Recharging spiritual battery!
Verse for Today: Thursday, February 28, 2013
Genesis 32:30 – So Jacob
called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet
my life was spared.”
Divine reassurances to man come
in the form of prophetic word from God’s servants, written Word,
Spirit-to-spirit talk, revelation of God’s glory, visions, dreams and also
face-to-face encounter. His personal encounters with His servants are to
assure, reassure, strengthen, encourage and forewarn His children in their walk
with Him. God comes back often to speak to people over and over again to encourage
and equip them to keep going when the going gets tough. God had several such
encounters with Jacob before Peniel. But he reached a stage when there was dire
need for a face-to-face encounter with God. It was to renew divine promises and
reassure its fulfillment. Abraham, Jacob and Moses were specially privileged to
see God face to face through special revelation. The revelation of the glory of
God led them to keep going during great challenges in their lives. When there
was absolutely nothing in their hands as tangible evidence, it was possible for
discouragement and disillusionment to set in, followed with doubt, confusion
and even unbelief. But during their moments of desperation, God of glory
revisited them. When their circumstances were totally against them and when it
was impossible to have faith, the revealed glory of God led them forward to
accomplish His purpose in their lives. When they were tempted to quit or to
digress into detours, the glory of the Lord pulled them back to the right track
to keep going. Jacob was revisited by the Lord of glory to fortify him because
Jacob had miles to go in his life of faith. The face-to-face encounter of Jacob
is a challenge for us to see the glory of the risen, glorified and enthroned
Lord through His Word and take courage and strength from His never-changing
promises to keep going.
Dear reader, are you at the
threshold of a new chapter in your life of faith? Is your faith under attack
from the world which demands tangible evidence for your trust in the invisible
God and His unfathomable power? Perhaps the long waiting time and the seeming inordinate
delays in life make you also puzzled about the promises of God. You might be
entering the Peniel of your life in the midst of uncertainties and depravity. But
you will not come out of Peniel the way you entered. The God of glory is
waiting there to give you a face-to-face encounter to renew His promises which
He had made to you at Bethel, Paddan Aram and during your return journey. You
probably had quality preparation at your Paddan Aram for the new chapters in
your life which are about to be revealed. God has great things in store for you
in your unfolding tomorrows. In your Paddan Arams of the yesteryears, you had
touched many lives and God used it to demonstrate how He was your anchor and how
He made you a blessing. God showed the world how He blesses His chosen vessels
because everything Jacob touched turned to be a blessing. But God lifted Jacob
up as His prince and elevated him to be able to even bless Pharaoh. Soon you
will reach a stage to become a greater blessing to others because God has such
great plans in store for you. The uncertainties that the world sees in your
life are merely the intermissions God has planned for greater accomplishments
for His glory. So dear friend, take courage and continue to meet with your Lord
on a daily basis to gaze and marvel at His glory as revealed in His Word. He comes
to you today to renew His promises and revitalize your life of faith as you dwell
in your Peniel and get yourself enthralled by His glorious power.
Genesis 35:9 – After Jacob
returned from Paddan Aram, God appeared to him again and blessed him.
Thought for Today
Our daily encounters with God recharge our spiritual battery
to empower, enrich and enable us to live by faith.
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