you out with a great purpose and will accomplish it through you no matter who is against you. When the Labans of this world reject you, the presence of the Lord is always open for you to confide in and take rest. He will wipe your tears, cheer your heart and strengthen you to keep going towards a day at a time. He will hold your hands and walk with you to new vistas of divine experiences in life. So cheer up, dear reader, and gird up your mind to take steps of faith towards the new realms which the Lord has prepared for you.

Psalms 27:10 – Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.

Thought for Today
When you experience rejection and resentment, the Lord will reveal His bright face through the clouds of your circumstances to strengthen you.

Prayer for Today
Lord! Keep my heart from distress at the wrong attitude of those around me, and help me to cheer up because of your love which encompasses around me. Amen!

Friday, July 26, 2013


Patience rewarded!  
Verse for Today: Friday, July 26, 2013  
Genesis 24:63b – As Isaac looked up, he saw camels approaching.

When God brings His blessings to us, it doesn’t always come on a flight, but on camel back. We often get impatient and wonder why blessings don’t come sooner. But God has an appointed time at which He brings His blessings to us and waits for us to be prepared to receive it. Isaac has been waiting for God’s blessing of a life partner for over six months, because the trip from Canaan to Paddan Aram took roughly three months one way on camel back. He exercised his spiritual mind to meditate and prepare for God’s time. He was patient and willing to wait. He had great expectations as the convoy of camels approached. He knew that the God of his father Abraham would answer his prayers and find him the person who has been divinely identified to be his wife. Rebekah also came by faith to marry the man God had chosen for her, without ever seeing him before. The life of a child of God is always one of waiting and expectation for what God will do for them each day. Some days the greatest blessing we receive is the patience to wait for God’s time. Then we will not lose our faith, but will renew our minds to see God at work on all our tomorrows. It was such faith that kept David going as he wandered through the wilderness till God lifted him up to become king of Israel. Faith kept igniting the hearts of Elijah, Daniel and Peter to be calm in the wake of great uncertainties and dangers. Isaac learned such faith from the life of his father Abraham who waited for a son for twenty five years. Later Isaac himself would learn to wait by faith for twenty years for an offspring. But as we lift up our heads and look up by faith, we will be able to see God bringing His best towards us.

Dear friend, are you becoming weary, waiting for long for God to fulfill the desires of your heart? Is your patience shaking as time ticks away? But the waiting time is different based on our spiritual maturity. For Daniel and Peter, it was only overnight for a release. Nehemiah waited for fifty two days before the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt. For the praying believers, it took ten days before the promised Holy Spirit would come. For Mary and Martha, it took 4 days of waiting for Jesus to come to bring Lazarus from the dead. For others like Rachel, Hannah, Ruth and Elizabeth, it was undefined waiting time. But God knows how much each of us has to wait and He gives us the grace to patiently wait with a joyful heart. Isaac continued to meditate on what the Lord would do for him as he kept expecting God’s best in his lives. No matter what you are waiting for, God is not through with you yet. He has planned a time frame for you, and He waits for you to become mature enough to receive His best. So it is not for God to come in a hurry, but for you to prepare your heart to learn to be patient and mature by exercising your faith in God’s power to accomplish His purpose in you. Grumbling is not a mark of maturity, but instead let us praise God for each moment of our waiting time as He is working behind the scene to bring His best to us. Both Isaac and Rebekah waited patiently and God blessed them with each other at His best time. He will do the same for us today because the greatest blessing He brings to our lives is maturity and Christ-likeness rather than a few events.

Psalms 37:7 – Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.  

Thought for Today
While you wait for God’s blessings in your life, God is waiting for you to become mature enough to receive it.

Prayer for Today
Lord! Make me patient and mature to wait for Your time to come without grumbling. Amen!

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Reverential worship!
Verse for Today: Thursday, July 25, 2013
Genesis 22:12 – “Do not lay a hand on (Isaac)”, (God) said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from Me your son, your only son.”

Obedience comes from a heart which fearfully honors the demands of God. The awesomeness of God compels us to surrender to Him and worship wholeheartedly. Abraham demonstrated such a fear and reverence of God whom he knew intimately. It was such fear that made him believe on what has been promised. The fact that the awesome God speaks to us and deals with us in simplicity and friendship doesn’t mean that we can lose our fearfulness of Him. True fear of God would make us believe on Him without doubting and obey Him without questioning. When the awesome God gave a son to Abraham in unusual circumstances, God wanted Abraham to hold Him far higher than the gift. Abraham demonstrated this conviction that the precious gift of the son was first and foremost God’s own. He realized that the true owner had every right to ask that the precious son be given back. Such intense fear of God which emanated from deep love and respect compelled Abraham to give up his best for God without hesitation. God thus became the fear of Abraham in everything he did in life. His sojourn, life in tents and faith were all based on holy fear that pervaded every iota of his heart. The way Abraham feared God and how such fear influenced his obedience is a great challenge for us to fear God. Such fearful faith makes us lovingly obey God by faith and leave the consequences of our faith to Him.

Dear friend, are you gripped with the fear and awesomeness of God? Do you allow such positive fear to control your life and actions? If so, there is no need for you to have negative fear about anything that threatens to beat your life.  True fear of God would guard your heart and mind from fearing anything or anyone else in this world. Godly fear will lead us to know what our God wants from us and voluntarily give it to Him. He wants to take away that which thwarts us of our love for Him because He wants our supreme devotion and love. Abraham’s ardent love, faith and commitment made him positively respond to God with all that he had and all that he was. Today such love ought to be the prime mover in our lives of worship as did Abraham. Our response to God’s awesomeness is a mark of our intimacy with Him. Giving all that we have and are to God should be reasonable in relation to His love for us. Otherwise it tells Him that we really do not know God in His awesomeness. The fearfulness of God demanded all that Abraham had. It persuaded Abraham to give his best to God without any apprehension, confusion and fear of consequences. He knew that his God deserved far more than what he could give. Today the God of Abraham reveals Himself to us in His glory and awesomeness and asks us to respond to Him by giving Him our best. It involves all that we love in this life including our own lives without regard to consequences. He will then be pleased with your gift and bless you spiritually as He did to Abraham. When He smells the fragrance of the worship of our unworthy, broken and contrite hearts, He will honor us by making use of our lives to touch other lives for His glory.

 Hebrews 12:28 – Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.   

Thought for Today
The quality of our worship demonstrates the extent to which we fear and respect our awesome God.

Prayer for Today
Lord! Open my eyes today to see your awesomeness and give You all that I am and have with fear, trembling, brokenness and love. Amen!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Change and prospects!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, July 24, 2013  
Genesis 17:5 – No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations.

God seeks to elevate those who put their faith in Him. He gives them greater role in His plans and programs as they trust Him to break, mold and reshape their lives. When God called Abram, he was an exalted, but childless father in his clan. Yet through his worship and sacrifices at Bethel and Hebron, Abram committed himself to God to reorganize his life prospects. When Abram surrendered himself to God, he walked according to God’s call and instructions. He talked to God just as friends talk to each other. He believed all the promises God gave him. When God received Abram to Himself totally, it pleased God to change his identity and character. Abram was no longer to live as a childless exalted father of his clan, but to become Abraham, the father of many nations. God looked into the prospects of Abram in the future. It was God’s plan that many nations, kings including the King of kings and rulers emerge from him. Abram was to receive the everlasting covenant on behalf of Israel and to inherit the land of Canaan which pointed towards the everlasting covenant of grace between God and man. His experience of Canaan stood for the life of Christ’s followers. Today God gives all His spiritual blessings to those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ who came to the earth through the faith of Abraham. Like Abraham, our faith will become a reality when we allow God to change us according to His good, pleasing and perfect will. It happens through devotion, commitment and sacrifice of all that you are and have at His altar as did Abraham.

Dear reader, are you willing to submit yourself as a living sacrifice at the altar? Such devotion comes as a result of your realization of the greatness of God to elevate you and make you a blessing. It involves the fulfillment of His promises in your life. It will be consequent of the remolding of your life by His own hands at His time. He forgives your past with all its failures, defeats, losses and detours when you repent. He is willing to rebuild your life just as He did with the life of Abraham. It is futuristic because God sees only the prospects of repentant lives. God remolds us when we make our lives fully available to Him. The ruins of our past will be wiped out in His grace and a new testimony will be built in the future according to His plans for us. He rewards us with an impact oriented future when we submit ourselves to Him as in the case of Abraham. When we submit our past with all its inadequacies, God will enrich us and enable us to touch other lives to make it a blessing. Our best is yet to come in God’s will. He will rewrite our lives to touch other lives to transform it to great blessings as Abraham has become a blessing to all the nations. Today God challenges us to allow Him to rewrite the story of our lives futuristically to make it a blessing. Let our lives touch other lives to impart spiritual healing, strengthened faith and rebuilt relationships. Let us become streams of living water so that others can quench their thirst and find rest and peace in Jesus. Let us not waste our days in quest for the perishable fortunes of this world, but find the imperishable goodness of our God in our lives so that the spiritually poor lives may be made rich.

Philippians 4:13 – I can do everything through (Jesus) who gives me strength.

Thought for Today
A surrendered life knows no boundaries for God to make use of it.

Prayer for Today
Lord! Help me to make my life unconditionally available to you so that You can use me to touch other lives to make it a blessing. Amen!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Restoring the captives!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Genesis 14:14 – When Abram heard that his relative had been taken captive, he called out the 318 trained men born in his household and went in pursuit as far as Dan.

When spiritual adversity strikes in the lives of our dear ones, the love of God in us ought to wake up to the reality of their plight and compel us to go into spiritual warfare to get them delivered. Abraham had every reason to ignore the news about Lot and his family. After all, he chose his way and life in Sodom and it was only reasonable to think that Lot pays for it with his life. But Abram’s attitude to Lot was one of love, forgiveness and restoration. Abram was prepared to fight enemies and he had trained men to fight battles for him. The ever alert Abram responded without wasting time. He fearlessly followed the enemy even in the night. His army was considerably small when compared to the army of the five kings. But that didn’t deter Abram from pursuing the enemy. His sole determination was to get his nephew released from the clutches of the enemies. He was willing to risk his life and sleep to pursue the enemy during the night. His love for his nephew overtook his fears and apprehensions. Today Abram is a role model for all children of God in our attitude towards backsliding people and to do everything possible to deliver and restore them. We must fight battles in prayer for them. We must fight our own fear and apprehension in wanting to go out for them. We must fight until our dear ones are brought back to the fold of God again. We do not have much time to wait and must act before the enemy devours them completely. We must interfere when it is still feasible to do something for them. We must be willing to go to any extent for those who are under the clutches of sin, worldliness, materialism and Satan. We must look for early signals of things going wrong. We must create ways for them to come back with repentance rather than ostracize them.

Dear friend, how concerned are you about your dear ones who have been captured by enemies like world, flesh, Satan, cults, materialism, desire for fame and prestige? Are you burdened that they are lost? Do you love them so much as to somehow bring them back to the fold of God again? It is most valuable if we are alert to the developments around our dear ones and to watch for signals so that we can intervene at the earliest. Our concern has to be translated into prayer, counseling and giving them company to help them get out of their captivity. It is best to get involved with their predicament at the earliest possible time before their bondage becomes concretized. Once they are deep into the bondage of false doctrines, cults, addiction, entertainment, materialism, craving for worldly politics and fame, it will be tougher to deliver them. We should be willing to spend our time, talents, training and treasures to somehow get our dear ones released. In fact, they should be our priority just as Abram demonstrated it over and above sleep and comfort and the risks involved. We must not relent until we get the lost souls back to the Lord. It involves the renewal of our love, priorities, efforts and commitment. We must have passion for the backsliders and the lost souls as demonstrated by Jesus and Paul. When we set out to go in search of our lost dear ones, the Lord will give us hope and victory and lead us to praise Him for the results.

Galatians 6:1 – Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently.

Thought for Today
The Spirit of the searching Shepherd constrains us to go after the lost and bring them back.

Prayer for Today
Lord! Make me willing to risk all that I am and have in order to bring back those who are captured by the enemy. Amen!

Monday, July 22, 2013


Vision and Choice!  
Verse for Today: Monday, July 22, 2013
Genesis 13:10 – Lot looked up and saw that the whole plain of Jordan was well watered, like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt, towards Zoar.

The temptation to fall for the world is always before us. Looking quickly into the world, it seems to offer splendid choices and opportunities. The well-watered gardens of the world lure and entice us to choose its temporal prosperity. When our vision is not right, we will look into and unto the world for easy ways to become rich and prosperous. Staying in the Promise Land is spiritually expedient, but may not be economically advantageous. If we observe the lives of Abraham and Lot, we can find that after several years, Abraham was still in a tent in the Promise Land whereas Lot was in a multilevel bungalow in Sodom. From the earthly standpoint, Lot was ‘blessed’ whereas Abraham was struggling to live a makeshift life. But if we wait to see how the lives of these two sojourners progressed, we will see that Abraham lived as a spiritual giant with a heavenly vision whereas Lot lived as a backslider who had a sad earthly ending. Abraham had the right spiritual vision whereas Lot had a materialistic vision of worldly prosperity, fame and acclaim. There are many who start well in the spiritual Promise Land, but cross over to the abominable materialistic world because they have lost spiritual vision for a heavenly city that God has built for them. They sadly miss the spiritual blessings. But eventually they miss the earthly possessions also which prove to be temporal and empty which lure them into its materialistic trap and finally to messed up life and testimony. Today God challenges us to straighten out our vision lest we will have a sad ending.

Dear reader, is your vision spiritual and eternal or worldly and temporal? Is it brightening day by day or fading and dims over time? We must understand that heavenly vision alone will enhance our hope and renews our spiritual perspective. Perhaps Lot had a second-hand vision which he would have received through Abraham. But he knew that the vision was for real and that’s what prompted him to travel with Abraham. Lot was there when Abraham got his vision renewed at Haran. Lot was with him when Abraham sacrificed and worshiped at Bethel. He was a witness to the miraculous deliverance God gave Abraham out of Egypt and his second worship at Bethel. If only Lot’s vision was right, God would have continued to be Lot’s God too. But because Lot lost his spiritual vision, he chose a materialistic and popular political life which led him to an abominable end. It all started with the wrong choice as a result of the wrong vision. Today God asks us to review our vision and choices in life before things might get out of control. Our right vision comes as we look unto the author and finisher of our faith. If we have a problem with our vision, we must get the salve of God to apply in our spiritual eyes. It will brighten our dim eyes once again. If our eyes are dim in the light of the Word, let us wait rather than make important choices. Let us ask the Lord to renew our vision and improve our spiritual eyesight so that we would take only spiritually expedient choices and decisions. Wrong choices will ruin our lives along with our families. So let us renew our vision and keep away from world’s attractive and well-watered gardens. Let us stay on the promises of God and live by faith to depend on God’s resources rather than the temporal lukewarm resources the world offers us. Then our tents will be places where we will become spiritual blessings for generations.
Hebrews 11:10 – For (Abraham) was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.
Thought for Today
Right eyes with right vision will lead to right choices.
Prayer for Today
Lord! Brighten my eyes today to see only You and Your glory and walk accordingly. Amen!

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Dangerous greener pastures!
Verse for Today: Sunday, July 21, 2013  
Genesis 12:9 – Then Abram set out and continued towards the south.

We are faced with the challenge of easy exit to greener pastures of the world when faced with adversity. Even the pathway to Promise Land posed great challenge to the Israelites as they sojourned to Canaan from Egypt. The hardships on the way tempted them to think about past facilities in Egypt. It is important to take possession of the Promise Land and travel through its length and breadth, but we need to beware of the temptations that lie across the fence when we face tests of our faith. When tests come knocking at our doors, the easy way out is to cross over to the ‘greener’ enemy territory to save our souls. Such easy exits would sound logical and profitable and make us think that we can always come back when the tests are over. But the experience of Abram tells us that we can never come out of the enemy territory without getting hurt. Staying within the boundaries of the Promise Land and be under the care and control of the Lord is far better than allowing ourselves to be tempted by looking to the other side of the fences. If great men of God like Abraham failed the test of faith, it is written for us to learn lessons from their lives and be forewarned. No matter how difficult our situations are, we must exercise our faith in the Lord who has called us and stay put in our faith, commitment, loyalty and allegiance to Him. The seeming advantages in crossing over to the world for temporary advantages and filthy lucre will always prove to be spiritually costly and will mar our testimony and life of faith.

Dear reader, are you looking to the other side of the fence even while staying in the Promise Land God has led you to? Do you sometimes feel that breaking some of the basic commandments to become quickly rich or to escape a spiritual test will be financially or socially expedient? But today the Word of God tells us that all such journeys to the world will always be spiritually harmful to you and your descendants. The world will tempt you to sacrifice a negligent part of your truthfulness, faith and commitment to the Lord to gain filthy lucre. There is always danger awaiting you as you get out of the will of God to find solution to the temporary problem you encounter for temporary gain. When God allows a famine or a shortage in your life, He will still be with you. He wants you to put your trust in Him in spite of circumstances. When temptations come  knocking at your door, you must ask Jesus to answer it and say that even in our famines, He will be with us. He will not forsake us nor leave us alone, but will be with us as we go through the famines of life or any other problems which come our way. If you are standing at the edges of His ways, but looking to the other sides of the fence, it might end up in temptations to step out and go down to the world. The experience of Abraham is a warning for us to beware and be watchful. Our help comes not from the world, but form the Lord. Our love for our Lord ought to make us boldly deny the honor and opportunities the world entices us with. We must put our relentless faith in our Lord and go through the tests of faith and come out victoriously. We must fight the good fight of faith and defeat the enemy and his subtle and deceitful temptations. We have the challenge to put our trust in the Lord who has called us and believe that in spite of our situations, our Lord will lead us forward in His will and on His pathway.

Psalms 37:16 – Better the little that the righteous have than the wealth of the many wicked.

Thought for Today
Temptation zones with warning lights are for us to beware and keep away from.

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Saturday, July 20, 2013


Unity from Diversity!
Verse for Today: Saturday, July 20, 2013  
Genesis 10:12 – These are the clans of Noah’s sons, according to their lines of descent, within their nations. From these the nations spread out over the earth after the flood.

God permitted the nations to spread throughout the earth as part of His design. They descended from a godly lineage, but eventually moved away from God and from each other. Man’s immediate temptation was to stand on his own ability and rallied around clans, languages, territories and nations with peculiar features and peculiarities. All wanted to prove how each group was stronger and better than the other, and thus promote human glory. But it all led man into idolatry and selfish ways of life. In spite of such individualism and parochialism in man, God kept loving man and gave him different ways to get back to Him over the centuries and ages. God’s love pointed towards the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross. God had designed His prophetic plan for each nation in the world which was related to how the nations feared God or rejected Him. He brought up choice men in all ages to be His mouthpieces. Even as God spoke, sin abounded because man was unwilling to turn to God in repentance. Several nations surrendered to the whims of Satan and his evil forces and acted against God and His anointed. They stood with Satan’s strategies to defeat the purpose of God in this world. It has enhanced hatred, crimes, conflicts, promiscuity and other abominable sins and made the world a difficult place to live. God’s children often get exasperated about their life in the midst of such evil and wonder for how long these will last. But God comes back to tell the world that things still move as per His design for the world  and that those who follow His Word will enjoy the peace in all circumstances.

Dear friend, are you frustrated about the increasing godlessness that is seen around you? Do you wonder how you could live to please God in an evil environment? But God has given you the Holy Spirit to lead you on His track based on His Word. The abomination that you find around you is also foretold in the Word of God which speaks of a time when the world order will go back to the evil times of Noah. But God has given His children the grace to live a life that is pleasing to God in spite of circumstances and the sinful environment. God also shows us that those who turn to Him through Jesus Christ will be part of the great company of God’s children from all nations, tribes, languages and races. They are the members of the Church of God. Man diversifies and divides humanity because of sin, but God unifies His children from their diverse differences to one body. Today they meet in various groups all over the globe to worship in one spirit. But when they meet together with their Lord in heaven, they will worship Him in one language. All their differences will disappear at that time because they will then be like their Lord. Of course, all who reject the offer of salvation by God will spend all eternity in hell. But today God’s children have the privilege to live for Him and to be the salt and light of the earth so that others may be attracted to godliness. Today we experience the pain of diversity and disunity, but on the day of redemption, we will experience perfect unity, uniformity and unanimity. Today we live in a sinful environment of chaos and confusion with very little peace, but when we meet with our Lord, we will be in perfect peace and unexplainable joy. So let us not be frustrated about our environment, but consider it a privilege to shed the light of God into the dark alleys of this sinful world.       

Revelation 5:9 - …because You were slain, and with Your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.

Thought for Today
Today’s diversity will be turned to unity, unanimity and uniformity when we see Jesus!

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Friday, July 19, 2013


His Time!
Verse for Today: Friday, July 19, 2013  
Genesis 8:16 – Then God said to Noah, “Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives.

Throughout the storms and the floods in life, Noah and his family experienced the peace of God. He gave them patience as they traveled in the ark throughout the flood. They had the faith to endure the flood and to wait for God’s time to come for re-settlement. They enjoyed God’s grace during their sail through the waters. There was enough to eat till the flood was over. The members of the family were there for fellowship. The animals behaved themselves throughout the time they were locked up in the ark. They were in the most secure place and enjoyed God’s favor. Just as they went into the ark at the commandment of God, they waited to receive orders from God to get out of it. God was going to give them signal when the earth was ready for them to inhabit and cultivate. So until He spoke, they kept themselves in the ark without grumbling. At the right time, God turned a leaf in their lives by giving them a commandment to get out of the ark into the dry ground.  Noah and family stand out as a great role model for us in patience and faith as they waited for God to direct their pathways before, during and after the flood. When the whole world is out there for us to explore, it takes a lot of courage and strength to wait for our move only as God speaks. Such faith is based on the conviction that God knows best what we should do when, where and how. When God looks after our affairs in such splendid ways, we should respond with total commitment, obedience and faith.

Hello reader, are you getting increasingly impatient with the way things emerge in your life? Are you losing your patience and tempted to jump in? But if you step ahead of God, you will end up in heartaches, the consequences of which will have to be borne by you. You might achieve things for yourself, but it will not be God’s best at His best time. God might permit such initiatives by you, but it will not be His perfect will for you. When you commit your ways to the Lord, it is illogical that you take part of it away from God’s hand and handle it yourself. When you go faster than God, it is an indication of your lack of trust in His wisdom and schedule for your life. Noah and his family had faith in God before the flood, but their hearts were at perfect union with God during the flood when there was none else to depend on except God. Sometimes God takes us through such unusual pathways to teach us that He alone is there for us. He proves to us that He is absolutely dependable, totally trustworthy and perfectly unchanging in His character, promises and power. There might be occasions when you will have reasons to be anxious, but the Noah family sets the best example for you to learn how to live without burden for the future. They were convinced that their God was in absolute control of their present and future situations. When we are in God’s presence, it is as if we are in His ark, filled with His presence. The waters of anxiety and grumbling will never enter there. So let us go forward a day at a time, trusting God to look after our future and be confident that His time is the best. Let us trust Him to continue to fill us with Himself. If our hearts and minds are full of God’s peace, no anxiety or impatience will enter us and we will rest and relax in His presence in all our circumstances.

Psalms 37:5 – Commit your ways to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this.

Thought for Today
After committing our ways to the Lord, it is illogical that we take part of it away from His hands and handle it ourselves.

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Thursday, July 18, 2013


Challenges of faith!
Verse for Today: Thursday, July 18, 2013
Genesis 7:10 – After the seven days, floodwaters came on the earth.  

Even though God knows what He is doing in our lives, it is revealed to us only a step at a time. God wants us to put his faith in God’s eternal wisdom and keep waiting in patience, trusting God to accomplish His purpose. This was the experience of Noah and his family. For over 120 years, Noah had been preaching about God’s good news of salvation and His bad and sad news of the impending judgment. God told Noah to prepare for the flood, but not a word was told about what would happen once the flood started. There was no information about what to expect after Noah and his family, along with other living beings, enter the ark. God wanted them to be at ease, sitting in the enclosed ark for seven days, waiting for God’s action. God had not given Noah any indication about the duration of the flood, when they would return to the earth, what the condition of the new earth would be and how they would have a new beginning. God expected Noah to take it all by faith and trust Him to wait, watch and experience it. Noah did accordingly as he had the holy fear of the Lord in his heart. He was willing to put all his trust in God to do that which would be good for him, his family, the living beings and the earth. Noah’s faith took away his tenacity to ask God a single question about his future, but continued to put his relentless faith in what God would do.

Dear friend, perhaps you are going through a time of total ambiguity about your future and the next step in your life. Like Noah and his family, perhaps you are made to sit quiet for days and months waiting for God to roll the wheels of your life forward. It is at such times that doubts, confusion and apprehensions set in. The more you wait, the greater could be the pressure from uncertainty and delay. Perhaps you might be asking as to why God is not moving even an inch. But this is the kind of life God wants His children to have. He expects us to learn to trust Him for the next step in our lives and put all our faith on Him and relax as Noah did. You might imagine how Noah’s children and wife come to ask him as to why there was no movement outside the ark and for how long they would have to wait. Noah would have smiled and asked them to wait for some more time. Noah with holy fear and faith in his heart could only remind them that his God was in absolute control of his situation and that soon He would move in mysterious ways. When there was no rain and movement of the ark, God was still at work. All through the rain for forty days and nights and as the water receded, the God of Noah was at work to prepare his future. He would come to an unfamiliar terrain with no place to sleep, but it would be the beginning of a new era and a new dispensation of grace. We must wait, as Noah did, for God’s time by faith and believe that God would not make any mistake in our affairs. He will lead us a step at a time and provide for our every need as the days of our lives roll out according to His plan and program. Today the God of Noah challenges us to take Him at His promises and hand our entire uncertain future over to Him and relax and rest. Then we will see Him in action in our lives as per His design.

Hebrews 11:7 – By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family.  

Thought for Today
Our seemingly uncertain future will be seen filled with God’s plans and programs as it unrolls a day at a time!

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013


God’s Musical Instrument!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Genesis 4:21 – (Jabal”s) brother was Jubal; he was the father of all who play the harp and flute.

The world looks for escapism from reality. When the world of Cain lived under the cloud of Adamic and Cainic curse, they looked for ways to escape from the reality of sin through entertainment. So it is no wonder that their minds were drawn towards a wide variety of musical instruments and musical variations and reveled in musical orgies. In the backdrop of abominable things in their lives, they lived as if nothing was wrong and tried to involve in various types of entertainment to pamper their fleshly minds. Instead of learning from the experience of Cain and draw closer to God, they imbibed into their fleshly appetites and consoled themselves that everything was alright with them. The culture of Jubal prevailed over many centuries and led people into a life of great abomination to the extent of inviting serious punishment from God. But God gave them opportunity to repent of their puffed up lifestyle and sinful ways. ‘Jubalism’ was intense throughout the time when Noah preached, but the people’ keenness to entertainment would have left them with deafening ears. Today’s world resembles the times of Noah when they spend trillions on developing and enjoying a wide variety of music through the electronic media under the influence of Satan to hinder people from listening to the voice of God. When God expects man to use music to make melodies unto Him, Satan uses it to satisfy the fleshly appetites of man and sink him deep into wickedness. But the Spirit of God who spoke through Noah is speaking to man today to turn from his wicked ways and go to the Creator who wants to re-create him through Jesus Christ. God wants us to sing about our blessings and the exciting future we enjoy through Jesus Christ rather than use music as escapism from the misery and the pain that sin has brought us into.

Dear friend, are you seeking to forget your sinfulness and depression through entertainment and hide behind its revelries to cover up your eternal curse? Such a life will end up in hell where there will be no singing or musical instruments, but only bitterness, curse, weeping and gnashing of teeth. But if you give your life over to God, He will make you a spiritual musical instrument to sing about the grace and love of God. Your life will produce spiritual songs if you allow the Holy Spirit to fill your heart. You will then make melodies in your heart to the Lord for all that He has done for you. In all your situations, God will give you sweet songs of salvation to sing. Your life will then become a melody of hope which will echo through the dark alleys of this world to minister to the sad lives of the people of this world who are wallowing in their life of sin. There are a lot of people who have sunk into the music of the world and have ended their lives in the dark caves of this world. Many are dwelling in the corridors of Sodom and Gomorrah as they have become slaves of entertainment. But God is willing to give them songs to sing and find comfort in Him as they face the rough and tough realities of life. The entertainment world spreads its wild nets to capture and enslave the children of God. But the songs of praise in the hearts and mouths of God’s people will help them to live with hope and faith for a brighter tomorrow that is awaiting them. Today God invites you to His presence to come with brokenness so that He would remold you to be an instrument of His love to sing sweet songs of salvation.

Psalms 40:3 – He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.

Thought for Today
Worldly entertainment degenerate our souls whereas spiritual songs regenerate and revive us. 

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Meaningful priorities!!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, July 16, 2013  
Genesis 4:20 – Adah gave birth to Jabal; he was the father of those who live in tents and raise livestock.

The current revolution in habitat and food has its origin with Jabal who was in the lineage of Cain during the Noahaic period when the world abounded in abomination. When man lived without God, he looked for ways to satisfy his self will and lust which led him to experiment with all kinds of appetites of the flesh. He had a craving for living in newer habitats that he experimented with. Man lived independently and dwelled in sin for which the habitat revolution was a boon. Habitat experiments helped him to become a world traveler whose revolutionary dwellings took the form of caravans, tents, parks, communes, collapsible and prefabricated abodes in unimaginable shapes and sizes evolved to make it easier for him to live in corruption and violate God’s commandments. Man also had great physical appetite which led him to revolutionize livestock business to satiate his culinary inclinations. Thus man proved to himself that he could live without God to satisfy his every selfish desire. But we see that such riotous and promiscuous living to satisfy all his earthly cravings led man to destruction. When Jabals lived to please themselves and all their human desires, God sent a preacher called Noah to admonish people to live to please their Creator. We have reached a time of similar magnitude in our materialistic world where man finds dwelling places and culinary variations to satisfy his fleshly desires. But God wants us to live by totally depending on Him for our every need according to divine standard. He has promised to meet our daily needs including a place to sleep where we can pray and find rest for our bodies as we toil for Him. He has promised to give us food to eat to strengthen our bodies and prepare ourselves to serving Him. He reminds us that we ought to live by faith in dependence on Him. He wants us to live to please Him and not our fleshly desires. He expects us to be satisfied with all that He gives us, and grow in faith and dependence on Him.

Dear friend, are you craving for amenities to please your ego, fleshly desires and craving for comforts? Is there an intense desire for you to find satisfaction in the temporal pleasures that this world offer? Are you seeking after attractions in stylish housing, tempting food and posh living, and amassing the same for generations by using the time and the talents that God has given you to serve Him? Remember, God offers you stability, rest, peace, satisfaction and sustainability and promises to help you to live by faith and in total dependence on Him. Your best is yet to come and it is far beyond what the world can and will offer. Heaven is far greater than anything the world has ever imagined and created. What the world offers you gives only temporary satisfaction. Once you have it, you will lose its thrill and will grope for something beyond. This is why we see revolution in habitat, food and every other fleshly appetite which leave people empty. Your deepest and ultimate craving ought to be for God. The happiest man on earth was not rich with a posh lifestyle, but one who had no place to lay his head and had nothing material to offer to His followers. He wants us to follow Him and look forward for His eternal best. Today God wants you to rearrange your priorities and give Him utmost place in your life. He doesn’t want you to crave for the materialistic things in life, but develop a deep thirst for the eternal things. Today He wants you to have a holy detachment from all that the world offers and holy craving for all that God offers to live to please Him and live for Him.    

Colossians 3:2 – Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Thought for Today
The happiest person is one who forsakes the temporal and thrusts forward for the eternal and the permanent.

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Monday, July 15, 2013


Stewards and keepers!!
Verse for Today: Monday, July 15, 2013  
Genesis 4:9 – Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?’

The Lord’s question to Cain shows the great interdependence that He had intended for man. All through human history, God never intended man to be selfish and self-sufficient, but to depend on others and be mutually supportive. But man forgets this when he wants the best in life only for himself. But when in need, man has no hesitation to seek others’ help. Cain and Abel are seen worshiping together, although in different ways with different means. But Cain was unwilling to accept the fact that Abel was righteousness and he obeyed God’s commandment in worship. Rather than examining to see what was right about Abel’s worship, Cain was boiled in his jealousy and self righteousness which led him to annihilate his own brother. He forgot the fact that God gave him a brother and appointed him as his keeper, supporter, help and co-worshiper. Cain had the opportunity to learn from the worship of Abel, but instead he was full of jealousy and rage. He had a spirit of competition and he craved for filthy success instead of humility and willingness to learn from his mistakes. Today the world is full of hatred and jealousy because the sinfulness of man has made him seek success even by destroying others. So people tend to fight and cheat to become more successful than others rather than learning from each other. This is blatant even in Christendom and at times among God’s children. But God wants to remind us that we are keepers of our dear ones and we are accountable to God for them. If we don’t take this responsibility seriously and fulfill it on the basis of the grace that is given to us, we would be the biggest losers of spiritual blessings. Today God extends to us the opportunity to mend our relationships and build others up.

Dear friend, are you a steward of other children of God or their competitor? Are you building up on your stewardship or tearing others apart? If you are tempted to fall into jealousy, competition and rage, there is a place to go for true brokenness which is at the foot of the cross of Jesus. As God deals with us in grace, love and mercy, we also ought to deal with other human beings and especially the household of faith in the like manner. But it is true that the sinfulness that is in us will make it a great challenge to live at peace with others. Our selfish nature often makes us assassins of the character of others around us, thus puts us in the same category of Cain. We must fight a constant battle to subdue our negative emotions towards our fellow beings. We may not like them or their actions, but we must learn to agree to disagree agreeably. We are commanded to love even our enemies and if so how much more should we love the household of faith! Every ill-will, jealousy, hatred, misunderstanding, misinterpretation and misrepresentation must be taken to the foot of the cross and be crucified with Christ. Every urge for retaliation and revenge must be brutally dealt with on the cross. We must learn great lessons of forgiveness from Jesus on the cross and Stephen as he was stoned. We must look at each person we encounter with compassion because all those whom we meet are fighting their own battles. We must seek to help those in turmoil rather than pouring oil into their fire. Let us pour cold water on the fire, and cool water on their feet to make them find comfort and rest. Remember, we are appointed as keepers of our fellow human beings in order to show them the way to true love, grace and compassion of our God.

Matthew 25:40 – ‘Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’

Thought for Today
Our fellow human beings are the souls we are to watch over for God’s sake.

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