Sunday, December 19, 2010


God's Justice for the Unjust World

Verse for Today: Sunday, December 19, 2010

Psalms 89:14 - Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your Throne; love and faithfulness go before You.

God as the King of all living beings rules His kingdom with righteousness and justice to all. He will never violate these foundational rules of His kingdom. He deals in everything righteously and does everything with absolute justice. He does justice to all who are suffering and oppressed. He shows loving kindness and compassion to all His children and interferes in their lives to see to it that there is justice in their lives. He deals with all in love and is faithful in all His promises. But there is none righteous in this world and all have gone short of the glory of God. So He comes to man through His Son, and in His death on the cross, He paid the entire price that had to be paid for man to be righteous before God. So today God deals with man in righteousness through the death of His Son and asks people everywhere to go to Him through His Son. If we go to Him through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, He will do justice to us and deal with us in righteousness. In order for us to be dealt in righteousness and justice, God allowed His Son to deprive Himself of righteousness and justice. He was dealt in utter cruelty by man and was not shown any justice, for He suffered without a crime. If we trust in Jesus and His death on the cross, we would then be eligible to receive God's righteousness and justice, and so God will then deal with us in righteousness and justice. This is the only way His love and faithfulness will follow us and go before us as we sojourn in this world. Such a life will be a contented life which will praise God for all that happens in their lives. Such a life will never complain about any thing in life, but will receive all that the Lord gives without any resentment.

Dear friend, are you feeling that you do not get righteousness and justice in this life? Don't feel dejected, because your Lord Jesus didn't get it either. He willingly allowed Himself to be deprived of it so that you can find it before God. This world will not give justice to God's children, but we will find it in the presence of the Lord. So while here on earth, we will receive the grace to face the rough realities of life even when we are deprived of righteousness. The world will not give it to us because the world doesn't have it at its disposal. But the Lord has it in abundance and will give to us according to His measure. It is given to us not because we deserve it, but are made to be inheritors of God's righteousness through Jesus Christ who was denied it for our sake. So, dear friend, there is no need for you to get frustrated when the world denies you righteousness and justice. The world cannot give it to you because they cannot give you what they don't have. But your life is a result of God's righteousness and justice to you and He will show it to you in abundance. He deals with you in righteousness which is given to you freely through the death of Jesus on the cross of Calvary. This is what makes you eligible to receive God's faithfulness and loving compassion. Isn't it wonderful to be able to live in this world of injustice with Heavenly justice, love, kindness and righteousness and live as the children of God?

Psalms 101:1 - I will sing of Your love and justice; to You, O Lord, I will sing praise.

Thought for Today
You are God's signpost of His love, kindness and justice in this world.

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