Thursday, January 31, 2013


Nothing impossible!
Verse for Today: Thursday, January 31, 2013
Psalms 113:9 – He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord.

In a world of impossibilities where many things are beyond man’s control, God comes in to make it possible. There are many situations when we are absolutely helpless. We are written off by others and eventually we also leave ourselves in the lurch of hopelessness. Such hopeless situations lead people to quit and destroy themselves. But if such situations are handed over to the creator and sustainer God, He will turn it into positive and productive situations. There are barren people and barren lives which bring forth nothing good. When Prophet Jonah was thrown into the roaring billows, nobody thought that there was any future for him. Joseph in the pit was thought to have no hope of seeing sunlight again. A lot of people thought that there was no hope for Jerusalem after the captivity. All people around wrote David off and never had any positive outlook about his life. No one thought Sarah would have a child. Hannah was written off by all. So was Elizabeth. When Jesus was crucified, His executors thought that His case ended there. Peter was in a hopeless death row and had only a few hours in front of him. Whoever thought that Daniel would ever come back from the lions’ den? Everyone was absolutely sure that within split seconds, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego would turn into ashes. But in all these situations, our God performed the impossible and turned their lives around. He put hope in the hearts of all who looked unto Him for answers. He made the barren to become productive. He made the childless woman a mother of children like that of Hannah. He does this even today in the lives of His precious children by turning their impossible situations into certainties of His abundant blessings. Today He is waiting for us to turn our lives at His disposal so that He can take it, remold it and enlarge it.

Dear friend, are you encountering impossible situations in your life lately? Even after doing all you can, are your situations remaining impossible and that there seem to be no hope for it to become brighter? Have you already given up or are you contemplating to quit? But it is never too late to give God a chance to handle your situations. Remember, there is nothing impossible for Him. He can turn around any impossible situation into great possibilities through His divine power. He is able to make success out of your failures and victory out of defeats. He is able to feed thousands in the desert with meager substance. He can give gourmet meals to His servants through divine messengers. He can bring back an axe from a river full of deep waters. He can break strong city walls by just making people walk around it by faith. He can make a Prime Minister out a prisoner. He has brought several people back from death. He can hold rain and bring it back at His will and pleasure. He gives barren women children to live as happy homemakers. He sets prisoners free and breaks open iron gates of maximum security prisons. He releases lives which are under the bondage of sin. Today He is waiting for you to go to Him to hand your life and your seemingly impossible situation to Him. He will take it in His creative hands and turn it around to one of hope and life with multiplier impact. The only thing that stands between you and your Lord in seeing a great turn around in your life is your willingness to hand your life situation over to Him. He will remold, reshape, revive and rejuvenate you so that you would bring forth greater fruitfulness for Him. If you are unwilling to let God handle your situation, you are missing an opportunity for a great rebuilding of your life for your happiness and His glory.

Luke 1:37 – For nothing is impossible with God.

Thought for Today
The God of impossibilities turns our barren lives into great centers of blessings with multiplier impact.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013


He feels my hurt!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Psalms 105:15 – “Do not touch My anointed ones; do My prophets no harm.”

Those who heap atrocities on God’s people really hurt God to whom His children are precious. He feels our pain and will react in His mighty way. God has announced and commanded that no one should touch His anointed ones who are bought with the highest price. They are purchased by the blood of the Lamb shed on Calvary. They are anointed with the Spirit of God. God has appointed His prophets to foretell and forthtell His Word to His people and to the world. These prophets are rewarded for their labor by God from His resources. Their mandate is divine and they are sent with special mission. God’s people are the body of Christ, the Church. When the world touches His children, they are touching the body of Christ which is felt by the head who is Christ. That’s why He has commanded everyone not to hurt His children and His prophets. But if they touch us, God will not watch inactively. He will definitely respond in kind. He knows what punishment is appropriate to those who hurt His children and disrupt their life and ministry. Sadly the enemy of our soul uses people to hurt us and level all sorts of atrocities against us. But God will come back to strike these enemies of ours. If we look at history, all who have ever hurt God’s children have received severe punishment. During the Old Testament times, often they were instantly dealt with. Today God is dealing with those who hurt us in various ways. In some cases like that of Saul of Tarsus, God gives them time to repent and come to His fold. Those who do not repent will definitely be made accountable. We do not need to take revenge on them, but are instructed to wait for God to handle it Himself.

Dear friend, are you being continuously hurt by those around you for your stand for God? Are you facing ridicule, mockery, threat or bias in the work place, ill-treatment, false accusations and deprivation from the hands of the people around you? Sometimes you might find the hurt far too much for you to endure. But your Lord is seeing all of these atrocities leveled against you and He is aware of the extent to which you are feeling the hurt and loss of various kinds. He is not inactive, but is only waiting for them to repent. If they don’t repent, He will definitely act before it is too late. But He wants you to rejoice when you are hurt because it is a great privilege to suffer such physical, mental and economic atrocities from the hands of the Lord’s enemies. Today the Lord reminds us that He is working behind the scene to handle these agents of iniquities and will discipline them with an iron scepter. They do not know that He is a consuming fire and it is dangerous to fall into His hands. Potiphar had to serve Joseph who was cruelly punished by him a few years back. All the enemies of David had to pay a heavy price for hurting and chasing him. God dealt with Amalekites, Amorites, Midianites, Moabites and all other nations which bruised God’s people. Let all God’s people beware not to become instruments in the hands of the enemy to hurt His children! Dear friend, if you are hurt by the enemies around you, you should pray not to fall into discouragement or impatience, but to keep trusting in God to keep going. God will deal with the enemies and make them accountable. But we can march forward rejoicing because our reward for patience will be great in His presence. We do not need to prove any of the enemy’s falsehood against us because the Lord knows the truth and that is what matters most. Let us keep going in His power and strength and look unto our Lord for comfort and hope.

Zechariah 2:8b – For whoever touches you touches the apple of His eye.

Thought for Today
When the body of Christ is abused, Christ the head will feel the pain.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Divine Compassion!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Psalms 103:17 – But the lovingkindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children’s children.

God’s dealing with human beings is based on His character. He is full of compassion and mercy to all, not because we humans deserve it on our merit, but because of His grace to us. But He shows special mercy and compassion to all His children who accept Him as their Father when they are born again into His family. He expects His children to be in fellowship with Him through our devotion, obedience and love. He desires that we recognize Him as the awesome God who is a consuming fire and wants us to live in reverence and fear of Him. When we live on the basis of His Word and in subjection to His Spirit, our hearts and lives will be filled with the awe of our Great God who lives in unapproachable light. When we live under the shadow of such a great and mighty God, He is moved by our devotion to respond to our prayers and petitions. Thus when we live to please Him and make Him our priority in life, our lives becomes His which He will use for His glory. As He uses our lives to bring glory to His name, we would begin to enjoy His lovingkindness. But we receive His mercy which has been shown to us long before we were born. The Father knew us before the foundation of the world was laid and prepared the way of salvation for us through Jesus Christ. He took pity on us because of our low estate. His compassion will be upon us till we complete our sojourn in this world. But even in eternity, His dealings with us will be on the basis of His eternal compassion and love to us. It is this compassion which gives us all that we need each day to live to glorify Him. In His compassion, He provides for us, protects us and sustains us. In His compassion, He gives us what pleases Him and what is most beneficial to us because the many things that we ask for may not be good for our spiritual well-being.

Dear reader, are you aware of the fact that God is immensely merciful to you? It is His mercy that has caused you to become His child. He had prepared the way of salvation for you in eternity past and handled your situation is such a way that at the right time, you would hear the gospel and believe. He has also shown mercy to you by helping you to live as His child and giving you all that you needed for life and devotion. He is pleased to meet all your physical, emotional and spiritual needs because He is merciful to you. As God does all that He has promised for you on a daily basis, He expects you to respond to Him by living in the fear and awe of Him. His blessings of all kind will be available to those who live in reverence to Him. If you fear Him, you will express it through obedience, love and devotion in true worship. God has promised that if we live in His fear, He will show compassion to us and our generations to come. Abraham had such blessings in his life as his grandchildren through the centuries have enjoyed the favor of the Lord. God performs righteousness to our generations if we live in His fear. When we go through dire needs, His heart melts for us and His resources start flowing towards us to meet those needs. Today let us look around and see the extent of compassion God shows us by providing us with all His best to live a life of witness to His faithfulness. Let us respond to His compassion through our devotion.

Lamentations 3:22 – Because of the Lord’s great mercy we are not consumed, for His compassion never fails.

Thought for Today
When God shows compassion,His children respond with a heart full of devotion and love.

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Monday, January 28, 2013


Recounting divine benefits!
Verse for Today: Monday, January 28, 2013
Psalms 103:2 – Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.

Human brain has the capacity to remember as well as forget. We often forget the bright past and remember the painful events of our yesteryear. Our bitter experiences often overshadow the best that has happened to us. We frequently dwell in our past failures but forget our innumerable successes and victories. Thus we tend to lose the joy of the innumerable best and revert back to the painful few. Today God wants us to recount the best that has happened to each of us. If we look at all that God has done for us in the past, it would so fill our hearts as to find no room for remembering the setbacks which came our way. God has shown us His favors because He is our beloved Father and we are His special children. He has saved our souls from destruction and given us eternal life. This fact alone is sufficient for us to focus on praising Him. Along with that, He has given us all that we need to live a godly life here on earth. He has given us our basic necessities of life and led us day by day in the past which provides additional reasons for us to praise Him. He has given us people to love and associate with. He has protected us from the evil one and from the snares of the enemy. All that we are today cannot be because of our merit, goodness and qualifications, but due only to His grace. He has shown compassion and mercy to sustain us. God wants us to acknowledge all the benefits we have received from Him all through the years of our past life and focus on praising Him for it all. Such a life of praise would be life filled with gratitude and not complaints. A life of praise would weed out all bitter roots from our lives and fill us with joy and true contentment.

Dear friend, are you looking back at the bitter experiences of life and feeling dejected? Was your past pain so much as to push you to live with a depressive spirit day after day? But the very fact that God has made it all a story of the past is sufficient for you to praise Him. Every victory in the past is to be remembered joyfully and use it to praise God. The protection and provisions granted to you are sufficient to remember for generations to come. If you recount all that God has done for you and start praising Him for it, where would you find time to remember the failures, losses and pain that you underwent? David went through innumerable experiences of pain, misery, threats, dangers, treacheries and insecurity in life. He passed through discouragements, hopelessness, anguishes and loneliness, but the Lord brought him out of it all. But David found that the deliverance He enjoyed from the Lord was paramount in his for which he was truly grateful to God. For David, all his experiences, whether joyful or painful, were worth praising God because these events made him know His God more intimately. He saw it all as the hand of God in His life which led his heart to be filled with singing and praising. A grateful heart will not allow the weeds of murmur to grow and that is the great lesson we can learn today from the life of King David. Let us take the challenge to dwell continually in praising God for all that He has done for us and all that He is going to do for us in the days to come.

Psalms 27:13 – I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Thought for Today
A heart filled with gratitude and praise will have no desire to dwell in the past failures and losses.
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Sunday, January 27, 2013


Stones of distraction!
Verse for Today: Sunday, January 27, 2013
Psalms 91:12 – (His angels) will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

God has His special protection force to look after His precious children. We dwell in God’s magnificent presence all the time to enjoy the safety and security He provides. God’s Spirit dwells in us to guide and lead all the time. God Himself is the keeper of all His children. But angels are also appointed to look after us lest we get into danger. As we progress on our sojourn, there are times when we come across stones of obstruction, distraction and intimidation which tempt us to take detours. When we see stones of difficult circumstances and situations, we tend to detract and run back or go sideways. Some stones of situations make us afraid of the way. But we must understand that these stones are brought to our way by the enemy of our souls to create confusion and discouragement. At that time, God comes to tell us that these stones are not the end of the way for us. God has more distance for us to tread. He has made ample provisions for us to march forward. As we come across these stones which try to hinder us, God gives us His mighty power to overcome it by faith. He fills our eyes with His glory all through our pathway so that we would not need to be burdened about the stones of intimidation and threat. When we look through the glory of the Lord, we would not even see these stones. At the right time, the angels of the Lord will come to pick us up and place us on the other side of the stones so that we can continue with our walk of faith. At other times, the angels will remove the stones to clear our pathways. When we live under the shadow of the Almighty, the stones of obstruction will not deter us.

Dear friend, are you facing some heavy and large stones of discouragement, intimidation and fear on your way? Are these stones too big as to give you the feeling that you cannot continue with your journey? But remember that no stone is too large to prevent God’s children from walking on pathways that He has marked out for us. When God prepares our way, no force in this Universe can stop us from going forward. God has also given us the great spiritual armor of faith to overcome the stones of obstruction and intimidation. Our God is much greater than all these stones that the enemy places on our way. The God who created the greatest mountains of this universe would not have any problem handling these stones of distraction. With the God of the Mountains on our side, we can overcome all these obstructions. As our eyes are captivated by the glory of our Lord, we can easily brush aside these stones. Today God reminds us that there is no need for us to be afraid of these stones. He wants us to look at Him and His glory to get our spiritual batteries recharged to enable us to go forward. The stones of discouragement will not be capable to retract us because we are moved forward by the power of God. He wants us to focus on our destination that He has placed before our eyes which we can see by faith. When we take steps of faith, God performs the great ministry of preventing our foot from striking against any stones of discouragement. Let us look at our Lord today and walk by faith and in the courage He has given us. Let us enjoy His reassurance that we will go forward against the stones of obstruction.

Hebrews 12:2a – Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

Thought for Today
Those who travel on the Rock of Ages need not be afraid of any stone that obstructs them on the way.

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Saturday, January 26, 2013


Wheat and honey menu!
Verse for Today: Saturday, January 26, 2013
Psalms 81:16 – But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.

We all seek greater standards for our lives and endeavor to work hard to arrive at a higher level. But all our efforts to reach greater heights in life end here in this world. We convince ourselves that our quality of life is getting better as days go by, but the quality of our inner life goes down day after day. Our lives get more and more complicated day by day as we try to go to higher grounds in this world. But God wants to give us truly higher quality of our spiritual life if we go to Him and seek after His kingdom and righteousness. It means that we depend on Him for all our spiritual needs and live as broken and humble people. When we depend on Him, He will fulfill all His desires in us by changing our lives from the routine to the exemplary. Instead of the mundane and regular manna, He will feed us with a wide variety of dishes with the finest of His wheat for healthy growth in faith and trust in Him. Remember how He used to give us the water of life from the Rock! Now He is committed to give us wild honey hidden in the rock for greater nourishment and healthier growth. When our spiritual diet improves with wild honey and finest wheat, we would gain more strength in our souls to leap for joy and bubble in faith. He doesn’t want us to be satisfied with the mundane, but to go for the finest of His resources for vital growth and development of our stature. Ultimately He wants us to grow to the stature of Christ so that we would be like Him wherever we are. But if we do not have the desire to grow to greater heights by depending on His resources, we would continue to be spiritual pygmies with stunted growth and feeble faith. Today God has something great to offer us if we are committed to His pathways.

Dear friend, are you committed to greater spiritual heights in life or simply satisfied with the mundane? God has great desires for you to grow in spiritual stature. He wants you to grow in faith and in spiritual strength. He wants to help you grow so that you can attempt greater things for Him. He wants you to have greater faith in His promises which will emerge only as you grow. In order for you to grow, He wants you to enjoy His wild honey that He has kept in the rock. He also wants you to eat the finest wheat that is in His breadbasket. Both of these are found in His presence and in His Word. If you depend on Him and want to enjoy His presence and His treasure house, He will give you more and more of His finest wheat and wild honey from the rock to help you grow. Your faith cannot grow unless your intake of the fine wheat and wild honey increase. There is no need for you to starve and go around as a destitute.  There is plenty of wonderful food for you to enjoy in His presence. The table that He prepares for you along with the cup of blessings keeps overflowing with all the blessings of the heavenly places. He will not force-feed you, but desires that you take the time and effort to take and eat to full satisfaction.  If you do so, growth is guaranteed and the stature of your faith will reach new heights to enable you to go forward in all your unfavorable situations and circumstances.

Psalms 81:10b – Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it with good things. (NLT)

Thought for Today
Fine wheat and wild honey from the rock which God gives will produce in us great measure of faith, trust, dependence and confidence to handle all our situations.

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Friday, January 25, 2013


Liberal Giver!
Verse for Today: Friday, January 25, 2013
Psalms 78:15 – He split the rocks in the desert and gave them water as abundant as the seas.

God meets the needs of His precious children in the most hopeless places, in the most abundant measure and through unusual meas. Means are no problem for Him because He can make any of the elements He created to obey Him and produce what He orders. That’s why even a rock could break open and become an ocean of living water. The desert which is the most unlikely place for water is no deterrent for Him because even there He keeps His reservoirs ready for His children. His resources for His children are immeasurable, vast and abundant as seas. God gives according to His status and dignity and as per His measure which is as great as God Himself. He doesn’t give according to human standards, but according to divine standard. When He gives, it amazes all who receive it because it is far beyond any one’s expectations or dreams. When we go through desert-like situations with no help from around, He is with us and keeps supplying our needs abundantly according to His measure and time. If we lack water to drink and go around with parched throats, it affects His dignity. So God gives so much of water to the Israelites that their cattle could also drink sufficiently. As He meets our needs in the deserts of this world, it strengthens our faith in His ability and willingness to give at the right time in the right measure to meet the right needs. Each of His children would be in a position to look back into their yesteryear and testify that our God is the greatest giver and He is the owner of the greatest reservoir of resources. We can also authentically say that He is the most generous giver. He doesn’t give according to our qualifications, but according to our needs and on the basis of His measure of compassion to us. Today He is out there waiting for us to ask so that He can fill us to overflowing.

Dear friend, are you sojourning through hard and hot places in life? Do the toils of life make you weary and weak? Are your situations depriving you of the basic needs in life? Is your throat parched because of the heat and because you have been crying aloud for help? If you ask the Lord, He will open your eyes to see the rocky water reservoirs kept full for you to imbibe. He will split the rock at the right time for water to flow like a sea for you to drink to the brink. Your Lord gives to you abundantly and immeasurably until your thirst is fully quenched. He uses His vast hands to give you to meet all your needs. Probably you are going through shortages, inadequacies and insufficiency in life. But you don’t need to stay thirsty, hungry and deprived, but just go to your All-Sufficient Lord. He is the greatest giver who gave His only begotten Son for mankind to show His love to us.  He gives His best to His children. He treats us with dignity and decorum and invites us to His banquet house.  His resources will never exhaust and they keep overflowing all the days of our lives. Today He asks us to appropriate His provisions kept for us. Even as He gives us, we are to go and take also. He leads us to the quiet waters to which we can go and possess to enjoy. Today there is no need for us to live as paupers, but as the precious children of the Great King to possess and enjoy all that has been set apart for us.

Psalms 78:16 – He brought streams out of a rocky crag and made water flow down like rivers.

Thought for Today
The generous and immeasurable giving by God shows how great He is and how vast His resources are. 

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Thursday, January 24, 2013


Look up and walk!
Verse for Today: Thursday, January 24, 2013
Psalms 78:14 – He guided them with the cloud by day and with light from the fire all night.

God expects His children to walk by looking up and not by looking ahead or around. They do not need to look ahead or around because it might distract. But looking up will enable them to take one step at a time by faith. In order to look up and walk, their heads have to be lifted up to heaven and they must look up to the sky to see the light and the guidance in the cloud. God wants His children not to be lured by the many distractions planted by the enemy all around them. If they look up and walk, it would not be possible for them to walk faster than the clouds and the light. It is not our ability to look that guides us, but the faith in the provider of these lights and clouds. We do not need to know the way or the direction, but when we put our trust in God, He will show the way and the direction. As we look up and walk, we will find that we reach our destination according to the travel plan designed by our Lord. During the day, there are many clouds in the sky, but there is a particular cloud pillar which is God-ordained. We should have the faith to see only that which is the Lord’s instrument for us to see and walk. There are many stars and other heavenly bodies in the sky in the night, but God wants us to see that which is designed and directed by our Lord especially for us. He will make us recognize the guiding posts if we seek His ways and dwell in His presence. Today God guides us through His Word and His Spirit to take steps of faith in our sojourn. It is His walk with us and our walk with Him simultaneously on His pathway at His pace as He holds our hands.

Dear friend, are you lifting up your head and looking at the guiding clouds and lights as you walk with the Lord today? If you walk by sight, you cannot take steps in dim, blurred and dark situations. But if you walk by faith, you can walk irrespective of the darkness around you. But if you walk by sight, there is no guarantee that your judgment about the way is right. Such walk might take you to destinations chosen on the basis of prudence, intelligence and assumptions. Our human instinct is to walk by sight with human confidence and calculations for worldly gain. Balaam, Gehazi, Demas, Aachen and Judas Iscariot walked by sight and reached the filthy lucre of this world. When Peter took his eyes off Jesus ad looked at the waves, he lost his way forward. When Jacob focused on his smart schemes to the promises of God, he faltered and suffered immensely. King Saul tried the path of sight and lost his crown, throne and life. Lot walked by sight and chose the best land and ended up in sad predicaments. Solomon went the wrong way and had to pay a heavy price in life and in his generations. On the other hand, God’s servants like Nehemiah, Daniel, Paul and others walked solely by faith and completed their course with credibility. Today we are warned not to take our eyes off Jesus and His Word. We are to heed to the instructions of the Spirit of God who speaks to us through His Word and our conscience. God is with us day and night to guide us through His pillars of fire and cloud to see to it that we do not lose track. He is committed to guide us a step at a time. We are expected to keep looking up and walk by faith a step at a time.

Psalms 32:8 – I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.

Thought for Today
Looking up and walking is a buffer against looking ahead in our own ability and wisdom and lose track. 
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Faith to face adversary!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Psalms 60:11 – O give us help against the adversary, for deliverance by man is in vain.

Those who know the fierceness of their adversary will always seek the help of someone who is stronger than the adversary to fight for him and to deliver them. Our spiritual adversary is powerful, brutal and cunning and is capable of using subtle tactics to defeat us. He will try to weaken us by developing negative thoughts in us to drain our courage and confidence. He will tempt us to use our own strength to face him which will definitely defeat us. He works in our circumstances and situations by trying to complicate and confuse all events that take place around us. He will make false allegations and accusations through others to darken our testimony. Our adversary is good at making stories about us and knows how to spread it around to tarnish our image. He will try to replace our spiritual motive with material and temporal goals. He often strikes us when we are physically weak and tired. If we keep our minds idle, he knows how to make it a workshop to produce ungodly plans and priorities. Our adversary is a shameless troublemaker who keeps coming back to use all the darts in his armor to defeat us. He will use our employers, associates, neighbors, friends and even members of our family to work against us. He knows how to give us advice to make us commit blunders in our businesses to lead us into heavy losses and failures. He comes in the form of an angel of light with attractive ideas which might look lucrative and thus lure us into evil ways. When he uses multifarious tactics to defeat us, we need the mighty power of our God to deliver us from his clutches. We will find that help from other human beings will not be of any use because no human being measures up to our adversary. We need to go to God and declare ourselves defeated and surrender our failures to Him and ask for deliverance. Our God will answer us and will come down to give us victory in our spiritual warfare. He will deliver us from the cunning and conniving warfare of the adversary and help us to march forward victoriously.

Dear friend, are you aware of the tactics of the enemy of your soul to defeat you? Do you know how formidable an adversary he is? Is he trying to defeat you through negative thoughts, indecision, withdrawal, self isolation, self pity, guilt, stubbornness and anxiety?  But if you go to God with a deep desire for a release from the tactics of the adversary, He will revive and restore you. He will give you a positive outlook to life based on the wonderful promises He has given you in His Word. He will help you through His Spirit to make the right decisions at the right time. He will bring you out of your self-imposed isolation, withdrawal and self-pity. When He lays bare the wonderful plan He has for you, your self pity will give way to visions of brighter tomorrow. Your remorse about the wrong decisions you have taken in the past will lead you to humility and surrender of all your past failures to Him for renewal and restoration for a new beginning. Your anxiety will disappear in the brightness of the glory of the Lord which will strengthen your faith. You will no longer need to look for help from the experts of the world around you or its systems and technology. Your Lord will teach you to trust Him and depend on Him for deliverance from the adversary. He will remind you that you are the prince and princess of the Great King of Kings. The attempts of the adversary will fail as you will be kept safe in the arms of Jesus as His precious child.

Psalms 121:2 – My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Thought for Today
Spiritual battle will be won only if we surrender our defeats and failures to our Commander-in-chief and march forward with His armor.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Strength for defense!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Psalms 59:17 – Unto You, O my Strength, will I sing; for God is my defense, and the God of my mercy.

The weak are often defenseless. They do not sing because their lives are full of losses and failures. They do not have any strength in themselves to stand straight and strong against their enemies. They seek mercy from others to survive. But to those who go to God seeking strength, defense and mercy are amply given so that they can enjoy it all and sing for the victory that they are given by God. David addressed God as his strength because he realized that he had no strength in himself. He was unable to defend himself against all his formidable enemies. He learned that he could keep going only if God showed mercy to him. David looked into himself and found his situation hopeless and pathetic. That sight prompted him to seek the help of God for grace to survive and sustain in his sojourn. When he trusted God, he realized that strength was flowing into his life from God. As a result, he saw that the most powerful enemies were falling before him and that he could defeat them in God’s name. Such victories made David to start singing great hymns of praise and faith and make a joyful noise in the presence of God. He depended on the mercy of God which was available to him to meet the needs of the hour. As David we can acknowledge that all our strength comes from God and that we have no input in it. Each day we receive such abundance of strength from the Lord that enable us to address God as our sole strength. Today God’s strength is available to those who seek after Him in the measure in which it is required for each of our situations. As God imparts His strength into us, these earthen vessels become sources of spiritual songs. But we can enjoy God’s strength if only we appropriate it by faith and put it to use in handling our situations and fighting our battles.

Dear friend, are you feeling weak and powerless in handling your complicated situations and formidable enemies? Are you weeping because of your pathetic condition and feeling defenseless? There is a powerhouse in heaven from which you can draw all the power and strength you need to meet all your challenges. But it is imperative that you drain yourself of all your self with its fleshly power which is of no use in defending yourself against the enemy. When you are drained of all your self with its power, and seek the mercy of your God to fill you with His Spirit, He will fill you with His Spirit who is the Spirit of power and strength. God’s Spirit is not the Spirit of fear and timidity, but of joy, freedom and peace. He will come in and fortify you with His mighty power and strength to defend yourself against the enemy of your soul. His power will enable you and empower you to accomplish what God has planned for you. As you are filled and empowered by the Spirit, your weeping will give way to joy and singing. You will then be able to see the great things that the Lord is doing in and through you which will cause you to sing hymns of praise and adoration. Thus God will get all glory for all that happens in your life. God fortifies you according to His mercy to you. Today God comes to fill every vacuum in our lives with His glory if we are committed to depend on His mercy and strength. His strength and power will help us to handle all our difficult situations. He will take our hopelessness away from us and brighten our pathways with His hope. His strength will enable us to face and defeat all the Goliaths of fear, anxiety, doubt, confusion, discouragement, apprehension and hopelessness.

Psalms 118:14 – The Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.  

Thought for Today
God fills us with His strength to help us defend ourselves against our adversary.

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Monday, January 21, 2013


Raging tempests!
Verse for Today: Monday, January 21, 2013
Psalms 55:8 – (I said) “I would hurry to my place of shelter, far from the tempest and storm”.

Tempests and storms blow against people in their lives all the time. Storms ruin lives and sink people in fear and hopelessness. They run for cover which proves to be mirages. Many resort to substance abuse to keep their minds off the pressure of storms. Others fall into depression and become perennially sick. God’s children also face fierce tempests and storms in life. Sometimes we are tempted to quit or run away. We often rush to places of shelter and withdraw from active life. Sometimes we get into activities to keep us busy and thus to avoid the pressures of tempests. But eventually these pseudo shelters prove to be smokescreens. David found that when all pseudo refuges fail, there is a place of quiet rest in the presence of God. He found that God will hide us behind the Rock of Ages where the storms and tempests will not affect us. This Rock is Jesus who is the shelter in times of storms and tempests. When David faced storms and tempests in the form of gossip, distortions, spying, eviction, false allegations, artificial evidence and brutal criticism, he felt like hurrying away to some shelter to hide and rest. He ran for life for some time, but found that it was of no use because his enemy was far stronger than him. David was afraid for life and desperately sought an escape and a release. At last David found refuge in the Lord and His awesome presence. To his amazement, the presence of God was available to him any time at any place and all he had to do was to enter into the sanctuary of God and cry unto Him for escape and rest. In God’s presence, he found ample consolations, potent promises and tranquility. Today we can go to this refuge of the Almighty and dwell in His shadow to enjoy His peace, joy, confidence and comfort and ward off all fears and anxiety.

Dear friend, are you being battered by tempests and storms in life? Are the storms so strong as to drain away all your confidence and courage and fill you with fear and anxiety? Have you found that the traditional refuges that you counted on are powerless? Are you left alone in the lurch, tossed around and shattered into pieces? When all other refuges wane and wax away, your Lord will be there as the Rock for you to run into. He is the strong pillar of power and strength on which you can take refuge. He is the never changing Jesus who will be with you.  He will be most dependable during tough times of tempests and storms. When you find your feet dragging and earth disappearing below you, still your Lord will be there, as faithful as ever, to give you stability and strength. When you are unable to handle tempests of job loss, financial crises, disloyalty of dearest ones, physical ailment or disillusionment, there is a place to go to and a person to talk to. He is your Lord who loves you with an everlasting love. He will receive you with divine warmth and comfort. He will encourage you with promises and guide you according to His wisdom. He will fill you with His peace which passes all understanding in your most battered situation and give you hope for a brighter tomorrow. He knows your tomorrows. He is the Lord of your tomorrows. So there is no need to feel depressed and disillusioned, but be encouraged as you lean on to the Lord who is your everlasting Rock and tower of refuge. He is greater than all the tempests and storms that blow against you. He will either take you victoriously through the storms or command the storm to stop for safe passage.

Deuteronomy 33:27 – The Eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.

Thought for Today
When tempests rage and storms batter, the Rock of Ages will cover us and take us forward. 

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Sunday, January 20, 2013


Song of deliverance!
Verse for Today: Sunday, January 20, 2013
Psalms 40:3 – He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.
Faith in God can transform a crying saint to a singing sojourner. The wallowing sufferer will then sing hymns and sweet songs of deliverance and salvation. It is a song of praise to God for all that God has done for the singer. But it is also a song of praise for all the experience that he has gone through. Something great has happened in the life of David as he sang this song because his experience of the pit and the miry clay has shown him the ways of deliverance of the Lord. We often wait for destination happiness and forget the process we pass through. But if we focus on the process, we will be able to see the mighty hands of our Lord in His ministry of protection, deliverance and restoration. Thus we do not need to wait till we reach the destination to thank God, but praise Him each step of our way. God’s ministry of deliverance is motivated by His love and compassion towards us. His deliverance also shows us the extent of His grace to us. God’s grace starts by picking us up, washing us with the blood of the Lamb and putting the fragrance of His Holy Spirit in our souls. Not only that, He dresses us up with the cloth of His righteousness with which we appear as if we have never even once fallen in the pit. Thus our new appearance gives us sufficient reasons to sing for God and praise Him for all that He has done for us and all that He does for us on each day of our lives. When the onlookers see the drastic change in us from our former hopeless situation, they will experience the fear of God in their hearts and will want to put their trust in God. Our new life speaks louder to those who are in hopelessness that there is hope for them too if they come to the Lord who is our deliverer.

Dear friend, is there a drop of tear in your eyes and anguish in your soul because of the various burdens you are bearing? Today is the day of salvation for your soul because the Lord has seen your pitiful estate and heard your bitter and agonizing cry. He wants to straighten out your life and put you on the right track. He will wipe away your past pain and misery and put on you the attire of a prince or a princess. The Lord wants to transform your life in such a way that your weeping will be replaced with singing and dancing for all that has happened in your life. He wants to turn your hopeless situation into one of eternal hope. Each step you are helped to take is a matter of praise. Each day in your life becomes a day of victory and accomplishment towards the next step through the Lord’s mercy and grace. Your heart thus becomes a spring of praise. Your life of victory becomes an object lesson for others around you to understand what God can and will do for them if they trust Him and cry unto Him to transform their lives. You may not be a musician, but your soul will song a sweet song of salvation to the Lord for the grace, love and compassion showered upon you. Today the song in your soul is also a gift to you from Jesus who is the theme of all songs in heaven. We start singing in this life and will continue to sing along in heaven the sweet song of the redeemed. He will wipe away all our tears and comfort us with His own hands just as a mother comforts her baby.

Psalms 33:3 – Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.

Thought for Today
The amazement of the great deliverance we enjoy produces the spiritual song of praise in our souls.

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Saturday, January 19, 2013


Divine Deliverance Service!!
Verse for Today: Saturday, January 19, 2013
Psalms 40:2 – He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, and He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm.

A person who is getting doomed in a pit of miry clay cannot come out of it by himself. He needs the powerful and strong hands of a mighty person to pick him up and clean him up from the mire of situations. He is bound to suffer untold misery, hopelessness and pain of loneliness while he is in the pit awaiting annihilation. David went through such experience of being in the pit of destruction. He was sunk deep in the mire of fear and anxiety. But God interfered into the scene and delivered him from the path of destruction and placed him on firm footing on a solid rock. God saw David in the pit and in mire and had compassion on him. God heard his bitter cry and came to help him out of his pathetic situation. He gave David the cloth of His righteousness to wear and declared that David was the man of His own heart. God showed abundance of grace to David and made him taste His goodness. God’s favors were upon David all the years of his sojourn and He watched the footsteps of David. God gave him victory over all his enemies. David was often in the inner chamber of the Throne Room of the Lord and beheld His glory which he translated into songs of praise and adoration. He tasted God’s goodness, love and patience. David became part of the prophetic plan of God for the world and his throne was made symbolic of the Throne of the Messiah during the millennial kingdom. All the blessings and favors David enjoyed came from the Lord and nothing was earned through his merit. After all, he was a forgotten shepherd boy who was discounted by all and sundry. But God remembered him and brought him out of the grazing field to become the ruler of His people.

Dear friend, are you trapped by the world around you in the lowest level of the pit of hopelessness? Are you sinking in the mire of discouragement, despondency, anxiety, fear and intimidation because of your situation? Are your feet cluttered in the web of doubt, confusion, apprehension, guilt and bewilderment? But there is hope for you if you are willing to cry unto the Lord and wait for Him. He will definitely turn unto you and sympathize with your predicaments. He will pick you up from your pits of destruction the enemy has pushed you into. He will wash you of all the mire of doubt, anxiety and fear that the world would have stuck to your heart as you were in the pit. God will place you on the Rock of Ages forever and give you the kind of strength, courage, confidence and firmness that the Rock will give you. He will hold your hands and help you to walk with firmness and confidence each step of the way. God Himself will be your travel companion all through your sojourn. When God holds our hands, we will be transformed into rulers over all our emotions and thoughts which often try to subdue us. Today we can experience the hands of God to lift us up from the horrible pits which the enemy prepares for us and make us seated with Jesus Christ in the heavenly realms. As the children of the King of the Universe, we will be His ruling princes and princesses over all our situations. Let us take the challenge to rule over our situations by faith rather than get ourselves subdued and become defeated in life.

Psalms 27:5 – For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.
Though for Today
Faith is the vehicle in which we travel from the bottom of the pit to the highest rock at split seconds. 

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Friday, January 18, 2013


Passionate cry!
Verse for Today: Friday, January 18, 2013
Psalms 39:12 – Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear to my cry; do not be silent at my tears; for I am a stranger with You, a sojourner like all my fathers.

King David was the sweet singer of Israel and he wrote several most comforting hymns which are in the hymnbook of Israel. His songs have come out of the fierce testing and trials that he passed through. He went was in the crucible of tribulations where he found opportunity to dip deep into the love of God. Even as he faced the bitterest of anguishes and intimidation, the love of God was around him in a real way to comfort him. He experienced the special protection and safety from God in his life. He escaped from Goliath and wild animals because of the Lord. He was kept safe from Saul and the enemy kings because the Lord put His arms of mercy and compassion around David and kept him as the apple of His eyes. David was the man after God’s own heart and he spent considerable time praying and weeping before God. His prayers were passionate which came from the bottom of his heart with all the emotions of a baby crying unto its parents. But each time he prayed, he exhibited the spirit of humility, surrender and contrition and cried out as a helpless and needy soul. He knew well that God would hear his prayers and see his tears. He was always willing to express his lowest estate without any reservation to God as an exasperated person and a destitute. He always confessed that he was an alien in the land and a sojourner. He always looked forward to a day when he would reach his heavenly home and be with his Lord.  So David asked for journey mercies for his travel through this world in his life. David’s prayers throw a challenge to us to pray passionately and with a contrite spirit, confessing ourselves to be sojourners, seeking the grace and compassion of a loving Father in heaven.

Dear friend, the way you pray would indicate the extent of passion and compassion you experience in expressing your contrite spirit to the Lord. Your sobbing and gasping words are the reflection of your deepest inner needs. Your awareness of being a sojourner is the result of your faith in the soon coming Lord and your eternal home. Abraham lived such a life of faith and prayed to God for his deepest need and God filled him with the hope of an eternal city. Jacob’s prayers and his faith were honored by God by preparing his son Joseph as the savior of his entire family during the famine. Gideon’s faith and his seemingly simple prayers resulted in miraculous deliverance for him and his people. Nehemiah’s prayers were part of his work of rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. Today God expects us to pray with passion and craving for His blessings of deliverance in our lives. God wants us to pray by acknowledging Him as our sole help and support in times of dire need. He encourages us today to express our emotions of tears and weeping as we pray because these were true demonstration of our deepest needs and anguishes. Then we will see how His ears are open to our passionate words of dire needs in our helpless situations. He will certainly answer us as He walks with us on our sojourn as our travel companion. It is our privilege to cry passionately to our Father and appropriate the answers to our heart cries that are kept securely in His presence.

Psalms 34:15 – The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their cry. 

Thought for Today
Our passionate Father hears our passionate cries for help and gives us His mercy out of His passionate love for us.

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Thursday, January 17, 2013


Wait! Answers on the way!!
Verse for Today: Thursday, January 17, 2013
Psalms 38:15 – I wait for You, O Lord; You will answer, O Lord my God!

In the midst of intense trials and tribulations, it is not easy to wait for any meaningful time frame. The tough situations that we encounter will make us impatient and restless. Sometimes we tend to quit and at other times we resort to fight back. But to wait for God to handle our situation demands tremendous patience and maturity. The need of the hour is to wait for the Lord to speak to us. But when we are sure that the Lord has spoken to us, we must take heed to His admonition. We find David waiting for the Lord to help him with the next step in his sojourn. Joseph and Daniel kept quiet in their extremely volatile situations and found God’s answers to their situations. Nehemiah kept building the walls of Jerusalem. Paul continued his ministry in different places even when some people rejected him in Jerusalem and Rome. David’s willingness to wait for God is voluntary submission to His time to go to the next step in his life. It shows his total surrender which comes from the conviction that God alone would be able to handle his situation. His sufferings from the hands of the enemy did not make him respond in kind, but with patience and endurance. David believed that there would be justice from God and that God would respond to his enemies who tried to persecute him without any reason. So David kept sending his prayers off to the Throne of Grace and waited for His answers. His prayers came out of his ardent belief that his God would show him a way out of his situation at the right time. David’s experience tells us today to keep praying and waiting for God to deal in our bitterest situations for justice, peace and rest.

Dear reader, are you going through times of intense trials and tribulations in life? Is the heat of your situation reaching unparalleled heights? Is your heart aching because of the extent of evil intentions of your enemies? There is no reason to doubt evil motives in the enemies because they are all instruments of the enemy of your soul who wants to see you destroyed. But you know for sure that your God will not permit your destruction and that He will not want to see you harmed. All your prayers are registered in the presence of God who hears your utterances and accepts your petitions. Your voices of anguish and groaning have already reached the presence of your God who will not sit idle when you are tampered with. Your enemy will be made to understand that those who touch God’s beloved are touching God Himself. Our God is a consuming fire who will react when His children are mistreated and abused. But if we take revenge, we will deny God the opportunity to handle the situation according to His sovereign will. David sets a great example for us to handle persecution and persecutors in our daily lives. Let us submit our concerns and burdens to the Lord with humility and perseverance and wait for Him to act. Let us confess all our shortcomings so that nothing will ever stand between our prayers and our God.  When we pray with such a contrite heart, our God will hear us and answer us at the right time to give us deliverance and release from our painful situations. Let us today allow God to take full control of our situations so that all glory for all that happens to us will go to Him alone.

Psalms 46:10 – Be still and know that I am God.

Thought for Today
They that wait for the Lord’s time will see how He answers our prayers to handle our situations.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Daily leading!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Psalms 37:18 – The days of the blameless are known to the Lord, and their inheritance will endure forever.

The world tries to predict events and incidents of daily life through false prophecies and probability theories. But the end of each day their predictions prove to be wrong. They create a mindset and bondage in people towards more such false predictions. But everyday God comes to tell the people of the world that if they are willing to hand their lives over to Him, He will handle their days with all its unknown events and incidents. God is the creator of days and nights and He rules and overrules all days with its happenings. He knows for sure how things are going to turn around.   There is no fatalism in God’s calendar of events, but full of steps of faith for His children. When they leap forward by faith and trust in God, He takes care of all their emotional, physical and spiritual needs on all the days of their lives. Whenever they eat, He speaks to them about spiritual hunger and heavenly bread. When they are thirsty, He reminds them about the living water. When they take a walk, He tells them about the spiritual walk. Their clothes speak to them about the cloth of righteousness. Their homes remind them of their eternal home. Their sleep tells them about spiritual rest. All day and night, our God speaks to us about how He cares for us each moment. Those who hand their lives to God can relax and rejoice that they have such a Great, Majestic and Awesome God who is fully in charge of their daily as well as eternal life. We have to commit our lives to God by faith and trust Him for each moment that He gives us to live for Him. We need not waste our time and life to indulge in amassing assets here on earth, but work hard to increase our investment in heaven. A life of faith is thus a carefree life that is abandoned on the Lord Jesus Christ and lived with the certainties of victorious daily living.

Dear reader, are you groping in the dark about what might happen to you each day of your life? Do you have anxious moments because of the looming uncertainties around you? Are you afraid about what might happen to you each day and live with intimidating thoughts and anguishes about your future? But it is better to hand your life over to God who knows all the tomorrows of your life rather than make a mess of it yourself. When you turn your life over to God, all uncertainties give way to assurances and certainties. God alone can assure you about your present and future life because He knows all your tomorrows with all its events and incidents. When He is the anchorman of your lifeboat, there is no room for any anxiety or anguish about the unknown future. Not only that, He knows what you need on all your tomorrows. He has abundance of resources to meet all your emotional, physical and spiritual needs and His channels of blessings ceaselessly flow towards you. He guarantees your safety, security and serenity as you rest in Him. His peace that passes all understanding will prevail in your heart on all the days of your life. His hands of mercy and compassion will cover you all around to protect and provide for you. Even when you do not know where to put your next step, He knows all about it and has marked out your steps according to His will and pleasure. As God’s child, your life is programmed by His divine hands and you have the privilege to hold Him tight as He holds your hands to lead you into the future without any uncertainty. You are called to a life of certainty and assurance without wavering.

Psalms 23:6 – Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Thought for Today
Leaving our future steps to God and walking by faith is the greatest adventure of life.

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