Saturday, June 30, 2012


Invisible but everlasting!
Verse for Today: Saturday, June 30, 2012
Deuteronomy 33:27 – The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.
The eternal God with everlasting arms has proved to His children that He has great pleasure in taking care of them. It has been His privilege to give refuge to His children in times of trouble. His protection is all around His children. He keeps us in the palm of His hands so that our feet would not get hurt in the stony and thorny pathways which we tread. We do not know what lies ahead of us on the pathway, but He knows the way and has gone before us to make sure that we do not stagger or stumble. He covers us from every danger on the way and all the snares of the enemy. When we go through heartaches and burdens, we can take refuge in the Lord and entrust all our concerns to Him. He will then cuddle us like a mother takes care of her little ones. We are fearless and fortified under His everlasting wings and all our times are covered by Him. He knows us in and out and has provisions for all our needs. His everlasting arms stretch out to all our situations to help and deliver. His hands give us His divine touch which heals our broken hearts and emotions. He builds and rebuilds us when we are torn down by the enemy of our souls. There was a time when David felt that he and his people were like a tree on a wayside being violated by passersby. They pass away, but our Lord stays with us. They do not realize that when they hurt us, they truly hurt our Lord. He forgives them for hurting Him and His children, but desires that through the fruit they eat from our trees, they would come to Him and find rest for their souls. We see that the everlasting arms of our Lord sustain His children in times of trouble and bring them out of their testing times to moments of peace, rest and tranquility. He wants to touch us with those arms today so that we would enjoy His healing, sustenance, comfort, security and goodness.
Dear reader, it is good for you to remember today that you are under the purview of the everlasting arms of our Lord no matter what your situation is. His invisible hands reach out and touch you in all your situations. It is because of His arms that we are sustained today. We have the privilege to enjoy the safety and security that His presence provides. He is available to us no matter where we are. Daniel had His arms in the den of the hungry lions and the Hebrew youth had His arms in the fiery furnace. Noah had the privilege to enjoy it in the flood and David enjoyed it when Goliath encountered him and while he was hiding in a cave. Joseph experienced these everlasting arms in the pit and the dungeon. So did Jeremiah in the broken cistern. His everlasting arms picked up Ruth from the enemy country and made her the bride of Boaz so that she would become a great grandmother of Jesus. These arms brought Rehab out of Jericho and made her the bride of Salmon and the great grandmother of Jesus. The same arms of the Lord picked up a village girl by the name Rebekah and made her the bride of Isaac and thus to become another great grandmother of Jesus. His arms were with them and their generations all the way from Adam as these arms stretch out and touch our generation and exhibit His faithfulness to us at all times. Our Lord existed above timelines, and He lives through the faithfulness that He has been demonstrating in our lives even today. As He is our refuge, today we can look at our unknown tomorrows with a smile on our faces and confidence in our hearts to keep going forward with Him. His faithfulness, mercy and goodness will surely follow us on all our tomorrows. Hallelujah!!
Psalms 91:4 – He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
Thought for Today
God’s everlasting arms are so vast as to cover all His children at all times and in all situations.
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Friday, June 29, 2012


Stretched out Hand!
Verse for Today: Friday, June 29, 2012
Matthew 14:31 – Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of (Peter), and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”
Jesus is near us all the time and He watches over us so well as He knows all our emergent situations. He interferes in our affairs at the brink of time to save us from falling into deep trouble. He would not suffer us to sink into troubled waters. His hands stretch out to us at the nick of time to save us from destruction. His eyes are always upon us because He knows that we are vulnerable to doubt, confusion and distraction. He holds us tight lest we might slip into trouble. Our Lord knows that the sea of life has high billows, whirlpools and undercurrents. So He stands guard to watch over us. Whether we are in a small lake like Tiberius or a vast Red Sea, we are susceptible to get discouraged and become fearful. When the ebbs of our faith dwindle, we tend to look at the circumstances and become frightful. David had such doubts when he went through the dark valleys of life. But the Lord led him through it by brightening his ways with His glory. When John was a lonely old man in Patmos, the Lord filled him with the revelation of His glory to strengthen him. He strengthened Gideon through a direct appearance and some soft conversation about His plan for him. Our Lord comes to take away our fear, doubt, unbelief, frustration and apprehensions when we are most needy. We are safe in His stretched hands and secure under His wings to live without fear or anxiety.
Dear reader, is your circumstance sending chills to your bones through unexplainable fear and phobias? Is your present situation challenging you to prove your faith? Are you intimidated by the consequences of your scenario which is getting out of control for you? But Jesus is there with you in your present situation to equip and empower you to face it with courage and confidence. He strengthened Gideon to face the Amalakites with the smallest army of just 300 soldiers. Abraham had no fear to go after five kings in the middle of the night with just 318 young men and come back after squarely defeating all of them. Nehemiah had the holy tenacity not to fear the enemies who tried their level best to stop him from rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Esther was full of the vigor of faith when she was passionately moved to approach King Xerxes for the salvation of the people of God. Abraham had no fear of the unknown when he set out to travel to an unknown country. They all knew that their Lord was holding them by His stretched out hands and that they were utterly safe and secure in His arms. This Lord is our Lord who holds our hands also so that we would be able to face dangerous situations or set out boldly to the unknown. Our Lord would not let us go because He loves us so much. Through all the tough situations, our Lord molds us and makes us stronger day after day. It was this work of the potter that Peter went through so that he would be seen fearless to face the authorities and even the gallows under Herod. These clouds of witnesses enrich our lives today with greater faith to face our situations without fear or anxiety.
Psalms 73:23 – Nevertheless I am continually with You; You have taken hold of my right hand.
Thought for Today
In times of trouble, our Lord who is with us will hold us tight to Himself with His mighty hands.
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Thursday, June 28, 2012


Craving for cross!
Verse for Today: Thursday, June 28, 2012
Matthew 16:24 – Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.”
The cross has become well known in the world today because of Jesus. But it has emerged lately as a mark of organized religion and a symbol of religious identity, status and a fashion icon. The cross of Jesus was a symbol of curse, rejection and sacrifice. It characterized the sum total of the despising, resentment, abuse, suffering, persecution, hatred and shame. But Jesus willingly took the cross to die for the sins of humanity. He desired that His disciples carry their cross and live a rejected, resentful, and despising life. Following Jesus means walking the Calvary Road carrying the cross.  When we identify ourselves with Jesus and follow the principles He taught and practiced, we should expect experiences like that of Jesus including the cross. Thus our cross becomes our willingness to be rejected and despised by the world for Jesus’ sake. If we walk the Calvary Road carrying the cross, we would receive the same treatment Jesus received from the world. The world would pour out shame and despising on us as He was subjected to. When we reject the world and all that it would offer us, the world would call us fools or unintelligent people which a true disciple would consider as a covetable qualification. The world offered Jesus kingdom without realizing that He was already the King. Today the world offers to make us prestigious and prominent. But if we reject its offer, and instead take up the cross and become like fools for Jesus’ sake, the world would ridicule and despise us. For the true disciple, it is the greatest thrill to take up the cross and become a fool for Christ. Today Jesus challenges us to boldly take up the cross and follow Him and be rejected because of Him. It would mean we joyfully endure sufferings, pain, resentment, ridicule, mockery, threat, intimidation and persecution. It would be subjugation and mutilation which cause intense physical and emotional pain. But it is the way we express our love and loyalty to Jesus.
Dear reader, are you being persecuted for the sake of the Lord who willingly went through persecution for you? Is the world calling you a fool and an unintelligent person because you reject the fortune of this world and willingly accept isolation, poverty, emotional intimidation, loss of dignity and status? Perhaps you are experiencing rejection and resentment from the members of your family and friends who mean a lot to you. Perhaps you are hated by people because you stand for the truth at the work place or other spheres of activity. They will hate you if you do not agree with them or support them in their worldly pursuits. People might dislike you because of your ministries. Some might reject you because of their spirit of competition and desire to win.  Perhaps you are evicted from your spheres of Christian activities through manipulations. Some might take over or take away your job or business because you do not react or fight. Yes, dear reader, when you carry the cross, you cannot fight for your rights because all your rights are crucified with Christ. On the Calvary road, you will have to walk with tight lips and without any reaction to all the atrocities leveled against you because your lips are crucified with Christ. Just as the Lord Jesus did not revile when reviled against and did not threaten when He was threatened, you need to pray that the Father forgive all who ill-treat you. Let us entrust ourselves with our cause to the Lord and be quiet. Let us look to Him for the rewards He has set apart for us because we suffer silently for Him which is a fitting response to His suffering in silence for us. Such an attitude of joy and praise will be our greatest strength when we walk the Calvary Road carrying our cross to follow Jesus.
Galatians 6:14 – May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world!
Thought for Today
Thirst for carrying the cross is the mark of a disciple’s response to the shame and rejection his Lord endured for him.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Fortress School of Guidance!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Psalms 31:3 – For You (Lord) are my rock and my fortress; for Your name sake You will lead and guide me.
When circumstances buffet the child of God, he has always the opportunity and privilege to flee to the Lord who is His never-changing Rock and Fortress. The Lord is the Rock whom no circumstance will destabilize. He is the Fortress that can accommodate all the weary and miserable travelers. He is available for His children to confide and take shelter and refuge. He welcomes His children to come to Him no matter how cumbersome their circumstances are. He will not scold a crying child who knocks at His door for refuge and alms. He will not despise the destitute and the poor who seek His help and support. He will not ill-treat those who depend on Him. In fact, He knows that all who go to Him are poor in spirit and humble. When we admit our depravity and helplessness and as we confess our fear of the enemy, He will hold us close to Him and cover us under His wings. No arrows of the enemy will ever penetrate His fortress which is built with the Rock of Ages. It is vast and has sufficient room for all who go to Him. If we recognize Him as our Rock and Fortress, we would run to Him for cover without any hesitation. When we knock at His gate, He will open and with His nail-pierced hands usher us in, not as refugees, but as His beloved children who have His love to share from His bosom. When we call on His name, His entire powerhouse opens up for us because taking His name on our tongues is like touching His Throne of Grace by faith. He will never despise and reject any one who approaches Him and calls upon His name. Once we are in His Fortress, He takes us into His inner chamber for personal encounter with Him where necessary guidance will be imparted in our souls. The Heavenly Fortress is available for us for the asking as all the expenses for it were paid by Him with His life and blood on Calvary’s cross. If we do not go to Him and take advantage of it, we are the losers and will have ourselves to blame.  
Dear reader, are you being tossed around by difficult and painful circumstances? Are you intimidated by the evil tongues which misrepresent and misinterpret your motives? Do you face unkind and false criticisms for the acts which you have not committed? Are you forced to restore what you have not taken away? Remember, your Lord had to go through such experiences while He came to save you from your sins. God’s servants like Joseph, Moses, Jeremiah, Nehemiah, Paul and others went through such experiences from the enemy of our souls who intimidated them. In all such circumstances, they confided in their Lord who welcomed them to His fortress which was His holy presence. They found comfort and encouragement in His presence and recharged their spiritual batteries to keep going. The enemy was committed to distract, slow down and confuse them in their mission, but the Lord guided and led them in His path with relentless faith. He gave them heavenly bread and living water to restore their sagging spirits and revived their tired emotions to rise up again like phoenix birds to fly into new vistas of faith and trust in the Lord.  His fortress is a school for us to be trained in guidance and counseling which will lead us into safety, security, confidence, trust, courage and peace to face our troubled situations to come out victorious. So dear reader, keep knocking at the door of the Fortress of the Lord and cling on to the rock for sustenance and progress in our walk with the Lord.
2 Samuel 22:2 – The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer.  
Thought for Today
God’s Fortress School is the best setting to learn trust, faith, confidence and courage to equip us to face troubled situations and fierce attacks of the enemy.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Faithfulness over timelines!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, June 26, 2012
2 Thessalonians 3:3 – But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.
The God who is faithful in all His promises comes to all His children to strengthen and protect them from the wiles of the evil one. As our loving Father, God is committed to the welfare of His children mankind. His faithfulness is His unchanging attribute to Himself and His promises. He wants to touch us with His power and strength today. He wants us to respond to His touch by faith in His faithfulness and give Him our absolute commitment and love in return. God has promised to protect His children from the evil one. God the Father answers the intercessory prayer of Jesus that all God’s children are protected from the evil one in spite of our sins, failures, shortcomings and weaknesses. God knows that a battle is going on today in the world for the minds and hearts of God’s children. The evil one wants to prevent God’s children from truly following Jesus. The evil one attacks our minds to shake our faith and put doubts in our minds about God’s faithfulness to us so that our faith will slowly erode and end up in shipwreck. But our God knows how weak we are and so He comes to strengthen our faith with powerful reminder about His unchanging promises. Even when we fail, our God comes back to help us get back to Him through genuine repentance. He is the God of Jonah who goes after a disobedient prophet to give him another chance. He is the God who goes to revive the dejected Elijah and bring him back to greater ministry. He is the God who picks up the forgotten Joseph from the pit and the dungeon to put him back on the track towards the fulfillment of the dreams He gave Joseph. He is the God of the tearful Jeremiah who lifts him up from the broken cistern to continue to preach. He does this to us because He is faithful in His promise to keep us strong and protect us from the evil one. Today He is near us to fortify us and fill our hearts with faith and trust in Him so as to use our lives as His platform to demonstrate His power. 
Hello dear reader, are you weak and tired in your faith? Is the evil one bringing in doubts and confusions in your mind about your situation? Are you feeling that it is becoming increasingly difficult for you to fully trust because of your troubled situations? Remember, your spiritual strength depends on God’s strength with which He will strengthen you. He is faithful to impart His strength in your heart so that you will be able to believe on God’s promises and be unmovable and without shaking or wavering. His power is available for you to fight the tactics of the evil one who tries to weaken your faith. He will fill you with His Spirit provided you are willing to confess your weaknesses and failures to Him. He will then fill you with His Spirit. His strength will be poured into your heart and fill you with His peace and joy which will govern your thoughts and attitudes to fully trust Him in all your situations. His Spirit sustains you in the weakest moments of your daily life. When you doubt, His strength in you will drive away doubt or anxiety. When your faith is challenged in troublesome situations, His power will enable you to cling on to Him against all odds. He will illuminate your spiritual eyes to see the majestic glory of your Lord which will permeate all vistas of your life. Just as in the case of Elijah, God’s angels will come to wake you up from your quiet, lonely and frustrated moments and re-energize you to your full vitality in faith. Yes, our Lord is faithful in protecting and equipping us to handle our difficult situations with courage and faith. He will protect us from all evil so that we will march from victory to victory through relentless faith and trust in the Lord.
2 Timothy 2:13 – If we are faithless, (Jesus) remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.
Thought for Today
The faithfulness of God is relentless and is embodied in His eternal attribute which remains unaltered over time and circumstances.
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Monday, June 25, 2012


Hindrance becomes help!
Verse for Today: Monday, June 25, 2012
Exodus 14:22 – The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.
When God’s children are faced with opposition and hindrance, and when they are tempted to quit, God sometimes turns the hindrance into help. He uses the very same forces which oppose His children to support them. Haman who vehemently opposed Mordecai was used by God to take him around proclaiming his honor. We find support coming to David during his exile from the enemies of Israel. The flood waters which destroyed the people of earth held Noah and his family safe till the flood was over. The storms which buffeted the disciples in the middle of the sea helped the disciples reach the shores in no time. The Roman Empire was used by God to protect and safe keep Apostle Paul until he completed his ministries without which the Jews would have annihilated him. The lonely Patmos became the most serene setting for Apostle John to receive the Revelations of Jesus Christ.  Moses and the people found the waters of Red Sea a great hindrance to their sojourn. But God turned the waters of the Red Sea into water walls to protect them and keep them on track. Our God works in our lives to our utter amazement to see us through in times of stiff opposition and hindrance. Today He is with us and He leads us through the enemy territory to accomplish His purposes in and through us. He can use the most unexpected corners to serve God’s children in their sojourn so that they would march toward Zion even through the hindrances.
Dear reader, are you facing some blockages on your way forward? Are you frustrated because you see hindrances in front of you? Are these stumbling blocks making you think whether it was right for you to follow Jesus? Don’t you be tempted to quit or go back from the pathway the Lord has brought you so far! He who has called you out and set you on the path of faith will take you forward no matter what the opposition might be. He who walks with you from the beginning will be with you till the end of the journey. He who has been faithful thus far will be faithful to help you run the race and finish the course. He who supplied all your needs till now will meet all your needs according to His riches in glory. He who created the elements will use it to pave the way for you for safe passage. He who holds your hands will not take His hands off. If you find some hindrance on your way, you don’t need to be alarmed because your Lord has already chalked out a way even through the hindrance. He sometimes creates a prayer room for you inside a lion’s den and prepares a time of heavenly fellowship in a fiery furnace. He will turn your hiding cave or pit into a time for you to be the skillful writer of eternal Psalms of God. Even at the wine press when you hide and thresh wheat lest you be found out by the enemy, He will fill you with heavenly vision and encouragement to keep going. He makes the army of the enemy flee and leaves large quantity of food so that God’s people can survive. He turns the dungeon at the house of Potiphar into a platform to lift Joseph to become the Prime Minster of Egypt and to develop a plan to save mankind.  God can use the threatening waters of the Red Sea to become water walls to stand guard His children to pass through. Today He is prepared to use even the forces which seem to oppose you to become your servants so that you will march forward victorious and jubilant. All He expects from us is to trust Him and put all our faith in Him to take us forward without fail. So let us march forward with relentless trust in our Lord on His pathway and make it an adventure of faith.
Hebrews 11:29a – By faith the Israelites passed through the Red Sea as on dry land.
Thought for Today
The exercise of our faith in our Lord will see even the hindrances becoming a help and a support.
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Sunday, June 24, 2012


Faith removes hindrances!
Verse for Today: Sunday, June 24, 2012
Numbers 13:30 – Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.”
We live in times of fear and anxiety which are contagious. The people of the world are prone to fear and are super sensitive to external evidences of things which might go wrong.  They only see the possibility of things going wrong and come to easy negative conclusions. As a result of association with such negative people with negative thought pattern in a negative culture, even God’s people succumb to think negatively. Out of the twelve spies Moses sent to Canaan, ten were negative and had no confidence in their God’s power to lead them to victory. As they were the majority, the people at large believed them and plunged themselves into fear and anxiety and lost their courage and confidence. But Caleb was a different kind of a believer. He had full faith in the might of His God to lead them to victory. He didn’t discount the strength of the inhabitants of Canaan, but had faith to believe that His God was far greater in power and majesty to lead them to victory. Caleb saw God in front of him and not the Anakites or Amorites. When he looked at these mighty forces through the eyes of faith, they looked like grasshoppers. His perception of His God and His might made nothing else that mattered to him. He believed that His God would see him through all hindrances. He also believed in the prophetic Word that came to them through Moses that God would remove all opposition and inhabit His people in Canaan. He believed in the promises of God to be true and his faith stood far above all the enemies in Canaan.
Dear reader, are you confronted by powerful hindrances to stop you from appropriating all the blessings that God has promised you? Are they threatening to annihilate you? Are they formidable in their strength, size and shape? But you need not lose your confidence and courage to go forward because your journey is as per the commands of your Lord whose power and strength far exceed that of the intimidating forces. You are accompanied by the Almighty and your journey is according to His divine plan and purpose. You need not fight against these enemies with your own might because your Lord has filled you with His might. Your armor is divine and your tactics are faith and trust in your Lord. As you march forward, He subdues your enemies at your feet. He has given the territories for you to capture by faith and not by human endeavor. Your Lord wants you to capture the territories He has promised and He stands with you as you take steps of faith. Your forward march is part of the spiritual warfare for which He has equipped you. Your forward march is the evidence that you believe in His promises and that you are committed to appropriate the territories which are given you positionally. All you have to do is to appropriate it by faith without fear or anxiety. So dear reader, there is no need to hesitate. Don’t let other people discourage you. You need to rebuke all discouragement in the name of the resurrected Lord Jesus and go forward to appropriate all that He has promised you. Just look back at the innumerable Egyptian tyrannies, Red Seas, Jericho, Goliaths, Philistines and other hindrances you have been equipped to overcome in the past and be encouraged. Red Sea will again open up, new Jericho’s will fall and more Goliaths will be defeated by the might of your Lord. When you put your relentless faith in Him, He will help you to overcome these giants who block your way. Let our hearts not be troubled today because of these hindrances, but let us trust the Lord to remove it all as we step forward with courage and confidence in Him.
Hebrews 11:33 – (By faith) they conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword.
Thought for Today
There is no hindrance in the lives of God’s children that will not move away when then step forward in faith and with courage and confidence in the Lord.
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Saturday, June 23, 2012


Pleasures of His Presence!
Verse for Today: Saturday, June 23, 2012
Exodus 33:14 – The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
When the going gets tough and when we are confronted with the known and unknown hindrances, our Lord comes to reassure us of His presence with us on our way forward. His presence is filled with bright light to show us the way. His presence is His might to remove all blockages on our way. His presence is full of His grace and power to give us the strength to take steps of faith forward. God’s presence is the embodiment of all His attributes with the fullness of His peace to take away the burdens in our troubled minds. When we are rejected and resented by others, His presence welcomes and accompanies us. So when the Lord’s presence goes with us, we have absolutely no reason to hesitate, fear or feel dejected. His presence was with Moses and the people of Israel to show them the way and to take them through the desert with clear direction during night and day. When God’s presence encompasses us, we do not need to be anxious about what the future holds for us. In His abundant grace, our Lord will give us His best. He will go with us as we are on His pathway. It is the way of the cross on which our Lord Jesus walked before us and we can see His footprints to place our feet on and walk courageously. It is a walk of rest as we are encircled with by His presence. It is a time of wonderful fellowship during our times of loneliness and rejection. Today we are invited to walk with the Lord by faith as Enoch walked with Him. Just as the two conversed, we have the privilege to talk to our Lord when He will reveal great secrets from His Holy Book to us. Our sojourn with the Lord is the most exciting and joyful time to walk hand in hand with the Almighty in His purpose and towards the fulfillment of His plan and program for us in this world. Let us thank Him for His presence and walk confidently with Him and enjoy divine fellowship.
Dear reader, are you intimidated by hindrances and blockages on your sojourn? Is there lack of sufficient light on your way forward? Your Lord is pleased to travel with you in His mighty presence to remove all hindrances and clear your way. He wants to walk with you and lead you. His presence guarantees the right way and the most splendid atmosphere for you. His presence will fill you with His joy which will remove all weariness from your heart. When He walks with you, you will not feel the heat of the sojourn because you will be under the coolness of His shadow. You will also enjoy His peace and rest when you enjoy His presence. Moses experienced it all the way from the Midian countryside to Egypt and then on his return to Pisgah for a period of about forty years. Abraham enjoyed the coolness of the Lord’s presence for about one hundred years and so did Isaac and Jacob throughout their sojourn. Joseph, Daniel, David and Nehemiah along with all the prophets and apostles enjoyed the exuberance of the mighty presence of the Lord which was like the panacea for all the ills that the world confronted them with. His presence strengthens, energizes, encourages and motivates His children to live as a testimony to the character and person of the Lord. Today He wants you to enjoy His presence and live courageously no matter what the hindrances on your way might be. Even in the midst of intense difficulties and troubles, we can dwell in His presence and enjoy His rest, peace and serenity.
Psalms 16:11 – You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand, there are pleasures forever.
Thought for Today
The coolness of God’s presence fills us with His joy and pleasures forever and satisfies all our longings.
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Friday, June 22, 2012


Fight from victory!
Verse for Today: Friday, June 22, 2012
Psalms 55:18 – He ransoms me and keeps me safe from the battle waged against me, though many still oppose me. (NLT)
God’s children are always in His hands and are kept under His wings and shadow. Such care for us is because God knows the dangerous situation we are in. The enemy of our soul is always out there to hurt and destroy us. He is a murderer and a thief and he comes to hurt us physically, emotionally and spiritually. His ultimate aim is to weaken us in our spiritual life and to drain our faith in the Lord. So the enemy uses arrows like doubt, confusion, unbelief and tension to distract us from our walk and our focus as we follow Jesus. He knows that our Lord has ransomed us from the clutches of sin. So the enemy uses the world system and our flesh as agents to destabilize us. He attacks us in our emotions and through our situations. He clutters our circumstances to make it cloudy and dark. He keeps on pushing us into fighting spiritual battles and will use subtle means to defeat us in our emotional life. He knows that once our weaknesses in the emotional area are exposed, we would go into self pity, doubt and frustration and become weak in our faith and trust in the Lord. So when the enemy comes to fight us emotionally, our Lord comes to comfort us and give us repeated assurances that He would never leave us nor forsake us. He reassures that His grace is sufficient for us in the weakest areas of our faith to fortify us to keep going. Our Lord recognizes those who oppose us, but they are only instruments used to defeat us by the enemy. The enemy knows that we are already ransomed by the Lord and that he cannot harm our salvation. So he will try to see how we stumble and loose the joy of our salvation through grieving and quenching the Spirit of God. Today our Lord wants to remind us that we are safe in His arms and that the enemy will not find victory over us. So we do not need to invite defeat into our lives by allowing doubt and confusion to reign over us, but claim victory over these emotional attacks from the enemy through Jesus who has already made us more than conquerors.
Dear friend, are you experiencing threats on your pathway from the enemy of your soul? Is he using some of your dearest and closest ones to fight you? Is he trying to plant seeds of doubt and confusion in your emotional life? Do you feel exasperated because of the attacks which come from unexpected corners? You need to remember that these are subtle tactics of the enemy to defeat you emotionally by making you fearful. The enemy of your soul wants to destabilize you by creating doubts and fear in your mind. He will use some of your dearest people to attack you so as to depress you emotionally and make you feel dejected and weak in your faith. You need to fight this battle on your knees by claiming the promises in the Word. When doubts creep up, fight it with the reassurances in the Word that He will not let you fall or fall away. You must rebuke the enemy and his tactics in the powerful name of our Lord Jesus. You have the privilege to use the shield of faith to stop and to break the arrows of unbelief and doubt. If you lack faith, ask the Lord who will increase your faith and strengthen you to face your situations with courage and boldness. When the enemy comes back to persistently attack you, keep using the promises of God and rebuke the enemy and he will flee from you. Remember, you are in an inch-by-inch battle for your faith. It is a daily struggle but you and I can keep fighting by using the whole armor of God. Let us attribute all our victories to the Lord and keep asking for His strength to stand strong for Him against all the wiles of the enemy.
Ephesians 6:10 – Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.  
Thought for Today
Our enemy fights for victory over us whereas we fight from victory which we appropriate by faith.
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Thursday, June 21, 2012


Delight from distress!
Verse for Today: Thursday, June 21, 2012
Psalms 107:6 – Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress.
Blessed are the people who have the Lord to cry unto when they are in trouble and distress. Trouble and distress are not uncommon among God’s people. Life in this world with all its burdens and battles lead them to distress. The troubles and trials they face in life and their inability to handle it leads them to cry unto their Lord for help. Their cry comes out of their anguishes and helplessness, exasperation and misery. But their cry is also because they know that their Lord will listen to them because they approach Him with a broken heart. They also know that He is the Lord of all compassion. When Hagar cried, He went after her and resolved her difficulties. When Rachel cried, He remembered her and gave her two children. When Hannah cried, He met the desire of her heart in several fold. The cries of David reached Him and He answered the tearful prayers of David to lift him up from hiding. When Nehemiah cried, He equipped him to put things in order in Jerusalem. Our Lord heard the cries of the people of Israel and led them out of Egypt and turned their tears into joy and praise. When Jeremiah and Paul cried in the middle of their ministries, the Lord answered them and enabled them to see the good results of their hard work for Him. Today our Lord is with all His children who cry unto Him in their trouble and distress. He goes to them and wipes their tears. He turns their weeping into joy and their troubles into delights. When they are in distress, He comforts them and gives them songs of joy and praise. He delivers His children from their distress by giving them hope and confidence to face their troubles. He fills them with His wisdom to deal in their troubles and find victory in their situations. He extends this ministry to His children through His Spirit and Word as they spend time with Him in His presence. He also interferes in their seemingly impossible situations to bring about solutions. Thus our troubles become pathways through which our Lord gives us victory, peace and joy.
Hello reader, are you in distress today because of the troubles you are confronted with? Are your troubles making you cry in helplessness? Perhaps there is no one around you who would come and comfort you. There might be people who would use the situation to find fault you and criticize you unkindly. Some might even say that your troubled situation is the result of God’s punishment. Thus when you get exasperated and intimidated by the heat of the troubles you are faced with, you might be shedding tears in the lonely hours of the night in some corner of your home. It is at that time that your Lord comes to you to open the floodgates of comfort and peace. He is near you all the time and He knows all about your situation and the source of your trouble. He understands how weak-willed you are and how you are emotionally shattered. When you cry unto the Lord, He comes to you to fill your heart with His Spirit who is the Spirit of love, peace and joy. As He comforts you, He gets into your troubled situations and straightens out things. He also gives you the wisdom to do what you can as He enables you. He finds answers to your puzzles and gives you the boldness to face the situation and leave the consequences to Him. Through His comfort, you will be enabled to praise Him for all the lessons you have learned about handling your troubled and distressing situations by faith. Today the Lord wants you to hand over all your troubles and distresses to Him so that He can turn it all into songs of victory and praise.
Isaiah 25:4 – (O Lord) You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat.  
Thought for Today
When we cry unto the Lord in trouble, He comes to transform our misery and distress into delightful joy.
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Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Angelic Security Services!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Psalms 91:11 – For He will give His angels charge concerning you, to guard you in all your ways.
The protection established by God for His precious children shows the depth of concern and care He has for them. It also shows how important we are to Him. He values us so much as to give angles charge of us. These angels follow the instructions of the Lord and keep vigil on us round the clock. Our Lord knows that we are vulnerable to attacks from the enemy. He knows how weak we are and how we sink deep into frustration when things go against us. But the awareness of the presence of the holy angels with us all the time gives us courage and confidence to go forward without wavering. The angels protect us in the face of dangers and opposition from the enemy. When we are in need, the Lord uses His angels as commissaries to bring His blessings to us. When we seek direction, the Lord sends His angels ahead of us to show us the way. They protect our feet from stumbling and encompass around us to ward off all the darts from the enemy. Also our hearts are guarded by the Spirit of God and our thoughts guarded by the Word of God at all times. God has thus fortified us inside and outside for perfect safety and security. This arrangement is part of the eternal security He has guaranteed for us. He is as much concerned about our souls and spirits as our bodies because our bodies are also purchased on Calvary along with our souls.  So our souls are protected by the Spirit and our bodies are kept safe by the angels because our safety and security are serious concern for the Lord. Such all-round protection strengthens us for confident living by trusting in the Lord without any anxiety.
Dear reader. Are you aware of the angelic hosts who are in charge of you to give you safety, security and sustenance? The powerful angels of God are in charge of your physical protection. His Spirit who dwells in your heart speaks to you and warns you as you endeavor to do or plan anything in life.  His Word which is deposited in you is the guard for your heart and emotions so as to help you to keep your thoughts and desires pure in the Lord. The awareness of the presence of the angles gives you confidence and courage to face all your situations with boldness and trust in the Lord. Your heart and mind are exercised to put all your faith in the Lord. So you can trust Him to lead you moment by moment on your sojourn. Let us enjoy the confidence and courage because of the divine assurance that our Lord has given charge of our well-being to His mighty angels. So we can face the rough patches in life without fear. When the enemy confronts us and our situations become cloudy, we do not need to be alarmed or in anguish. The angelic presence also helps us to realize how precious we are in the sight of our Lord and how our Lord has established our safety and security while we are here on earth.  The angel of the Lord protected and delivered Peter from the prison. An angel went before Eliezer to lead him to identify Rebekah. We see the angels fighting wars for Joshua, taking evangelist Philip for special missions and giving strength to Daniel in ministry. Angels were deputed to strengthen Jesus in His humanity in the garden before He was arrested.  Today we are covered on all sides by the angels of God to facilitate the fulfillment of God’s will in our lives with assured and guaranteed safety and protection.  
Psalms 34:7 – The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them.
Thought for Today
The children of God are escorted by the Lord and His angels in all their situations.
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Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Unshaken Rock and Fortress!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Psalms 62:6 – (God) alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I shall not be shaken.
When we openly affirm our confidence in our God, it is not a statement of arrogance, but humility. It underscores our emptiness and God’s trustworthiness. We utter words of faith and courage in the Lord as He enables us. Our circumstances might be shaky and our situations chaotic, but we anchor on the Mighty God who holds us. We were lifeless and dead in our iniquities, but He made us alive in Him. We were powerless, but at the right time our God put His power and strength in us to make us stand strong. David had such experiences when he was under attack by the powerful, popular and the prominent people. He was constantly under severe threat by the enemy countries who thought it ironical that even his own countrymen didn’t want him. So here we have an unwanted man running for life from desert to cave to forest like a coward. The world had already written its verdict that there was no scope for any hope for him. But even when all his enemies got together to annihilate him, David was confident in his unshaken and immovable Rock who was absolutely dependable. David was able to find deliverance and rescue in His Lord who picked him up from his shepherding days and anointed him king of Israel. He knew that his Shepherd will not go back on His plans for him. David was confident that he would not be shaken no matter who opposed him or how powerful they would be. When he knew that he was firmly footed on the Rock of Ages, he had no reason to doubt and become discouraged. He knew that he was absolutely secure in the Lord to accomplish His purpose for him. The God of David is alive today to give the same grace to His beloved children who are under attack from the enemies. We have the privilege to cling on to this Immovable Rock who gives us courage to face any eventualities in life without being shaken.
Dear reader, are your circumstances trying to shake your faith and make you fearful? The experiences of David speak so loudly that the Rock of Ages is available for you to put your trust in Him in all your circumstances. He will hide you in trouble and bring you to the limelight at His time. He will protect you in His sanctuary when you are fearful and are short of confidence. When you are in His fortress, He will expose you to His awesome power and strength to fortify your faith. He will remove fear from your eyes and fill it with hope that your Lord will not let you wallow in doubt and confusion. When God has already charted your course for Him, no force in this universe can alter it. No power on earth can penetrate the wall of protection erected around you by your Lord. No force on earth can move you because you are firmly rooted on Jesus. So if you are buffeted today by strong and mighty wind and waves, fiery furnace, overwhelming flood or mighty armies of the enemy, none of it will ever overpower you. The opposition of the enemy and the tough events engineered by him will not cause harm to you because you are kept under the Lord’s wings. There will be often winds of gossip, waves of misunderstandings, fierce and wild animals of accusations, darts of discouragements and floods of unkind criticisms against you. At such times, you can run for cover under the wings and shadow of the Lord and dwell there in tranquility. Until these perils pass away, we will hide under His pinion and enjoy His peace. Today when we see our Lord in our circumstances as our buffer, His glory will fill our hearts with security, strength, confidence and courage to weather away various eventualities in life. We need not become shaky by looking at our circumstances, but be firm and unmovable because God is our shelter.
 2 Corinthians 4:16 – Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
Thought for Today
We become victorious in our battles not with our physical might, but with our courage and strength in the Lord.
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Monday, June 18, 2012


Unfolding life plans!
Verse for Today: Monday, June 18, 2012
Acts 7:10 – But God was with (Joseph) and rescued him from all his troubles. He gave Joseph wisdom and enabled him to gain the goodwill of Pharaoh king of Egypt: so he made him ruler over Egypt and all his palace.
It is amazing to see how God lifts up His children to accomplish His purpose in and through them in the world.  Joseph was a forgotten, misunderstood and falsely accused youth who was met with misery wherever he went. For the previous thirteen years, everything seemed to work against him. But God was working in his life to keep him from giving up. God filled his heart with hope for a brighter future. He filled him with wisdom and knowledge to handle situations. God helped him to renew his faith and trust in Him through revelations about the way he would be used for God’s glory. He received special grace to keep his heart from moral corruption. He kept God in front of him in times of testing, isolation, rejection, false accusation and even in interpreting dreams of Pharaoh and his top officers. He was not embarrassed or ashamed to give glory to God in front of Pharaoh and his council and attributed the source of his wisdom to be God alone. He knew the value of waiting for God’s time without grumbling or loosing patience. When he was lifted up from the pit and dungeon, he kept his heart from pride. He never exhibited a spirit of haughtiness or arrogance. His patience paid good dividends at the right time in God’s divine plan for him. God rescued him from all his troubles. God was with him which he knew and acknowledged it in all his dealings. God lifts up His children from their low estate and keeps them in places of responsibility to touch the lives of people. God speaks to people through the life, testimony and ministries of His children so as to accomplish His great purpose in them. Today the God of Joseph is with us and He is accomplishing His great purposes in and through us even when we do not understand his plans. He works at times openly and at other times behind the scene in mysterious ways and makes the lives of His children amazing illustration of His divine acts of benevolence. 
Dear reader, are you frustrated today because things don’t seem to work out the way you plan? Is it true that wherever you go, you are confronted with rejection and resentment? Do you see the doors shut in front of your eyes more often than not and are you blocked from going forward? The life of Joseph ought to be a great encouragement for you today as you fight frustration and rejection. First of all, man’s rejection is not to be taken seriously because it matters only whether God receives you. Secondly, man is often used by the enemy of your soul to shut you off and make you feel dejected. Thirdly, people have no idea who they are handling when they deal with God’s children. Fourthly, man often has wrong perceptions of events and people because the unregenerate man doesn’t have the wisdom of God in dealing with God’s children. As you go through ill-treatment and resentment by man and when confronted with frustration, God will renew your heart and mind to overcome it by putting your hope in Him. If you keep your heart in tune wit the Spirit of God, He will work to renew His joy in your life and to make you wait patiently for Him to work in your situations. He will not forget you because He has so much at stake in your life as He has invested His Son, His Word and His spirit in your heart and life. Even when you cannot see or understand what’s going on in your life, the Lord is working behind the scene to prepare you and your situations to accomplish His purpose in you. So, cheer up, dear friend, the Almighty is at work in you. Beware not to interfere with the process He has started and don’t take things into your own hands and mess it up. Leave everything with the Lord and watch how He unfolds His purpose in you.
 1 John 3:2a – Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not yet been made known what we will be.
Thought for Today
We are in for great surprises in life when God unfolds and fulfills His splendid plans for us day after day. 
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Sunday, June 17, 2012


Invest for true prosperity!
Verse for Today: Sunday, June 17, 2012
3 John 2 – Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.
The Word of God asserts that spiritual prosperity takes precedence to everything else in life. But the world emphasizes economic prosperity, mental, intellectual and cultural development and good physical health.  The world doesn’t realize that all these are temporary and will not go with them into a Christ-less eternity. The Bible doesn’t abhor such human developments but holds that all these are far less significant when compared to spiritual prosperity. If one is spiritually progressing, it would help him to utilize all other prosperity for the glory of God and for the furtherance of the gospel. Any prosperity without spiritual health would lead one to an ungodly life and become partners with the evil of the world system. God wants all to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ so that they would be born as spiritual persons. Then they can use all their human faculties for spiritual prosperity and for the glory of God.  In God’s economy, all achievements of our human facilities without spiritual growth and development would be a colossal waste. Spiritual prosperity means spiritual growth, ardent and strong faith in the Lord and in His Word and increased trust in His power to accomplish great things in our lives. A spiritually prosperous person will put all his faith in the Lord in all matters of human endeavor. He will continuously devour on the heavenly manna and drink from the streams of living water to help him spiritually prosper and grow. He will seek the help and favor of the Lord through intense and importune prayer in all matters of life. Spiritual prosperity also means having a large number of spiritual children with whom one’s quiver will be full. Spiritually prosperous person will be involved in silent or audible ministries for the Lord so as to strengthen God’s people and to bring more souls to the Kingdom of God. His heart will overflow with the joy of the Lord and his lips will speak of the great things of the Lord of all sufficiency who meets all his needs according to Christ’s riches in glory.
Dear reader, are you prosperous in spiritual matters? Do you have a deep craving to flourish spiritually? If you want to be spiritually prosperous, you have to invest your life with all your human faculties, treasures and time in God’s matters. If you do so, your God will give you increase in your faith, trust and joy and make you spiritually strong to weather away the storms that you might be faced with. If He entrusts you with physical health, it is to enable you to serve the Lord and His cause here on earth. If you have good memory and a sound mind, it is to memorize the Word and to use it to minister unto the needy souls around you. If you have economic prosperity, it is to be invested in the work of the Lord so that you will find great dividend when you reach Heaven. A person who is prosperous in world’s ways, but poor in spiritual matters is indicates wrong priorities and investments in life. When we are spiritually prosperous, we would find comfort in the Word of God in times of struggles, failures, loss, frustrations, rejection and loneliness. Spiritual growth and strong faith will help us through spiritual warfare when we are engaged in battle with the enemy of our souls. We are warned to beware of spiritual retardation, spiritual sickness, spiritual starvation and consequent spiritual weaknesses and slumber.  Let us invest our lives and faculties in spiritual matters so that we would find abundance of spiritual growth and prosperity in our souls to weather away the storms that the enemy brings in our situations and the battles we fight in the spiritual realm. Our Lord is out there to help us walk on the pathways to spiritual prosperity as He meets all our other needs.
Psalms 36:8: - They feast in the abundance of Your house; You give them drink from Your river of delights.
Thought for Today
A person who truly craves for and enjoys spiritual prosperity will not have any desire for worldly prosperity.
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Saturday, June 16, 2012


Cure for grumbling!
Verse for Today: Saturday, June 16, 2012
Ephesians 5:20 – … always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Gratefulness is an attitude and a culture that we develop in our lives. There are different expressions and words in different languages and cultures to convey gratitude. In some cultures, there is an expression of gratitude for every small thing that people do to each other. But compared to all favors human beings do to each other, what God does for man is far greater. God creates, protects, provides, forgives and loves man. As creator, He provides the basics of life like water, air and food. When God gives so much for our finite earthly life, He gives far more to our eternal life through the death of Jesus Christ, His Son for which we are to be eternally grateful to Him. As we live for Him here on earth, we are in His hands and whatever that happens to us is either His perfect will or His permissive will. His perfect will is what He wants in our lives and He is the source of it all. His permissive will is what He permits in our lives as we make choices which are not necessarily for our good.  But in His infinite mercy, He forgives us of the wrong choices that we make in our lives and keeps the negative impact of it all to minimum. When we confess our wrong choices to Him, He forgives us and refurbishes our spiritual lives with His Spirit and Word. For all such care, provisions, protection and guidance that He grants in our lives, our hearts ought to be filled with gratitude to Him. We ought to thank Him for all that He gives and grants in our lives and also thank Him for not giving us what we ask amiss.
Dear reader, are you a grateful person, always giving thanks to God for all that He sends your way?  Do you thank the Lord for every answered prayer, whether the answer is ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘later’? Are you able to thank the Lord for not answering some of your prayers? Perhaps you are disappointed that He has not answered you with ‘yes’, but later you will have seen that it was better that the Lord didn’t grant that prayer. We ought to give thanks for all the favorable circumstances that He has granted us. We also ought to thank the Lord for giving us His strength as we pass through unfavorable circumstances. For our very life, which is only but a vapor, we need to give thanks to the Lord because we are alive and are breathing only because of His mercy and grace.  We are commanded to give thanks without grumbling for the small or big thing that we experience in life and all the realities of life that we pass through like heartache, poverty, ill-health, financial problems, business failure and friendlessness. We ought to thank the Lord for all His provisions, care and protection for us as we live in this evil world. We need to be thankful for physical strength, emotional health, spiritual growth, Christian friends, opportunity for sharing gospel, church, the Bible, spiritual leaders and teachers, family, children, houses, transportation and everything else that we enjoy in this life because all of these come form the Lord to us. So if we look around, we would have reason to praise God all the time. When His Spirit fills us with His power, we will be able to see positives even in negative situations. Let us make sure to know that all that we have are from the Lord and as per His perfect will as seen in His Word. When the Spirit fills us, He convicts us of the things in our lives that are not given to us by the Lord and will challenge us to get rid of it and to confess it to the Lord. Thus the Spirit will enable us to praise the Lord for all that we have received in life.  Let us today thank the Lord for what He has done for us and all that He will do in the future as we live for His glory.
Psalms 34:1 – I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips.
Thought for Today
The habit of thankfulness is the best medicine to cure grumbling.
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Friday, June 15, 2012


Today In The WORD
Joyful suffering!
Verse for Today: Friday, June 15, 2012
2 Corinthians 1:5 – For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.
God’s children who are called into His fellowship are partakers of all His blessings in the heavenly places even while they live on earth. As they fellowship with the Triune God in the heavenly experience here on earth, they also openly declare their allegiance to the Lord Jesus. They make use of every opportunity to live for the Lord Jesus on His pathway which is the way of the cross. Life with Jesus here on earth begins with a wicket gate and is followed with treading the narrow way carrying the cross. The cross that we carry is the embodiment of shame, despising, ridicule, loss and rejection which the world sends our way. We carry the cross to follow the Lord Jesus and declare that we are willing to be crucified with Christ in every walk of our lives. We confess our willingness to suffer for the Lord Jesus and thus allow these sufferings to be the test of our love to Him who demonstrated His love for us on the cross. This is the fellowship of sufferings that we are called upon to go through. We are not to loose our joy as we suffer and are to praise God for each moment of suffering that we pass through. It is suffering for righteous living. It is suffering because we openly testify to the cause of Christ and stand for truth and justice. It is suffering because we keep the principles of the Word of God each day of our lives. When we take such a stand for Jesus, the enemy of our souls will put trouble on our way to frustrate us away from following Jesus. The more zealous we are for Jesus, the greater will be the persecution and sufferings we will experience. As these sufferings increase, there will be abundance of comfort and joy flowing into our souls from our Lord to strengthen us. The more the sufferings, the greater will be the comfort from the Word and the Spirit of God. The comforts of the Lord are renewed every day in abundant measure to compensate for every suffering that comes our way. When sufferings flow into us, comforts come to fill us to overflowing so that we can comfort others who go through sufferings.
Dear reader, are you going through physical, social and emotional pressure because of your faith in the Lord Jesus? Is there increased pressure day after day and is the heat rising moment by moment? Each moment of your sufferings for the Lord Jesus is your privilege to share in the fellowship of His sufferings. It is your way to respond to the persecution He suffered for you on the cross. He had no one to sympathize with Him and all His dear ones deserted Him. He was rejected and despised beyond measure. If you are experiencing such persecution, poverty, deprivation, ridicule and despising, it is your way of sharing in His suffering though His sufferings are far beyond what any human mind can understand. When you suffer for His cause, He will fill your heart with His grace, patience, strength, peace and joy to take it all with praise. In fact, the Lord will fill you with His comfort which will multiply in your heart as you share it with others who need to be comforted. When you share your God-given comfort with others, it multiplies in geometrical proportion and their pain and misery downsized. Your comfort will spread around those who suffer so that they will have songs in the night and sacrifices of praise on their lips. Your heart will thus be the source of rivers of comfort which will flow to the parched and painful lives of others and make it fertile ground for the fruit of the Spirit for the sake of others to whom they will be able to minister unto. Let us today seek God’s comfort and allow it to fill our hearts as we are filled with His Spirit. Let this comfort govern our hearts and minds and give us rest in the Lord Jesus each day of our lives as we suffer for Him.
1 Peter 4:13 – But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed.
Thought for Today
When the world grumbles at sufferings, the child of God sings comforting songs to praise God for it.
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