Friday, August 2, 2013


Divine signal!
Verse for Today: Friday, August 02, 2013  
Genesis 41:1 – When two full years have passed, Pharaoh had a dream.

God’s dreamer not only dreams, but interprets dreams on behalf of God. Joseph believed that one day his teenage dreams will come true. He knew God intimately and believed what has been promised to him through dreams will come true. He knew that His God was powerful to speak to other people through dreams and would use him to interpret dreams. Even after the cup-bearer of the Pharaoh found Joseph’s interpretation of his dream to come true, he was not grateful to Joseph to work to release him from the prison. But God would not forget Joseph. God used dreams to reveal Joseph’s divine wisdom and to find a window for Joseph to express it in the life of Pharaoh. Through this incident, God spoke to Joseph and reassured him that even when people forget his cause, God will not. At the right time, God would work things out through incidents in the lives of people and upcoming changes in nature that He was in control of the lives of His beloved children. God proved to him that Potiphar, cup-bearer of the king and his own kith and kin might forget him, but God will not. It is amazing that God made all the people Joseph served to become his servants in a little while. God disturbed Pharaoh’s sleep and peace until Joseph was settled in life for the sustenance of his family would be guaranteed. These developments in the life of Joseph speak powerfully to us today to trust God for His every move in our lives. When years pass by silently, we see that our God is still at work quietly behind the scene. He is preparing people, circumstances and events to accomplish his purpose in our lives. We must continue to serve Him wherever He has placed us and wait patiently for His time to come to lift us up. His delays are not inactive and passive, but full of preparatory activities to fulfill His divine purpose in us. We should not jump ahead of God, but must wait for His time to come for us to act according to His will.

Dear friend, are you getting impatient at the slow pace of developments in your life? Remember, the Master Designer who is at the controls of this universe is the same Lord who is controlling your life also. He has a grand design for your life which He will carry forward according to His wisdom, pleasure and schedule. Perhaps you feel that you are forgotten by all and sundry, but rest assured that your Lord will never forget you nor ignore you. He will not forsake you for a moment. His plan for you is based on His wisdom and understanding of the pace at which you grow spiritually. As you pass each milestone in your spiritual life, newer vistas will be opened for you. What God expects from you is to simply wait for newer opportunities, but to be faithful in whatever ministries you are entrusted with. At the right time, God will send divine signals for you to move forward in His will. His design for your life will unfold day by day. He doesn’t expect you to sit and wallow over your present plight, but to use it as a bridge to cross over the troubled waters in front of you. Each step of your way forward will be determined by His perfect will and He will hold your hands. Today He is processing you for greater vistas of life of faith and will lead you onward in a magnificent manner.

2 Timothy 4:18 – The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom.

Thought for Today
Your prison cell is God’s workshop to chip, chisel and remold you for greater usefulness.  

Prayer for Today
Lord: Help me today to take my eyes off my present miseries and focus on Your great plans for my life which are yet to be revealed. Amen!

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