Loved and accepted!
Verse for Today: Sunday, December 15, 2013
14:18 - I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
feeling of being an orphan is a formidable experience in life. When one is
abandoned, ignored and rejected by the dearest and the nearest, it leads to the
deepest sense of loss and depravity. When we are not accepted by our own
family, home, church, work place and neighborhood, it is a devastating
experience. It shatters us emotionally when no one cares for us and show love
and compassion. It leaves us to struggle in life with the deepest desire to
belong to somewhere and to someone. But the world denies us of such experience
of belongingness because it shows us love basically with selfish motives. Our
search for true acceptance often plunges us into deep despair. It is a stage
when there is no one to understand and support us in our struggles. We feel
friendless, lonely, isolated, insulated and cornered. Then our enemy starts to
bark at us and spread false stories about our hopeless future. In seasons like
this, we desperately need an anchor which is our Lord Jesus. Today His words of
comfort and strength come to fortify us to look to the future with great
hope that the Lord is there for us. He has assured us that no matter who
forsakes us, He will not abandon us because we are His precious
possession. He values us so much because He poured out His very life and blood
to purchase us for now and eternity. He lifts us up at in our dark valleys and tells
us that He will not leave us as orphans. When we listen to His
voice, the feeling of being forsaken will vanish. This was the experience
Paul had when he was in the prison and in a storm in the middle of the
sea. Daniel, David, Joseph and Jeremiah faced such abandonment, but the
presence of the Lord was with them which strengthened them to continue to do
what the Lord has entrusted with them.
friend, are you feeling lonely and abandoned in life? Have your kith and kin
forsaken you because of the stand you have taken for Jesus? His words come to
comfort and encourage you today and reassure you that you are not alone. When
you meditate on His promises, He will reveal Himself in glory to your heart and
give you fellowship. There is no shadow of turning with our Lord. He will
fill your heart with the feeling of being loved, possessed, led, strengthened,
comforted, guided and held in His everlasting arms. When you feel lonely, the
place to go is the presence of the Lord. When you feel all alone, the person to
go to is the Lord Jesus. He is there is speak to you and fill you with the richness
of His fellowship. His Spirit will fill you with the peace that passes all
understanding. His Word will fill you with His potent promises. His angels will
encompass around you and put a firewall of safety around you. When the eyes of
the servant of Prophet Elisha were opened, he was able to see horses and
chariots of fire. If we look through our eyes opened by the Lord, we will be
able to see such firewalls around us. So there is no need for us to
be frustrated. Even when we do not know, the Lord is at work to fill the
vacuums in our lives. The Lord will come to us at the very hour of need to take
away the feeling of loneliness. He is always there to fill our hearts with
Himself and take away the feeling of being an orphan.
68:6 – God sets the lonely in families, He leads forth the prisoners with
Thought for Today
God’s children are part of God’s large heavenly family where He is
our Father who makes all of us accepted in the Beloved Jesus.
Prayer for Today
Dear Lord Jesus: Help me to look unto You and feel accepted for what I am into Your heavenly family. Amen!
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