Verse for Today: Monday, January 31, 2011
Psalms 147:11 - The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love.
God is looking for people who are totally devoted to Him and find Him as the Lord of their lives. He looks into their hearts to see if they genuinely fear Him. There are a lot of people who wear a mask of piety and show an external religion in their behavior. They appeal to the approval of people for their religiosity. But God is not pleased with such external religious acts for public appeal. He is looking for those who are sincere in their devotion to Him. Genuine devotees of God put their trust in Him for all that happens to them. They seek His will in all walks of life. They consult Him in making decisions even in the smallest things in life. They thank Him for all that they receive in life because they believe that all that comes their way is sent by God from above as part of His divine plan for them. They walk according to His laws which are given for their comfort, reproof and edification. Their ultimate goal in life is to please the Lord and to put their hope in Him alone. They know for sure that their Lord will meet all their needs and walk with them throughout their sojourn because His love for them is unfailing. It never ceases and doesn't depend on their faithfulness, but His faithfulness and promises. It is wonderful to find God's children whose lives are totally dependent on Him because He is delighted in such people. We find that God was delighted in the obedience and devotion of His children like Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, David, Moses and a long list of prophets who served Him and His interest throughout their lives. So God used them for His glory and accomplished His purpose through them.
Dear friend, how is the barometer of your devotion to the Lord who is the maker of heaven and earth? Even when you may not measure up to His level, would you measure up in your sincerity and simplicity of devotion to Him? Are you loyal to Him and His cause here on earth? Do you portray a life where your dependence on Him abounds day by day? Is He the source of all that you receive in life? Are you enjoying your fellowship with Him on a daily basis? Do you spend quality time with Him on a regular basis? Do you take your needs, whether small or big, to Him and expect Him to meet those needs? Do you regularly seek His kingdom and His righteousness? Are you looking after His business in this world while He looks after your needs on a daily basis? The Lord is seeking sincere devotees who declare their unadulterated loyalty and dependence on Him. If we depend on Him fully, He will be pleased with us because He wants us to trust Him alone for all our needs. If we exercise our faith in Him and expect Him to be our provider in the face of all our failures, inadequacies and shortages, He will come to fill our needs and desires. He will pour out His unfailing love and compassion over us and keep us in His peace. His delight is in those who seek and do His perfect will. He shows His delight in His children by honoring our needs and helping us with the various challenges that we are met with on a daily basis. Remember, there is no disappointment with the Lord who is delighted to shower His compassionate care on His children. His delight is our greatest strength to face the challenges and concerns in life on a daily basis.
Song of Songs 2:4 - He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love.
Thought for Today
If we delight in the Lord and His laws, He will be delighted in us.
Verse for Today: Monday, January 31, 2011
Psalms 147:11 - The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love.
God is looking for people who are totally devoted to Him and find Him as the Lord of their lives. He looks into their hearts to see if they genuinely fear Him. There are a lot of people who wear a mask of piety and show an external religion in their behavior. They appeal to the approval of people for their religiosity. But God is not pleased with such external religious acts for public appeal. He is looking for those who are sincere in their devotion to Him. Genuine devotees of God put their trust in Him for all that happens to them. They seek His will in all walks of life. They consult Him in making decisions even in the smallest things in life. They thank Him for all that they receive in life because they believe that all that comes their way is sent by God from above as part of His divine plan for them. They walk according to His laws which are given for their comfort, reproof and edification. Their ultimate goal in life is to please the Lord and to put their hope in Him alone. They know for sure that their Lord will meet all their needs and walk with them throughout their sojourn because His love for them is unfailing. It never ceases and doesn't depend on their faithfulness, but His faithfulness and promises. It is wonderful to find God's children whose lives are totally dependent on Him because He is delighted in such people. We find that God was delighted in the obedience and devotion of His children like Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, David, Moses and a long list of prophets who served Him and His interest throughout their lives. So God used them for His glory and accomplished His purpose through them.
Dear friend, how is the barometer of your devotion to the Lord who is the maker of heaven and earth? Even when you may not measure up to His level, would you measure up in your sincerity and simplicity of devotion to Him? Are you loyal to Him and His cause here on earth? Do you portray a life where your dependence on Him abounds day by day? Is He the source of all that you receive in life? Are you enjoying your fellowship with Him on a daily basis? Do you spend quality time with Him on a regular basis? Do you take your needs, whether small or big, to Him and expect Him to meet those needs? Do you regularly seek His kingdom and His righteousness? Are you looking after His business in this world while He looks after your needs on a daily basis? The Lord is seeking sincere devotees who declare their unadulterated loyalty and dependence on Him. If we depend on Him fully, He will be pleased with us because He wants us to trust Him alone for all our needs. If we exercise our faith in Him and expect Him to be our provider in the face of all our failures, inadequacies and shortages, He will come to fill our needs and desires. He will pour out His unfailing love and compassion over us and keep us in His peace. His delight is in those who seek and do His perfect will. He shows His delight in His children by honoring our needs and helping us with the various challenges that we are met with on a daily basis. Remember, there is no disappointment with the Lord who is delighted to shower His compassionate care on His children. His delight is our greatest strength to face the challenges and concerns in life on a daily basis.
Song of Songs 2:4 - He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love.
Thought for Today
If we delight in the Lord and His laws, He will be delighted in us.