Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Faith in action!

Verse for Today: Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Joshua 3:15 – Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge, the water from upstream stopped flowing.

We enjoy God’s blessings as we appropriate it by faith. If we take steps of faith forward, we will see that all hindrances to His blessings will give way for us to go forward. No matter what difficulty arises in front of us, we must go forward by faith trusting God to do the rest. When God says that we must take steps of faith, it is our responsibility to take those steps forward leaving the result to Him. Only when Elijah goes to the brook of Cherith that he would find the ravens with bread and meat. If only he goes to Zarephath, would he find a widow who was designated by the Lord to feed him! For the disciples to prepare for the Passover, it was necessary that they go to the town as commanded by the Lord. It was important for the lepers to go to the priest so that they would find healing. If only the stone jars are first filled with water and a sample taken to the head of feast that they would find the miracle of vine from water. For Peter to get a very large catch of fish, he had to cast the net to the right side of the boat. Such actions of faith often prelude the miracles God performs in the life of His people. It was important that the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant to walk to the edge of the water in Jordan for the river to be divided. They had to go forward by faith as if there was no river in front of them. If they don’t walk forward, their faith will be not seen in action. If they remain on the river bank, they would not be exercising their faith in the Lord. They needed courage to believe that if they move forward they would step on dry ground. They had to put all their faith in the Lord and do what He has asked them to do, leaving the result to Him. Such courage comes from their faith in the Lord who has commanded them to go forward. In all our walks of faith today, we are challenged to go forward as commanded by the Lord to enable us to see His pathways through overflowing rivers and roaring oceans.

Dear friend, are you challenged by intimidating obstructions on your pathways? Is there pressure on you to stop at the water’s edge or take a detour? Are you afraid of the consequences of going forward? Remember, your Lord has commanded you to go forward without regard to consequences. He has already prepared your way forward. All you have to do is to put your total faith in Him and leave the results with Him. It was at His command that the people of God crossed the Red Sea about 40 years back. They could look back to see the series of miracles He has brought them through over the years. None of His promises has ever been unfulfilled. If He is able to bring them to the edge of water at Jordan, there would be no question about His capacity to take them across. He will not bring them all the way to the banks of River Jordan and leave them there or sink them in the river. He will not go back on His promises. Crossing the obstructions of rivers or mountains depend on our willingness to take steps of faith because the Lord has promised to take us forward. But if we do not go forward, we will not witness His promise in action. Today let us take God at His Word and go forward irrespective of hindrances. No matter who or what is hindering us to reach the level of spiritual blessings that are in store for us, we should disregard it all and go further. Let us obey the Lord out of our love, loyalty and commitment to Him and leave the consequences of our obedience to Him.

2 Corinthians 5:7 – For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Thought for Today

We enjoy far less spiritual blessings from the Lord than what He wants to give us because of our unwilling to exercise faith in Him to go forward and appropriate it.


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