Saturday, October 16, 2010


Verse for Today: Saturday, October 16, 2010

Psalms 31:19 - How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear You, which You bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in You.

When we realize what all the Lord has done for us, our hearts will be filled with the wonder of the goodness of the Lord. He is full of goodness which He shows toward His dear children. It is seen in His concern for our spiritual and physical welfare so that our lives become filled with His praise. It is His goodness which saved us. He went the extra mile to save us who were once His enemies. But when He saved us, He didn't bring down the quality of salvation at all because we were His enemies. This is because God's love, grace and compassion have only one standard and it is given in the same measure to all who are willing to receive it. When we become His children, He continues to show us His love and grace, and pour His goodness upon our lives in great measure. His goodness is like a stored up warehouse which never gets replenished. It is like the Pacific Ocean from which we can drink to the brink, but the measure of the water in His Ocean of goodness will never get exhausted. We have the privilege to imbibe as much as we can handle to enrich our lives. It is His goodness that we are forgiven our sins when we confess. It is His goodness that answers our prayers. It is His goodness that keeps us safe and secure and meets our basic needs to survive in this world to serve Him. It is His goodness that fills our lives with His joy, peace and patience. Not only that, He bestows it all on us so that it will work as a great testimony that the Lord is with us. The world can take away our belongings, but it cannot take away the love, grace, mercy, joy and peace that the Lord has filled in our lives because of His goodness.

Dear friend, are you enjoying the goodness of the Lord in your daily life? Is the goodness of God emanating from your life to touch other lives which do not have it? Perhaps this is how you can be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. God's goodness in us is like a brook which will never run dry. It keeps flowing to us to quench our inner thirst. It flows from Heaven to saturate us with God Himself. It satisfies all our longings and fills our lives to overflowing. It is the great treasure in the lives of the children of God while they are in this world. But it is up to us to make sure that we drink from it on a regular basis. Moreover, the quality of God's goodness has to be seen in all our dealings, conversations and relationships so that through it all we can touch the lives of all whom we come across. Our lives should be a reflection of the goodness of God which is deeply rooted in us. Such a life will be contented in all situations without grumbling. It makes us accept all situations as those for which the goodness of the Lord is sufficient. The goodness of the Lord is sufficient to meet any challenge that a child of God faces in this world. If we have received the goodness of the Lord and are enjoying it, we need to express it. Let the world know today the extent to which you are enjoying the goodness of the Lord.

Psalms 23:6 - Surely goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Thought for Today
A person who enjoys God's goodness in his or her personal life cannot hide it with a bushel.

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