Monday, December 30, 2024

Goals for the New Year!

 Goals for the New Year! 

Verse for Today

Philippians 3:10 - "That I may know HIM..."

Every end of the year is a time to evaluate the goals that we would have fixed, if any.  Invariably it ends up in finding excuses for not meeting the goals. Then comes the opportunity at the beginning of the new year to find new goals for the ensuing year. This is often done with the realization that such new goals might not be met in quality and quantity. And life goes on in an array of excuses and unmet goals. We often do not realize that we have an accountability to God regarding the decisions we make in fixing new goals for the new year. 

In the Bible, we find many servants of God who fixed goals and fulfilled those goals successfully, though not always in its perfection. The preachers and scribes of the Old Testament had their goals in their ministries. They submitted themselves to the Lord and depended on His power to fulfill the tasks which were their goals which they entrusted with the Lord. 

In the New Testament, we find servants of God who  worked vigorously in accomplishing the tasks entrusted with them. This may be  understood through the fulfilment of their mission. But they had goals far superior to their ministries in their personal lives. Apostle  Paul was one such servant of God in the New Testament. If we ask him about his paramount goal, his answer would come in through his writings. In the letter to the Philippians, he speaks about his paramount goal, year in and year out. For his greatest goal was to know Christ more intimately and grow in such knowledge and experience. 

Paul had a deep desire to know Christ. His entire life was a quest to know Christ intimately. His ministries and personal time with Christ had only that as his sole priority. His life cycle was planned and all personal decisions were made to fulfill his thirst to know Christ. So Paul spent all his available time with the Lord. He read about Christ from the Old Testament. He searched the mind of Christ in his personal encounter with Him starting with his retreat with Christ in the Arabian desert. He spoke to the Lord as often as he could. He asked the Lord to clear his questions and confusions. He spoke to those who knew Him like His disciples who were alive. He was deeply involved with catching human souls. He kept producing spiritual fruit in his life for his Master as he kept dwelling in his Lord's presence.

May the example of Paul be reflected in our lives throughout the New Year as we spend time with the Lord and allow our desires, priorities and longings to be meshed with the Lord!

Psalms 37:4: Delight yourself in the Lord; and He shall give you the desires of your heart. 

Thought for Today

Getting to know the Lord is part of the evidence-based faith that He demands from His chidden! 

Prayer for Today

O Lord! Help me today to develop greater and deeper thirst to know You and to be like You in my daily walk with You! Amen! 

Thursday, June 27, 2024



Two Altars and a Famine

Verse for Today: Genesis 12:9-10

So Abraham journeyed, going on still towards the South. Now there was a famine in the land, and Abraham went down to Egypt to dwell there.

            The fascinating story of the two altars of Abraham show us the keen interest and commitment he had towards the Lord who called him out from the Chaldean city of Ur. We see Abraham exploring the new land in breadth and length. But he didn’t recognize the impending dangers in moving towards the South where temptations might be lying for him to go down to Egypt. Just before those days, God’s promise of the blessing of the Land of Canaan was renewed by God no matter the circumstances. But the famine and the danger of starvation were more subtle for Abraham and he was tempted to go down to Egypt. His experience with God would have kept him away from the point of temptation to go down to a heathen country.

            Abraham and family were at Bethel, the House of God a few days earlier. He was in a place of worship and sacrifice to the Lord. It’s difficult for us to think that he wanted to move away from Bethel to the South. He had the renewed promises of God in front of his eyes. Abraham sadly didn’t realize that he was susceptible to tests by God as well. He had the temptation to go down to an idolatrous country to save his family from starvation due to the famine. He somehow went away to a place to trust their food to save his family whereas God would have looked after him even in the midst of the famine. It is as if Abraham forgot the promises of God and the altar at Bethel.

            The famine in the land came as a big surprise even after the two experiences of worship at the altar. It proves to us that tests come at the most favorable spiritual and physical environment. Also we cannot see any evidence that Abraham prayed to God to seek His will as to whether to move to Egypt to avert the adversity of a famine. God’s children are expected to follow the God who called them and who promised to lead them no matter what the situation might be. God expects them not to take their eyes off the God of promises who has called them. God’s children must follow the commandments given to them by their God without wavering.

            Dear reader: How far are you committed to the Lord who called you with a specific call to follow Him? When He calls us, He is responsible for our food, shelter and clothing even in the midst of famine or water shortage or even a dwelling place. We should look unto Him to gain strength to follow Him in spite of unfavorable circumstances or consequences of any sort. We must believe that the One who called us is capable of meeting all our needs as we follow Him and obey His commandments. We should make any move only after consulting with Him in prayer and meditation.

            We must also realize that even after worshipping at two places, tests come to examine our faith and obedience. When promises are renewed, if we do not show ardent faith and trust in the Lord, we might digress and take our own decisions to detour to save our souls. Fleeing from the altars of God and running into the world of Egypt is disastrous to our life of faith. The best place to go after worship at His altars is not the world. If we run into the world and the Vanity Fair after worshipping the Lord, we are sure to run into wrecking of our life of faith.

            Today, let us beware of the temptations that lie around to drag us away from the Lord and His presence. Let our focus be always the Lord, His promises, His altars and spiritual visions we receive in His presence. Let us consult the Lord before making any move away from His presence.

Proverbs 17:3 – The refining pot is for silver and the furnace is for gold, but the Lord tests the hearts.

Thought for Today

The world is out there to tempt us to seek asylum in its attractions during our difficult circumstances, but our Lord is near us to remind us of His power and promises.

Prayer for Today

O Lord! Help me to stay near Your altars to remind me of your call and promises. Amen!  

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


A God Who Tests His Children

Verse for Today: Psalms 66:10

“For You, O God, have tested us; You have refined us as silver is refined“.

God’s children who have personal encounter with Him know very well that they are tested by God on various occasions. His goal in testing His children is to refine them in their character, faith and commitment to God. He wants His children to become godly in their quality as God’s children with godly attributes, behavior and motives. Only those who pass the tests will be given increasingly greater responsibilities and positions in their ministries. He tests their spiritual growth and strength. He checks to see if they are growing in faith and so He measures them through the tests that He allowed them to pass through. It’s through these tests that God teaches them new lessons in life. It was through the test on Mount Moriah that God taught Abraham to learn that God in His nature is “Jehovah-Jireh, My Provider” (Genesis 22:14).

It’s through the experience of tests that God renewed His promises to Abraham (Genesis 22:16-18). There was no need for God to renew His promises because He doesn’t change His promises. But God tested Abraham and found out His trust and faith in Him. At that point, God assured him which was a great act of renewal and reassurance. 

Tests were opportunities for God to give His servant Abraham newer spiritual responsibilities in His spiritual economy. For Abraham was to become the focal point of blessings for all the people of the world. The test Abraham endured on Mount Moriah was intended to make him spiritually qualified to be the source of great blessings on the whole earth (Genesis 22:18).

We must realize that God’s tests are often painful to go through. There will be pressures of various kinds as we go through the tests. One can only imagine and envisage the kind of pain, tension, stress, challenge and pressure that one goes through during tests. It’s these pressures that make us jewels in our spiritual life.

Tests come at unusual times, especially when things go well in our spiritual lives. Tests come when we are close to God and enjoying close spiritual fellowship (Genesis 19:27). It is seen from the lives of God’s servants on the pages of the Bible and Church history that more tests and more frequent tests come when we are more spiritually grown and matured in our faith. We also see that as days go by, toughness of tests increases and we must expect it as a usual pattern with God. In other words, we should not expect tests to be any simpler as we grow stronger in faith.

We must realize that those who are not serious about Christian life and faith may not get many tests at all. Only the zealous and passionate believers are the ones who are tested by the Lord to measure the extent of their faith. In other words, those who are not earnest in following the faith encounter divine tests whereas the drop-outs, Sunday-only-Christians and backbenchers often get very few tests, if at all any. But for the zealous Christians, when we least expect it, tests come so that our genuineness of faith can be measured by God.

Christians should also understand that usually no warning, signs or notices are issued by the Lord to allow His children to go through tests. He expects all zealous and stalwarts to be prepared to take tests of faith at any time. It’s God who fixes schedules for tests at His will and pleasure. He doesn’t consult His children to fix schedules.    

            But God reassures His children that there is no need for us to be afraid of God’s tests. These tests are in no way to hurt us or terrorize us, but to build us up. Tests reveal true measure of our faith and the level of our faith. There is a divine purpose behind each test to build us up. So we must praise God for the tests and commit ourselves to go through and come out victorious for the glory of God.

Exodus 20:20a – “And Moses said to the people, “Do not fear; for God has come to test you…”

Thought for Today

We should praise God for each test He allows in our lives because tests produce patience and spiritual growth in us.

Prayer for Today

“O Lord! We pray for Your strength to go through the tests You allow in our lives today to help us to trust in You and to grow in our faith. Amen!”


Wednesday, June 19, 2024



Tests in the Spiritual School

Verse for Today: Genesis 22:01

“Now it came to pass after these things God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham”. And he said, “Here am I”.

            God tests His beloved children in the ordinary walks of life according to His will and pleasure. God wants to test to see if His children are keenly committed themselves to Him with our love, commitment and loyalty. God is interested to know to what extent His children are growing in their faith in Him, His power and His promises. In order to prove their faith to themselves and to others around, God gives His children practical tests to evaluate and measure their level of faith. 

                God’s tests are not to trouble His children, but to measure the extent of their faith. He also tests to measure their weakness and to help them to know how their faith can be built up. These tests are given frequently and on a regular basis to keep His children on the alert about the extent to which their faith grows. He wants His children to expect tests at unexpected times to encourage them to be always prepared to face newer tests. God also wants His children to know that as time passes on, tests will be harder and harder because He expects them to become stronger in faith to go through harder tests to prove their growing faith in God.

                If we examine the lives of all God’s servants, we may find that they all went through innumerable tests, starting from the beginning of their spiritual lives. Abraham who is popularly recognized as the “Father of the Faithful” went through several tests in his life of faith. It started soon after He left the Chaldean city of Ur. He was asked to leave Ur and go to a land that God was going to show him. But he had to leave with his wife alone. He had the commandment to leave after forsaking his household. God gave him a Family Test, but Abraham started with his father and nephew. His father was old and so he could not travel fast enough to reach the Promised Land. His father seemed to be a snare because of which had to experience considerable delay in going forward. He had to stay back at Haran until his father Terah died. Abraham had to understand that God’s call didn’t include the household, but because Abraham included them along with him and his wife, he had to experience considerable delay (Genesis 11:31 – 12:1).  Later we find that the company of Abraham’s nephew Lot also caused considerable snag for Abraham to make progress in his journey (Genesis 13:5-9). These snags prove to us that Abraham sadly failed in the Family Test that God gave him. But God loved Abraham and allowed him to continue in the journey of faith. But God’s compassion to Abraham show us that He gave him more opportunities to go through different tests of various kinds in the future to prove the level of his faith.

                God was patient with Abraham and was willing to forgive him of his failure in his sojourn. But Abraham experienced delay in his walk solely because of his lack of full obedience. This delay showed Abraham that in spite of his desire to show his obligation to his family, God expected him to be fully obedient and loyal to God and His commandment. His divine call was most important. In His future walk, Abraham had to bear the brunt of such disobedience to God.

                Today God expects all His children to give utmost importance to Him and His call. Lessons from his failure in the first test taught Abraham that no matter what we lose in this world, we must obey God and follow the divine call. We must consider the divine call as a great privilege and be careful not to lose the opportunity to obey God and His call. We must be willing to lose everything else in this life while we obey His call.

                God calls His children to follow Him out of their love for Him. God expects them to follow Him out of their love towards Him. He expects them to express their obedience, reverence and commitment to Him in all that they do. He provides them with countless opportunities to express their love to Him. He also tests them to measure their love, reverence and commitment to Him. If we fail in it, He provides us with more opportunities to correct our ways and renew our love and sacrifices for Him. But our disobedience would cause delay and subsequently result in painful consequences for which we will be responsible.

Jesus reminded us that we must be willing to obey His call and be willing to forsake everything else to follow Him. We are expected to hold on to what we cannot lose and forsake all that which we are bound to lose.  

Luke 14:33: “So likewise, whoever of you doesn’t forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple”

Thought for Today

Holding on to what is dear to us in this world is illustrative of our unwillingness to solely follow the Lord.

Prayer for Today

Oh Lord! Save us from the temptation to hold on to what we have in our lives and help us to love You more than all that we hold dearest in our hearts. Amen!


Wednesday, June 5, 2024



Hurting Sons and Daughters

Verse for Today: Jeremiah 8:21

For the hurt (crush) of the daughter of my people I am hurt (crushed). I am mourning; astonishment (horror) has taken hold of me.

Millions of sons and daughters of all age groups are leading a hurtful and grievous life today. This is true in all times and in all dispensations. We see them in the Old Testament times, starting with Abel and then Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. We see them among Israelites who lived in Egypt and all through their sojourn in the desert for 40 years. It continued in the land of Canaan. We find in Dena a hurting daughter of Jacob. Rachel and Hannah had their own hurts of childlessness. Leah had her grief-stricken life even as the wife of Jacob. Tamar the wife of Judah’s elder son had her share of tears in life as a young widow. Naomi was a daughter of tears when she lost her husband, two sons and a departing daughter-in-law Orpah. Ruth and Orpah had their share of grief as young widows. Tamar, the daughter of King David was full of tears, pain and hurt in life as she was brutally violated by her own brother.

We find a lot of women on the pages of the New Testament who were hurting in life. They include Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary and Martha of Bethany, the Phoenician widow, the widow of Nain and others. Mary Magdalene, Salome and other women were deeply painful and frustrated as they missed seeing the body of the Lord Jesus in the tomb.

Some of our hurts and wounds are self-inflicted. We hurt ourselves physically, emotionally and socially by lamenting on our lost opportunities and failures through our thoughtlessness and carelessness. But wounds are also caused by our kith and kin and friends through jealousy and gossip about us. Some fight us through unfair competition and wrong comparisons. Some others quarrel with us because of their egotism and false sense of satisfaction. Sometimes we plunge ourselves into frustration, hopelessness and desperation because of our hurtful circumstances and situations. We often face social trauma through isolation, loneliness and inferiority complex. At other times, we get hurt through unfair treatment, partiality and misunderstanding, misrepresentation and misinterpretation created by those who know us well including family members, colleagues and classmates. Overindulging in such hurts and emotional trauma cause psychological aberrations in us including insomnia, loss of appetite and affected efficiency. These often negatively influence our spiritual joy and prayer life. Often our life leads to spiritual and emotional dullness and hopelessness.

Sadly our emotional, social and physical wounds and hurts remain unresolved because of failures in coping with it. We tend not to use spiritual tools like prayer, meditation on the Word of God and fellowship.

Christians are admonished by the Word of God to resolve their hurts and wounds by going to the Divine Healer. We are also instructed to help others cope with such aberrations. Often our best spiritual friends don’t get involved with our wounds and hurts largely because of ignorance, lack of spiritual insight and poor concern for such persons. Thus many spiritual sons and daughters remain emotionally, physically and spiritually ill and continue to be in this doldrums of apathy, insensitivity and spiritual dullness and backsliding for considerable time.  There seems to be very little concern or effort by others around to help them to come out of such situations. Loneliness, isolation and resentment by dearest and nearest lead them to develop serious spiritual and emotional trauma. 

Thus we find a crying and weeping prophet Jeremiah because of the increased emotional traps caused by others, our own self and through circumstances manipulated by the enemy of our souls. The weeping prophet recognizes that there is a divine cure for such spiritual trauma. He is familiar with the Great Physician available to handle the emotional and spiritual traps that are faced by the sons and daughters. But he laments that there doesn’t seem to be enough support for such wounded and hurtful people to be taken to the Great Physician with His panacea to heal the emotional sickness of these highly needy people. This lack of concern and burden make the prophet mourn and in deep astonishment. It also makes him felt hurtful enough to lament, mourn and weep.

But through Prophet Jeremiah the weeping prophet, the Lord spoke to His people that He is still the Great Physician who uses the Balm of Gilead to wipe away the tears of His children. We need to go to Him and take our hurting fellow humans with us. He will use His nail-pierced hands to wipe their tears, and heal their hurts and give them a new lease in life. There’s no shadow of turning with Him (Lamentations 3:22-26). He will apply the Balm of Gilead, the panacea to heal the wounds and the hurts and to take away all their infirmities.

We must understand that this is the healing ministry entrusted with us. It comes through the Word of God which heals all our ailments. It has to be used at the right time to impart complete healing.

Psalms 107:20 – He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction.

Thought for Today

It is our responsibility to identify the emotional and physical infirmities of the people around and take them to the Great Physician for total healing through the Balm of Gilead.

Prayer for Today

“O Lord! Please pour Your Balm on our wounds and heal our spiritual and emotional sicknesses for our happiness and for Your glory. Amen!”


Friday, May 31, 2024




Verse for Today: Exodus 24:18

“And Moses was in the mount forty days and forty nights”

            It’s unthinkable for a person to be secluded in the top of a mountain even for a day. Such isolation and deprivation of basic environment and facilities will make a man dry in his emotions and physically weak even for a day. There will be a feeling of emotional and physical suffocation and even cause fear and confusion. But we see the Man God (Jesus) was without food and rest for forty days and forty nights confronted by Satan in all possible tests in the wilderness. Yet Moses, the first human who was isolated in a mountain, survived the long isolation and deprivation for forty days and nights in the presence of God without causing any damage to his mind, body and soul. We can envisage how God had him for intimate fellowship. God strengthened him to withstand the pressures of this unusual mountainous experience. Moses was enabled to be in the mountain for forty days and forty nights without human contact and food and water and basic amenities in life. He was sustained during this time with divine energy and enablement through the glory of God which encompassed round about him.

            Similar experiences were granted to many of God’s servants like Enoch, Elijah, Joshua, Samuel, Soul of Tarsus, Apostle John and many of God’s prophets in varying degrees when they all entered the presence of God. They heard the voice of the Lord and received the revelation of God. Some of them like Apostle John and Prophet Daniel fell as though dead when they were in God’s presence.

            God’s presence has a nurturing power centre for His children. It’s a spiritually, emotionally and physically empowering and nurturing place which enables His children to enjoy and to fill with His power. God’s voice is a healing, soothing and impacting panacea for all the ills of His servant in all their physical, emotional and spiritual realms of life. The vision of the glory of God exposed to God’s servants give them full healing of their spiritual eyes to see the entire truth God wants them to see and understand. It’s these realities that sustain them to continue to serve God in the way in which God wants them to preach and forewarn the people of God about God’s plans for the ages to come.

            Today all God’s children are privileged to draw nigh unto Him to see His glory and get lost in the wonder and awe of Him. It is then that we are challenged to see the reality of His plans and programs for the church and for the world. All of these are in God’s eternal plan for the people of the world who are to get saved. It reveals the plan of God for His church and all its ministries embodied in its heavenly frame. It encourages, strengthens and empowers God’s servants to preach and teach these truths so as to build up His children. It touches upon the hearts of His shepherds to touch the lives of God’s children through the various ministries they are called upon to undertake. The power these ministering brethren receive through the visions they are blessed with which they will minister among God’s people according to God’s perfect will.

            There is a powerful, loving and challenging invitation for us today to draw nigh unto the Lord in His holy presence. We are motivated by His Spirit to leave behind all our fleshly attachment to the world and the Vanity Fair. He wants us to climb up to Him in His Mountain with great expectations. He wants to share His love, plans and programs with us so that we can share it with His people and with the people of the world. He wants us to go to Him with great passion to see His glory. He also wants us to have a deep thirst to drink of His plans and programs so as to enable us to share with others. He wants us to be a blessing to those we are expected to minister unto. His promise of blessings will be with us as we spread His passion to others for His glory.

Isaiah 40:10 – They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Thought for Today

The more we get meshed with the Lord and His presence, the more we will be lost into His wonder and awe, thereby get to know His perfect will and pleasure in all that we do and cherish.

Prayer for Today

Dear Lord: Please give us your immeasurable grace today to get lost in Your glory so as to know You, Your will and pleasure for us and those around us. Amen!   

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


                     His Rewards for His servants

Verse for Today: Revelation 22:12

“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with me, to give to everyone according to his work”.

            Every master gives reward to his servants who work diligently for him. The reward is offered as a motivation to work hard with loyalty. It’s often according to the quality and quantity of work and the time spent in the master’s field.

            Jesus, the Master has His called out servants. He has a lot of work to be accomplished. He has the power to accomplish His entire task by Himself. He also has millions of angels who can be entrusted with His tasks. But the Master is pleased to allocate His tasks to His servants who are His saved servants. He gives them spiritual gifts to suit each task. He motivates His servants to work in His vineyard. There are the tillers, the sewers, the irrigators, the veeders, the stone pickers, the reapers, the vinedressers, the watchmen and the field builders (Isaiah 5:1-2).  All of His servants have specific tasks and time schedules. He supplies them with all the necessary resources and tools to accomplish their tasks. The Master reminds His servants that a reward is waiting for them and it is offered according to the work put in by each worker.

            The reward is determined by the Master according to His yardstick and balances. He is the perfect judge who will decide how much each worker deserves. He is eager to come and reward His servants as they accomplish their tasks. There rewards are presented publicly. It’s on the basis of His honor-roll which He prepares Himself on the basis of the completed tasks and the transparency with which tasks are performed. The servant is expected to work on the basis of his love for the Master and his degree of commitment.

            It’s the Master who appoints us and trains us to serve Him according to His perfect will and pleasure. He has given us His Holy Spirit as the powerhouse to energize us to work. We must find pleasure in serving the Master. But we must work out of our loyalty to the Master and not for any reward. Our reward is more like grace shown to us by the Master, but we must serve out of our obligation to Him in return for His grace to us.

            We servants must ask ourselves as to whether we are working hard or lazy and negligent in our responsibilities. We must consider it a great privilege to work for such a benevolent, merciful and compassionate Master who is pleased to use us for His kingdom and His honor.  As we receive the opportunity to serve Him, He is pleased to reward us. So it ought to be work without desiring anything in return. But our compassionate Master makes sure that we get recognized for our work for Him and give us a fitting reward. Thus no one will be able to complain or murmur about the yardstick that He uses to decide what kind of reward we may receive.

            Today let us evaluate our work ourselves and realize that we have not worked commensurate with the reward that He offers. This truth ought to make us surrender ourselves to greater work with greater zeal and enthusiasm. Let us be grateful to the Lord for His desire to give us greater reward than what we ever deserve. This ought to cause us to praise Him forever.

Matthew 16:27 – For the Son of Man is going to come with His angels in the glory of His Father, and He will repay each person according to what He has done (ESV).

Thought for Today

“Let us anticipate looking at the glorious face of our Lord when we see Him rather than the rewards He will give us”

Prayer for Today

“Dear Lord! May we be motivated by your love and grace to make us your servants rather than the reward you will give us. Amen!”



A Meeting at His Peak

Verse for Today: Genesis 22:2

“Take now your son, your only son Isaac and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you”. 

            Some of the greatest blessings of God to His children were imparted at mountain peaks. It was on a mountain peak at Sinai that Moses met God for a personal encounter, thereby received the Law (Exodus 34:2). It was on the Mount of Transfiguration that the Lord revealed His glory to His three disciples (Matthew 17:1; John 1:14). It was on a mount that Jesus preached the sermon of blessedness (Matthew 5:1). When the inheritance of the promise land was divided, Caleb requested for Mount Hebron as he felt that he could climb the mount by faith. It was given to Achsah his daughter. Hebron was the place where Abraham built a tent. It was the tent of faith and fellowship.

            The mountain peaks from where God’s people received spiritual blessings had to be climbed by His people by faith. These mountains were peaks of promises of God. But His children had to climb these peaks by faith. To seek after these mountains, they had to look up heavenward. They had to climb the mountains with great expectancy. They had to believe on God and His promises. They had to have the right expectations as they looked up and climbed. They had to prepare themselves as they climbed. A great spiritual experience awaited the climbers as they moved up a step at a time. There at the peaks, they heard the voice of the Lord. They all saw the glory of the Lord. They were enabled to worship the Lord. They were confronted with the power and prominence of God at the top of these peaks. These climbers were enabled to encounter the Lord and His very person. There they saw the Lord and through Him, they saw themselves. These meeting-points gave them all a new start in life and ministry. 

            We are called upon to follow the pathway earmarked for us today to desire and focus on a blessed mountain peak experience. We must climb with great expectations as we encounter the Lord. These peaks give us a new goal in life. It’s far more than what we would ever envisage. The Law God gave Moses led God’s people throughout the last centuries. The worshipful experience of Abraham on Mount Moriah is the foundation of worship of God’s children when he learnt a new name for God (Jehovah Jireh) which helped them to know how to worship. The vision of the glorified Lord on Mount of Transfiguration helped the disciples see a glimpse of the glory of God. The mount of the Great Sermon exposed the disciples to the manifesto of the Kingdom of God as the guideline for their life and ministry.

            A life and ministry of God’s children begins with a vision of the glory of God. There is an invitation to go to the peak where God dwells. But we must go with adequate spiritual, mental, emotional and physical purification and preparedness. We must confess our sins, failures and inadequacies before we begin to climb. We must go with full surrender to the will of God which He will reveal to us as we meet with Him and listen to Him at His peak. All disobediences must be confessed before we go to the Lord. He is out there to receive us with open arms and heart. He evaluates us and our capabilities. He understands our needs. He is there to strengthen us to obey Him and to equip us to take His Word with total seriousness and full commitment. He wants us to go to Him with worshipfulness. He expects us to listen to Him keenly. We must be keen not to allow anything that would distract us from listening to the Lord.

            Today there is a great challenge for us to climb up to His peak into His presence for a spiritual encounter with the Lord. It’s a testing ground for our faith and commitment. It’s an encounter of love for our Lord. It’s an opportunity to leave behind all that is dear to us and detach from it all. We must aspire to draw unto the Lord with ardent attachment to Him. It is then that the Lord will reveal Himself and His glory to us and capture our minds to listen to Him and His plans and programs for us.

Psalms 24:3 – “Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? (Or) who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart….”  

Thought for Today

The faith to climb the hill of the Lord and the passion to surrender ourselves to Him will help us to expect great things from Him to create a spiritual impact in our environment through us.  

Prayer for Today

“Dear Lord! Help me to develop sustainable spiritual thirst for your nearness at the top of Your Mountain”. Amen!

Thursday, May 23, 2024



Mountain Climbers in the Morning

Verse for the Day: Exodus 34:2 

So be ready in the morning, and come up in the Morning to Mount Sinai and present yourself to Me there on the top of the mountain”.

            It’s amazing how God is keen to speak to His children all day long. He wants them to start early in the morning when their hearts are clean, without getting corrupted by the world. He wants us to give our days and our hearts totally to Him to fill it with His presence. When God gives His children a new day, He expects them to start the day with Him by surrendering themselves to Him in His Holy Presence. He wants His children to begin the day with Him so that from the morning, He can fill their day with the exuberance and the glory of His person and His presence.

            God lives far above the earth and the earthly and wants us to climb to the top to reach out to His level. He knows that we can be free from the corruption of this world and the sound of temptations of the world and Satan if we are far above the earthly. But it’s equally amazing how He grants us the power and the strength to climb up above the top of the mountains of the world which try to attract us. It’s only in His presence far above the earthly that we will listen to Him and focus solely on Him with our whole heart, soul, mind and attention. He wants us to give Him our undivided attention. He wants us to listen to Him keenly and with the commitment to obey Him.

            When we are in His presence, we will behold His glory and worship Him. When we behold His holiness, it will help us to catch a glimpse of His awesomeness and present ourselves to Him in all sincerity and seriousness. But this demands us to leave our earthly environment and all the attractions of the world. All powers that try to attract us away from Him and distract us will then leave us.  It’s then that the Lord will get us completely in His hands to speak to us, exhort us, comfort us and instruct us to walk His ways. Such a spiritual environment will help us to present ourselves to the Lord and that we will escape the cares of the world, human life and the aches and pains that the world will try to challenge us with.

            Today let us start our day with the Lord in His presence. Let us climb His Mountain in our spiritual quest to reach out to Him as He waits to reach out to us. Let us behold His glory and get ourselves enchanted with that heavenly glory. Let the power of His glory create a deep thirst in our hearts to know the Lord more deeply and touch Him by faith. It was such an experience that changed the lives of Abraham, Enoch, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David and Job in their encounter with the Lord and His glory. Let us give ourselves and our days to Him to speak to us beginning with our early morning like Abraham (Genesis 19:27).

                        When we draw near unto Him in His presence early in the morning, He wants us to go to Him with the freshness of mind, with a clean heart so that God can write His perfect will on it for us to follow and obey. Anything that the world and the flesh have written on it with their priorities, likes, dislikes and goals will need to be erased so that the Lord will be able to write His goals, priorities and preferences written on it with His own hands as He wrote on the stone tablets Moses had.

            Meeting with God requires thorough preparation of the mind, heart, soul and even a holy body to enable us to know His perfect will for our lives like that of Moses. Each of His children ought to climb individually.

            Dear reader: Are you prepared to meet your God early in the morning? Are you climbing the mountain of God and reach the heavenly to see God’s glory? Are you ready to listen to God and obey Him irrespective of consequences? God’s divine gifts of oil, honey and milk await you as you reach out to God in the morning for your whole day. It will continue to flow to you daily if you start the day with God in His presence on the mountaintop. It will make you strong to fulfill His desires for you as He enables you.

  Psalms 36:9 – For with You is the fountain of life: in Your light we see light.

Thought for Today

We climb God’s Mountain by faith to behold His glory and receive His light to enable us to live for Him.   

Prayer for Today

O Lord! Thank You for your love in drawing us to Your presence morning by morning and fill us with your light and glory! Please equip us to live in Your light today and forever by climbing Your Holy Mountain! Amen!  

Friday, April 5, 2024

Great Challenge from a Lass: The Little Evangelist

 The Little Evangelist

2 Kings 5:3

The challenge of a young and fearless slave girl - turned housemaid in using opportunity to become a redeemer to a higher official is a remarkable illustration of a passionate evangelist. Her timely intervention in a devastated human life gives an official a new lease of life and the experience of a new birth through a focus to meet the prophet of the Living God! She has many messages to preach to us to create a passion in us to share the good news to all who are around. It’s the beginning of a touch of a life of sharing God and His power. Read on…

A Sensitized Young Evangelist

Here is the story of a little evangelist who brought good news to a deeply hurting family in Syria. The youngest and most underprivileged evangelist who is pictured in the Bible is this little slave girl from Israel in a foreign land. She lived during the time of Prophet Elisha. She was isolated from her family and dear ones and taken away as a slave to Syria. Her place of worship and sacrifices was away in Israel. She had no one to enjoy a time of fellowship with. Her coworkers would have been soldiers who are posted to serve in the home of a higher army official. But this little evangelist kept her eyes open to see the inner needs of the family she was serving. We do not know her name or details about her family. Even in her insecure circumstance, she was well aware of the fact that she was serving God rather than man.  She was an evangelist who carried the message of good news to the needy at the right time.


This little slave girl apparently was fully aware of the ministry and the miracles of Prophet Elisha. She would have heard about the prophet from her household and neighbors. She certainly was a believer in Jehovah and His prophets. She would have heard of the miracles performed by the prophet through the power of Jehovah. It is most likely that her family discussed about the power of Jehovah demonstrated through Prophet Elisha during her childhood. Thus she developed a life of faith in Jehovah which she was ready to share with the needy people around.

Need awareness

Our little evangelist knew what it meant to know people and their physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. She knew from her host family and acquaintances about the awful disease of leprosy her master was affected with. But she was convinced that Jehovah God is able to cure this disease and to give a new lease of life for Naaman and his family. She knew that if only her master would submit to the God of Elisha for cure from the dreadful disease, he would find full healing. She had compassion for Naaman her master and his family. She teaches us that we should all be concerned about the incurable disease of sin in the people we come across and lead them to God who heals.

Fearless girl

A small slave girl would be naturally fearful to speak openly to her mistress about a social and incurable disease of the master of the house. It’s natural to think that involving with a personal matter of the family and its master is none of her business. It would then be possible to expect reprimand and brutal punishment if she speaks about the weaknesses of the family she was serving. But our little evangelist was not at all afraid of repercussions. Her thought would be to see how she could help this family even by risking her life and status as a slave. Her demeanor is an outstanding example for us to share the good news that Jesus can and will cure the sin sickness of the persons whom we are acquainted with. She was fearless because she was under the control of the Spirit of God. Today every believer needs to follow the example of this slave girl in communicating gospel to the lost world without fear of consequences.

Language not a deterrent

It sounds strange that this slave girl was able to communicate to her mistress about the dire need of her family. We do not know if she knew the language of Syria. So she would have used a few common words used in the Middle East. She would have also used signs and body language with compassionate facial expression. It is also likely that she learned the language of Syria over a period of time. But we can be sure that she took effort to communicate the good news about Jehovah and His prophet Elisha somehow to her mistress. For a willing heart, language is not a serious deterrent in communicating gospel. Genuineness of intentions would pave the way to communicate about what God can do in the lives of people affected with sin sicknesses.

Timely action

Our slave girl wasted no time in communicating about the availability of help for her master to get cure. She used the opportunity that came her way to convey about what God can and will do for her master. We can assume that she used the earliest opportunity to challenge the family to go to God through His prophet. She challenges us today to use all the available avenue to share the good news that Jesus saves all that would go to Him and to His servants with their spiritual needs.

Pointing to the right person for help

The Bible tells us that the slave girl pointed the family to the right person to go for help. She was definitely a girl of faith and she knew that she should also pray for her master to get cure. But as a slave girl, she had limitations about how to operationalize a strategy to impart cure for her master. She could only recommend her master to go to the prophet of Jehovah who would know how to impart cure. She made sure that her master’s sickness would be handled by a servant of God who had wide recognition in the community. We have to sometimes point sinners to people of their social status to explain gospel and the cure available through Calvary. Praise God that this slave girl was wise enough to point her master to the right person. Recommending Prophet Elisha also meant that Naaman was pointed to the land of Israel where Jehovah God works through the lives of His people and His nation. This gives Naaman the right focus about from where salvation would flow to him.

Right communication to right person

The incident reveals to us the truth that the slave girl knew how to reach out to her master. She wisely approached her mistress to convey a truth. Her mistress developed faith and trust in the slave girl largely through her testimony in her faithful service and character. Her faithfulness in service and impeccable character stood as a pillar for her mistress to believe in her suggestion. Such faithfulness and character will often stand out as strong evidence of the testimony we give about our faith in our Lord which will make our associates give ears to the power of the message of gospel.

Positive affirmation about the outcome

Our little evangelist was emphatic about the outcome of approaching the prophet of God. Her firm and well articulated suggestion was positive without the shadow of a doubt. No matter what the extent of the master’s leprosy is, the slave girl had no doubts about the outcome because she had full faith in the power of Jehovah God whom she and her prophet served. She wanted her master to go and meet and get full and positive result without the shadow of a doubt. But it was important that Naaman had to rise up by faith from being a social outcast to go and meet the prophet. She teaches us that every genuine seeker who approaches the Lord would find full cure for their sin sickness. 

Place of prayer

It’s safe to assume that while Naaman was on his way, our slave girl was on her knees to pray for her master’s cure. This is because the Jewish community was a praying community. It’s her earnest and prayerful desire to point Naaman to the power of Jehovah to meet a genuine need. A believer has to always pray for sin sickness to be cured in the lives of all whom we approach directly or indirectly with the gospel.

The miracle that follows

When a genuine and utterly needy seeker approaches the Lord, he receives the touch of His grace to meet his needs. Here we see Naaman getting instant cure from his leprosy. His skin became like that of a child. There is now a new beginning of a new kind for Naaman. It is the experience of a new birth. Our little slave evangelist was able to show the way for Naaman to have a second birth with a new body and a renewed soul. Here we see how Jehovah Rapha used a slave girl to lead Naaman to Him and to provide complete cure of his sin sickness. We all need to follow the example of this slave girl and lead people to Jehovah Rapha by faith so that sin sickness can be healed.

Evangelistic zeal and fervor

Our slave evangelist proved that her slavery was God’s way to convey the message of His power to heal Naaman. She had the zeal to convey to Naaman’s family the opportunity God has in store through His prophet. She had the fervor to persuade Naaman’s household to make the right move at the right time. It created a new chapter in Naaman’s personal, professional and family life. When gospel comes into a life, it has far reaching impact in a human life in a revolutionary manner. 

Hiding behind the scene after the ministry

When the miraculous cure of Naaman has been achieved, we do not read anything more about the slave girl. Her mission was completed. She shared the good news about the miraculous deliverance of sin sickness of a life. When the purpose was accomplished, the slave girl moves to the background to continue to serve and is no more visible. Her life and testimony will have been rewarded by the Lord. Every evangelist and gospel preacher likewise leads sinners to the Savior to get regenerated and then move to the background.  

In conclusion, may the Lord lead all readers to follow the example of the slave girl and point others to the Savior so as to enable them to be born again and to a new life! May we all be challenged to risk our life and reputation and to use the opportunity briskly to lead many souls to Christ!  The life and ministry of this little slave evangelist is thus a challenge for us all. 

Sunday, January 28, 2024


A Supreme Challenge to be a Disciple


“And the DISCIPLES were first called CHRISTIANS in Antioch” (Acts of the Apostles 11:26)


 Appreciation without decisions

         At a Christian Conference, the speaker was hitting hard on decisions to give ourselves and all that we have to Jesus. Several participants came around after the message to express deep appreciation. Many wanted to make decisions and promised to take the message seriously. They all expressed their love for Jesus through their strong responses, passion and aspirations. But to the extent to which we know, very few among them took bold decisions to offer themselves and all that they have as an expression of their love for the Master.

         The story was a replay of what happened in Palestine two millennia away. There were many small and large groups of people who were moved by the message of the Master Designer of life. He challenged His listeners to make eternal choices in their temporal world with their lives and resources. They all agreed with Him. They were moved by the message and the messenger. They forgot hunger, thirst and sleep and listened to Him for days. But almost all of them failed to make bold decisions for Him because they were strongly influenced by their situations, circumstances and the people who meant so much for them. They all lived a committed life, but their surrender never measured up to the message which moved them. Their consecration was sincere, but most didn’t translate it into action. Their commitment was haphazard and wishful daydreams. Sadly most of them missed the ship, made a slip and lost the opportunity to please their Master. Their lives lost the prospect to be handled by the nail-pierced hands of the Master Designer to make them what He wanted them to be. They were afraid to commit themselves totally for fear of the temporal gains that they might lose in this world. They were more committed to pleasing their relationships and aspirations in this world than their Master.

         Somehow it is like the vicinity of the old rugged cross on the hill called Mount Calvary soon after Jesus uttered His eternal thirst for human soul. All who followed Him till His arrest deserted Him. Nobody wanted Him. No one cared for Him. There was none who claimed the Master to be his or her own so as to stick their necks for Him. Everyone abandoned Him for fear of losing their life and reputation. He was all alone in His trials, walk on the Calvary Road and crucifixion, and even as He gasped for breath to declare that He has finished paying for our sins with His life. Even from the cross, He searched for the few who might come forward to express their love to Him but it was in vain (Psalms 69:20). But no one dared to stand with Him or near His cross because there was none who would put their lives at stake for their Master. There were only a few women and one young man by the name John who stood far away watching the unfolding drama at Calvary. Yet even after twenty centuries of that sad event which took place on Golgotha, His search for human lives which would respond to Him in true love and commitment to His cause continues.

         If the Old Rugged Cross made a difference, what is it? And where has it impacted? How is it wedging the world and the individual life today? Is the love of Jesus so shallow as not to influence sufficient following? Is the temporal world around us more attractive than the eternal in the lives of people who claim to love Jesus? If there is such a unique Master and His unparalleled message which we claim to be influencing our conscience, where is the kind of response it deserves? Is the cross of Christ worthy of unique and bold decisions by God’s children? Is Calvary real in the life of a Christian believer in today’s materialistic world? These questions demand discussion, meditation, thinking, consideration and fitting reaction. This is the supreme challenge in all ages. It looms large in front of our eyes and awaits a response. Calvary love will not relent or rest unless its impact is found in the lives of men and women who claim to have declared their allegiance to Jesus. It demands evidence based action. It expects a loving response. Today Jesus is searching the hearts of the redeemed to see how much we would respond to His love demonstrated at Calvary.

 A Window to Discipleship

         The Bible instructs a child of God to develop a deep desire to become what God wants him to be. He is admonished to confess, repent and believe in what will make him a new person. Once he becomes a new creation, he is challenged to love, give, minister with and transform his life and to worship his God in response to his new found faith and life. All these challenges are embodied in the most serious, deep and sincere invitation made by Jesus Christ to ‘Follow Him’ (Matthew 16:24). It was the greatest desire Jesus had for all who believed on Him which He made clear to them in no unequivocal terms. Even though this challenge is vividly and repeatedly seen in the New Testament, it was also expressed in different, but less clear terms by the Triune God in the Old Testament.

         This profound statement of Jesus to “Follow Him” was first heard in some corners of the hill country of Palestine two millennia ago. Its reverberations are echoed all over the world all through the last two thousand years. History of the Church of Jesus Christ is the sum total of the revolutionary lives of the men and women who responded wholeheartedly to this powerful challenge. It was His story in and through the lives of those who responded to His call. Their lives were full of events and incidents which were made possible only by ardent and unflinching faith in the invisible God and in His mighty power. It was indeed the impact that these lives created through their unreserved and unquestionable commitment in the Lord Jesus and ardent faith in His promises, presence and power.

         The Church with its unprecedented growth and expansion during the past 2000 years is the direct result of the lives submitted to Jesus in response to His invitation to follow Him. All that His followers did was to follow the footsteps of the owner of the whole Universe who turned out to be that old Carpenter of Nazareth with no place to lay His head when foxes had their holes and birds had their nests (Matthew 8:20).  His followers were never a majority at any time in this world. Their hands and pockets were often empty, like their Master. They were a bunch hated by the people around them, as they in turn hated the world system. They were considered fools, unintelligent and thoughtless fellows who seemingly forgot to amass wealth for their economic wellbeing and that of their posterity. They willfully disregarded the attractions of this world like possessions, positions, prominence and popularity offered by the Vanity Fair. Their one and only goal in life was to please their Master, the Lord Jesus. They followed Him by obeying His call of love. They turned down the world system and all it had to offer to lure them to go its way. They were the disciples of Jesus Christ. They were the bloodless revolutionaries in the empire of love that Jesus Christ created in the hearts and lives of people.

         Jesus Christ didn’t attribute any value to the religiosity of the members of the existing religions including the Jewish sects. When the religious leaders tried to impress upon Jesus with their religious zeal, Jesus told them that He didn’t even know them (Matthew 7:21). Instead, He searched after the poor minority who were willing to follow Him as a mark of their unconditional love for Him.  He identified them and identified Himself with them. He called such people to Himself and they followed Him wherever He went. He declared that the mansion called Church which He built through such people will stand tall and strong and that the powers of Hades will not prevail over it (Matthew 16:18).

         The Mission of Jesus was not simply to help man to enter heaven for eternity. Jesus wanted to give man everything that he lost through Adam. Through the historical call, Jesus gave man the privilege to come back to have deeper fellowship with God. Man was granted the privilege to live in the world as if he lives in heaven (Ephesians 2:6). He is given the opportunity to follow God as he lives in this world. When the regenerate man heeds to the challenge to follow Jesus Christ, all the privileges that man has lost through Adam are given to him. Jesus has not envisaged a life for them in any way below this lofty level. Such a life is not an ordinary religious life, but a life as a DISCIPLE OF JESUS CHRIST.

 Paramount Call

         We see the truth about discipleship in the Great and Final Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19-20. This commission is multifaceted. It involves a series of compelling demands placed on those who believed on His name. It consisted of (a) going to the uttermost parts of the un-evangelized world (b) sharing the message of gospel (c) leading the unsaved to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and (d) baptizing them that believed. Even though these are all fundamental to Christian mission and faith, these are not the end of Christian obedience, but the beginning of serious Christianity. It is at this point that the most serious Christian activity of (e) disciple making ought to begin. It is through disciple making that a Christian believer matures into the stature of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:13). Thus we see that disciple-making and discipleship have come to be one of the most fundamental teachings of Christian faith. It follows from this that it is most important for every Christian believer to become a disciple of Jesus because only a disciple can help others to become disciples. So it becomes the most important endeavor of a disciple to help other believers in Jesus Christ to become His disciples through practical training and practical living as example for others. This is how others become matured in their faith and walk after Jesus and thus become true disciples of Jesus. Disciple-making thus becomes the most fundamental responsibility of the individual believers and the entire Church of Jesus Christ.

         Making disciples out of all the believers is an unavoidable responsibility of the Church which has to continue all through the Church era. The message of Christian faith becomes complete only in practical discipleship and disciple-making. It starts with the obedience to this mission by a person who has become a disciple or by one who is at least on the pathway to true discipleship. Disciple-making thus becomes the sum total and foundation of Christian faith. The ultimate goal of all Christian ministries is disciple-making, without which Christian mission seems incomplete and unfulfilled. It is the most loving desire and deepest craving Jesus has that all who believes on Him follow Him and become His disciples.

             It is important to understand who was originally given the mission of disciple-making. It was given to the disciples who later became members of the Church of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19). It follows that all who are on the pathway of discipleship have the responsibility to make disciples of those who are born again. It is also the responsibility of all ministering brethren and all gifted men (evangelists, pastors and teachers – Ephesians 4:11) to help make disciples out of the believers who are under their spiritual care. These gifted men also have the responsibility to teach and train other believers to make disciples. Such a ministry of disciple-making was systematic in the early church as seen in the book of the Acts of the Apostles. That was the reason why the church grew rapidly in a qualitative and quantitative manner during the first century A.D. When we examine the history of the Church, we can see that wherever and whenever disciple-making loses its fervor, the Church becomes weak and believers digress from their faith. When the church becomes weak and falls short of disciple-making, nominal Christianity and ‘Churchianity’ gets deep-rooted in the church which paves the way to false doctrines.

 The Antioch Disciples

            If we take a look at the church at Antioch (Acts 11:19-26), we can see the value attributed to discipleship by them. At Antioch, the practical realities of the life of the believers were reflected in their behavior, attitude and actions which were in line with what Jesus taught and that which was reflected in the disciples of Jesus Christ. When the outside world watched these attitudes and actions in the believers, they were first recognized as disciples and as such were found to be true followers of Christ. This is how they were called Christians for the first time in the New Testament (Acts. 11:26). The world recognized their ‘discipleship life’ in the way they talked, behaved and related with others around them. These attributes of discipleship were recognized by Barnabas when he visited that church. Barnabas saw great pouring of the grace of God at Antioch church (Acts 11:21-23) for the first time in the New Testament. These behaviors were very much like that of Christ about whom they had heard. Their Christ-like attributes were the evidences by which they were recognized as ‘Disciples of Christ’ and subsequently identified as followers of Christ. By their life, they qualified to be called ‘Disciples’ and subsequently ‘Christians’. Such recognition was the result of the valuation of the world about the believers of Antioch. It follows from this that those who exemplify Christ in their lives publicly are the Disciples of Christ. In other words, it is what others see in a believer as a disciple that makes him recognized as a Christian. This historical reality means that in order to qualify to be recognized as Disciples of Christ or Christians, it is inevitable that the qualities and character of Christ and His disciples are to be visible in believers. It follows that those who profess to be Christians ought to be recognized by others through their behavior and attitude first as Disciples. Christ-likeness has to be inevitably seen in such believers in order that they may be recognized by the world as Christians.

             The fast pace of growth of the church in the first century A.D. was a practical reflection of the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19 & 20. They obeyed this commandment and helped new believers to become disciples. They didn’t stop with evangelizing, but went forward to teach, train and develop the qualities of Jesus in the new believers which is the fundamental tenet of Christianity. This shows that churches in the first century were deeply concerned about and seriously involved in disciple-making in a very practical way. These churches built up believers as disciples, and the world recognized it. The world hated and despised them because of the Christ-like qualities in them. Their story of ‘discipleship life’ is the sum and substance of the quality of the spiritual life of the early church.

             The Antioch story (Acts 11:26) leaves every Christian believer of modern times with the challenge to examine his or her life to see if they qualify to be recognized by the world around them contemptuously as disciples of Jesus and thus Christians. Such a conscientious self-examination ought to revolutionize our lives to take up the challenge of developing in them the lifestyle of disciples of Jesus Christ and bear the reproach of the cross in their world.

 Challenge before today’s church

             The essence of New Testament Christianity is discipleship seen as a practical reality in the lives of believers. When the Bible has given so much importance to the subject of discipleship and disciple making, it is pertinent to ask whether the commandment of disciple making has received a corresponding and serious consideration in the ministries of the churches and the ministering community in modern times. It will definitely not be an exaggeration if the answer to this question is in the negative. But why is this situation so? Is it because the importance of the subject of ‘Discipleship’ is not properly understood by the evangelists, elders and teachers of the Word of God? Is it due to their feeling of inadequacy to handle such a spiritually demanding subject? Is it because the teachers and shepherds are unable or unwilling to pay the price to be on the discipleship pathway? Is it because its primacy is not assimilated by Christians today? Is it because the ministering brethren themselves have not been trained to walk the discipleship pathway? These questions demand sincere self-examination by all believers of the present century. Searching for authentic answers to these questions will lead the church to a great challenge to handle discipleship and disciple making with greater urgency and earnestness. Christ’s loving commandment demands disciple making as the greatest priority in New Testament Christianity.  

 The Disciple’s Pathway: A seeming impossibility  

             When one browses around, one is able to see that all through the last twenty centuries of New Testament Christianity, there have always been Christians who attempted to lead the lifestyle of a disciple of Jesus. Occasionally we meet a few young and old believers even today whose life and commitment to Jesus Christ authenticate that true discipleship can be a living reality in their lives. This doesn’t mean that they are perfect or that they have arrived at the finish line to be true disciples. But they believe that it is possible to be a true follower of Jesus Christ only to the extent of their commitment to live practically as true disciples. Their life and testimony show that they have seen at least a glimpse of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ in their lives (John 1:14). Their approach to the world and to the Lord reveals the extent to which they have tasted His agape` love and how they got themselves lost in its wonder and awe. They show the world that when they dive deep into the ocean of His love and pick up gems of that love, they cannot but allow themselves to be challenged by that love to live for Jesus alone as His true disciples no matter the consequence. They prove with their lives that discipleship is one of the indicators of their love for their Master who they claim to be their ‘everything and all’, no matter what it costs them including their life.

 The Counterfeit Coin

         Christian life may be illustrated in many respects like a coin, with inscriptions on both sides to authenticate its genuineness, ownership, authority and value. The coin of Christian life has belief and behavior to be inscribed on each side. The belief side of the coin indicates our faith in God, His Word and our salvation experience. The behavior side shows a Christian’s attitude and lifestyle akin to that of a disciple of Jesus Christ. It is imperative that both these inscriptions are vivid and shining for the world and fellow believers to see. Unless the inscriptions on both these sides are clear to those around them, they will not recognize, accept and receive these coins at par in Christ-like human dealings and relationships. Any coin which doesn’t pass such a litmus test is considered a counterfeit and is summarily rejected by the world around. The Lord Jesus also will not recognize such haphazard lives as His disciples (Matthew 7:21). They can only be considered as merely believers and not disciples.

         In many respects, the attitude and behavior of a Christian which do not portray the character of Jesus Christ is rejected by the world. It is the character of Christ that the world around us expects from a Christian. It is for this reason that Christians out to be taught about and trained as true disciples of Jesus so that they will experience and demonstrate the spiritual transformation that must be seen in them. Then only the Christian’s life will visibly and vividly show the character and power of the Lord Jesus Christ. It will then show the world that the Christian points towards the Lord Jesus Christ in his character, behavior, attitude, lifestyle, priorities, likes, dislikes and goals. A Christian’s life will thus be seen as one in which Jesus Christ will be his Lord in all areas of his person. Jesus will then be seen as his utmost priority in life which will be seen in his practical life. If such Christ-likeness is not seen in a Christian believer, he with his faith will be rejected because of its lack of biblical credibility. If the world cannot see the heaven-dwelling, non-materialistic and non-worldly person in a Christian, his kind of Christianity will be dismissed and despised by the world.  It will be identified as a counterfeit lifestyle and will not be accepted and recognized by the world.

             Christ desires that His followers be not counterfeits. He wants them to have His image on both the believing and the behaving sides of their lives. He wants them to keep these two sides shining bright and glorious. He wants them to live in such a way that those who behold their lifestyle will be able to see the image of Christ on each of them. If only the coins be willing and submitted to Him so that the image of Christ may be inscribed on them and be made visible to the onlookers in their practical lives, will they be seen and recognized as His image bearers. When submitted to the Master Designer, these lives will be inscribed with His divine nature on them. When others read these inscriptions, they will both be attracted to Jesus to submit their lives to Him. If not, they will try to despise, reject and discount the fraudulent coin and its inscription. It is through such a life of a true disciple that Christ will turn his world upside down (Acts. 17:6).

                 Today if we confess that we are counterfeit coins and have been a failure in our Christian life, and go to Jesus with a solemn desire to become His true disciples, Jesus will transform us and write His imprints on us. This process is the essence of discipleship, for it is through it that He will slowly but steadily change us into His likeness. Jesus today lovingly calls us to become His dear disciples. He is asking us to follow Him, go after Him and go with Him wherever He goes. He wants to bind us to Himself with His chord of love. He wants His disciples to enjoy the freedom that we have in Him as we become His slaves of love. He challenges us to be filled with the passion of His Calvary love. He expects His love to be reflected in our practical lives. Perhaps the world around and other Christians might call us ‘fanatics’ or ‘fools’ because of the lifestyle we exhibit as true disciples of Jesus. But that would not bother a true disciple who is sunk in His love. He expects us to develop such a deep thirst to become His, for Him to do whatever He wants from us, with our lives and through us. But as we delve deep into true discipleship, either we will be tempted to quit the discipleship life because of the great price that we are challenged to pay to continue to be a disciple, or we will be increasingly willing to pay even the last penny with our lives to be His true disciples.

A Supreme Challenge

             This is the supreme challenge of a Christian, to be a true disciple and to be increasingly like the Master. It also creates the supreme opportunity to become the best that could be made out of our life here on earth. It poses the greatest privilege and prerogative of a Christian to be the disciple of Jesus Christ. It demands the supreme price which is worth all that it involves. It is a life which is a response to the supreme love that God the Father has demonstrated on the cross of Calvary through the death of His Son. 

             Discipleship is a challenge as much as it is a loving invitation. The process of discipleship is a greater challenge. Living as a disciple of Jesus is the greatest challenge. Continuous surrender of all that we are and have is the greatest of all challenges. It is the supreme challenge to find ourselves lost in the wonder and awe of the love of God demonstrated on the cross of Calvary. It demands unconditional consecration and unflinching sacrifice of all that remains in us, our body, mind, heart, soul, spirit, aspirations, dreams and fascinations in life.