Thursday, September 19, 2013


Willing follower!

Verse for Today: Thursday, September 19, 2013  

Psalms 73:24 – You guide me with Your counsel, and afterwards You will take me into glory.

A sojourner needs wise and accurate counsel to stay on track in the right direction. When we tread through the wilderness of this world, we have to fight self will, worldly distractions and wrong perceptions about our walk and direction. But we must resist all these temptations to follow Jesus who called us. We are on this pathway because of His benevolence and not because of our merits or wisdom. As we seek His face, He guides us with His eyes and leads us in the path of righteousness. He is full of wise counsel and knows the pathway that is best for us to tread. His way for us is the way of the cross that He trod. It is a way of ridicule, despising, mockery and persecution. It is a way which exposes us to the heat and wind of life. It is a way which challenges us to give our best time, treasures, training and talents to the Master for Him to use it for His glory as we walk with Him. There are negative forces which try to pull us back or sidetrack. But our Master is with us every step of the way to lead and guide us. He gives us His counsel to know the way and chose every step. His wise counsel comes to us through His Word which is lamp unto our steps and light unto our path. His Counselor, the Holy Spirit, who lives in our hearts, speaks to us through His still, soft voice to lead, guide, warn, correct and encourage us in our walk. But we will hear His voice only if we do not quench His power in our lives. Let us today confess all our past disobedience and surrender our will so that we will be able to hear His voice and walk accordingly. 

Dear friend, are you battered with confusing counsel from various forces around you? Are you challenged by the seemingly wise distractions and pseudo attractions which try to pull you to the sidelines and slow you down in your pathway? Is your walk frustrating and apprehensive? At times, do you feel that you have lost the way and have gone on detours? Are these experiences making you depressed like Jacob when the storms of life beat against his life? But all the while, your Lord and Master is walking by you and He wants to hold your hands to take you to the right direction. He has the right counsel for you to keep track of His ways. His heavenly light is available for you day and night through His Word and His Spirit. His Word is full of the best counsel for you to heed to. His Spirit speaks to you at each step of the way to either warn you or to confirm you steps. But remember, the Lord will not impose it on you, but will only show you the way. You must make the right decision and chose the right pathway. All heavenly resources are made available for you to make the right choice. If you are living by grieving and quenching the Spirit, it would be difficult for you to listen to His voice. If your ears are tuned to the false voices of the Vanity Fair of this world, it would be well nigh impossible to hear the voice of the Lord. If you follow His voice, He will take you forward and when the journey is over, take you Home to be with Him forever. Today you are challenged to give Him your ears so that you would hear His voice and walk accordingly. 

Psalms 32:8 – I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.

Thought for Today
Only a willing and surrendered listener is able to take advantage of wise counsel from God.

Prayer for Today
Dear Lord Jesus: Help me to renew my commitment, obedience and surrender to You today to heed to Your wise counsel and walk after You. Amen!

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