Friday, October 19, 2012


Rebuilding wrecked lives!
Verse for Today: Friday, October 19, 2012
Genesis 39:3 – When his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did, Joseph found favour in his eyes and became his attendant.
Sometimes we are amazed to see that the world seems to recognize our testimony better than our own household of faith. God’s children are often rejected by their own people because of wrong spiritual perception. Their eyes are blinded with spiritual shortsightedness that they do not see the merit in their own spiritual family. The prophets are often unacceptable in their own communities because of misinterpretation and misrepresentation of their behavior. Even though the enemy plants these seeds of contempt in their minds, they themselves often allow these seeds of doubts and misunderstandings to grow rather than pluck them away as they germinate in their hearts. It was unfortunate that Joseph’s brothers could not realize how the hand of the Lord was with him. They looked at him with envy and doubted his sincerity. Even when he came in search of them, they did not receive him with love. But God opened the eyes of a heathen civil servant to see that Joseph’s life was different because his Lord was with him. History repeated itself centuries later when a thief and a Roman centurion testified that Jesus was innocent when the religious leaders and the mob which enjoyed the fruits of His ministry refused to recognize Him. Even when the Philistine kings recognized David, his own father-in-law’s eyes were dim about the motives of David. Joseph came out of the furnace of misunderstanding in his own household, but God opened the eyes of his heathen employer to see the goodness in him and attributed it all to the presence of godliness in his life. When our own people reject us, God will encourage our hearts as He makes the outsiders recognize and appreciate us. God tells us today through the experience of Joseph that no one can put down a good man for long and that at the right time the Lord would comfort his heart through unusual people in unusual circumstances. So it is not expedient for us to give up hope in life when some people are against us, but should remind ourselves that our God is for us and that He will never forsake us.
Dear reader, are you discouraged today thinking that your own people are against you and that they reject and resent you? Do you feel dejected when those who are close to you spend their energies and mind to cook up evidences against you and malign you? When they sell you for temporary gain, it would certainly ache your heart and  make you feel deeply grieved and depressed. But that is not the end of the matter, as your Lord is even turning these rejections into greater acceptance in the future. So it is time you leave these sad events behind your back and leap forward with joy because the Lord is working for you to lift you up. He will bless your labor and take up your cause with others to prove that He is with you. But it demands your wholehearted commitment to the Lord and His cause and your involvement in everything as unto the Lord. Even in unfavorable circumstances, if you walk with the Lord and be committed to Him, He will uphold your cause and make you a blessing to the amazement of the ungodly that are around you. Today the Lord wants you to know that you should not give up because of the hurts, rejection, resentment, hatred and plots against you because He is working in your situation to declare to the world that He is with you. While your malefactors wallow in their wickedness, God wants you to grow in His grace and on His pathway towards fulfilling His perfect will in your life which will be unfolded before your eyes shortly.
Philippians 3:13 – But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead.
Thought for Today
While the world is busy writing off God’s children, our God is busy writing eternal episodes in our lives and making them come alive for His glory.
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