Sunday, November 21, 2010


Verse for Today:
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Psalms 68:20a - God is to us a God of deliverance.

Deliverance is the need of all captives. When the captives are weaker than those who captured them, they need someone to come from outside to deliver them from the cruel hands of the forces who oppress and threaten these captives. The enemy of our souls tries to make us captives of our circumstances, attitudes, habits or influences of various kinds. He knows that He cannot make us his captives because no one can pluck us out of the hands of the Lord who is our sole owner. So the enemy uses his agents to capture our minds and put us into fear, anxiety, habits, attitudes, behaviors and frustrations to slowly take control over our spiritual lives. When we become slaves to these forces, they make us do what they want us to do and thus we are slowly made puppets in the hands of these emotions and practices. But there is no need for us to allow ourselves to be captives because we are made free by the blood of the Lamb of God. We are purchased with the highest price that could be offered for a human soul and that is the very life of the Son of God. So when these captives come to capture and defeat us or manipulate our situations and relationships, we need to be careful. We should realize that we are unable to deal with these forces of the enemy in our own strength. We need the strength of the Lord to face these tactics of the enemy and become victorious. The Lord has made His power available to us through His Spirit. The power of the Spirit is the greatest power in this Universe and if we get ourselves filled with the Spirit, we will be able to deal with the enemy no matter what strategy he uses to defeat us. When we submit ourselves in the hands of the Lord, He will use us to fight His battles and make us victorious over these forces of frustration, depression, anxiety, anger, habits, attitudes and conflicts which are all agents of the enemy. If we persist in prayer and allow the Spirit of God to fill us, the Lord will deliver us from the hands of these forces which try to devour us. The Lord is our deliverer and He gives us freedom from all these entangling sins and hindrances, but it is made use of by those who crave for it and submit themselves to Him to give us victory.

Dear friend, are you being made a captive of certain attitudes, behaviors, anxieties, frustration, negative thinking pattern or proneness to conflicts? Is the enemy use any or all of these to make your life miserable like a captive in a dark dungeon with feet in stocks so as to hinder all freedom for you to live as a child of God? Do you feel that you have become least useful to the Lord because of these bondages? There is no need for you to continue to live in this bondage because your Lord is your deliverer. No matter how long you have been in bondage, He can deliver you from out of the clutches of these entanglements and encumbrances. First of all, you need a craving to get free from these dungeons which have taken away your joy in the Lord. He is not only the Savior of your souls, but also your Deliverer from all entanglements so that you can enjoy freedom from the control of the forces and agents of the enemy of your souls. When He convicts you of your failures, go to Him in true confession and repentance. Help yourselves to be washed by the Word of God by soaking yourself with the Word. Ask that you be filled with His Spirit so that the controls of your lives will rest solely with Him. This is the deliverance that He wants to give you in all areas of your life so that you will be a free person to live for the glory of God in the power of the Lord and His Spirit. True deliverance belongs to the Lord. No effort at reforming the human nature through training in Psychology will help you. What you need is to grow in the likeness of the Lord Jesus daily and that is possible only when you allow the Lord to transform you. Today let us get deliverance from all areas of bondage that we are in. Let us allow the Lord to break our bondages and entanglements, and make use of us for His glory so that He can make use of us to help others who are in similar bondages.

Psalms 32:7 - You are my hiding place; You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

Thought for Today
We will enjoy true freedom from entanglements only if we allow the Lord's hands to deliver us.

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