Friday, October 12, 2012


The Well of Leading!
Verse for Today: Friday, October 12, 2012
Genesis 29:2 – There (Jacob) saw a well in the field with three flocks of sheep lying near it because the flocks were watered from that well.
It is amazing how God leads His children to His plan for them. We read in the Scriptures that the well has been a link for God’s children to find their way forward. Eliezer got the link with Rebekah at a well. Later Moses found his link with Zipporah at a well. Jesus gave the water of life to a Samaritan woman at a well. These three women found their way to the family of God at a well. They were hard-working women who went to a well to fetch water. But they all found the water of life. The well was a place where God revealed His will for these three women. Jacob would have been probably influenced by the story of how his mother Rebekah was connected with Eliezer at a well. But it is sure that God Almighty led Jacob to the well where he would be connected to the family of Laban to be united with Leah and Rachel to be the builders of the House of Israel. So it was no mere accident that Jacob went to the well at Haran and met Rachel. Looking back at all the events of Isaac’s family during the past, one could see how God used particular events to take Jacob out of Canaan to connect him with the mothers of the House of Israel through whom Jesus would come to this world. Jesus came with the water of life to quench the spiritual thirst of all His lost sheep at the well of living water which was opened at Calvary. Today God leads all of us to the point of salvation through mysterious ways so that we would all become part of the church of Jesus Christ through His death on the cross and thus become part of the bride of Jesus Christ. So it was no accident that Jacob went to a well to start the series of events which would open the way for Jesus to come to this earth to save us. Let us therefore acknowledge the hand of God in all the ways He leads us day after day to accomplish His purposes for us in this world.  
Dear reader, are you at the cross-roads of your life today? Are you wondering where God is leading you today and what purpose it would meet when you reach certain intersections in life? But if you had a vision of our Lord at the Bethel of your life, and if you are proceeding as per His instructions and promises, you would be led further to be at wells of blessings in life. When you reach each milestone, be patient and do not panic because your Lord has gone before you. He will lead you a step at a time. He will use you to touch the lives of people. He will give you enough linkages to keep going forward in His purpose. The scroll of your life will unfold a bit at a time, but you do not need to be anxious because the scroll is in the hands of your Lord. If you are committed to His will, whether revealed yet or not, He will lead you by His hand each step of the way. You will have to trust Him to lead you through His green pastures. He is in charge of your life if you have given it to Him. Then it is His prerogative to meet all your needs, keep you safe and secure and take you to another milestone in your life. Remember, our Lord has a definite purpose in taking you to the present ‘well’ in your life. He will not let you stay there, but will lead you to other milestones a step at a time and to thus accomplish His purpose. As you keep going, you will certainly realize that your Lord is working in you to make you a blessing to the poor and the rich through spiritual blessings. Today you are challenged to recognize God’s hand in your present situation. It might look uncertain to you, but your Lord knows why you are there and when He will move you to the next milestone for His name’ sake.
Psalms 46:11 – The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Thought for Today
Every milestone is a stepping stone to another when we walk with God.
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