Monday, December 31, 2012


My Restorer!
Verse for Today: Monday, December 31, 2012
Psalms 14:7 – When the Lord restores the fortunes of His people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad!

A broken bone or net loses all its usefulness and value and is often abandoned. Broken bones need to be restored and broken nets must be mended for proper use. But when a nation or the life of a person is broken, it can be restored only by the hand of God. Today God is engaged in restoring lives which are in turmoil and confusion. There are physical, emotional, social and spiritual wrecks around us who live in utter hopelessness. But God is always available to them as the great restorer. He is the Master Designer of lives who can restore any wreckage if only people are willing to surrender to Him their wreckage wrapped in the rags of their lives. Israel as a nation was a wreck and there was spiritual and moral degradation. They faced tremendous insecurity and intimidation from the enemies from within and without. But there was a promise that God will restore that nation with all the fortunes that are their inheritance because they are a chosen nation by God. He will certainly restore them as a nation and rule them as their King and Lord. At that time, they will rejoice as a nation and as individuals. He will restore their Promised Land to them and their nation will be the capital of the whole world. They will be restored to full physical, emotional, social and spiritual health. But Israelites as individuals can get themselves restored to spiritual and emotional health under His lordship even now. Today God presents Himself to us as the Great Restorer of lives. He promises to restore all broken hearts and lives, families and relationships which are submitted to Him. He can put the broken pieces of our lives together if only we submit it at His feet.

Dear friend, are you a brokenhearted person today? Is your life shattered by the winds that blow against you through circumstances, situations, things and people? Is worry acting as a millstone which crushes you on a daily basis? Is the extent of ruin in your life with all its rubble making you to conclude that it is impossible to rebuild you and restore your life? But Jesus the Master Designer is able to restore any life situation that is broken beyond human capacity to restore. Jacob’s life was shattered, but His God restored him to become a prince. Joseph’s life was in ruins with rivalry from siblings and false accusations from the employer. He was in pit and prison for some time. But God restored him to full honor and prestige and raised him up to become the savior of the family of Jacob. David’s life was wrecked by sin, unbelief, undisciplined children and attacks from enemies. But God restored him to become a man after His own heart. Job was a totally shattered man with nothing left to live and no reason to live for. But God restored him with health, wealth, generations and honor in mysterious ways. Today God is involved in restoring broken, shattered and ruined lives which are a heap of rubble. He restores them spiritually which leads to emotional, physical and social restoration. He invites us to submit our shattered lives to Him like May Magdalene, Saul of Tarsus, Simon Peter, John Mark and others so that He can put us together in new spiritual shape. When He restores us, we will experience spiritual and emotional healing and wholeness. Once He restores us spiritually, He will start a re-building process in us to make us fit structures for Him to use for His glory. It will cause us to rejoice and be glad in Him.

Psalms 126:4 – Restore our fortunes, O Lord, like streams in the Negev.

Thought for Today
Our God is able to restore the heaps of wreckage and rubble of our life situations into beautiful structures for His use.

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Sunday, December 30, 2012


Wait a little!
Verse for Today: Sunday, December 30, 2012
Psalms 13:1 – How long, O Lord? Will You forget me for ever? How long will You hide Your face from me?

Suffering saints often cry out to the Lord asking how much more they have to endure the pain and the misery they undergo. As they cry out loud to the Lord and wait for an answer, they become weary of waiting. Their eyes of expectations become tired and weary with pain, agony and frustration. Their human instincts often push them to doubt their faith. The intensity of their sufferings makes them lose their patience. David went through such experiences of life without any consolation from anywhere. Joseph and Paul also had similar experiences. Our hope for deliverance often finds it eluding us as we wait for long. Unbelief creeps in to make us wonder about the promises of God for a release. But little do we realize that our Lord is working for us all the while and setting the stage for our release from the predicaments. He wants us to believe in His promises and hold on to Him rather than getting frustrated and give up hope. The life of David, Daniel, Joseph and Paul shows us that we should not plunge into despair, unbelief and doubt. He cares so much about us and gets deeply involved in our affairs. When we ask as to how long, the Lord would say, ‘in a little while, my child’.  When we ask whether He will forget us forever, His answer comes back to us saying that He would never forget us. In fact His Word says that He is always concerned about us and our affairs and works continuously for our welfare. But He wants us to grow in our faith and hold onto His promises. Yes, Heaven reaffirms that in a little while, we will see God’s bright light shining through the dark clouds of our situations.  

Dear friend, are you getting sunk deep into despair and despondency about your life situation? Are you exasperated and disillusioned about the dark clouds which surround you? But this is not the time to give up or give into negative thoughts. It is a time of renewed hope in God. He is working in your situation to remove the dark clouds from your horizon. The Son of Righteousness is just around the corner. There will soon be a new dawn in your life. God seems to be quiet today, but He is speaking to you and reassuring you that He is busy working in your situations to bring in brightness, hope and renewal. God is so much interested in strengthening your faith to hold on. He wants you to learn newer lessons of hope and trust in His never-changing promises. He is more interested in strengthening your faith. He wants you to take a stand like Job to hold on even if the worst happens to you. Such faith made Peter sleep sound the night before his execution and gave Daniel the boldness to spend a night with hungry lions. Some like David and Joseph received their answers right here on earth and others get their answers as they reach heaven. But it is more important that we hold fast our faith. If our God is faithful to save our souls from eternal damnation, He will also be faithful to release and deliver us from all evil. He is working to give us spiritual victory over despondency and weariness, as He equips us to face our situation by faith. The God of David who gave him victory over Goliath is with us to give us ultimate victory. Today He gives us patience and strength to hold on and leads us through our Red Seas, lion’s dens and emperor’s furnaces. But He knows the end which will be for His glory and our joy as He comes to personally release and deliver us from our present plights.  

Psalms 40:1 – I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.

Thought for Today
Our God sees our plights and hears our cries as He continues to set the stage for our deliverance.

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Saturday, December 29, 2012


Father’s precious children!
Verse for Today: Saturday, December 29, 2012
Galatians 4:6 – Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”

Children enjoy special privileges from their fathers. They have the right to call on their fathers for help, support, guidance and provisions. They can ask their fathers questions for which they need answers. They inherit the assets of their fathers and carry their names forward into future generations. In creation, we are all God’s children, but in Adam, we committed sin and lost our privileges as His children. But God made us regain our position as His children when we were made to be born again into God’s family. Through Jesus Christ, we are given all the privileges of His children including the right to call Him ‘Abba Father.’  We are made co-heirs with Jesus Christ for all the treasures of God the Father which we can appropriate and enjoy. The Father has given us His Spirit through whom we can exercise our privileges as precious children. We can intimately call Him ‘Abba Father’ and present all our needs, apprehensions, anguishes, pain, misery and burdens to Him. When we go through difficulties and burdens in life, we can call on the Father to help get release from it all. When we face darkness in life, we can call Him and ask for light and direction. When we have shortages, we can ask Him to fill us. Our Father is available to us in all our circumstances and situations all the time. He lives for us and with us always. His Spirit has made our hearts and lives His dwelling place. He speaks to us to correct, rebuke and teach us through His Spirit and His Word. When we call, He always answers us. He wants us to commit ourselves to make His name hallowed in our lives and live for His glory. He wants our hearts and lives to be ceaseless streams of praise and adoration. Thus when we live to praise Him in all circumstances, He will fill our hearts with His glory so that there will be no room for grumbling, fear and anxiety.

Dear friend, do you feel that you are like an orphan because you don’t find anyone who cares for you? Are you feeling unwanted and isolated in life? Perhaps you might be experiencing rejection and resentment in life. But you are not abandoned by your Father in heaven. You are His precious child and He owns you because He purchased you with the greatest price. He is your creator and He recreated you on the cross of Calvary to become His beloved child. As the child of the Heavenly Father, you have every right to call Him ‘Abba Father’ with passion and intimacy. You have easy and fearless access to His presence through His Son. He is bound to answer you each time you call on His name. You have innumerable privileges in His presence. Your Heavenly Father is bound to feed, clothe and shelter you. He is duty bound to help meet all your physical, emotional and spiritual needs. He is not a Father who would abandon His precious children. He gives you rest and peace in the wake of burdens and turmoil in life. He encourages you today to pray to Him and expect answers at the right time. His answers will be always perfect in content and timing. He gives you the capacity to wait patiently for His answers. Today there is no reason for you to feel abandoned because you have a loving and concerned Heavenly Father who listens to your cries. It is your pleasant privilege to trust Him and live for Him as you call Him ‘Abba Father’ and present all your petitions.

Romans 8:15 – For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by Him we cry, “Abba Father.”

Thought for Today
It is our fearless privilege to go to our Father in Heaven with all our needs all the time and expect to get favorable hearing with assured answers.

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Friday, December 28, 2012


Secure from slaughter!
Verse for Today: Friday, December 28, 2012
Psalms 44:22 – Yet for Your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.

Those who desire to live for the glory of God are always brutally dealt with by the enemy of their souls. Our enemy is a murderer, a thief and a destroyer. He manipulates situations, circumstances and people to fight us. He is a great schemer and an accuser. He spends all his energies to find fault with God’s children. He even goes to the presence of God to accuse us. How much more will he go to our fellow humans with accusations against us! This cunning manipulator goes to our dearest and nearest to distort and misinterpret our words and expressions. He creates doubts and confusions in the minds of our associates in all spheres. He is specialized in making false evidences against us and then he will go from people to people to malign their hearts to believe him. He is the one who makes us doubt the truths that we have understood and experienced from the Word. But sadly we do not realize how he uses us against our dearest people. He comes into our homes and fellowships to sow the seeds of contempt, conflicts, confusions, unkind criticisms and distortions in the minds of those who love us deeply. He uses people to come up with unfounded arguments against us. He uses the tongues of people to slaughter us all day long. Often he will not come to us directly, but will work behind our back to clutter and poison the minds of others. The children of Korah saw such behaviors in the lives of their father who had to receive harsh punishment form God. They saw how their father was used by the enemy to assassinate the character of Moses. They also experienced it in their lives. But we need to encourage ourselves that our Lord knows all about it and He will guard the reputation and honor of His children.

Dear friend, are you lately going through a time of character assassination?  Is the enemy using your dearest and nearest against you to make false accusations and allegations? Remember, these are attempts to uproot you from your faith and standing. He tried this weapon against Joseph, Daniel, Nehemiah and Paul on several occasions and failed. But he still uses this potent weapon against God’s people and scores of God’s children fall prey to it. Many have fallen away because they couldn’t withstand the pressures of false accusations. He creates false evidences and uses gossip to strengthen his case against us. His tactics often find partial success because he prepares the hearts of some of our dear ones to believe and propagate falsehood. His ultimate purpose is to weaken our faith and make us drift. He wants to discourage us from getting involved in spiritual matters. So we must fight the enemy by using the whole armor of God. We must pray for ourselves and for others who face such intense trials. We can be rest assured that our Lord Jesus who prayed for the protection of Peter from sifting by the enemy will continue to intercede for us before the Father. God covers us with His glory for our safety. His angels encompass around us to protect us. It is to circumvent these divine firewalls that the enemy often comes into our own circle of fellowship to slaughter us. But as in the case of Joseph and Daniel, one of these days our Lord will show the world our innocence and He will exonerate us. He will remind our detractors that when they touch us, they are touching the Lord Jesus which will not go unpunished. Let us draw closer to the Lord during these perilous times and pray, watch and be vigilant. Let us also keep our hearts form baffling and our devotion from distraction.

2 Timothy 4:18 – The Lord will rescue me form every evil attack and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Thought for Today
The Balm of Gilead heals us of all the wounds that the enemy inflicts upon us.

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Thursday, December 27, 2012


Crucified faith!
Verse for Today: Thursday, December 27, 2012
Galatians 2:20 – I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. 

It is a divine miracle that we live and at the same time we are dead. We were dead in our sins and trespasses, but God made us alive with Jesus. Once we start living in Christ, we get ourselves crucified and declared dead. This means that all our faculties die in Christ and the power of Christ live in us to exercise His will, priorities, likes and dislikes through us. When this truth becomes a reality in us, we would not be seen, but Christ will be seen in us. We will have Christ’s characteristics exemplified in all our actions and attitudes. So we live by faith just as Christ lived here on earth. We follow the perfect will of the Father as Christ did. We will have no anxiety just as Christ who lived in perfect peace of mind. We live to satisfy ourselves with the manna of the Word just as Christ did with the words which came from the mouth of God. We pray to the Father just as Christ prayed to the Father. We love all whom Christ loves, without loving the evil things they do. We possess the spirit of a servant just as Christ was the perfect servant in utter humility. We seek after the lost just as Christ came to the lost in this world. But all of these Christ-like characteristics grow in us as we abide in Christ and continuously get our fleshly desires, priorities, likes and dislikes crucified with Christ. The new life in Christ that we live daily is a life of utter and absolute faith in the power of Christ to accomplish His purpose in and through us. The world abhors the crucified life which is understood as weakness.  But the crucified person lives by faith in the power and energy of Christ. The crucified person carries his cross and walks on Calvary Road in the footsteps of Christ with the desire to exemplify His character, behavior and attitudes. He enjoys the despising, mockery, resentment, rejection and isolation that the word grants him and considers it his privilege to be called a fool for the sake of Christ.

Dear reader, are you experiencing a crucified life on a daily basis with all its inconveniences, pain, misery, shame and reproach? Are you adequately surrendered to the extent to which your natural instincts are crucified and killed? Have you crucified yourself with all your desires, wants, likes, dislikes and priorities? When you thus get crucified, you will tread on the road to a spirit-filled life which will give you the Christ-like attitude and a deep desire to live by faith. You will soon realize that living by faith is costly because it leaves all the eventualities in life to God to rule and overrule. It is taking risk to follow the path of faith which doesn’t guarantee any success according to world’s standards. It means that you are willing to accept pain, tears, shame and setback that God permits in your life without grumbling. The life in Christ makes you bold to face the unknown future and be willing to accept anything that God sends you without questioning it. Apostle Paul lived such a life of faith without fixed itinerary, programs, schedules, comforts or permanency in anything. It did not guarantee a place to sleep because Christ had no place to lay His head. There was no idea when and from where the next meal would come. There was no expectation in such a life of faith except the way the Lord would lead moment by moment. It was a life full of misunderstanding and distortions which he willingly endured for Christ. Today we are challenged to take the bold walk of faith with the cross on our shoulders, enduring the shame and the reproach of Christ.

Galatians 6:14 – May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ through whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world! 

Thought for Today
The life on the rugged cross produces faith that walks forward holding Christ's hands. 
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Master Re-builder!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Psalms 69:35 – God will save Zion and rebuild the cities of Judah. Then people will settle there and possess it.

The view of Judah and Jerusalem from Babylon, Susa and Egypt was pretty hopeless and dull. Judah was a heap of rubble and a burned down place. Jerusalem lost all its past glory. Its temple and walls were rubble. All hope was gone and there was total exasperation. But when all hope was gone, God spoke through His servants that He will rebuild Judah and Jerusalem and put it back to its old elegance and dignity. Since the odd was heavily against it, no one wanted to believe it. But what God pronounced had to come true and in miraculous ways, God rebuilt Judah and Jerusalem and brought it back to its old glory. God moved the hearts of rulers and emperors and used His servants to facilitate the rebuilding process. David believed in the eternal promises of God that Judah would be rebuilt and will become inhabitable as a mark of His faithfulness. He was instrumental in writing this prophetic truth as part of the hymn he wrote in the Hymnbook of God’s people. We know for sure that the enemy worked throughout the past to destroy Judah. But the King of Kings and Lord of Lords will come back to this earth to salvage Judah and Jerusalem and will establish His millennial kingdom. He will cause the old hopeless Judah to be rebuilt. This prophecy is a great assurance to God’s people who go through shattering experiences of great turmoil and destruction in their lives. Our lives might look hopeless in the eyes of the beholders, but our Lord has already made plans to rebuild us. Today the prophecy of the rebuilding of Judah is a great encouragement for us to trust God to rebuild our lives no matter how hopeless our lives are today. We need to hang in there and hold on to God’s promises and never allow our hearts to lose hope in the worst scenarios of our lives and situations.

Dear friend, are the prophets of doom writing you off and dragging you into a life of hopelessness? Is your life a heap of hopeless rubble that it looks impossible for anyone to rebuild you? Is there not any word of comfort and encouragement from anyone in your dark situations? But you should in no way lose hope because your God is in full control of your future. He is your re-builder and will revitalize your sagging and hopeless situation. He has a great plan for your life which He will not give up because His plans for you are for your consolation His glory in this world which has no other comfort of any sort. The world will only tear down and not build up because it belongs to the greatest destroyer. But our Lord is the Master Re-builder who has great and wonderful plans for your life. He will not break a bruised reed or sniff out a smoldering wick. God the Father has invested the life of His only begotten Son in you which makes you so precious to Him. He will not forsake you nor forget you. He will not leave you alone in the lonely pathways of this world but will keep you company all the time. Your dearest ones might forget you and ignore you. During your hours of deep depression like that of Elijah, your God will send His holy angel to revive you and strengthen you with heavenly manna. Perhaps no one in this world will understand you, but your Lord knows your heart. He will wipe your tears and will rebuild and revitalize your life. He will make you a walking miracle in this world to challenge any hopelessness that looms large around you.  

Isaiah 44:26 – (I am the Lord) who says of Jerusalem, ‘It shall be inhabited,’ of the towns of Judah, “They shall be built,’ and of their ruins, “I will restore them.”

Thought for Today
God in His faithfulness will rebuild our shattered lives into fruitful gardens and fountains for others to get refreshed and revived.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012


God’s Dayspring!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Matthew 2:2 – “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.”

It is a paradox that when a king is born, no one seems to know where he was! But the inquirers did not realize that the Heavenly King came in search of the poorest and the rejected people who lived in unknown places. He did not come to the well-known and to the well-to-do. His birth was first announced to a group of wayward shepherds dwelling in the open air. It was also announced to a few people who lived far away from Jerusalem, the religious center of that era. They were all people who lived in a hopeless world and looked for hope which they found in Him and His birth. They came to grip with the reality that Jesus Christ came to give hope to a hopeless world. And it was also a reality that He may be found by only by those who genuinely seek after Him who is the only hope for the world. Today His birth reminds all the hopeless people of this world that there is still hope for them in Jesus Christ. The seekers recognize Him because of His glory which shines brightly in their hearts. His light takes away the darkness that prevails in our hearts today. His glory transforms our damp and dark lives with a beam of heavenly light. The hope of the reality of His birth drove the magi to travel long distance with patience and persistence. They were focused only on the King of Heaven and nothing else. They were unwilling to settle with any other king or ruler anywhere else.  They were not bothered whether He was in a traditional palace or in a simple small house somewhere in the small and forgotten town of Bethlehem. They had no hesitation to look for Him in the seemingly uncommon places. They were unwilling to quit until they saw Him because they knew that only He could satisfy their longing. Today the baby of Bethlehem is the King of our lives who wants to satisfy our every longing if only we are willing to kneel before Him in submission, surrender and sacrifice of all that we are and have.

Dear friend, is there a spot in your life which cannot be satisfied with all that you have secured in life? Are you seeking peace, love, acceptance, fellowship, belongingness, meaningfulness and contentment in life? Jesus came to Bethlehem to grip with the realities of emptiness, rejection, despising and isolation that you experience in your life today. He came to remove all your anxieties, fear, apprehensions and loneliness from you and make you enjoy fellowship with God. If you are tempted to look at all the other stars and light beams around you, they will only disappoint you. Your achievements and associations will leave you empty as these are only smokescreens which will blow off in the winds of situations and circumstances. You will learn in life sooner or later that no shadow will ever linger with you. As time flies, they will all prove to be unreal. Friends depart you and dear ones prove to be farther and farther away from you when you are buffeted by the winds, storm, waves, thunder and lightning. But your King will not forsake you nor disregard you. He is there for you to behold Him in His beauty and glory which will lead you to brighter pathways in the future. His glory will lead you to joy unspeakable as it happened to the magi and the shepherds. You will receive new revelations about your pathways when you fall down in the presence of the King. Today King Jesus wants to encompass you with His bright glory so that all the weariness in your soul will give way to joy and expectancy in the days to come.

Luke 1:78 – Through the tender mercy of our God the dayspring from on high has visited us.

Thought for Today
The dayspring of heaven will drive away the darkest moments of our lives and fill us with His bright light of joy, hope and expectancy.

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Monday, December 24, 2012


Imitators of Immanuel!
Verse for Today: Monday, December 24, 2012
Isaiah 7:14 – Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call Him Immanuel.

God always wanted to be with man in fellowship and that was why man was created. But when man broke the fellowship through disobedience, God made peace with man by making Jesus Christ the bridge between God and the lost man. For a few millenniums, God had kept such linkages with man, spoke to man and allowed him to worship God. Such a relationship was far more than what man could ever expect and deserve. But God was not satisfied with that and so God made plan for Him to be with man in person for man to touch, feel, hear and have intimate involvement. So God became Immanuel for us and was born in Bethlehem like any other baby of that time. He grew up in the community for thirty years and provided the people with opportunity to interact with Him in person. At the age of twelve, He showed that He was far superior to any of the Jewish theologians in spiritual knowledge and wisdom. He worked for and served the family during His prime youth and touched the lives of people. For the next three and a half years, He took hold of a few men and interacted with them very intimately. He trained and taught them. He walked with them, talked with them and ministered among them. He attracted the neediest people in the community to Him and fed, healed and quenched their thirst for spiritual truth. He was with them all the time and prepared them to usher in His spiritual kingdom after His resurrection. Today He is with us in His holy presence and He dwells in our hearts. He is our Immanuel to lead, guide, teach, direct, correct, rebuke and to show us His love and grace in a very personal sense. He is invisible to our eyes, but His power is visible in our lives. We are today the people of Immanuel living for Him and imitating Him to be like Him.

Dear friend, are you feeling all alone and isolated in life? Is there a deep craving for fellowship and friendship in your heart? Jesus our Immanuel is with you and He is living in your heart. He is the silent monitor of all your thoughts, desires, aspirations, plans, pain and agony. He observes all your actions and understands the motives behind each action. He speaks to you regularly through your conscience. He has enlightened your inner eyes to see His ways and to walk accordingly. He directs your paths and sheds light for your feet. He holds your hands lest you falter. Immanuel is your constant companion and friend to make your moments exciting and your days colorful. He enriches your life and empowers you to attempt great things for Him here on earth. He has made you His royal priest to continuously worship and adore Him as the prime motive in your life. When you cry, He comes to wipe your tears and to comfort you. He speaks softly into your ears with soothing effect. When you engage in conversation with Him, He helps you to forget your anxieties, burdens, cares, concerns, trials and tribulations. He is your burden bearer and He provides physical, emotional and spiritual supplies to meet all your needs because He knows your needs even before you feel it. It is to provide you with such an intimate friendship that God became Immanuel. Today it is your prerogative, responsibility and privilege to trust Him to enrich your life. Let the world around you recognize you as the people of Immanuel living according to the status and dignity of the One who owns the cattle of a thousand hills and all the gold in the mines of this universe. He is God with us in His character and personality to change us into His likeness. He is challenging us to become imitators of Immanuel.

Matthew 28:20 – And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Thought for Today
Imitators of Immanuel will soon be transformed into His image. 
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Sunday, December 23, 2012


Heavenly Peace!
Verse for Today: Sunday, December 23, 2012
Isaiah 9:6 - And His name shall be called Prince of Peace.

Man who lived in perfect peace in the Garden of Eden lost his peace through disobedience and sin. As a result man lost his fellowship, communion and peace with God. As a result, man lost his peace with himself and in all his relationships. But God took the initiative to come down to man to talk to him about his spiritual condition. There God made peace with man on His own accord and terms which culminated in a sacrifice that point towards the death of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. The Immanuel who was born in Bethlehem was the peace sacrifice who is our wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God and Father of Eternity. He is our Prince of Peace who voluntarily came down to the earth to make peace us. He took man’s offense against God in His body and died for man in order to make peace between God and man. He administers that peace for all who go to Him and confess Him as their Savior and Lord. He helps us to live in peace with God and with other human beings. As the Prince of Peace, He intercedes for all God’s children so that they would be spared of the price to be paid for their continued offenses against God. He also helps those who do not have peace in their hearts and relationships through His Spirit. Today lasting peace in our hearts is possible only through genuine repentance and confession. Any truce, settlement, accord or covenant among people, nations and tribes will not last long because these are based on convenience and gain of some sort rather than genuine repentance and confession. Such genuine peace leads us to peaceful living and relationships. True peace is what we experience first and foremost between us and our God which will reflect in our other relationships. Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, is the source, cause and provider of such genuine peace in our hearts to equip us to live in peace in today’s chaotic world.

Dear reader, are you able to enjoy genuine peace in your life? If you have peace with God, then you do not need to live in guilt for past sins which were confessed. Such inner peace takes away fear and anxiety about what the future holds. Such peace is the foundation of all your relationships and involvements around us. But we still face false accusations from the enemy all the time. He complicates our situations to take away our peace and joy. He went to the presence of God once to accuse Job. He even used Job’s friends to find fault with him, thus adding pain and agony to his grievous heart. But the Prince of Peace revealed Himself to Job to comfort and strengthen him. Jesus, the Prince of Peace comes to us today to fill our hearts with His peace when all around is chaos and confusion. He gives us His peace which is beyond all comprehension. He renews our hearts to be able to enjoy His peace in the midst of conflicts. His Spirit washes us with His Word and takes our burdens away. When we lack peace, we have the privilege to ask the Prince of Peace to fill us with His Spirit and take away all conflicts and confusions. If there are wounds in our hearts, He will apply the Balm of Gilead to heal and renew us. Today let us go to Jesus Christ, our Immanuel and Prince of Peace and ask Him to rule our hearts with His peace in all our situations and circumstances. When we go through the dark valleys of life, our Prince of Peace will be with us to fill us with hope about our forward path and keep our hearts and minds in perfect peace.

Isaiah 26:3 – You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.

Thought for Today
The Prince of Peace fills our heats with His Spirit and Word in all our circumstances.

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Saturday, December 22, 2012


Eternal pathway!
Verse for Today: Saturday, December 22, 2012
Isaiah 9:6b - And His name shall be called Everlasting Father.

The source or originator of anything is usually called its father. Eternal life flows to man from Jesus Christ who is the Eternal or Everlasting Father. Even as a babe in Bethlehem, He was the source of eternal life to the sinful world. He who had no timeliness came out of that and entered into our time and so He had to become a babe. The Jewish community and the Roman Empire thought that they killed Him, but He yielded His spirit to His Father in Heaven. He had the right to give up His life for a short time and entrust it with the Father and to take it back. He stepped back into eternity and above timeliness in order to usher the repentant man into the eternal state. Today He gives the believing man eternal life through His mighty power which is His most wonderful act. He counsels man and admonishes him to accept the eternal life that is freely offered to him. As the source of eternal life, Jesus values everything that we do in the light of eternity. He values us and our deeds from the point of view of eternity. He came to this world to bring Heaven to us and wants to take us to Heaven with Him. As He was born a babe, He wants all of us to be born again because our original birth in Adam is null and void due to sin. The story of nativity speaks to the world today to be born in God’s eternal family. Thus when we become members of the family of God in Heaven, He expects our character, attitude and goals to become eternal and heavenly. All that we do on the earth will have to have eternal relevance. Today let us invest our heart, soul and life to accomplish eternal goals. The Lord Jesus will supply us with resources to invest in endeavors which have eternal value. In the process, our sustenance is also looked after by Him.

Dear friend, are you sure that you possess eternal life? Are your goals and aspirations eternal or temporal? Are you using all the resources God has given you for eternal purposes? Are you more concerned about amassing for your tomorrows or investing those in your eternity so that you would be able to see splendid results when you reach heaven? Jesus has given us the privilege to trust Him for all our tomorrows. He wants us to exercise our trust in Him on the basis of the promises He has given us. He has promised us His presence and power to live for Him. These promises are eternally secure in Heaven and that not a syllable from it will go invalid. His Spirit is given to us to lead and guide in the decisions that we make all of which should be relevant to eternity. If we miss opportunities that are given to us, it is eternal and irrecoverable loss. If we are given resources, our use of it has eternal purpose. If we do not use it for the purpose for which it is given to us, it is again an eternal loss. This is because we are eternal beings with eternal purposefulness in God’s agenda. As we are engaged in eternal purposes in our lives, our Lord will look after our temporal affairs by meeting all our physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. So when we look back at the manger in Bethlehem, our Lord is there as the Father of Eternity, speaking to us about how much He values us for eternity. Today let us take the challenge from the Father of Eternity and reorganize our lives, thoughts, desire, priorities, likes, dislikes, material assets and knowledge to use it in avenues which will bring forth eternal results. As we walk the eternal pathway, our Lord will take care of all our needs on the way.

2 Peter 3:13 – But in keeping with His promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.

Thought for Today
When we involve in the eternal and the divine, our Lord will involve in our temporal needs.

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Friday, December 21, 2012


Mighty Power!
Verse for Today: Friday, December 21, 2012
Isaiah 9:6b – And His name shall be called Mighty God.

The people who heard the words of prophecy from Isaiah might have wondered how a new born baby would be Mighty God! Jesus in His incarnation and humanity was that baby in the manger in Bethlehem. He appeared physically as weak and powerless as any other baby. But the babe who was asleep in the mother’s lap was still the Mighty God who put all His powers under control. He was a weak Man in the Garden of Gethsemane. When He kept quiet before the High Priest, Herod, Pilate, the Roman soldiers and the mob, they all thought He was weak and powerless. All the way from the Praetorium to Calvary, in the midst of all the atrocities leveled against Him, Jesus did not exhibit His power and might. He kept His might under control and gave His life for humanity as a weak and powerless man. But while on earth, He was powerful enough to walk on the water. Simply at His words alone seas became calm, demons ran out of human lives, the dead came back to life and the eyes of the blind opened. He emptied Himself of His divine power and lay as a weak baby in a manger so that all the spiritually powerless human beings could become the dwelling place of His Spirit. He has been the Mighty God from the beginning and will be Mighty God throughout eternity. He was the Creator and has sustained the galaxies in such a way that this earth will be inhabitable for humans whom He loved and gave His life. He kept His might under control only for a little over three decades so that we can have His spiritual power and might all through eternity. Through His might, today we can do things for which we would not have been otherwise equipped. Today we have the power to preach about Him which would melt the most hardhearted individuals. When we pray in His might, He will answer us. We can do all things through Him who strengthens us with His might. If we give weak our lives to Him unreservedly, He will put His might in us to use us for His glory.

Dear friend, are you experiencing weakness in your soul to accomplish anything meaningful for God? Are you weak willed and powerless in the exercise of your spiritual responsibilities? If you have the heart of a servant, you will be empowered by Jesus the Mighty God to strengthen you to fulfill the tasks that are entrusted with you. When you are lost in the wonder and awe of Jesus and are filled with His Word and His Spirit, you will be a mighty warrior for Him. His might will strengthen your faith to trust Him in all your situations. He has given you His power to exercise your faith in times of hindrances, confusions and chaos. In the name of Jesus the Mighty God, you can face the enemy with boldness and confidence. His Spirit will fill you with His might to face all your difficult circumstances with confidence and courage. When you pray in the name of the Mighty God, doors will open, chains will fall and light from God will be shed through the darkest clouds in your horizon. It is in His mighty power that you will experience emotional healing. The Mighty God will enable you to wear the whole armor of God to fight the enemy. In His might, obstructive seas and rivers will give way for you to cross over. Today you have the privilege to imbibe into His might by getting yourself filled with His Word and His Spirit which will change your attitude, actions, expressions, exercise of your faith and trust and the communication of His love. Your emotions will be under the control of His might so that you will experience rest, peace, tranquility and contentment. Let the Mighty God who put all His might under control and became like a baby give you ardent faith like a child, make you adventurous like a teen and mature like an adult.

Isaiah 40:29 – He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Thought for Today
The Mighty God works mighty things through His children who are fully surrendered to Him as He equips them with His might.
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Thursday, December 20, 2012


Comforting Counselor!
Verse for Today: Thursday, December 20, 2012
Isaiah 9:6b – And His name shall be called Counselor.

We seek the help and support of a mature person when we are confronted with a matter of concern that we cannot handle ourselves. We desire to speak to a person who is willing to listen to our concerns. We look for the response of a wise person about our difficult situations. Finding that the world cannot provide such a perfect counselor, God the Father opened Heaven and sent His only begotten Son to this world as our greatest Counselor to listen to us and to speak to us. When we speak, He listens and when He speaks, He helps us to listen to Him. He is always patient and willing to listen to us no matter what our concerns and problems are. He invites and welcomes us to speak to Him. He expects us to go to Him with keenly listening ears. He has the right response to our complicated situations. He is the source of all soothing and comforting words which are enriching, encouraging and empowering to our souls. He is willing to illustrate all that He says just as a mother teaches little children. He is ever willing to repeat His admonitions and advises. He convinces and convicts us as we listen to Him. He gives us the freedom to ask Him questions so that He can respond. His responses come in perfect love. He never loses His patience when dealing with us because He knows our weaknesses. He understands our shortsightedness and poor memory to remember the lessons that we had learned several times in the past. His voice is melodious and calm and His tone is that of a loving father who pities his children. He is the most wonderful counselor the world has ever known. People marveled at His sermons and gathered to listen to Him forgetting food and rest. They went after Him in times of need to listen to Him. Today He is near us with keen ears and seeks to listen to all our difficulties, problems, shortages, failures, defeat, losses, weaknesses and thoughtlessness. His response will heal us when we are hurt. His Spirit strengthens us to keep following His words day after day. His counsel is freely available all the time. We do not need an appointment to go to this great Counselor. He is available for us right now if only we are willing to go to Him.

Dear friend, are you in need of a person to speak to about what bothers and batters you in life? Do you desire the response of the perfect counselor about your difficult situations and circumstances? Are you frustrated that no one understands you and listens to you? But today you have the privilege to meet the wonderful Counselor that the world has ever known. He is our Immanuel. Even though He never went to school, He is the embodiment of all wisdom and knowledge. He has the perfect answer to all your situations and problems. He met with Abraham and Jacob in their hours of need and counseled them to keep going by faith. He sent His counsel to prophets like Elijah when they faced threats and frustrations. He spoke to Job and explained to Him about the tests that he faced. He spoke to Samuel and guided him in leading the Israelites. He gave Moses the right advises and suggestions about handling shortages, threats, obstructions, hindrances, enemies and rebellion. He interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar and spoke to Joseph and Daniel about it. He met John at the Island of Patmos and Paul and Peter in their prison cells and filled all their visions. He visited Bethany to comfort a bereaved family. His words were therapeutic and His instructions culminated in miraculous changes in situations and among people. Today He welcomes us with open arms. We have the privilege to speak to Him and pour out all our difficulties in His presence. His counsel will comfort, encourage, heal and strengthen our souls to keep trusting Him in all our situations.

Psalms 73:23 – Yet I am always with You; You hold me by my right hand. You guide me with Your counsel.

Thought for Today
The Lord’s counsel leads us in the rough patches of our lives with hope, faith and patience. 
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Wonderful Re-builder!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Isaiah 9:6b – And His name shall be called Wonderful.

God is addressed by several names in the Bible, each of which portrays His character. The Lord Jesus Christ is also mentioned by several names in the Bible all of which show forth His character. God deals with man and the world in relation to each of the names of God. About eight hundred years before He was born as a baby in Bethlehem, God showed His prophet one of the qualities and characteristic of Jesus that He would be demonstrated as simply wonderful. The people of Palestine found this out from their experience especially during the three and a half years of His public ministry. All who came across Jesus found Him to be wonderful in His behavior, actions, attitude, words and ministries. He reached all the places in the vicinity where there was a need and He met those needs. All His deeds were considered a miracle because it overruled natural laws. None of those could be done by anyone else and it was always far beyond any one’s imagination. His deeds were all astonishing and amazing and it met the greatest needs in human lives. He filled deficiencies in lives. He comforted the hurting families and people groups. He healed all those who were emotionally and physically hurting. His words brought peace in the midst of chaos and confusion. He was able to quite roaring seas and fierce storms. He imparted forgiveness to the guilty who repented. He was the friend of the downtrodden and the socially outcast. He touched the untouchables and ate with those who had social stigma. His words comforted the depressed people and gave peace to those who were restless. He exerted full control over all the elements and the living beings. In all these, Jesus was wonderfully awesome, enormously prodigious, fabulously astonishing, unimaginably amazing, breathtakingly astounding, inexplicably phenomenal and absolutely unique. He was the most wonderful friend to all who came to Him to find meaning in life. He never sent any needy person away empty handed, but was a great and benevolent provider. All who were captivated by His glory followed Him throughout their life time. Today He is wonderful to the eyes which behold Him and the hearts which trust Him.

Dear friend, are you in need of a wonderful touch of healing, restoration, revival and deliverance in life? If you feel empty, this Wonderful Lord Jesus will come into your heart and fill you with His glory. If you are restless with full of anxiety and fear, He will come in and give you lasting peace. If you are brokenhearted, He will heal you and make you whole again. If you are friendless, He will become your trusted and long lasting friend. If you are hungry, He will be your wonderful manna and bread. If you are thirsty, He will be your living water to quench all your inner thirst. If you are lonely, He will be your companion to give you fellowship. If you are tired carrying heavy burdens in life, He will come to carry all your burdens and give you relief. If you are frustrated, He will encourage you to keep going. He will replace your tears with joy unspeakable. His words are wonderfully powerful to drive out demons and demonic thoughts and desires from your heart. He is a wonder too vast to reckon with and too magnificent to meditate all your life. He is altogether lovely and fairest of all whom this earth has ever seen. He is the wonderful Prince of Heaven who wants to be your Savior, Redeemer, Heavenly Bridegroom, Sun of Righteousness, your light, guide, philosopher, companion and the balm to heal all your infirmities. He rebuilds the broken and shattered lives which are surrendered to Him. He is, has been and will always be wonderful and it is your blessed privilege to live for Him today and forevermore. Today He comes to impart wonderful peace and rest to the restless and battered lives. 

Song of Songs 2:1 – I am the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the valleys.     

Thought for Today
The Wonderful Carpenter of Nazareth rebuilds broken lives to make them whole again.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Waiting for fulfillment!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Psalms 9:18 – But the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish.

The world is full of needy people. There are people who face material deprivation and live as destitute. There are also people who are spiritually needy, but are unaware. There are people who have hand-to-mouth existence while others live in affluence. God’s children also go through serious needs in their lives. But they are instructed to look to their God for food, shelter and clothing. Our merciful God has promised us that He will meet our every need. He is our hope for today and for the future. He has asked us to pray for daily bread. He is concerned about our depravity and affliction and comes to our rescue. He expects us to depend on Him alone for our needs. He has all the resources needed to meet all our needs and gives us as needs emerge. He has given us His Spirit who controls our attitudes to things so that even with meager supplies, we can be fully satisfied. Great prophets like Elijah, warriors like Gideon, administrators like Joseph and preachers like Paul lived in deprivation for considerable time in their lives and were fully satisfied with what God gave them on a daily basis. King David went through hunger, thirst, insecurity and afflictions. He had to often wait for a long time to get food and drink, but he put his hope in God. He knew that his deprivation would not be forever and that His God would step into his affairs and put an end to uncertainty. He hoped in God for his afflictions and insecurity to come to an end and that it would not last for long. He trusted in God to provide for him on a daily basis. David ran through dangerous situations on a daily basis, but he put all his trust in God and was able to live a contended life. At times, he went through frustrations, but His God strengthened him to continue to hold on to divine promises and live in hope and trust.

Dear reader, is your life a long procession of unmet needs and unending afflictions? Are you confronted with one problem after another on a daily basis which makes you wonder for how long you should wait for a trouble free life? You probably wonder when your tears will dry, needs met and troubles end. But you must understand that a trouble free life for a child of God will be when we reach our eternal home. Today we are sojourners through wilderness to face its heat, wind, storms, sweat, shortages, hunger, thirst, infirmities and pain. But our focus in life is to serve God as He meets our needs on a daily basis. We are told by our God that our source of livelihood is Him who lives to meet our needs. He is the supplier of all our needs according to His dignity and status. He knows what we need and gives it to us as it pleases Him. He also knows our afflictions which are permitted in our lives to teach us dependence and trust. As we put all our trust and hope in Him, we wait for His time and pattern of giving to meet our needs and end to our afflictions. David had to go through hunger and thirst and so did Elijah. But God provided for them at His time and in His way. He removed their afflictions and gave them rest. Today the words of King David challenge us to put our hope in God. We do not need to know the time and route through which help will come. If He delays, it is to build up our hope and trust and make us stronger in our dependence, but He who has promised will not relent forever.

Psalms 62:5 – My soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him.

Thought for Today
As we wait in silence, our God of hope works all things together to meet our needs and end our afflictions.

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Monday, December 17, 2012


Comforting the hurt!
Verse for Today: Monday, December 17, 2012
Psalms 9:12 – For He who avenges blood remembers; He does not forget the cry of the afflicted.

Crimes against God’s children are taken very seriously by God. When His children are hurt, their Heavenly Father is also hurt. He feels their pain and agony. So He declares to the enemy and his agents that they will have to pay a heavy price for hurting His children. The blood of the martyrs cries loudly unto God and He will definitely answer their cries. This is true about physical, emotional and character assassinations. God’s wrath will be upon those who afflict His children. Prophetic record loudly and clearly declares God’s plan of action to avenge those who hurt His children. When we are accused, slandered and deprived of our rights, our Heavenly Father sees it all. A response from Heaven will follow, but today God gives the assassins and false accusers opportunity to confess and get forgiveness from Him. Judgment on them starts in this world itself and it commands them to repent. The accusers of Joseph became his servants and worked under him. The same happened to those who gossiped about Daniel. The accusers of Nehemiah had to watch the newly rebuilt walls of Jerusalem standing tall and strong. They had to swallow their threats and malice. Accusers and mockers will have to face God’s wrath at the Great White Throne Judgment. God will avenge every false accusation and character assassination in kind. At the same time, He will listen to the agonizing cries of His children when they suffer. Every unkind criticism, falsehood, crafty and cunning schemes and slandering will be dealt with. Those who allow themselves to be agents of such brutal acts of the enemy will receive their share. God avenged every enemy of David, Nehemiah, Daniel and Paul. He will hear our agonizing prayer when we cry out of deep hurt as a result of the brutality against us. But our prayer should be that of Jesus, Stephen and Paul that they may be forgiven by God because it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of our God who is a consuming fire.

Dear friend, are you burning in the fire of slander, false accusations, unkind criticism, cunning schemes, gossip and rejection from others? Perhaps you are facing these maladies from those you love most. Perhaps the enemy is using the people in your work place, ministry, neighborhood or your own kith and kin to run after your blood. But your response should be to pray for them and ask God to forgive them as Jesus did. You are challenged to love them and think sublime thoughts about them. As you suffer such brutal treatment from others, you also have the privilege to cry unto God for safety in the midst of all the public atrocities against you. Just go to the presence of God and hide under His wings. His presence is your best buffer against all the injustice that the world is heaping over you. They hate you because they hate your God. Their hatred is primarily against your stand for God and the principles you hold. When you stand against corruption, malpractice, bribery, injustice, cheating and malice, you would become an inconvenience to others who try to get rid of you from their arena. But they do not realize that when they hurt you, they are hurting your Father who will not quietly stand back. He will act fiercely at His time. Today let us cry unto God about the sufferings that we face from others and ask for a release. Let us be quiet and praying, and not take revenge on our own. Let us give God a chance to deal in our situations. He will use our rough situations to teach us patience and trust and make us more mature in His ways. As the outside world fights us more, let our trust in the Lord grow all the more. Let us be confident that our God will take us forward in spite of the efforts taken by the enemy to tarnish and batter us.

Psalms 9:9 – The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.

Thought for Today
We take comfort in God’s protection against cunningness and slander and not in revenge.

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Sunday, December 16, 2012


Refuge now and beyond!
Verse for Today: Sunday, December 16, 2012
Psalms 7:1 – O Lord my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me.

It is difficult to see how a great and courageous warrior like David becomes so weak as to cry out of helplessness. He had no crisis of confidence when he faced Goliath and won series of victories for Israel. But when he was attacked with words of mockery and ridicule by a weakling like Cush, David was shaken and bewildered. David realized that the despising words of one of his servants at a time when he was running away from his own son Absalom was far beyond what he could take. It broke his heart and took away his confidence. He felt that there was impending danger awaiting him. He was so deeply discouraged and felt like a helpless baby. He realized that the old soldier in him was long gone and in its place, there was only a skeleton. He had no one else to talk to and no other place to go to. But David knew that when all others forsook him, there would still be a place and a person to go to. Out of desperation, David sang a song of total dependence on the Lord. He declared that he had no refuge other than the Lord and so he submitted to Him for rescue, deliverance, restoration and peace. His plea was a clear indication of his realization that his enemy was powerful like a lion that could tear him to pieces. When we follow the path of David in totally surrendering to the Lord and declaring our absolute helplessness, the Lord would answer us and send deliverance. The cry of David encourages us today to humble ourselves before God for Him to lift us up. His ears are open to our cries and His eyes behold our tears. He sees our situations well before we even realize the dangers that loom large around us.

Dear friend, are you a helpless weakling crying like a baby for rescue from imminent danger in your situation? Do you feel threatened because your present situation seems more dangerous than any other that you had experienced in the past? But don’t you forget that your Lord who called you out is alive and He is watching what is going on around you.  Don’t forget for a moment that your Lord is in control of your situation. You are perturbed because you have not yet seen the end, but are agitated by seeing the beginning of the fallout. Your Lord is working out your rescue and deliverance. The present predicament is permitted in your life to teach you to humbly depend on the Lord for rescue. He wants you to reach a stage when you realize that your might, past victories, resourcefulness and supporters will not be able to help you. In fact, many of your supporters might be waiting for an opportunity to pull your legs. Today God is showing you that He is the only help available. He wants you to learn that you cannot depend on any one else or anything else to solve your problems. He wants you to submit yourself and your problems to Him to resolve it His way.  When you are desperate and go to Him confessing Him as your only hope, He will answer you and rescue you. He has already given you promises about your future and will not relent. He wants you to hold on to the Promise Giver and have absolute faith in Him. This is not the time to wallow over your situation and give up. It is time to trust God to send you help and refuge and wait for His time.

Psalms 27:5 – For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.

Thought for Today
When we see the beginning of trouble in our situations, our God sees its end the way He has resolved it.
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