Sunday, January 5, 2014


Restoring touch!

Verse for Today: Sunday, January 05, 2014  

Isaiah 42:3 - A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not snuff out.

The world throws away broken reeds and smoked wicks because they have no value or usefulness. A bruised reed is the prime example of failure. A smoldering wick will only create more smoke and no fire. So they are written off and taken out of circulation.  But these lives still have hope if submitted to the Master Designer and Divine Potter. He takes such broken and useless human lives and remold them according to His divine design. He doesn't look behind a broken or smoked life to probe the past. He looks at the future possibilities of these seemingly useless lives and makes them useful through His touch of restoration. He will put His strength and shape into these lives and rejuvenate them. He will establish His purposefulness and hope in such lives and give them a new beginning. His Spirit will transform these lives through His power. Any useless, broken and crumbled life will be accepted by His nail-pierced hands to impart eternal value and relevance. In fact, God is not at all interested in anything that is not broken in itself. Only those who are humble and broken hearted will He remold afresh. The broken life which comes with deep conviction and confession of their sinfulness and failure to God will be imputed with His life itself. Any life that goes to God with confession of failure and defeat will never be left behind. They must admit their unworthiness and uselessness to Him.  They must come with a deep desire to be healed of their sin-sickness and made whole again. He will then make use of such new lives for His purpose here on earth. He looks at them through their possibilities and not through their past failures.

Dear friend, are you in deep agony because of your failures, defeats and losses in the past? Do you feel that nothing good will ever come out of your life? Are you being written off by the world around you like a smoked wick or bruised wick? If the broken, bruised and smoked pieces of your life are submitted to the Master Craftsman, He will take you, restore and remold your life and make it new with newer possibilities, usefulness and worth. When He touches you, your intrinsic value will skyrocket eternally. He will put His power and strength in you so that there will be hope and usefulness for you. You will then be challenged to attempt great things for God and expect great things from Him in and through your life. You will experience the power of God when the Holy Spirit will invade your whole being. You will have the seal of ownership of God on you through His Spirit. Your heart will overflow with the joy of the Lord which will be your strength. Your behavior and attitude to everything will be God-centered. You will become salt and light for others to find taste and direction through your life. You will live to melt away or burn away for others around you. Thus you will find purposefulness in your life. This is not the time to cry over your past failures, but to experience a revival in your soul through the touch of Jesus. Today you have a divine invitation to come to Jesus with the broken pieces of your life, wrapped in the rags of your life and submit it to Jesus for remolding and restoration. Allow Him to touch your life and make use of you for His glory. Live for Him and mind His business and He will mind your business and lead you victoriously day by day.

Psalms 34:18 – The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Thought for Today
The touch of the Master Craftsman will transform failures and losses into splendid possibilities.

Prayer for Today
Dear Lord Jesus: Restore my bruised and broken life and make me a blessing to many today. Amen!

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