Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Enabling the disqualified!
Verse for Today:Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Exodus 3:11 – But Moses said to God, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
One of the most important qualifications of a person used of God is his own realization of his absolute disqualification and unworthiness to be used by God. This realization comes to us as we are in God’s awesome presence and see His unapproachable glory. Our conviction about our absolute inadequacies become most blatant to our own eyes when we understand the seriousness of the formidable task that is laid bare before us. The presence of God filled Moses with the fear of God which would not dare him to think for a moment that he had any capability to go to Pharaoh in Egypt. God’s presence filled him with the feeling of total incompetence for the task for which he was called. But God found this conviction of Moses to be his greatest qualification for the task. When God calls any one for a task or mission, He would not expect that person to come with competence, but to come to God and get the required competence. It is God who qualifies the ones He calls. It is God who equips those whom He calls. It is God who supplies every tool, whether it is a staff, a torch, an earthen pitcher, a sling or smooth stones to accomplish what is not possible with horses, chariots, spears, swords and large armies. It is amazing that God didn’t talk to Moses about resources and provisions for daily needs or about personal protection. But when God sends someone for a task, there is no need to be anxious about daily needs of varying kinds or safety because God Himself is the provision and security for His servants. Today God is looking for men and women who would go to His presence and receive their respective commissions and march forward without getting anxious about safety or resources. When God is our supply line, there is no need to be concerned about provisions or resources on the way. God sends us off and asks us to go by faith in His great power and strength. In His presence we see His abundant storehouse of resources. He asks us to claim it by faith to go forward.
Dear reader, are you concerned about resources on your way as you live to accomplish God’s purposes in your life? Remember, it was God who brought you so far. He has been supplying your every need. He gave you education and strengthened you to work. You need to understand that your present task of feeding a few sheep in a desert is a time of preparation to do greater tasks for Him in the days to come. Your challenge today is to trust God and His strength to lead you on a daily basis. Perhaps you are pulled back by cares about your daily needs. But God wants you to know that He is your resource base. Like Moses, sometimes you will be in a palace enjoying abundance and at other times you become a homeless wanderer in a foreign land looking for a place to lay your head. At other times you might be led through a desert with hungry and thirsty people in your care. But it is God who is leading you on a daily basis with food, water and shelter. Your needs are His concern because He commissioned you. Your responsibility is to go by trusting in God’s power. You don’t need to be concerned about your capacity because He will empower you no matter what the task is. He will meet your every need and carry every burden. But you have to come to God’s presence and confess your nothingness and emptiness. When your disqualifications are confessed, God will qualify you to accomplish His task for His glory. Remember, self-qualified people cannot and will not be used of God. Today He is calling you to accomplish great things for Him without fear or anxiety about your cares, but to cast it all upon Him.
Judges 6:14 – The Lord turned to Gideon and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?”  
Thought for Today
When God commissions us, He strengthens and equips us with adequate provisions for every need so that we can fully focus on the mission.
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