Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Unbreakable Promises

Verse for Today: Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Psalms 89:33 - But I will not break off My loving kindness from him, nor deal falsely in My faithfulness.

There is a firm and unchanging promise from our loving Heavenly Father that He will not deal with us according to our qualifications or merit. He has promised to continue to show loving kindness to us not because we deserve it, but because He is a benevolent Father who has compassion towards us. When we walk astray, His love comes back to us to remind ourselves to walk worthy of the call with which we are called. He helps us to re-establish our broken fellowship with Him. When we fall away, it is our act of backsliding that keeps us away from Him. But He still loves us and wants to help us re-establish fellowship with us. This is why God always comes to man. God knows that man is not capable to come back to God unilaterally. So God helps us to get back to Him. We see God going after Adam and Eve. He has gone back to all His children who have been disobedient, to help them settle with Him. This is because He still loves us. Our disobedience will be dealt with by Him according to His righteousness and loving kindness because we are His beloved children. So He deals with us in compassion and mercy. Otherwise, we will be consumed by His wrath and we will be no more. The very fact that we are all in His grace today is simply because of His grace, mercy and compassion. He also reminds us that He will not withdraw His promises to us because these promises are words which the Almighty has uttered in His eternal wisdom and cannot change it. It is not in His character to change His promises and so He comes to reassure us that He will not go back on His promises to us. He is the loving Father who awaits us and puts His arms around us when we come back to Him. He is the compassionate Shepherd who searches after the lost sinner. He is the patient and loving Spirit who searches for us until we are found. He will not rest until He finds us to have continued fellowship with Him.

Dear friend, are we not the most fortunate people in this world because we have such a loving and compassionate Lord in Heaven who is so much interested in us? He has the whole Universe to look after, but His priority is to be with us and look after us. None of His promises go waste as they are uttered by the Lord of the Universe and He means every word of it. He will never withdraw any of His promises as long as times and seasons exist. Our salvation is His promise which we can attain by a simple faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our needs are met on a daily basis by simply believing in His promises. We receive peace, joy and comfort in this difficult world because He has enough of it to be given to us. He gives us according to our daily needs to meet the challenges we face each day. All that He gives us is according to His measure and there is no shortage in any thing that He offers. He deals in us on the basis of His principles which are eternal. So when He gives to us, it is on the basis of His eternal purpose. For us to gain full satisfaction, we must try to understand His eternal purpose for us. He gives us things which are of spiritual value and not of the temporal decaying earthly value. His gifts are precious and cannot be compared with any thing that the world offers. His gifts are always on the basis of His promises which are unchanging. When we have such a benevolent Lord, we need to straighten our lives with Him and live as it fits the call with which we are called. Let us today live on this earth as we are seated in the heavenly places to enjoy all the spiritually qualitative blessings that are bestowed upon us.

1 Kings 8:56 - Praise be to the Lord, who has given rest to His people Israel just as He promised. Not one word has failed of all the good promises He gave through His servant Moses.

Thought for Today
Heaven is unwilling and incapable of going back on the promises made to us, but it can be utilized only by those who have a felt need.

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