Monday, July 29, 2013


My Provider!
Verse for Today: Monday, July 29, 2013
Genesis 22:8 – Abraham answered, “God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.”

Our confidence as we walk in the will of God is that God will see us through this journey. At times our pathway becomes so rough as to make it very difficult for us to tread. We might be challenged by the Lord to respond to Him with the uttermost price in life. There are things that we find extremely difficult to do in life even when we know that God wants us to do it for Him. God might give us some precious things that He would want us to give back to Him as a mark of our life of discipleship. We might be called upon to sacrifice our profession, occupation, covetable business, comfort zones in life, quality of life, nearness to dear ones, financial stability and even mundane facilities. But giving up all that we love in this world is the mark of true discipleship. It is a way to express our love to the Lord and to show Him how much we value Him more than anything or anyone else in this life. As we trust God with our life in willing detachment of ourselves from all that we have, He gives us the confidence to keep going towards full obedience to His will for us. That is when we are challenged to put all our faith in God to take us forward as we surrender all that we have and are to Him. Abraham had such a challenge in life to give back to God that which He gave as per His promise. Isaac was the epicenter of Abraham’s life for several years now, but God wanted him to show that he loved God more than Isaac. But Abraham knew that God would still fulfill His promises to Him somehow sometime and bless the world through Isaac. So Abraham was confident that God will lead him through the impending sacrifice at Moriah and will still fulfill His promises. In such a tough situation, the fully surrendered Abraham would not shake or break, but would commit himself and his son to the Lord and be confident, courageous and bold in his determined mind to keep climbing the hill towards his destination.

Dear reader, are you being challenged to give up everything that you hold dear to your heart for the Lord? Would such a level of commitment cast doubts about how to meet your future needs? But the Lord wants to tell you today that He will provide for you at the right time. He will lead you forward in your commitment and receive your worship. At the same time He would keep His promise and provide for your needs to be met. Your needs might be your current financial obligations or a place to stay, your children’s education, your retirement years, your health needs, mobility, care for your elderly parents or the like. But the God of Abraham will provide for you according to His riches in glory. If you trust Him and follow His instructions, He will meet your every need according to His dignity and status. What He wants is your devotion and love rather than what you give to Him in kind. But what you submit to Him or forsake for His sake will be taken as an expression of your ardent love and devotion to Him. There is a guarantee that your Lord whom you love with all your heart and soul will never abandon you. He will meet you at the place of your greatest emotional need at the bottom of your deprivation for your Lord and will comfort you. Today He reassures you that He will be your provider, comfort, strength and support in all your situations.

 1 Peter 5:7 – Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.  

Thought for Today

God challenges us to obey Him totally, and promises to meet our every emerging need on the way. 

Prayer for Today

Lord! Fill my heart with confidence and courage as I walk in the unknown pathways of life with you. Amen!

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