Saturday, December 18, 2010


The Lord of Light in my Darkness

Verse for Today: Saturday, December 18, 2010

Psalms 88:12 - Will Your wonders be made known in the darkness? And Your righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?

Those who are made to wait for a long time for deliverance often plunge into desperation and depression. They have waited for long and there seemed to be no light at the end of the tunnel. They become weary by longing for endless years and feel tired of waiting without seeing any ray of hope in the horizon. Their hearts throb with great expectations and they continuously renew their hope that one of these days the Lord will answer. Their waiting lasts almost a life time and they wonder if it was worth waiting any further. Many of the great men of faith like Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Job and others had several milestones of waiting. Yet they never gave up hope in spite of several human reasons to quit. In every such case, the Lord proved that those who wait for the Lord will be honored and their faith found the reality. But if one asks them, they will be able to tell stories about how difficult it was to wait in darkness indefinitely. Such indefinite waiting can drain any one of faith and trust. In their desperation, such waiting saints ask the question as to whether there would be any wonders in the darkness of life. But wonders work only in the darkness and the light of the Lord is shed abroad in the stark lonely dark nights of life. They were all given the capacity to wait and were fortified to keep expecting the hand of the Lord in action at the right time. Even when people forget the promises given to them long time ago by the Lord, His choice servants are given the grace to renew the promises of hope. Every one of us reach a stage in our life of faith when we get exasperated because of seemingly unwarranted waiting. But the Lord will always come back to prove to us that His best is reserved for those who are willing to wait in the darkness for long without becoming weary.

Dear friend, are you weary and tired of waiting for the Lord in the darkness? Is the circumstance telling you that it is better to forget the promises of God and try to do something on our own? But the lives of children of God who lived only by faith tell us vividly that even in the stark darkness of forgetfulness, it is still worth all the while to wait patiently for the Lord. He might delay His action to allow you to be ready and prepared to receive the special answers that the Lord is getting ready for you. He might delay to measure your faith in action. Remember, it is better to be in the perfect will of God even in darkness rather than out of the will of God in light. It is better to wait in expectation than to receive in faithlessness. Some people receive faster because they do not have the capacity to wait and do not have the spiritual maturity to stay in expectation. But those who wait for the Lord only renew their strength. So either you can have renewed strength of the Lord to keep going or get weary without instant gratification of your desires. Was it not better that the dreams of Joseph were fulfilled when he was 30 years old than at age 17? He was not ready at 17 and the setting was not right for the dreams to be fulfilled at that age. The Lord is working in and on us all these years. He speaks to you in light and tests you in the darkness. But even then His loving arms are underneath you and you are allowed to rest on His shoulders so that all your weariness in waiting will not be felt by you. Surely the present darkness will go away and the sun of righteousness will rise on you to brighten up your path. None of the Lord's promises to you will ever lose its credibility and tenacity. All the promises will be fulfilled at the right time to open the right doors for you to go forward to reach the vistas the Lord has for you.

Psalms 112:4 - Light arises in the darkness for the upright; He is gracious, compassionate and righteous.

Thought for Today
Dwelling in the darkness with the Lord is better than walking in the light without Him.

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