A Song of Celebration
Verse for Today: Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Psalms 75:9 - But as for me, I will declare it forever; I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.
God's children have something to celebrate all the time because they are the beneficiaries of the greatest blessings from God all the days of their lives. They acknowledge their God as the God of Jacob who was a mere worm and had only disqualifications to be loved and cared for by a Holy God. Such an unworthy Jacob was selected by God by His immeasurable grace. The same grace is shown to all His children by God. So any time a child of God goes to the presence of God, it is only right to go to Him confessing their unworthiness like Jacob. If God could use Jacob, he could use almost any one else. If Jacob was blessed, the same God would bless any one who goes to Him for help. When we are alerted by His Spirit about the extent of grace shown to us by this most benevolent God, we would always want to return thanks to God in a manner which would be a great celebration and declaration about the loving kindness of God. It is amazing that our God is pleased to be known as the God of Jacob, and in the like manner, He is also our God. He has made our unworthiness into eligibility to receive His blessings through the death of His Only Begotten Son on the cross of Calvary. He is a God who looks for the poor in spirit, the spiritually hungry and thirsty people who mourn about their unworthiness. He blesses those who are broken and contrite in their hearts about their sinfulness and are ever aware of their disqualifications. He is a God who welcomes the prodigals and goes after them as their Shepherd. He has abundance of grace with Him that He shows to those who go to Him and seek His help. Such help in abundance is worth great celebration of the declaration of the praise of this great God. He wants our lives to be sacrifices of praise unto Him which is what He expects from us in return for His love demonstrated on the cross.
Dear friend, do you know at least to some extent the worthiness of the Lord and the extent of your unworthiness to receive any thing form Him? Do you feel that you are spiritually poor, thirsty and hungry? Are you mourning over your total and absolute inadequacy to approach God? Remember, our Lord would never despise those who seek after Him and His grace. He gives to those who ask Him abundance of grace. He changes their character, nature, behavior, attitude, desires, priorities, preferences, likes, dislikes and focus to that of His own. He leads and guides them. He makes them princes and priests so that they can rule over their human nature and bring it under strict control of the Spirit of God. At the same time as priests, they are empowered to offer worship to the Lord for who He really is and what He has done for you on the cross to redeem you. We are the subjects of His kingdom of love. We are partakers of all the resources that He has and of the divine nature. We share the joy of the table of the Lord which comprises of all the divine blessings that we inherit through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. We are given the privilege to have fellowship with the Triune God. His Spirit takes our worship and prayers to the Almighty. When we are filled with His Spirit, He helps us produce fruits which are the very character of our Lord Jesus Christ. Those who consume this fruit would want to have it permanently and become born into the family of God. When all of these wonderful and marvelous blessings are bestowed upon us, and when we are made to be conscious of it, we would naturally want to fall prostrate and praise this Lord. We would want to declare the glory and the grace of this Lord and celebrate it with jubilant singing. When we are thus dwelling in the praise of this Lord, we would not have time to establish ourselves in this world. We would rather use the time to train ourselves to reign with Him when He comes back to take us to be with Him forever. Hallelujah! What a Savior! What grace!
Psalms 81:1 - Sing for joy to God our strength; shout joyfully to the God of Jacob.
Thought for Today
Declaring the praise of the Lord is the highest occupation that comes our way in this world.
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