Thursday, August 8, 2013


Shield and Glory!
Verse for Today: Thursday, August 08, 2013
Psalms  3:3 – But You are a shield around me, O Lord; You bestow glory on me and lift up my head.
Our prayers often portray the depth of our needs and predicaments. When we are unable to expose our needs before man, we still have the presence of God to articulate our deepest needs and emotions. Others who observe us will never truly understand the enormity of our pain and distress. Often these fiery darts come through our dearest and nearest which make us far more vulnerable than attacks from outsiders. These attacks bleed our hearts and sag our heads in shame and misery. Our past glory is dragged into the sand by these attacks. We have no escape from such perils except in the presence of God. David went through such a bitter situation when he was ousted by his own son Absalom. David had to run for cover. His closest aides made use of the opportunity to undermine him further through public attacks and abuses. But David’s heart-cry reached his God from where came deliverance and rescue. Even when many wrote David off and others lost hope about David, he didn’t give up or give in. His comfort and confidence came from God as he prayed. Surely David’s situation made him humble and crushed before the Lord. He became a broken man, recounting his own failures in life which led him to confess his weaknesses. David’s return was a painful victory as it was against his own son. But even as he experienced pain, God lifted up his head and reestablished his past glory. David enjoyed the security and safety that His God granted him. Today the God of David is our safety and security when we face such poisonous arrows of gossip, unfair criticism and misinterpretation of our motives. But our God comes to our rescue and He will lift us up at the right time to the shame of all our detractors.
Dear friend, are you facing unkind criticism and brutal character assassination by those who are around you? Are you made to drink the tears of shame and embarrassment when you are under attack? Does your situation look so hopeless as to make you feel like running away for life? But God has a few songs of encouragement in His hymnbook for you to sing and find comfort. You are free to go to His presence and find peace and hope in spite of your hopeless situation. Joseph also experienced such painful situations of hatred, conniving and misrepresentation in his life while he was still very young and inexperienced. Today the life and experience of David and Joseph encourage us whether we are in important positions or work as slaves. Our God will not leave us alone to suffer as He suffers when we suffer. He feels our pain and misery because of His infinite love for us. He always comes to rescue us at the right time. Perhaps He is interested in greater brokenness in your life and would permit such painful experiences to see you truly contrite in your spirit. But your Lord will not forsake you nor will He leave you to be dragged through the streets. He will establish you and continue to make use of you for His glory and to accomplish His purpose through you. Today God wants you not to look at your enemies with their plot and get discouraged, but look unto Him and get energized because of the hope He plants in your heart. He gives you the song of prayer and victory to sing unto Him and take courage to go forward for Him.

Psalms 34:5 – Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

Thought for Today
When we enjoy the security of God our shield, our heads and hearts will be lifted up to sing in His power.  

Prayer for Today
Lord: Help me today to lift up my head to see your glory so that the darts of the enemies will be like shadows in my eyes. Amen!


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