Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Measureless peace!

Verse for Today: Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Romans 15:33 – Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen.

Peace originates from God alone because God dwells in absolute peace in and with Himself. No matter what happens in this universe, God abides in peace because nothing that happens can move God’s plans, programs and designs. If man wants to enjoy peace in his life, he must get it from the God of peace who alone is able to impart peace to anyone who seeks after it. Man can get peace from God by learning about the way God operates in this chaotic universe. Man can ask God to fill him with godly peace. But peace of God comes to man by attaining peace with God through Jesus Christ who is the bridge between the God of peace and man who lost peace because of sinfulness. Those who go to God through Jesus Christ, the Prince of peace, will be able to experience, own and enjoy God’s peace which doesn’t change with circumstances and situations. All human circumstances are bound to change without notice and that leads man to lose his peace as he tries to cope with change. Man who dwells in perennial change can attain peace by dwelling in the presence of God of peace and focus his entire attention on the God of peace. If man takes his eyes off God, he will soon lose his peace as it happened to Peter when he tried to walk on the water by looking at the waves. Elijah had that problem when his eyes were shifted from the God of Carmel to the wicked Jezebel. The disciples of Jesus lost their peace when they ran away from Him into backsliding. Their eyes focused on the Jewish and Roman authorities and thus they became fearful. Today we have the privilege to receive and enjoy God’s peace by dwelling in His presence and getting ourselves immersed in His Person to enjoy His peace that flows from Him. 

Dear friend, is your life chaotic, confusing, fearful and restless? Are you experiencing anxiety and apprehension about your future? Are you bewildered about the calamities that your instincts scare you with? Remember, life is a pathway full of hills and valleys experiences. Sometimes we are elated, and at other times depressive. But the God of peace will give confidence, courage, faith and trust for His children in all their situations. God is interested in helping you to cope with change rather than change your circumstances. God equips, empowers and enables His children to do all things in all circumstances through Christ who strengthens them. The changes in the cosmos need not shake God’s people because they have the peace of God made available to them to meet all their situations no matter how hopeless it might look. When circumstances shatter us, our changeless God gives us the confidence that there will not be any change in the measure of peace that He has already invested in our hearts. But it is our responsibility to make use of God’s peace as a living reality in our lives. God has invested His peace in our hearts for our use whenever we need. So when unfavorable circumstances knock at the doors of our hearts, we can ask the peace of God to answer the door for us and will find that the fears and perplexities evaporate. God’s peace is immeasurable and unfathomably great that there is enough peace for every need and circumstance. The peace of God has the power of God in its fullness which we can experience today to beat any of our most perilous situations and enjoy calmness and tranquility.

John 14:27 – Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Thought for Today
Peace of God has the strength of God in it to offset any trouble circumstances might bring to us.

Prayer for Today
Dear Lord Jesus: Help me to dwell in Your presence, imbibe your Person and enjoy Your peace in all my situations. Amen!


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