Friday, February 1, 2013


Hope for enlargement!
Verse for Today: Friday, February 01, 2013
Psalms 115:14 – May the Lord make you increase, both you and your children.

Those who serve the world and its interests most often lose what is precious to get some temporal gains. Every success in this world is temporal and there is a loss waiting for them on their pathway just a few moments away. Our health, wealth, peace, rest, fame and prestige wane and wax away as days go by. But those who serve God experience increase and enlargement of their investment in heaven, enjoyment of spiritual blessings, impact in other lives and spiritual territories for generations to come.  These spiritual gains are not their making through human efforts and worldly resources, but the handiwork of their Lord who operates through them to accomplish His purpose. They might be looked upon as failures in this world according to its standards of success. They may be paupers in this world with nothing to claim on their own. But each day they work for the eternal kingdom of their Lord and King which will never perish or dwindle. The spiritual impact God’s children make in this world stretches to generations to come. The legacy of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David, Nehemiah, Ruth and other household of faith continues to expand even today. But there is nothing good to say about the lifestyle left behind by Cain, Nimrod, Lot, Gehazi, Nebuchadnezzar, Sanballat, Tobias, Pilate, Herod, Alexander the coppersmith, Demas and such others. Sometimes we may not see immediate results of our toil for our Lord. But when we plant a seed for the Lord, it will germinate in His time as He pours the power of His strength on it. Even after we are gone, the seeds will grow and fruit into future generations. Yes, it is the Lord who makes our efforts increase in geometric proportions if we toil hard for Him. He will give us generations to follow our faith because of His faithfulness.

Dear friend, are you discouraged that you don’t see immediate impact of your toil for the Lord? Remember, the sower will have to wait for some time before the crop comes up and matures to produce grain.  When God enables you to minister on His behalf, it will never go waste. When you build up character after the Lord and His Word, it will be increased in stature and testimony by the Lord. He wants you to hide behind the cross and sow the seeds which are entrusted with you. Perhaps no one will recognize your toil for the Lord. Perhaps there are people who try to obstruct and hinder your life for the Lord. There will be sharp stones, glass pieces, thorns and thistles on your way because you are walking the Calvary Road. You might be gasping because of the heaviness of the old rugged cross of rebuke, mockery, ridicule, false accusations and unkind criticisms you carry on your shoulders. The weather in the world might not be favorable. You might be lonely on the way and your eyes might be blurred because of the flood of tears. Still the promise of the Lord is for you to hold tight as you walk along because He is working to give you blessed increase now and in the future. One of these days, Heaven’s victory stand will open when our work on the earth will be recognized and appreciated. At that great camp meeting, you will be able to see the true results of your toil for the Lord. You will meet those whose lives the Lord has enabled you to touch. So let us today march forward with one hand at the plow and wipe our tears with the other to sow the seeds and toil for our Master who toiled for us all the way from Gethsemane through Gabbatha to Golgotha.  

Psalms 126: 6 – He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.

Thought for Today
All our losses and failures in this life will be compensated with the manifold increase our Lord will grant us in the spiritual realm. 

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