Friday, August 12, 2011


Angelic Security Service!

Verse for Today: Friday, August 12, 2011
Psalms 34:7 -
The angel of the Lord encompass around those who fear Him, and he delivers them.

God delivers His children from their difficult situations through various means for His name sake. He interferes in our affairs to see to it that we do not get hurt from the wiles of the enemy of our souls. He protects us with His presence. His divine power is at work in and around us all the time because we are His precious children bought with a price. We are His special concern because we were earned by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. God would not suffer any small hurt for us here on earth. As He directs our path and keeps watch over us, He has also appointed His angels to be present in our situations to encompass around us. They have the responsibility to specially care for us and to meet our needs. Angels protect us and meet our needs as in the case of Elijah under a juniper tree and Peter in the prison. Angels are sent to announce good news as in the case of Mary and the shepherds. They are sent to guide us as in the case of the Magi. They are sent to comfort and strengthen His servants as in the case of Abraham. An angel was sent to help Eleazar to find a bride for Isaac. One angel was sufficient to handle one hundred and seventy three thousand in the enemy camp. Revelations are given by angels as we read about the case of John at Patmos. We see angels doing their ministries in the lives of Hagar, Gideon, Daniel, Paul and Peter. But God expects us to live in His fear and reverence as we anticipate the services of Angels in our day to day affairs. As we live for the Lord, He will have His angels around us to protect, warn, direct and deliver His children in their sojourn. We may not be able to see them with our naked eyes, but we can certainly experience their ministries in times of need.

Dear reader, isn't it wonderful that even when you cannot see them physically, the angels of the Lord are around you to minister to your needs even today? As the angels are the servants of God, they are also servants of His children. They have built a firewall around us with their presence so that the evil forces would not touch us. They watch over us as we ride the rough routes of life. They protect us from falling into dangers and encompass around us when dangers loom large. They provide various kinds of help to us in times of need. As these angels are always around us, we need to live with the awareness of their presence. It ought to comfort us that we are not alone, but are surrounded by the presence of God, the Spirit of God and the angels of God. These angels who are given charge of us never sleep nor do they depart from us until we reach our eternal home. When we have the awareness of the presence of the angels around us, it ought to make us alert in our daily lives and live carefully and fearfully to please God. We ought to thank the Lord for appointing these angels around us. We can feel the confidence that in all our situations, the angels are with us and around us to keep us safe, secure, confident and strong in the Lord. It should also make us live in the fear of the Lord every step of the way. Today let us enjoy greater confidence in the Lord for His special care for us by keeping the angelic forces around us to take care of all our needs and give us deliverance from our difficult situations for His glory.

Psalms 91:11 - For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

Thought for Today
It is a great privilege to have the angels of God standing guard over us in all our situations.

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