Friday, December 6, 2013


Groaning prayer!

Verse for Today: Friday, December 6, 2013

Psalms 6:6 – I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears.

We often feel that great men of God will not have problems in life and that God doesn’t test their faith. But the truth is to the contrary. God allows His choicest children to go through rough patches in life to test the level of their faith and to teach them great lessons in trusting God. But it remains true that such experiences are often bitter and tearful with groaning and weeping. David went through such experiences in the hands of King Saul and his son Absalom. He had no hope except in God and had to dwell in prayer for nights and days for long. His pain and misery increased so much as to cry for long during day and night. His experiences were fierce and overwhelming to the extent of breaking his heart. He felt that his tears were like flood which drenched his bed. But even at that point God didn’t resolve his difficulties. David had to go through tests one after another till he had to prove to himself that he only had God and none else. These experiences were not to tear him down, but to build him up. He found that in his helplessness, God was his ever present help. He could depend on God alone in his tough situations. We see how these experiences were turned into melodious songs for God’s children to sing and taste divine comfort. David’s experiences teach us today to expect tests to come from God to see where we stand in our trust and faith in God. It is not enough that we sing about it, but experience it in our hearts which God reads. When bitter experiences come, it is our privilege to cry unto God for help until God responds to comfort us and answer our prayers.

Dear friend, are you going through sever testing of your faith lately? Are these tests painful and tough as you live to believe that God alone is your bulwark to weather away these storms and waves that try to sweep you away? Are there times when you are all alone and none of your dear ones and benefactors stands with you? Are you weeping, groaning and flooding your bed with tears because of the heat and the misery that come from your painful experiences? But rest assured that even when you gasp and are unable to utter words of prayer, your groaning reach the ears of your Father in Heaven. He understands the deepest emotions in your heart and values it with its heaviness. When David groaned, God heard it as prayers of importunity and answered him. God’s answers came to David at His best time and it was often delayed. But they were not delays of inactivity or passivity, but delays of appointment to help you grow in faith in Him to give you His best at His time. David got out of his problems and was lifted up from the wilderness to the throne. Through these bitter experiences, he learned to trust God and became the man after God’s own heart. He proved to God that he loved God more than anything else in this world. He fought for God and won battles. He established righteousness for God among God’s people. He expressed his gratitude by preparing to build a temple for God. His experiences became sweet songs of worship and encouragement for us to sing today. The God of David is our God today to listen to our cries, see our tears and answer us at the right time to lift us up from our predicaments and teaches us golden lessons in life to trust and put all our faith in Him.

Romans 8:26 - The Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

Thought for Today
God understands our language of emotions and groans which cannot be articulated.

Prayer for Today
Dear Lord Jesus: Help me never to undermine Your grace with which You translate my innermost groaning into powerful prayers in order to answer it. Amen!

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