Beyond expectations!
Verse for Today: Saturday, September 07, 2013
John 21:13 – Jesus
came, took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish.
Need based service
without expecting anything in return is very rare in this world. Almost any
service expects something in return, ranging from money, respect, prestige,
popularity to recognition and appreciation. The world gives what it has to meet
human needs, whether it is need-based or not. But the world is often unable to
provide for the emotional and spiritual needs of people because it doesn’t have
anything tangible to meet such needs. All it has is the lukewarm waters of its
broken cisterns which never satisfy. But what the Lord Jesus offers this world
is need-based and fully satisfying. He visits a banquet hall and removes all
shortages. He meets a sick person and heals him fully. He goes to groups of
spiritually hungry people, and gives them heavenly bread to satisfy their
craving. On this chilly and dark morning at the lakefront, Jesus finds a group
of dejected young men who proved their defeat and failure in their profession
of fishing. He gave them company, counsel and hope. He guided them in their
profession to get the best ever catch which they couldn’t contain in their
boats and nets. But He also knew their physical and emotional weariness and
invited them for a miracle breakfast. Apart from all the fish they caught, He
gave them broiled fish, along with bread and water to satisfy their innermost
cravings. Jesus didn’t find fault with them, but sympathized with their
failures and dejection. He drew them nearer to Himself and comforted and
strengthened them. He comes to us today
to meet our intrinsic and extrinsic needs and bring heaven to us to meet our
every physical, emotional and spiritual need according to His measure to
restore our broken bodies and minds. But it is for us to recognize Him as He
comes to us with His heavenly warehouse to meet our needs to satisfaction.
Dear reader, are you
going through dejection, failure and loss in life right now? Are you at your wits
end, with all hope gone and experience weariness in your soul and body? If you
are willing to open your eyes and look, you will see Jesus coming to you with
His heavenly resources to meet your every need. He knows all your physical,
emotional and spiritual needs and has enough and more to meet it all and fill the
entire vacuum in your life. He will rekindle your lost hope and revitalize your
spiritual nerves. He will restore your soul from the rock bottom of emotional
drain and hopelessness. But you have to satisfy yourself that He is sufficient
to meet all your needs far beyond what you ask for or expect. He will prepare
your table in the wilderness or the sea shore and make your cup run over with
His blessings. He will make you forget the lost time and the extent of failure
you have experienced. A new dawn is awaiting you where your boat will fill to
overloading. The catch He has designed for you will be far greater than what
you have seen in the past. It will compensate for all your losses and failures.
What Jesus wants to give you today will overwhelm you and make you dumbfounded
before Him because it is far beyond your wildest imagination. Today Jesus is
sufficient for your present and future needs according to His divine measure to
the amazement of all who are around you.
Hebrews 4:16 – Let
us then approach the Throne of Grace with confidence, so that we may receive
mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Thought for Today
Jesus knows our every
need long before we become aware of it and prepares us to meet those needs far
beyond our expectations.
Prayer for Today
Dear Lord Jesus: Help
me to confess my failures and inadequacies and approach Your Throne of Grace to
meet my every need according to Your riches in glory. Amen!
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