Thursday, December 26, 2013


Failure overturned!

Verse for Today: Thursday, December 26, 2013

John 2:3 - When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to Him, "They have no wine".  

Shortages, deficiencies and crises usually occur in life. Often we are embarrassed at deficiencies at sensitive times when we are unable to do anything about it. We might be forced to look at possible sources of help and support. But often these sources frustrate us. But we can go to Jesus who is capable and willing to handle all our difficult situations all the time.  Bit we must invite Him into our situations and tell Him our needs. We must give Him full charge of our affairs. When we thus make Him the Lord of our lives and situations, He comes to take charge to rule and overrule our worst scenarios for our joy and His glory. But we must also understand that even before we tell Him, He knows what our needs are. That doesn't mean that we do not tell Him. We have to make Him the Lord of our needs and surrender our needs and situations to Him to act according to His will. If we think that we can handle it ourselves, we should not expect Him to act in our situations. Jesus works for us when we make Him the Lord of all our situations. But our Lord is very patient and sympathetic with our weaknesses. So even after we handle our situations and fail, we can still go to Him. He will forgive our failures and take our lives to reshape it for His glory. When we submit our needs into His care, He will act at the right time to solve our problems and meet our needs. He will also transform our situations as a platform to glorify His name and fill us with His joy. Are we not fortunate to have such a wonderful Lord in our lives to go to Him to meet all our routine and emergency needs?   

Dear friend, are you facing an emergency need in your life or situation today? Are you struggling and going through great stress in trying all your ways to meet the need?  Have you been trying to take the situation in your own hands and handle it in your wisdom? Today Jesus of Nazareth has come your way to make Him available for you to draw from. You may go to Him and confess your failures to Him and ask Him to take control of your crumbled situation. He understands the depth of your needs. He is able to meet all your needs at the right time. He will involve in your situation and take your embarrassment and shame away.  He knows how to straighten it out in His own way. He will convert your failure into victory for your good and His glory. He will wipe your past away and give you a new beginning. He will reveal His glory to you in a special way so that you will be able to praise Him for the victory that He has prepared for you. He will recreate your situation according to His design to make it the very best. Through it all, He will cause your faith to increase and grow and that your life and situation will be a testimony to His faithfulness to you. But you will have to tell Jesus all of your struggles and heartaches. You should be willing to obey His commandment and do what He would ask you to do. Invite Jesus into your painful life situation today to turn your impossibly into His reality. Put your faith on Jesus today and experience His hands at work in your situation to the praise of His name!  

Isaiah 55:6 - Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near.

Thought for Today
The presence of Jesus will turn our impossibilities into His glorious reality.

Prayer for Today
Dear Lord Jesus: Please come and take over my cloudy and struggled situations in life and make it bright and shining with Your glory. Amen!
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