Saturday, December 28, 2013


Sustainable sufficiency!

Verse for Today: Saturday, December 28, 2013

Psalms 46:1 – God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Those who are chased by enemies seek refuge for safety. Those who are week seek after a person or dwelling place that is strong to protect them from adversities. Those who are in trouble seek for help to get out unhurt. When we go through the experience of attacks, weakness and trouble, we all seek for ways to be safe and secure. But such a refuge is hard to find in this world. Nuclear powers are all seeking after such a refuge if attacked by other nuclear powers. The best known strength in this world only lasts for a few youthful years and will wax and wane gradually. When troubles increase, our once effective strategies and tactics are found to be ineffective because the intensity of trouble in human life is escalating. All escape routes planned by man are proving to be useless and irrelevant in the wake of unexpected natural calamities, emerging diseases and economic woes. Through it all, God is speaking to man and challenging him to examine His divine claim to be the only real refuge, strength and help for man in all circumstances. When human circumstances are beyond control, God comes to overrule it to give man refuge and strength to overcome it. When man is weak and helpless, God comes to extend divine help to sustain and strengthen man. So when natural calamities strike or when formidable enemies of physical and emotional illnesses pop up, God is there to help and strengthen man and to give him refuge. When the world gives haphazard support, God comes to give sustainable help. God gives spiritual strength which far surpasses the waning physical strength of man. He desires that we surrender our lives to Him and ask by faith for refuge and strength. Then the windows of heaven will open to shower help and support on us. God’s help is immeasurable and sufficient for all situations and circumstances to meet all our needs.

Dear friend, are you running for cover in the wake of attacks from your situation and evil people? Are you tired and weak as you run without rest and need strength and help? Is there fear and trembling in your heart as you face your cumbersome situations?  The children of Korah were feeling the same way in their days of difficulties and trouble. They sought after God and found Him all sufficient in all their situations and circumstances to take away all their fears and anxiety. They found safety, security and refuge in the Almighty who spread His wings over them to protect them from all dangers. Perhaps you are today confronted with dangers of ill-health, family concerns, financial struggles and conflicts in the work place.  You might be facing slander, gossip and false propaganda for which the enemy uses your kith and kin. There might be issues related to your children or parents and other relatives. These and other rough issues might run after you to take you as a prisoner of these circumstances. But you don’t have to succumb to these pressures and threats. You can run to the city of refuge which is your Lord. He is out there with arms wide open to receive and hold you tight so that no untoward thing would affect you. He will take away all your fears and anxiety and fill your heart with strength, hope and courage to face your intimidators. He will cove you with His pinions and keep you safe from all alarms. He will fill your heart with faith and trust in His strength to protect you. He will never forsake those who trust in Him. With God on your side, you can live victoriously and confidently in all your circumstances.

Psalms 46:11 – The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.

Thought for Today
God’s presence is the place of hope, safety and fearlessness to give us peace and rest in all situations.

Prayer for Today
Dear Lord Jesus: Fill my heart today with courage and strength to face adversities. Amen!

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