Thursday, November 18, 2010

Evershine Face

Verse for Today: Thursday, November 18, 2010
Psalms 67:1 - May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine upon us.

When we approach God for His blessings, He deals with us in grace and show unmerited favour to us. If He considers our spirit of rebellion and past disobedience, it would be difficult to show favor to us. But He doesn't deal with us according to our iniquities. In spite of our shortcomings, failures and coldness of our hearts, He shows mercy to us. In His mercy, doesn't give us what we really deserve because of our rebellious hearts. He is a merciful Father who shows kindness to us and lifts us up from our dungeons to place us on a Rock. We exist today only because of His grace and mercy and not because of our qualifications. We go to Him in prayer not on the basis of any of our qualifications, but on the basis of His abundance of grace and mercy. Any of our qualifications is only stained. When we confess our sins and failures, God forgives us and when He forgives, He forgets it also. He works in our hearts through His Spirit to go to Him with this awareness which makes us humble and broken before Him. He doesn't despise a broken and contrite heart, but shows kindness and grace. Not only that, He makes His face shine upon us so that we would see light in His light to go forward on the pathways shown to us by Him. His paths are always for our good and for His glory. He wants us to walk with Him and to follow the footsteps that He has left behind for us to keep track of. His ways are perfect and His paths are glorious. When He makes His face shine upon us, we will receive His light which will take us through the dark alleys of this world. His face is full of kindness, love, compassion and grace and He bestows all His favors to us irrespective of our past. It is because of His favours that we are not destroyed. So our lives should be one of deep gratitude to Him for the favours that He extends to us on a daily basis. We must also realize that He is more important than any of the favours He bestows upon us. So let us praise Him primarily for who He is and then for all that He does for us.

Dear friend, are you confronted by dark clouds and blinding alleys in your life? Are you groping in the darkness to see which way to go through in the challenges of life? Is there a pressing issue for which you desperately need counsel and direction from the Lord? He is the light and He spreads light on our pathways. In Him there is no darkness. His face shines upon us to give us leading and guidance. Because His light shines on our pathways, we are able to see the right pathway in and through Him. In the dark corridors of life, if we can see Him walking in front of us through the light He sheds on our way, we don't need to look for any other guidance, but only unto Him who is the author and finisher of our faith, and thus walk diligently after Him. If we do so, we would not loose our way. He shows us the way with grace and will not allow us to be tested beyond our capacity. He shows us loving kindness and leads us in the right path, and will never confuse us or put doubts in our hearts. These pathways that He presents before us are not the paths of the wicked and the evil doors, but the paths of righteousness. His paths demand that we walk by faith and not by sight. When he shows us the way, we must understand that He is the way and the only way. So if we know Him intimately and see Him as our guide, we do not need any other light or direction. We go the way He has gone, and that is the way of the cross. It is the way of suffering for Him and that is the way marked out for us to tread. It is the way of light and so it is bright. If we see it dimly, we need to clean our eyes or our reading glasses. It is the way on which we walk with the Lord and so we would not know the weariness that it gives us. As walk with Him, we enjoy His favours of grace and mercy and walk in jubilation and gratefulness because we are called upon to walk with the Lord and be a blessing. Let us today enjoy the favours which shine upon us from His face and walk soberly, with confidence and courage which He gives us.

Psalms 27:8 - When You said, "seek My face", my heart said to You, "Your face, O Lord, I shall seek".

Thought for Today
The radiance flowing from the face of the Lord is the greatest driving force for us to go forward in His path.

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