Saturday, August 13, 2011


Exchange of Desires!

Verse for Today: Saturday, August 13, 2011
Psalms 37:4 -
Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Delighting in a person presupposes our intimate knowledge and close relationship with that person. It is invariably true that the closer we know a person, the more we understand that he is human and has feet of clay. But when we know the Lord and keep renewing our relationship with Him through continuous communication and dwelling in His presence, He becomes sweeter to our hearts like honey in the honey comb. It takes time and effort to be with Him, dwell with Him, enjoy Him and exchange our wills with His perfect for us. This is how we know Him more and begin to delight in His person and His glory. We will grow in the knowledge of the Lord's glorious perfection. We will become more and more serious in our relationship with Him. That is when we desire to be like Him, talk like Him and walk like Him. This experience comes through His written Word and Spirit which will enable us to continuously surrender ourselves and renew our minds to know His will and comply with it. As we dwell more with Him, we will find that our will get itself lost in His will. Our desires and priorities will become His. In this process we delight in Him and His will in our lives. It will lead us to praise Him for all that happens to us. Instead of grumbling about our circumstances and situations, we will thank Him for who He really is and what He is pleased to do in and through our lives. This experience of delight in the Lord will fill our hearts with Him and His desires for our lives. Such a delight in Him will make us pray that His perfect will may be done in our lives. As we pray with delight in our hearts in and for Him and are willing to enjoy whatever that comes our way from Him, our prayers become His desires for us. This is when He gives us the desires of our hearts.

Dear friend, how well do you know the Lord and His perfect will? It depends on how much time you spend with Him on a daily basis. It is based on how often you and your Lord exchange desires, wills, priorities and likes with each other. It rests with your absolute surrender to His perfect will for you. It comes from the regular and continuous renewing of your minds to know His will, desires and mind for you. It flows to you on the basis of the written Word and how the Word is a delight to your heart. It is a reflection of how much you listen to the Lord and imbibe into the stream of His glory. If we do not delight in Him and His ways, it will be difficult for us to know His desires and will then be unable to pray according to His desires. Your intellectual mind will generate desires in you which are human, and the world around will help you to accomplish it for your own satisfaction. Simply because you are successful in what you do may not mean that it is the Lord's desire for you. There are pseudo desires which look so much like the Lord's desires, but are far from it. There are pseudo disciples who look so much like true disciples. Jesus said that you can distinguish them through their works because a tree is known by the fruit it bears. Let us handle this aspect of our prayer life fearfully and patiently by putting all our desires on the alter and allow God to send fire from above to burn it so that all fragrance will go to the Lord. When our Isaac's are on the alter, God can raise them up from there if it is His will. Let us today delight in the Lord and His glory and submit ourselves on His alter as true worship and make ourselves prepared to be burned off. Let us not be bothered what He might do with it so that all glory can go to Him. Let us only focus on delighting in the Lord so that He can allow His stream of delight to flow on to us.

Psalms 16:2 - I said to the Lord, "You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing".

Thought for Today
When we exchange our desires with that of our Lord, our desires vaporize and disappear.

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