God’s Musical Instrument!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Genesis 4:21 – (Jabal”s)
brother was Jubal; he was the father of all who play the harp and flute.
The world looks for escapism from
reality. When the world of Cain lived under the cloud of Adamic and Cainic
curse, they looked for ways to escape from the reality of sin through
entertainment. So it is no wonder that their minds were drawn towards a wide
variety of musical instruments and musical variations and reveled in musical
orgies. In the backdrop of abominable things in their lives, they lived as if
nothing was wrong and tried to involve in various types of entertainment to
pamper their fleshly minds. Instead of learning from the experience of Cain and
draw closer to God, they imbibed into their fleshly appetites and consoled
themselves that everything was alright with them. The culture of Jubal
prevailed over many centuries and led people into a life of great abomination
to the extent of inviting serious punishment from God. But God gave them
opportunity to repent of their puffed up lifestyle and sinful ways. ‘Jubalism’ was
intense throughout the time when Noah preached, but the people’ keenness to
entertainment would have left them with deafening ears. Today’s world resembles
the times of Noah when they spend trillions on developing and enjoying a wide
variety of music through the electronic media under the influence of Satan to
hinder people from listening to the voice of God. When God expects man to use
music to make melodies unto Him, Satan uses it to satisfy the fleshly appetites
of man and sink him deep into wickedness. But the Spirit of God who spoke
through Noah is speaking to man today to turn from his wicked ways and go to the
Creator who wants to re-create him through Jesus Christ. God wants us to sing
about our blessings and the exciting future we enjoy through Jesus Christ
rather than use music as escapism from the misery and the pain that sin has
brought us into.
Dear friend, are you seeking to
forget your sinfulness and depression through entertainment and hide behind its
revelries to cover up your eternal curse? Such a life will end up in hell where
there will be no singing or musical instruments, but only bitterness, curse,
weeping and gnashing of teeth. But if you give your life over to God, He will
make you a spiritual musical instrument to sing about the grace and love of
God. Your life will produce spiritual songs if you allow the Holy Spirit to
fill your heart. You will then make melodies in your heart to the Lord for all
that He has done for you. In all your situations, God will give you sweet songs
of salvation to sing. Your life will then become a melody of hope which will
echo through the dark alleys of this world to minister to the sad lives of the
people of this world who are wallowing in their life of sin. There are a lot of
people who have sunk into the music of the world and have ended their lives in
the dark caves of this world. Many are dwelling in the corridors of Sodom and
Gomorrah as they have become slaves of entertainment. But God is willing to
give them songs to sing and find comfort in Him as they face the rough and
tough realities of life. The entertainment world spreads its wild nets to
capture and enslave the children of God. But the songs of praise in the hearts
and mouths of God’s people will help them to live with hope and faith for a
brighter tomorrow that is awaiting them. Today God invites you to His presence
to come with brokenness so that He would remold you to be an instrument of His
love to sing sweet songs of salvation.
Psalms 40:3 – He put a new
song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.
Thought for Today
Worldly entertainment degenerate
our souls whereas spiritual songs regenerate and revive us.
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spiritual help, counseling and prayer support.
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