Saturday, May 19, 2012


Safe in His arms!

Verse for Today: Saturday, May 19, 2012
Psalms 37:24 – Though the godly stumble, they will not fall, for the Lord upholds them with His hand.
God’s children are often battered by the enemy through our circumstances to make us stumble and fall. Sometimes we tend to stumble because we walk faster than we are enabled by the Lord. If we are not sober and alert, our feet tend to stumble and shake. The enemy of our souls tries to push us forward by creating over-enthusiasm or pull us back with cold-heartedness. Sometimes the enemy manipulates our hearts and minds to become fearful about our circumstances. But we must know that if we do not put our feet in the footprints of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are bound to stumble. The enemy creates enough and more deterrents and distractions on our way and on the wayside to take our focus away from the true pathways the Lord has created for us. The enemy’s ways and means are so subtle as to falter even the strongest believer at times and so we need to wear the whole armor of God as we walk along. We must always look at Jesus and walk so that we will not stumble. As we walk along, we have the promise from our Lord that because He holds our hands, we will not fall. It is a great reassurance for us to keep going by looking at the author and finisher of our faith. Our firmer grip on the Lord and His Word will help us to avoid stumbling. When we hand over the controls of our lives to the Lord and His Spirit, we will not stumble. When we lean on to the Lord all the time, we will not falter. This was how Joseph, Daniel and Paul kept going till the end of their lives without stumbling. But we must be alert about the wiles of the enemy to catch us unaware and make us stumble. We must continue to walk with absolute dependence on the Lord Jesus and His power.
Dear friend, are you aware of the fact that you are susceptible to stumbling? But this awareness ought to make you hold more firmly on the Lord and allow His firm grip on you. Your Lord will not force His control on you. He binds you to Himself with His love. But when your love to Him diminishes, you tend to stumble form His grace. He watches over you with compassion, but when you take His compassion for granted and allow your mind to digress, you tend to falter. He holds you to Himself through His Spirit and Word, but when you do not fill yourself with His Word and get yourself filled with His Spirit, you tend to falter and stumble. He walks with you all the time, but if you abandon His pathway and walk according to the lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and the pride of life which you find in the vanity fair of this world, you will stumble. Walking with Jesus is never a one-sided exercise. If you are willing to walk with Him and are committed to His pathway, you will be able to enjoy your sojourn. But in spite of keen commitment to Jesus, if you falter and stumble due to trials, the Lord who knows the genuineness of your heart will honor your shaken faith and will hold you close to Him. He is always willing to hold us, but we have to be willing to take the responsibility to walk with Him. The sovereign Lord is willing to hold us as long as we are responsible to Him and walk close to Him. Our walk with the Lord is a mutual relationship and so let us renew our commitment to Him in all that we do to enjoy His presence, fellowship and protection. Today He wants to extend His hands for us to hold as He holds us with His hands. Let us hold on to Him and enjoy His protection and walk courageously lest we stumble and falter. He is faithful to hold us in His hands and take us forward.
Psalms 145:14 – The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.
 Thought for Today
The love of God that binds us to His heart is much stronger than any effort of the enemy to make us stumble and fall.
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